Femdom Christianity Chaps 5-6-7-8-9

By Rasa Von Werder, May 14th, 2020

FEMDOM CHRISTIANITY  by William Bond  Chapters 5-6-7-8-9

Femdom Christianity: Chapter Five


The Feminine One

If there was an ancient religion of the Great Mother what would would be its teachings? It would be the teachings that God loves us all. Unfortunately, only a loving father god was acceptable to the ruling elite of the time. So anything about the Goddess Sophia was cut out of the gospels which means Jesus couldn’t promote the Goddess of Love.

Yet in-spite of this the ancient teachings of the Great Mother did survive and we find its teachings in Mysticism, which claims that God is the One, one mind, one spirit. The problem with this is that the One cannot be masculine as it is all about individuality, separation and conflict. Whereas the feminine is about love and harmony so the One has to be feminine in nature.

There used to be idea of Oneness in Feminism when they put forward the slogan, “the sisterhood is powerful”. But this was rejected after awhile as a powerful sisterhood goes against the Feminist ideal of equality with men.

The bonobo ape is able to make the whole idea of a powerful sisterhood work and it allows bonobo females dominate the larger bonobo males. Unlike their close cousin the chimpanzees where the female didn’t create a powerful sisterhood and so every individual female chimp is at the mercy of the larger males.

So we all come from the One and the One is female. We were all one mind, one spirit and lived in perfect love and harmony. Unfortunately that total perfection created stagnation. In a total harmonious world there was no reason or motivation to change anything. So there came a desire from the One to experience life outside of itself, to experience individually and relationships.

To do this, She created a material universe and within it created bodies, so parts of the One could inhabit these bodies and experience the illusion of being separate from the One. This gave the One, a taste of what it is like to be separate but then it went further and created beings that had no memory of being part of the One.

Because of this, these beings began to experience loneliness, fear and suffering in this world of separation. For this reason they quickly had a powerful desire to return to the One. So there first exploration in the world of separation was brief.

Yet, the One wanted to learn more about the world of separation and created a being that revelled in a separate world and that was how the masculine was created.

The masculine was able to live outside of the One because it was created to enjoyed competition. Someone who enjoys competing, fighting and conflict is a person that thinks it doesn’t need the One. But this competitive instinct also led to hatred, violence and suffering, so that even very macho men seek relief from this, by searching for the One within women.

This wasn’t a too much a problem in animals but became a real problem in an intelligent creature like a human being. As men found that could make weapons like spears and clubs in which to attack each other, leading to murder, wars and genocide.

For this reason the One created men to want to worship and obey women. This gave women power over men so they could restrain their violent instincts. This is because women have a stronger connection the all-powerful One and could easy call on her power and wisdom when it was needed.

Unfortunately, the human male is an intelligent creature and because of his competitive instincts began to plot and scheme for ways of competing against women for power. So some men would be attempting to undermine women’s confidence or try to manipulate and deceive women.

These efforts never worked while women remained in contact with the limitless wisdom and power of the Feminine One, but then some men found a way to break this connection.

Ancient Priestess

 At the time, people worshipped the Great Mother who gave birth to the world. So men suggested to women that it was unfair that people only worshipped a Female deity and they should worship a male deity as well. Some women did think this was fair and reasonable and went along with it.

So in their religion the Great Mother had a son, (similar to the images of the Virgin Mary and Jesus or Isis and Horus). Then later people began to worship female and male deities as brother and sister or male and female lovers.

At first this didn’t seem to be a problem, but the worship of a male god caused problems for women trying to connect to the Feminine One. The feminine is complete Oneness, love and harmony. The masculine is separation, loneliness, conflict, fear and hatred. So the vibrations are totally different, making it more difficult to connect to the Feminine One, when praying to male deity alongside a female deity.

So over time in this new religion women found it harder to connect to the Feminine One and they slowly lost their power. Because of this men no longer worshipped them as goddesses and they become equal in status to men.

The competitive instincts in some men drove them to wanting more power so the male deities became more important than the female deities. This then made contact with the Feminine One even more difficult for women and they found themselves at the mercy of male aggression and violence and the patriarchal age was born.

Finally, the new patriarchal rulers decided that there was only one god and he was male. Women then lost all their connection to the Feminine One and became the slaves of men.

This is a disaster for both sexes because although women have suffered under patriarchal rule, so has men. Because without women’s control and guidance man is in danger of destroying himself and the world he lives in.

As the male is separated from the One, he can explore what it is like to be individual and separate. But when he breaks away from the control of the female he then goes into a spiral of loneliness, fear, conflict, hatred, violence, war, chaos and destruction. Unfortunately this is exactly what has happened over the last 5,000 years.

This then is the dance of the female and male. The female is forever taking us back to the One to experience total love and harmony. The male is attempting to take us further away from the One into conflict and chaos. In this dance men learn from women about love, compassion and harmony while women learn from men aggression, competitiveness and hatred.

