Future Life & Success

By Rasa Von Werder, March 29th, 2022

More Ideas for Our Sisterhood – Drama – Beauty Contests


Predicting Future of Life Story &

Personal Issues

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Today in my head as I sat by the babbling brook right by my house I saw scenes of plays we can produce for our Community which will be educational & simple for small children to understand but also beneficial for adults. I saw a scene of a young female with a cape, sailing into a room from above, appearing as SUPER HEROINE like Wonder Woman, & she cries out,


          She continues, gesturing with her arms into the air or putting them on her hips,

“I am the SUBSTANCE & the POWER of God!”


Her cape is brilliant & we sew it so it flares out to the sides, gold & silver on the back, inside could be like flowing water, with a tongue of a flame on her chest & She describes how She appears to the human race – water, fire & wind.

As the people standing by are in awe & even scared, She describes her Powers, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit including Miracles & Healings. She is joyfully aggressive in her speech. When she first appears, the other actors fall down, to show being ‘Slain in the Spirit.”

She describes how She IMPREGNATED Holy Mary so that Jesus could be born without male DNA– that women can conceive without a man’s help because the EGG is a REPRODUCTIVE CELL but sperm is not. She explains Holy Mary is an Incarnation of God, & her bringing him into the world, without the help of man made him inviolate, an Incarnation of God as well.


The other actors will ask questions & the Holy Spirit Heroine will answer, illuminating our doctrine. The questioners will be in awe & sincere.

The devil could appear as Pharisees & Patriarchs & the Holy Spirit will tell them off with exorcism & they run like Hell, filled with great fear at the Presence of God.

Acting out scenes like this will be beneficial to our cause & Sisterhood on many levels.

There could be all kinds of dialogue between the actors & HOLY SPIRIT HEROINE which would illuminate our doctrine.



Beauty, Learning, Talent Contests:


I can also see us holding BEAUTY CONTESTS so the sisters & ‘Third Order’ Members {like third order members in the CC where they are Franciscans or Dominicans, but they don’t live within the convent—they can be married or live with their family.}


In these beauty contests they can wear anything they want – from bikinis to ball gowns. There will be points on costume & personality. One of the important features will be the questions on OUR DOCTRINE. So they would be scored on beauty of face & figure as well as knowledge of our Religion. The one who gets the highest points in all areas wins the contest & becomes ‘Miss Matriarchy 2022’. However, there will be other trophies & the one with the best knowledge of our Doctrine could be called ‘Most Intelligent’ or ‘Miss Brilliant’ or ‘Miss Wisdom.’ And of course we could give a ‘Prettiest Face’ & ‘Best Body’ trophies. We could also have a trophy for the best ‘Miss Senior Matriarchy’ for contestants over 60.


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Why is this contest a good idea? Several reasons. One is, they follow in my footsteps, – If I am the founder of our Order, anything I did is legit for them to do, they honor me this way. Nothing I did was wrong; it took me to be the Leader I was.

Second, we invite the press & get publicity for our Cause.

We also make VIDEOS of these activities as well as the plays I mentioned, & other educational forums, & put these on the internet to get millions exposed to our beliefs.

It would also galvanize the Sisters to put effort into several areas –grooming, being fit, & honing their knowledge, performance, speaking skills & talents. It would be exercise for converting others from Patriarchy to Matriarchy. The average John & Jane Doe don’t even know what Matriarchy is or why Patriarchy is wrong.



More Ideas for our Matriarchal Order / Convent


          Re the beauty contest: I forgot to mention the talent competition. For talent they can sing, dance, recite a script, do martial arts moves, acrobatics, even a body building demonstration {can do 100 pushups in a row & do a dead lift with 100 lbs 15 times or whatever she can do. Last but not least – her best talent is cooking. She can bake a cake & it will be presented – the judges can try a piece.


More on Conversation, Dos & Don’ts


*Be SLOW to contradict people, especially an elder & don’t contradict the Hostess, moderator or one of the senior ranking Sisters.


I recently had a female call me who wanted to VENT. I let her go on as it’s a common thing; people want to unload their frustrations & anxieties. She’s heard my doctrine before – for years – & agrees with it & repeated it to me like a parrot – having forgotten that it was I who told it to her in the first place. Everything bad about Patriarchy she re-iterated.

But as I went on ‘preaching’ this or that against Patriarchy, she contradicted me with the ‘I know women that are bad, too’. OK, she did this once, as I continued, she did it twice, then three times. By the time I answered her claims, my mind & emotions were worn out. Being contradicted is annoying & sometimes infuriating. It can be a CHALLENGE & the person contradicted has to DEFEND THEMSELVES or explain themselves, which is sometimes work, & can be STRESSFUL.

