By Rasa Von Werder, March 20th, 2021



3-19-21 Ruthie Steps Aside



This model IS NOT the ex-lover I speak of.  He was a DIRTY THIEF who robbed me of $2,400.  {But I had him arrested & retrieved the money.  It was in the suitcase in my house where he stashed it, he stayed in jail 5 weeks until someone bailed him out.  I never spoke to him again.}

Last night I asked a question, {re my Lover who is destined to be with me:}
What will happen to Ruthie & him? I mean if he is to live with me, & needs me to support him, what happens to her?”
I did not dwell on the subject but a moment & had this dream, which might be the answer .

My lover is here, I am with him on his premises. It’s a happy feeling. He says this weekend is mine, he’s taking me out. I wonder about his wife, she isn’t here. Did she go out of town & he’s taking advantage of this by being with me? {No one wants to be sloppy seconds, but for a while, I accepted it.}

*(HIS PREMISES, SHE’S NOT HERE, SLOPPY SECONDS, ETC: This was THE PAST, when you were having sex ‘behind her back.’ You felt like ‘sloppy seconds’ because he featured her as the wife with you as ‘back street’ – even though you preceded her.)*


So he & I are going out on the town, both equally happy, he’s tall, handsome, wearing mostly black with grey, & sort of prancing about the living room in front of the dark couch.

*(HE IN BLACK & GREY: In the next scene, it shows the wife dressed that way & says ‘her absence’ – so by inference, this could be he is absent from her, & it makes him happy.)*

Now the scene changes, same place, but his wife Ruthie is here, sitting on the couch, & I’m trying on clothes to go out with him – with her consent! This time she is wearing mostly black with grey.

*(SITTING ON THE COUCH: Means in this context, ‘BENCH WARMING.’ That would be NOT ACTIVE, not on the PLAYING FIELD, WAITING FOR A TURN TO ACT, maybe RETIRED FROM THE ACTION. And her APPEARANCE, black with grey is ABSENCE, NOT THERE, not there physically perhaps in the black, but could be there MENTALLY as in the grey {grey matter is BRAIN.} So conclusion might be ‘She is not with him physically but she is still there mentally.’
What does HER CONSENT mean?
Take that WITH A GRAIN OF SALT. She is FINISHED {the black} so she has no say, yeah or nay, she’s not there, it’s none of her business, she can’t stop you or protest or complain any more.)*


I have on a svelte red jumpsuit with suede light purple short boots, medium heel. Not sure if those were the first shoes I tried on, maybe the second. {There’s a total of three shoes/boots I try on. The first is I think normal leather, the second two are suede light purple.}

I am looking for more suitable boots – like a color that goes with this bright red pants suit & the last ones I try on are thigh high with high heels. I declare to all concerned this is not the right pair because no one will even see the boots under the long pants. The pants are slightly more form fitting under the waist, then they get loose & end up bell bottoms.


*(RED SUIT, LIGHT PURPLE SUEDE BOOTS: Red is PRESENT SUFFERING, BLEEDING, right now, while PURPLE, here light purple, is LONG SUFFERING. SUEDE is what? It is thick, tough, leather SKIN, but with a SOFT FINISH like the VELVET on antlers. This implies something HARD & TOUGH covered with something SOFT & SENSITIVE. This would be MY SKIN. This says ‘walk a mile in my shoes’ or ‘this is my experience.’ And my experience is ‘my yoke is sweet, my burden light.’

This hints that I have suffered so long, so hard, that I can handle it, that it doesn’t bother me any more – I can take it. So it’s LIGHT, not dark purple.

How Models Have FunPIXL2 FLAT

And the RED JUMPSUIT/BELL BOTTOMS before going out is what? This gives multiple signs. One sign – to JUMP is to PLUNGE into something: ‘I’ll take the PLUNGE’ or ‘I JUMPED into that.’ It means ‘I’ll take a chance! – there’s a RISK, but I want to do it. Then there’s the BELL BOTTOMS. Bells are WEDDING BELLS!

Finally this makes sense! I will take the plunge into MARRIAGE with him – I will risk it although he made me suffer for years; I am used to this, I am strong for it {the suede leather is like antlers, strong underneath, sensitive or velvety on top} & I have suffered so long, it’s made me stronger {strong at the broken places, what doesn’t kill you makes you strong.})*


Ruthie is sitting there on the couch gesticulating, like she is part of helping me to get ready – it doesn’t MAKE SENSE as in the past she’s been extremely JEALOUS & HATED me being with him.

*(RUTH HELPING ME: Probably BY HER ABSENCE. Or maybe she’s sick & tired of his shenanigans – supporting him while he whores – so her gestures could be saying: ‘Take my husband – please.’)*

There was something strange about a woman who advertised – I see her picture in the air- to give a free hair cut, & he needs to go with me to get that. The woman I see in black & white, medium age, looks, medium hair to the bottom of the neck, just a matter-of-fact situation.


*(WOMAN WHO GIVES HAIR CUT, HE HAS TO GO WITH ME TO GET THAT: This is Samson & Delilah. She had to learn his SECRET to DISEMPOWER him, to CAPTURE him & make him SLAVE to the Philistines. {His hair was a symbol of being chosen by God, who gave him his strength. But God had rules. One rule was not to get drunk – but he did – substance abuse. While he was blacked out, Delilah cut his hair, the enemy got him & this time he could not break free. This woman – me – now BREAKS THE POWER HOLDING HIM, sets him free, & he falls under MY & GOD’S POWER.

He has to GO WITH ME to get that hair cut, means he has to be CAPTURED BY ME FOR A RELATIONSHIP. Prior to this, he gave HER the relationship instead of me, this says, she’s now out of the way, captured by ME.)*


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