A world totally dominated by men will quickly destroy itself, as men will continually fight each other. While a world dominated by women will return us back to the One of total love and harmony. So can we find a way to return to the One through a matriarchal religion?

Religion is about our connection to God as well as teachings to make our lives better for us all. But unfortunately, patriarchal religions fail to do this. Most people who pray to God fail to find any connection to the One, while the teachings don’t seem to make life better for us.

The problem is that we worship male gods and this is the main reason why religions fail to deliver on what they promise. Male gods are masculine and the masculine is all about aggression and competition. So for this reason it’s not surprising to find male dominated religions and religious sect fighting each other.

Male gods are not only aggressive but intolerant as well, as people are threatened with, ‘hellfire and damnation’, when they die if they fail to follow the teachings of the male priesthood. So it is no wonder people find it hard to connect to a judgmental and punitive god like this.

Gods like this give religion a bad name and for this reason some religions have attempted to show god in a better light. We find this in the Christian teachings of Jesus in the New Testament where he promoted the idea of loving Father God. This has been only partly successful as many Christians still prefer the judgmental God of the Old Testament.

Buddhism has also attempted to give more compassionate teachings and Buddhists are encouraged to connect to Nirvana through meditation. Unfortunately only a minority of people are willing to spend years of meditation to do this.

So what would it be like to worship God as a female and have an exclusive female priesthood? It would be a religion based on the feminine rather than masculine principles. So what difference would this make?

The fact is that the One can only be feminine as She is total love and harmony. For this reason the One can never be masculine as he is all about individualism, competition, aggression and conflict.

We can see how this plays out in the animal world. Male animals like stags, bulls, rams and lions fight each other for dominance and access to females. Then when the strongest male animal has impregnated the females, the females give birth and devoted their time caring for their young.

So males have competitive and aggressive instincts while females have maternal and nurturing instincts. These is why men like watching and playing sports and compete with each other in business and politics and why male dominated countries and religions fight wars.

Most women on the other hand have desires to give birth to children and devote their lives to caring for them. Women not only want to care for their own children but will care for other people’s children as well as the sick, the elderly, animals and even men.

So if we were to worship God as a Woman we would expect her to be nurturing and love us all unconditionally. So this would be a deity we would find easy to connect to as we know she wouldn’t judge, condemn or punish us. The teachings of a maternal Mother God would also be about love which would encourage us to love each other and make our world a better place.

We can only return to the love and harmony of the One when women reconnect to Her and become, once again, one with Her unlimited power and wisdom. This will allow men to once again to serve and worship women as goddesses.


Femdom Christianity: Chapter Six

Venus of Willendorf

The Ancient Great Mother

So what do these teachings mean in our present day society of the 21th century? We live in a world that has been dominated by the men for the last 5,000 years. The result has been a world of conflict, oppression, war, genocide and chaos. We are now in danger of destroying ourselves with destructive weapons like nuclear bombs as well as widespread pollution.

The situation is now becoming so dangerous that the One is encouraging women to regain power so we can return to the protection of the One. Unfortunately, too many women are learning how to gain power by learning from men. But men can only teach women how to be more aggressive and competitive. Teachings like this only take us all further away from the One.

An example of this would be politics where women politicians are taught by men to be as deceptive, corrupt and competitive as male politicians. The result has been that when female politicians act and behave like men, they can only mimic what men do and are not leading us back to the One.

Although as more women that come into positions of power the more confident women will eventually become in being themselves and no longer have to pretend to be men. When they finally do this they can start to lead humanity back to the One.

About 5,000 years ago men took control of our world and they were able to do this when women listened to deceitful men who encouraged women to break their connection to the One.

So there was a time in the past when women ruled the world and patriarchy has since tried to destroy all knowledge and evidence of this. So how could women rule the world when men are physically bigger and stronger as well as being more competitive and aggressive than women?

When women ruled the world there was a religion where people worshipped the Great Mother who gave birth to our world. The Great Mother is of course the One. She is all-that-there-is. It was through this religion that women connected to the One as the Great Mother.

Women then were representatives of the Great Mother in this world and so all women were worshipped by men as goddesses. So men have a natural desire to worship women and this desire becomes far stronger when women find ways to connect to the One. This means, the more women are able to once again connect themselves to the One the more men will want to worship and obey them.

So how did women lose the connection to the Great Mother? Although the One had unlimited wisdom and intelligence it didn’t know or understand the world of separation. It was only men who knew and understood this world. The One couldn’t comprehend the world of lies, deception and trickery created by men. So didn’t know what to do when these things were used against women.

Also the One gives us all unconditional love and this includes love for the worse type of man you can possibly imagine. For this reason the One never took sides when ambitious men set out to destroy the power of women. When ambitious men told women that it was unfair that people only worshipped a female deity and they should be allowed to worship a male god as well.