Now if you’re a teacher in a classroom setting you are supposed to contradict students when they say something wrong. But if you are a junior member or just a regular John or Jane Doe sitting at our table contradicting people strongly & persistently is WRONG.

Of course, if someone says some against our Doctrine or Religion, correct them in a diplomatic way. Stay calm, just explain why they are wrong. And you can do this outside our walls as well you are representing us.

I have a lady ‘friend’ who never allows me to make a statement about subjects I am well versed in without contradicting me. She feels she knows more than I about EVERYTHING. She cannot stand the idea that I could know more. She has to be the leader, the boss, of every conversation. Her pride & ego are fueling this. It’s so annoying that I told her speaking to her is a mine field I no longer enjoy visiting.

Even in a regular setting where it’s two or more people conversing contradicting others is grating. Try to find common ground. Not saying you cannot give your opinion.

I was standing in the grocery line getting my food the other day & started talking about chickens & if I was perfect I wouldn’t eat them – I love them – I’d be a vegetarian. I described the cruel lives of ‘battery chickens.’

To my chagrin she popped up with,

“Chickens don’t have feelings – they don’t care.”

Startled, I immediately countered with,

“All beings care about their life.”

Yes, I contradicted her. Sometimes you have to. But be judicious when & where & with whom. Sometimes you should just be quiet.

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          On another note, we will not discuss men’s Patriarchy politics in our Order at table or anywhere, that is the Democrats vs Republicans or whatever parties in whatever countries are having elections. Both sides are doing propaganda, we don’t know what the truth is, & they are all puppets ruled by the Shadow govt. The alternative candidates who represent an honest agenda haven’t got a chance. People get brainwashed by propaganda then get all excited & emotional about it & end up yelling & screaming at each other. We should have no discussions or arguments about items such as these; speak of the big picture – that women should rule the family & the world, not men. And most of the women high up are part of the evil world – they are not Matriarchs, we call them ‘dicks in skirts’ so what’s the point?   It would be nice to have women elected in high offices, but right now we don’t expect much from them, until women are at least 50% of the ruling governments, they cannot push a ‘female’ agenda. We should support women in elections hoping that eventually they will offer up maternal policies – which mean love & fairness – no unjust wars or laws, no exploitation.


Don’t Vent at the Table


          There’s a time & place for venting & stating one’s frustrations, anxieties, things one is pissed about, & all other woes. Don’t do it here when people are having a pleasant meal, do it with your best friend or in a therapy session. To go on about negative things would bring everyone’s mood down.

          In the beginning, we will ask everyone to bring a list of pleasant or interesting things they might discuss like movies, documentaries, TV shows one has seen – books one likes. Make a list of your favorite all-time movies, explain why. Or things you’ve seen that are educational, informative or entertaining. Don’t start any ARGUMENTS. Talk about animals but not AD TEDIUM – as your pets latest antics could be BORING to a lot of people. In a setting like ours it’s best to give SOUND BYTES on things, & if someone wants to hear more, they’ll ask – but if no one responds, drop it. It will be WORK-EFFORT to learn to converse without stepping on toes, arguing, venting, complaining, moaning & groaning, contradicting & insulting & boring people – but TRY.


Clothing or Uniforms of the Sisters


I like the idea of the tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe on the back of a tunic the Sisters wear. They could have two tunics. One for summer is made of cotton & could be put over summer clothes, could be tied on the sides or just a loose garment. The second could be WARM for winter, some type of thick padding or fake fur lined material, on the back the picture of Our Lady. The color a dull beige.

          The front could have a picture of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It would be also OK to have any image of Mother God as our insignia, the images of Mary are the most widely portrayed. If someone can make a painting of ‘Mother God’ this is acceptable also. The pic of the heart in front, again, there are many of Mary’s imagined heart.

          How these images would be put upon cloth is unknown to me. I have a tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe, there’s a way to put images on cloth so this has to be looked into. If we can find a place that sells images of Our Lady of Guadalupe or other images of Our Lady on cloth, we can buy many of these & sew them onto our tunics.

          It would not be required to wear these uniforms every day every time one steps out of the convent, the way regular nuns do. But when attending Temple it would be appropriate, & at certain times – to be determined by each convent. Sometimes you want to be official sometimes you want to ‘blend into’ society. It isn’t always convenient to ‘stand out’ in the crowd.



Chapter 6   ‘Remarkable Woman’

Dream explains great success for my life story 3-26-22


          There’s a woman here who is remarkable, & I seem to be representing her, myself being an actress.

