Yesterday I wrote an article about Jim Doud & I believe he appeared in this dream. So did my friend who got diagnosed with breast cancer, as well as two other people I have yet to identify.
I’m in a restaurant, soft lighting, in a booth. The booth is a rectangle, two people seating across each other, a single seat left, jutting out from the booth. The wall is behind me & the door is to the left, a few feet past a corner in front, the walls are brown lacquered wood, the table is medium light grey, some sort of plastic material. I sense that to my right it’s lined with windows, but I don’t see them.
*(RESTAURANT, WE AT TABLE: This is a GATHERING of the people you wrote about & thought about yesterday, most likely, in the article on Jim Doud. He is the GUEST OF HONOR.
The LACQUERED WOOD represents SUFFERINGS – which you wrote about – How Mom betrayed him & the other cops after they helped her. The GREY of the table is your MIND or BRAIN which remembers & states these events.)*
There’s a chubby lady sitting at the end of the booth eating a baked chicken leg in her hands, close to her face, while before her sits a small round glass with stem filled with what looks like whiskey.
*(LADY, EATING BAKED CHICKEN LEG: This is my poor friend who got cancer. The symbol of EATING MEAT is SUFFERING. They say that baby Christians have to have consolation or sweetness, candy, cakes, desserts, as they can’t yet take sufferings. But when one matures spiritually, they can have the MEAT of God which is MOST NUTRITIOUS TO THE SOUL – what hurts the most enhances us spiritually {if accepted graciously}. She is feeling the pain of FEAR – represented by EATING CHICKEN & the leg could be saying ‘WHERE I HAVE TO GO {SURGERY & OTHER TREATMENTS.’}
Before her is the ELIXIR of GRACE, represented by WHISKEY, because alcoholic drinks make us HIGH, give us comfort or relaxation, we are ‘inebriated with delights.’
Across from me sits a male & female, the male closer to the window & they don’t pay attention to anyone else, just chatting with one another, seeming ‘distant’; she for sure has the same glass the lone lady has – I believe he does too, but I don’t see it. They are absorbed in one another to my mind, just a bit rude not to pay attention to me or anyone else. After all, we are all at table together, should have camaraderie.
*(These people are included in your presence this day – this might be two SOULS in PURGATORY who I don’t know, they don’t know me. they are receiving GRACE, which is the ELIXIR or WHISKEY in front of them. This is the Mass I say for Souls, the other Mass is for the lady friend.)*
Now a man has arrived to my left, sitting next to me. He’s thin, middle aged with salt & pepper hair. He goes into a discussion with me about his clothing {he’s jubilant.} He said he was wearing ordinary clothes, but decided to dress up for this occasion, do I agree he should have? I say I approve. He’s wearing a bright, clean white shirt, a vest made of a silvery {has some copper to it?} silky material, & a tie – I can see all of it as if he just has the white shirt with the hanging tie, like the vest disappears when I see the tie. The tie is dark with many medium dark designs on it, flowery.
*(CHANGE IN CLOTHING, IMPROVEMENT, FROM CASUAL TO ‘DRESSY’: This is a definite STEP UP IN SPIRITUALITY for a Soul – Could be Jim Doud or it could be another Soul in Purgatory.
If it’s Jim Doud then wherever he is, alive or dead, we have ENHANCED his STATE OF BEING – the CLOTHING is not literal cloth, but LIGHT that RADIATES FROM THE SOUL.
I wrote about him WITH LOVE, I GAVE HIM LOVE, which lifted his Soul. In the article I made a dedication to him, I said, like a kiss which I didn’t have the guts to give him under the mistletoe. It was a series of images of beautiful flowers, mostly TULIPS {two lips – I didn’t plan the pics that way, just happened.}
And as I said, it could also be another Soul who I cannot identify, in Purgatory. If Jim Doud is alive now I estimate he’d be around 90, as I was 14 & he was between 26 to 35. So if I am 75 he’d be at least 87. {His grey hair could be saying he’s alive & old, or his thoughts are silver, which is precious love.}
The BRIGHT WHITE SHIRT is his clean, pure soul shining as WHITE LIGHT. The SILVER with a touch of COPPER SHINY VEST is his Eternal Love & Sufferings {silver is precious, valuable, copper has a touch of red, usually refers to sufferings, like blood.} Over his CHEST {the vest} refers to the HEART & this is what CAME OUT OF HIS HEART, FEELINGS, DESIRES.
His TIE. Need help on that from Mother God.
MOTHER GOD: The tie could mean this: It’s very dark with dark designs, which shows SORROW OVER HIS HEART. He’s saying to you he was JUST AS SAD that nothing happened between you – not even a kiss – AS YOU WERE. Dark, black is a funeral here, a lack of. He had DESIGNS ON YOU {on the tie} but they did not come to fruition.
ME: This is a great revelation to me. I didn’t know he cared. Again, strike for Mom & Mempho who spoiled every relationship they could, that I could have had. They pretended of course that I didn’t have a snowball’s chance in Hell with Jim Doud – but the truth is, my age – I was getting older every year & in 3 years I would have been legal for sex & marriage. Meanwhile, I told in my article how he was attracted to me to demonstrate weight lifting – but I felt it must have been a ‘fluke,’ had nothing to do with being interested in me – but Mother God says he was.
Let me ask Mother God:
ME: If I had had a decent family that loved me & they did not interfere in my friendship with Jim, could something have come of it? Like a real relationship, maybe even marriage?
MOTHER GOD: Yes, for sure you could have had a relationship, a real one. Yes, there is a chance you could have married. You would have loved each other, that is for sure. So here he is, wherever he is, alive or dead, speaking to you telling you he cared.
ME: Wow, that is so CONSOLING & gratifying, makes me feel like I was VALUABLE.)*
We’re the only ones at table with nothing in front of us & I say to him
“Shall we order?”
He says yes, we should. I imagine we’ll have drinks like the others………………………………..
*(NOTHING ON THE TABLE FOR US BUT SHALL WE ORDER DRINKS LIKE THE OTHERS? & HE SAYS YES: This seems to say he is not in Purgatory, so he’s alive. If it’s a departed Soul, he would have received from my daily Mass. This could be saying he received Light & happiness from my thoughts & words yesterday.
So we are GOING TO CELEBRATE, or in other words, when you have food or drinks at a table, you are celebrating. We haven’t done it yet, but we will celebrate, we’ll drink & get INEBRIATED WITH DELIGHT.
Wow, what a dream.)*
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