Women allowed this to happen, and so men were allowed to form their own priesthood and worship male gods. In the spirit of fairness women began to worship these male gods as well and in the process lost their power. This was because these male gods represent separation and conflict and took women away from the Oneness of the Great Mother.

So the male priests began to teach and practice masculine teachings which were about aggression, competitiveness and hatred. They also taught women about sacrificial love which is close to women’s maternal love for their children. So the priests taught women that maternal love and sacrificial love where the same thing.

This seems to be true because a mother will sacrifice herself for her child. but for a mother to be able to care for her child she has to ensure she is strong enough to do this. So the sacrificial aspect of this is limited because if a mother sacrifices herself completely, she can become so mentally or physically weak, she cannot properly care for or protect her child.

The women who listened to the priests began to feel guilty about putting any of her own needs before the child and the priests sensing a weakness, encouraged this feelings of guilt even more. So in the end women began to feel guilty about loving herself in any situation and as the result she began to lose her connection to the One and was no longer in tune with her Goddess power.

The One has never demanded sacrificial love, the One is an all encompassing love for everything and that includes our love for ourselves. The male priests in the spirit of separation encouraged the split between our love for ourselves and others. They were encouraged to do this when they saw it broke women’s connection to the One.

The priests also encouraged men to be selfish when dealing with women but unselfish when supporting the power of the new patriarchal rulers.

Through this, these men were able to break away from the control of the women. They quickly created a world of chaos and conflict and when they were challenged about this they defended their power through deception and violence.

So the holy women of the Great Mother religion then found themselves in conflict with male dominated religions. The women who returned to the original teaching of the Great Mother saved themselves but the women who tried to compete with men lost out.

Some women went as far as becoming Amazons and fighting men on the battle-field. But men have all the physical advantages in warfare and women lost when attempting this. This means that when women try to act and behave like men, they find they are at a big disadvantage.

Another problem for women is that men have what Sigmund Freud called the Madonna–whore complex. The famous psychologist points out that men either worship women as Goddesses, or treat them as abused slaves.

Men are like this is other ways when they say, “you’re either for us or against us.” It is there competitive instincts that make it hard for them the take the moderate line in anything. As they divide the world up into winners and losers. So men have a similar attitude about women.

It seems men had not problems in worshipping women as Goddesses but when patriarchy undermined this, men went to the opposite extreme and treated women as abused slaves.

People can only tune into the power of the One through love because unconditional love and Oneness are the same thing. Once women start to compete against men then they lose that sense of Oneness. The One possess all the wisdom, intelligence and power of the whole universe, so women become all-powerful when they make that connection.

Masculine power on the other hand is the power of conflict. Men can become extremely powerful when they are totally ruthless, brutal and deceitful but this power if unchecked can only destroy itself.

Patriarchal rulers have gained power and kept it by knowing how to gain power over other men. The patriarchal age hasn’t benefited most men as it paradoxically turned the majority into slaves, serfs and peasants. The ruling elite of the patriarchal world found that all men are very obedient to anyone who presents themselves as figures of authority and exploited this to the full.

So instead of worshipping women as Goddesses, men found themselves worshipping the male ruling elite who treated them like slaves. In the past male rulers set themselves up as gods and expected the people to worship them as such.

Later when people saw through this deception the rulers then claimed they had the, “divine right of kings,” and that it was ‘God’s will’ that they are rulers. Yet, even today when people are aware that their rulers are not gods or divine-rulers, common people will still worship those who have political and financial power.

Because of this the vast gap between rich and poor is as bad as it ever has been, because most men will meekly obey anyone in position of authority.

Men obedience to authority is clearly shown in war. We tend to think solders as tough macho men but the best soldiers are so passive they will obey the most insane orders without question. An example of this is World War One when soldiers of all countries would come out of the trenches to be mowed down by machine gun fire because they were ordered to do this. The military will spin this as iron discipline, but it is also extreme submission to authority.

The Japanese in World War Two went a step further and used Kamikaze suicide pilots to deliberately crash their aircraft into enemy shipping because they were also obeying orders. They weren’t volunteers, they were simply ordered to do this and none refused to obey.

So it means that women do not have to compete with men for power, all they have to do is present themselves as Goddesses and men will obey them. Perhaps we can learn something about this from the Femdom scene.

Femdom Christianity: Chapter Seven

Goddess Pandora

The Yin and Yang

So how do women connect to the One? The most obvious way is to stop worshipping male gods and then to worship a female deity as the creator of our world.

There are many women who are atheists and point out that scientists believe that the universe was created in a ‘big-bang’. This is still only a theory and you still have the problem of what happened before the ‘big-bang’ or how can a universe explode out of nothing? Not all scientists agree with the big-bang theory anyway. But even if it is true this may be the way the Great Mother gave birth to the physical universe.