          At one point I am FLYING over the audience, wearing a beautiful medium light blue chiffon type dress to the knees & the bodice gathered, scooped, with a cummerbund at the waist of the same material. It’s more beautiful than the dress I had at the 8th grade graduation which my Mom stole, it’s slightly darker, the material is finer, more crinkly, & it has no stiff crinoline underneath, it just flows, is very wide, & as I fly over the audience & close to them, & I’m saying loudly, happily,


          “I have SUPERNATURAL POWER”

          “I have GOD’S POWER”

          And I repeat these ideas again & again as I fly back & forth over them.

          Finally I land & the woman I represent is standing next to me. She has on a beautiful red dress made of some kind of material that has a texture which is not jewels or gems or bright sequins, but the closest I can think of is not bright but textured sequins, thousands of them, tiny, all over the entire dress, which goes below the feet & trails down on the floor – a real ball gown. The dress clings to her & is a true red.


          The strange thing here is I’m an actress who did the performance, representing her but she is the person I guess you could say, the living breathing person who actually did these things – they were remarkable – & she is going to be paid tons of money. And I ask her,


          “What are you going to do with all this money?”


          And she says,

          “I AM EXHAUSTED.”

          That’s all there is to it.



MEANING: This is about my God Self & human self, the dream explains that I was empowered by my God Self, but the flesh DID THE WORK & the human self gets exhausted. The God Self is part of the Infinite Energy Source, it does not get tired or in any way hurt or perturbed. It is the same as God in Heaven.


          The human self is wearing red, which is the color of BLOOD & saying SACRIFICE, fresh pain. The material is made of thousands of tiny sequins or something like that – these would be the experiences of your human life, the painful ones, numbering into thousands & the gown trails below your feet, saying what a long life & a long list of painful experiences. You are tired from the effort & the pain.

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          For some reason God wants you to know you will be rewarded on earth, not only in Heaven – You did the work, you will get the money. God is rhetorically asking you this, as She knows you intend to use it to build the convent & Church. Maybe She’s encouraging you to keep going & finish the work because you need a boost.


          Where She is flying over the audience is the audience for your life story. She is explaining how She is the Power & She gave you the grace, but you’re the one who suffered & you will be rewarded. You don’t say anything about the money, why? Because you maybe don’t have any particular human use for it you want to use it for the work of God, which is what you’ve been thinking about constantly.


          Why is the God Self wearing a dress that looks like your 8th grade graduation? {The dress Mom stole & gave it to another girl at her work} Probably to show you how God will pay you back for all that was taken – stolen from you in what people did, especially Mom. It’s like the God Self is wearing your dress, like you GAVE GOD A GIFT, the gift of what you lost & sacrificed & God is so pleased She’s wearing the gift! The jewels we ‘give God’ are our pains, sufferings & sacrifices & God turns them into precious stones & beautiful jewelry & crowns. In this case your dress of pain adorns the good God who is FLYING over the audience to show you,

          “It’s your LIFE STORY, an audience is looking at your story & you will get a lot of money. Your pain will turn to PROFIT – it bears fruit!

          The details: The dress looking kind of different than the real life one, explain the differences, what they mean.

          MG: In the Heavenly realm, your sacrifices & pains are made more beautiful, on earth you’re wearing the gown of pain & what you feel is exhaustion, but in Heaven, your True Self has no pain but only joy & She is flying, nothing of the earth limits her or holds her down.


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Earlier dreamed this:

          I have a large dark-skinned full-bodied male in front of me, a few inches taller than me, quite handsome, & I’m saying something flirtatious to him. He’s standing so his left side is to me.

          And across from him facing me is another similar-looking male like a brother but not as handsome, he has a thin mustache. To offset my flirting with the first guy I gently touch the chin of this second guy in a flirtatious manner. It was to show something – like I’m not obsessed with the first guy I’m just a flirtatious female something like that.

          Not sure what this means.

          They were both pleased by my attentions but I did not want to give away I was interested in the first ‘brother.’



          MEANING:   This shows two brothers & I recently mentioned in an article that I took out my lover’s brother to dinner three times.

          The dream presents one fact – that I don’t want lover Bob to think I’m still obsessed with him – I’m not. Yes, I do love him but I don’t want him to think I’ll chase him again or bend the knee to his demands. And so this other guy or brother, I use to make him think I just happen to be flirtatious & am like that with many guys.

          The fact that he looks very healthy might be that I recently saw hmi in despair, in my dreams & sent a letter to make sure he wouldn’t crack up from grief of losing me And so, this shows he’s been restored to mental/emotional health.


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