Though it is interesting that when science began to make its mark in the 17th century and some people stopped worshipping male gods. Society since then has changed for the better and has become more equal allowing women to become more empowered. This suggests that not worshipping any male god is better for us all. Though worshipping a female deity will be even better.

When a woman worships a female deity she is worshipping herself. So the practice of doing this will of course give her far more confidence and self-esteem. But a female deity has a big advantage over any male deity because we know that She will gives us all, her children, unconditional love.

Jesus in the New Testament attempted to promote the idea of a loving Father God but somehow it never really caught on. Many Christians still prefer the judgmental and punitive god of the Old Testament.

In Pre-Christian times we use to have Goddesses of love like Aphrodite and Venus and this makes sense because women are naturally loving and nurturing people. In much the same way it is natural to have a male god of war.


 The psychological difference in this is immense. It is terrible when people believe they were created by a judgemental and punitive male god. It is no-wonder Christians once called themselves, “god-fearing people”. Because they were taught that when they die they would suffer, hell-fire and damnation for an eternity if they weren’t ‘good’. Negative beliefs like this were a great benefit for the priests, as they could frighten the people into submission, but dreadful for anyone who believed them.

So clearly it must have been a big relief to many people when they were told by scientists there is no god. But it would be even better to know that our creator is female and loves us all unconditionally. The problem with this, is as atheist we tell us, if we were created by a loving deity then why are we living in a world of suffering? This is why they claim that we weren’t created by a god.

So if we follow this logic through, we either didn’t have a creator and so we all were created by accident. Or we were created by a very imperfect god who doesn’t really care about us because he has made no attempt to solve the problem of suffering.

Yet the argument whether there is a god or no-god doesn’t solve the problem for why there is suffering in the world in the first place. Even if we accept that life and the universe was created by chance. It doesn’t answer the problem; why do people have to suffer? If we live in a meaningless and pointless world, as claimed by atheists, why should anything we do matter? Why should we care if we live or die? If our lives are the only life we have, then what makes us want to continue to live in a world of suffering?

So if there is no supreme creator and that the only intelligent life in the universe is human beings, what is the point of it all? It would make some sense if we all were living happy and fulfilled lives. Yet it seems most of us claim that we don’t live happy lives. So if the gift of life only makes us miserable then where does that leave us? Logically, if we don’t live happy lives then the best thing we can all do is to commit suicide. Because what is the point of living a life if you are not happy?

Other people ask the question if there is a loving God why doesn’t he take out all the bad guys and leave the rest of us in peace. So why doesn’t God put the world to right and create a perfect world? The problem with this is that a perfect world might be boring.

A lot of us would deny this, but we give ourselves away by what we think is ‘entertainment’ in books or films. If an author wrote a story about intelligent and sensible people who lived lives of love and harmony, very few people will want to read it. On the other hand write a story about a sadistic serial killer and it can become a best-seller.

As Shakespeare said, “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances.”

The world is nothing more than a drama factory. We come to this planet to experience the drama of life. Unfortunately, we can get so caught up in it, that we can be locked into a life of fear and suffering.

The masculine does give us all the drama we want, as it creates conflict and violence. But left unchecked it also gives us war, genocide and grinding poverty. Also, with modern technology men are in danger of destroying our world.

This is why we need the feminine to dominate and control the masculine. Yes we want to experience the drama of life and yes even experience suffering but not unrelenting misery and suffering. The more men dominate our world the worse it is going to get. We need the contrast of love and harmony with the drama of masculine conflict.

Men like to play sports like boxing, rugby, ice-hockey and gridiron where they can badly injure each other. But when the match is finished, the players shake hands and go on to live normal lives. So they experienced real pain and suffering while the match is being played, but it doesn’t last very long.

This is what we want, to control the dramas we created so it doesn’t get so bad we become depressed and want to commit suicide. Women are the ones who can do this, providing they are the dominant sex. Women of course have different drama as we see in romantic fiction and the drama of giving birth and bring up children.

I believe many people over the ages have asked these same questions and perhaps from these questions, religions were created. Within all religions there is a mystic tradition so what does mysticism say about the problem of suffering? Unlike the religions these mystic traditions seem to agree on one thing: All is One.

If all is One, then we can see a big problem with this: Because somehow this is not what we experience in real life. We all live in different bodies and are somehow dissimilar from each other physically, mentally and emotionally. It is these differences that seem to cause great conflict. The mystics answer this by saying that our separation from each other is an illusion. We only think we are separate but in reality we are all one. They go even further than this; and say that we are God. We are not separate from God as the whole of life and the universe is one mind, one spirit.

This creates another problem: How are we able to be separate and yet be at One at the same time? If we are all one; then why do we have an illusion that we are separate? This is where mysticism becomes very difficult for many people.

If all of life and the universe is One then how does the One know itself? To put it another way: If you were the only creature living on a desert island; what would you do with yourself? Even if you had a well made home and found food easy to find, most people would find life difficult without a companion of some kind. In modern prisons one of the hardest punishments they can give prisoner is to send them into solitary confinement.

This is true of human beings but is this true for the One? The answer is that this must be true because why have we come to this world to live in a world of separation? What we can be sure of is that a person living on their own, without any interaction with others, will stagnate. The same may be true of the One. Because even with our limited understanding it becomes obvious to us that if we had perfection, like in the Buddhist concept of Nirvana, we would also stagnation. Because once there is perfection there is no movement because, how can you go beyond perfection?

So we have here a paradox: We once lived in a state of oneness and perfection. Yet we deliberately divided ourselves up to live in a world of separation, and from this separation has come suffering. If this is true then we have a stark choice. We can live in oneness and perfection but we also will live in a world where nothing much is happening. Or we can live in a world of separation and relationships but from this comes suffering.

Yet if God is the sum total of all intelligent life in the universe then perhaps there is a way around this. This is for us to be One but live in the illusion of separation. But then we need a way to live together as individuals without conflict and suffering. This is probably why we have two sexes, the female sex retains its contact with the One and the male sex goes off to explore the world of separation. Unfortunately, this only works while the female is the dominant sex and so can restrain and control the male.

So to ensure that women are the dominant sex, men were created with a desire to worship and obey women. So why is that not happening? The answer is that men were also given a brain and some smart men found ways to exploit men’s instinct for obedience, as well as women’s complacency, for their own ends.

When women in the past had men totally under their control but they became careless. Men would always obey them and so they assumed that men would always do that. This complacency was then utilized by ambitious men to gain power for themselves.

It was easy for these men to talk to women about fairness and telling women they should have equal rights and so they should worship both male and female deities. Women went along with this because they didn’t see any danger in doing this.

Ancient history showed that the Great Mother then had a son whom the people worshipped. Then the son later became the brother or lover of the Great Mother. Then later on they got married and male god took over the supreme position and then finally female deities were suppressed completely and we now only worship male gods.

The same thing happened with the priesthood. At first there were only holy women who promoted the worship of the Great Mother. Then there came priests and priestesses who worshipped both gods and goddesses. It seems the early priests dressed up as women and even castrated themselves to be like women. Then the priests began to take over the dominant role until finally all priestesses were banned.

The clever thing these early priests did is that by dressing up women they were able to make men obey them. Then they exploited this obedience to indoctrinate men into obeying them and denigrated women so men lost respect for them.

Once men were convinced by the male priests to no longer respect or obey women then women lost their power and the priests took control. This didn’t happen overnight as women did fight back and tried to return things to what they once were but the priests encouraged men to use violence on women, who had no answer to this.

What is very clear from all this, is that when we worship the feminine and allow women to rule our world we return to love, harmony, joy but stagnation. When we worship the masculine and allow men to rule our world we then experience conflict, suffering and chaos but it gives us relationships and movement.

So how can the masculine and feminine work together for the good of us all? It can only work with women in charge but also allowing men to be men and not try to turn them into women.

It is like playing a sporting game. If the idea of the game is to put a ball into a goal each side of the pitch. But if there were no rules or referee, the game would just become a brawl and men would injure and even kill each other. So we had to make rules and have a referee to enforce the rules then a game can be played without the opposing teams badly injuring each other.

This has been the problem with the whole patriarchal age. Men have ruled our world without a referee or set of rules and the result has been a shambles where millions of people have been killed or injured and we have widespread poverty and suffering. Also, with modern technology we are in danger of destroying ourselves.

The obvious solution is for women to rule the world. Women are far less likely to want to want to star wars, commit genocide or create poverty. Providing that these women act and behave like caring women and do not learn from men, to be selfish rulers.

Femdom Christianity: Chapter Eight

The Feminine One

In our patriarchal world we are told, love in a weakness. But love is the strongest force in the universe because it is the power of the One. But the love of the One is total unconditional l love, She loves everyone and everything. Likewise for us to tune this omnipresent love we will have the same love for ourselves, as our love for everyone else. As Jesus said in the Bible.

“You shall love your neighbour as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:31.

Jesus also said, “God is One and there is no other but Him.” Mark 12:32.

But a male God cannot be the One, the One is feminine by nature and this was the problem Jesus had in preaching in a patriarchal society where a female god would be unacceptable.

So how do we access this power? We do it through the power of our desires and total faith in the power of the feminine One.

Because the One is feminine She loves us all and wants to give us everything we desire. So when we desire anything She will grant it to us. But if that is correct why aren’t we then getting everything we want?

We can only access the power of the One by not interfering with what She is attempting to give us. She has given us all the power of freewill and she will never interfere with our freewill when we use it but we use it all the time by every thought we think.

So it means that once we have a desire for anything we have to allow the One to grant it to us, without interference. Unfortunately, this is what we do all the time, because we do not know about power of the Great Mother.

Let us say we cannot pay our rent, so we have a powerful desire to have the money to do this. The One will then use Her limitless power give this to us. But with that desire comes all our thoughts about how we can obtain this money. So we might think about getting another job or winning the lottery or we might give up in despair and prepare ourselves to be homeless. All these thoughts block off the power of the One because She cannot override our freewill which is expressed through every though all our thoughts.

So for us to use the power of the One, we have to use ONLY Her power and not interfere with it.

So if we have any desire then we have to acknowledge we have it but only focus on that desire and nothing else. Once we start to look for ways to achieve our desires in the material world, then we assert our freewill and take control. Then the One backs off because She will never interfere, once we do this.

So the power of the One is totally feminine She will never aggressively assert Herself and override our freewill. But because She is the One, Her power is unlimited, omnipresent and omnipotent, and so She has the power of miracles. This means we have to allow Her to use her unlimited power and not interfere with our puny limited power.

Now this is spoken about in many patriarchal religions but they call it the power of faith. So they claim that if you have faith and believe it enough, God will grant it to you. Unfortunately, this is a bit difficult if you believe God is a judgmental and punitive male.

If you believe God will judge and punish you for your ‘sins’ and then told that we are all sinners, then it is tough to try and imagine he will grant you whatever you want. This is why worshipping male gods make in hard to believe in god’s love or even that he is on your side.

Whereas we see god as the feminine One who loves us all unconditionally then there is no problem with this. This is why when people worshipped the Great Mother then it was easy from them to access the feminine One and have whatever they wanted.

A big problem for most people is that masculine power and feminine power are totally different. This is the problem the femdom people have, they yearn for women to rule our world but they only know about masculine power. So they assume that women have to be like men and use aggression, violence, intimidation and deception to gain power.

Feminists also make the same mistake and again believe that women have to use masculine methods in which to empower themselves. Not realizing that feminine power is totally different to masculine power. Basically feminine power is spiritual power and can only be accessed through love and harmony which will tune women to the all-powerful One.

Another way patriarchal religions attempt to access the One is through meditation and this does work because it turns off our everyday thinking. But meditation can be made far more powerful when we think about the universal love and harmony of the feminine One.

Even if you are not into faith, mediation or prayer to any deity, we can get what we want, by only focusing on our desires and nothing else. Trying to think of ways to get something we want, that we think is impossible, is a sure way to get us into a negative frame of mind. So in theory just focusing on what we want, only, will make it more likely we can manifest it. But this would be a lot easer if we had faith that a loving deity will give it to us.

This is why women are far more powerful than men, if they tune into the power of the One as love and Oneness are the same thing. Men find it harder to access the One as the masculine is rooted in the material world of separation and conflict.

Femdom Christianity: Chapter Nine


The teachings of Jesus created one of the largest religions in the world but he is totally different to most normal men. Some Christians find him an embarrassment because he was so, “meek and mild” with paradoxical teachings like, “the meek shall inherit the Earth”.

The problem about Jesus is that although he founded a patriarchal religion his teachings were mostly feminine. This is in total contrast of the macho teachings of the Old Testament.

One of the unique features of Jesus is his healing, which you don’t get in any other religion that has survived to the present day. Many people assumed that he was able to heal because he was, ‘the son of God’ but he made no such claims.

When he healed people he said to them, “your faith has healed you”. So he gave the credit to the person he healed and not himself. So why was this? This is because the feminine One has given us all the gift of freewill. So Jesus could never heal a person against their freewill.

Now, this might seem a paradox because surely all ill people want to be healed and this is true. But you need faith to be ill in the same way you need faith to be healed. Any person who is ill and has a strong belief they can never be cured and will stay ill because of that belief. So a healer like Jesus has to undermine this belief in illness, before the ill person can be healed.

Modern doctors know about this because modern scientific medicine has a real problem with what they call, “the placebo effect.” It is known that dummy pills with no medicine in them can heal people. Sometimes in scientific trials placebo pills do a better job in healing people than real medicine. So dummy pills can heal because they can give a person hope they can be healed and sometimes this is enough to start the healing process.

This then demonstrates the power of the power of the Feminine One. She is always there to give us healing but we can block Her off through our freewill which we express through our beliefs. But something like a placebo pill can undermine our belief in our illness and allow the Feminine One to give us what we want.

Beliefs are no more than a thought we kept on thinking. So our habitual thoughts will always override any thoughts we think for a short time. This is why in many positive thinking books they recommend affirmations. As repeating the same thought over and over again can create a new habitual thought that can turn into a belief.

But Jesus taught more than just faith and belief, he also taught love, compassion and forgiveness. It was through this he was able to tune into the Feminine One. The more we can bring love and harmony to our thoughts the easier it is to do this.

So we can see that his teachings are the exact opposite to the patriarchal world he lived in. Yet it was through his ability have unconditional love for everyone and everything, he was able to perform miracles.

As we all know, Jesus died on the cross and in this he followed a tradition of sacrificial/saviour gods like Osiris, Orpheus, Dionysus, Bacchus, Mithras, Odin, Bader and Loki. All of them were either killed or sacrificed themselves, to save mankind.

Bacchus and Ariadne (oil painting by Titian)

Now this could makes sense, because the human race would be far better off if men sacrificed themselves to women and allowed them to rule the world. But the Christian Church had another interpretation that that was Jesus sacrificed himself to appease an angry Father God. This is in spite of Jesus teaching that the Father God was a god of love.

A male god may demand sacrifice but the loving feminine deity would never demand this. So it is of interest that in some of the Gnostic Bibles Jesus talks about Sophia, the ancient Jewish Goddess of wisdom whom he calls in the Gnotic Bible “Sophia of Jesus Christ”, the Mother of the Universe.

So what is the sacrifice of the saviour gods, including Jesus, all about? It is about the salvation of men. The masculine can only survive if it surrenders to the feminine.

As mentioned before left to its own devices the masculine will end up destroying itself so it can only save itself by returning to the feminine One and surrendering to Her. Many men instinctively realise this and try to do this, but this is difficult for men living in a patriarchal society.

We see this in the femdom scene where men surrender to women only as a symbolic surrender in fantasy play. So he will worship a dominatrix and pay her to whip him but still retain control of what is happening by ‘topping from the bottom’.

So it is obvious these men are only ‘dipping their toes in the water’ and are afraid to surrender to women completely and perhaps for a very good reason. Any man of reasonable intelligence knows that men have been extremely cruel to women for thousands of years and still treat them badly. So men knowing this would fear women’s vengeance.

There are a lot of women who are very angry with men and will be cruel to any man who surrenders to her. So this becomes a barrier for many men unless they are extremely masochistic.

This was probably even worse in the time of Jesus where women suffering under extreme patriarchal societies and so would be very angry with men. This was seen nearly two thousand years later when the British invaded Afghanistan in the 19th century, as mentioned in a poem by Rudyard Kipling called “The Young British Soldier”.

When you’re wounded and left on Afghanistan’s plains,

And the women come out to cut up what remains,

Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains

An’ go to your Gawd like a soldier.

It seems that Afghanistan women then would torture to death any wounded British soldier they found. This is the exact opposite to normal female behaviour who would normally want to care for anyone they found wounded. This shows how much these women had learnt to hated men and so had their vengeance on any helpless men they found.

More than this, any man who attempted to surrender to women would be mocked and condemned by other men. Even in recent times a men who worship women are ridiculed for being a wimps and are told they are not ‘real man’. In the Islamic world it is even worse because if a woman disobeys a man he is then ‘dishonoured’ and has to beat her up or even murder her to regain his ‘honour’. So a man dare not worship any women for this reason. (Though there is Femdom in Islamic countries but obviously it is kept secret).

So for men to surrender to women has been a big deal throughout the patriarchal age. So the whole drama of Jesus being betrayed, condemned, ridiculed, tortured, whipped and finally crucified would be the fate of any man who attempted to surrender to women in a strict patriarchal society.

Yet in spite of all these barriers, many men have over the centuries, surrendered to women, showing how powerful is men’s desires to do this. This has resulted in patriarchy being slowly undermined throughout the Western world in the last few centuries.

The first book published on Femdom was called,”Venus In Furs” by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch in the 19th century. He could get away with writing about this subject, at that time because he was a wealthy nobleman. This allowed other people to write on the same subject in the 20th century.

It is of interest that this has happened mostly in Christian countries so perhaps the teachings of Jesus and the drama of his sacrifice of has had an effect on men.

Learning sacrificial love is beneficial to men because it is similar to maternal love that women express when they have children. For this reason women don’t have to learn about sacrificial love but need to learn more about how to love themselves.

Sacrificial love seems to demand that we love others by neglecting or even hating ourselves. So in its extreme form it becomes masochistic love when a person feels they have to put the needs of others before themselves. So it may seem they hate themselves.

Unfortunately many people learn to love themselves by hating others. But if some people love others must they neglect or even hate yourself? Is it possible to love ourselves and everyone else at the same time?

Patriarchal religions have encouraged women to be sacrificial and women have gone along with this because it is similar to maternal love. As the result many women have felt guilty about demanding anything for themselves.

Yet a mother that is too sacrificial cannot care for her children properly. This is because by becoming too sacrificial and putting the needs of others before herself a woman can become powerless. This then means a powerless woman cannot protect her children.

So the best way a mother can protect her children is to love herself and have a man she can control and dominate. More than that, women as a whole are better able to protect their children if the country they live in is ruled by women. As a matriarchal government will put the needs of children before anything else.

So it mean it is possible for us to live in a loving and caring world if we allow women to take control of our governments and religions.

Femdom Christianity: Summing up and References

Goddess Lilith 

 Summing Up
Jesus is seen as ‘meek and mild’ and taught to, “turn the other cheek”. For this reason, if every man followed the teachings of Jesus it would be a world without conflict, fear and hatred.
Patriarchy teaches men to, “stand up for themselves,” and be aggressive, competitive and even violent. This is why we live in a world of endless conflict, war and hatred.

Femdom men are stigmatized for being meek for allowing women to dominate them. Yet, if all men were like this, we would live in a far more caring and loving world.
Both Femdom men and women are scorned for being masochistic. Yet surely masochism is just another name for unconditional love?

Soldiers are considered to be extremely macho men. Yet soldiers are so obedient they will obey orders, that will result in their deaths. This suggests these macho soldiers are extremely passive and even masochistic, when obeying these orders.

The power of patriarchy comes from the fact that men will blindly obey anyone in authority over them. This is why it is possible for a small wealthy 1% to be extremely rich and powerful, while the vast majority of men are poor and powerless.

The feminine can unite through unconditional love. The masculine is not loving and can only unite under the rule of a forceful leader. So patriarchy happens when men rule other men, while matriarchy happens when women rule men.

Patriarchy rule through force, control, intimidation, violence, deception and indoctrination. Matriarchy will rule through love, compassion and nurturing.

The sacrifice of, Jesus on the cross, is a popular drama because men see themselves in his very passive behaviour. While women see a man whom they would love to live with.

Femininity is all about maternal and nurturing love, so a world rule by women will be a loving and caring world.
Masculinity is all about aggression, competition, conflict, violence and war. This is why a world ruled by men is in constant discord and chaos.

Mystics tell us that God is One mind, One spirit. Oneness comes from unconditional love which is what mothers give to their children. For this reason, God is Female.

God is One mind, One spirit and so can never be male because masculinity is all about competition, aggression, conflict, violence and chaos. So Oneness can never be achieved by a male god.

Patriarchy tells us that loving people like women are weak. Yet love is the strongest power in the universe because unconditioned love creates Oneness and the One is all powerful, omnipresent and omnipotent.

The Sisterhood is powerful, but the Sisterhood can only be powerful when women love each other in the same way they love children, animals and men.

The feminine takes us towards love, harmony and Oneness. The masculine takes us towards, individuality, separation, loneliness, fear, conflict, hatred, violence, suffering, chaos and destruction.

The human race lost its contact with the Infinite One, when it worshipped male gods because the masculine can never be One mind, One spirit. So we can regain our contact with the Infinite One when we once again worship loving female gods who are the embodiment of Oneness.

When a man worships a loving woman, he is worshipping the Infinite One as loving women are the embodiment of One in this world.

When a woman allows herself to communicate with the Feminine One through prayer or meditation. She becomes in-tune with the most powerful force in the Universe.

The Feminine One loves us all unconditionally, without exception. As Jesus said, “for (S)he maketh the sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth the rain on the just and on the unjust.” Matthew 5:45.

The masculine is not completely useless, because it brings about change, contrast, evolution and drama to our world. But a world ruled by masculine men will eventually destroy itself. This is why the masculine has to be controlled and ruled by the feminine, to prevent this happening.

The feminine likes loving sex because it takes the couple back into Oneness. The masculine likes mechanical sex based of force, intimation, bribery, humiliation, dominance and submission to try and prevent the feelings of Oneness.

The masculine wants and needs love, but only love it can control. But love is uncontrollable and takes us back to the Feminine One. 


Hindu Goddess Kali

 ReferencesBachofen, J.J. – Myth: Religion And Mother Right
Gabon, W. Elinor – The Once And Future Goddess
Briffault, Robert – The Mothers
Harrison, Jane – Prolegomena To The Study Of Greek Religion
Murray, Dr Margaret – The Witch-Cult In Western Europe
Stone, Merlin – When God Was A Woman
Walker, Barbara G. – The Women’s Encyclopedia Of Myths And Secrets
Davis, Elizabeth Gould – The First Sex
Eisler, Riane – The Chalice And The Blade
Bulfinch, Thomas – Myths Of Greece And Rome
Lao Tzu – Tao-Te-Ching
Rudgeley, Richard – Lost Civilisations Of The Stone Age
Mellaart J. – Catal Huyuk: A Neolithic Town In Anatolia
Gimbutas, Marija – The Civilisation Of The Goddess – The Language of the Goddess – The Living Goddesses
Great Civilisations, The Indus (TV program)
Horizon, The Lost Pyramids Of Caral (TV progam)
Sanday, Peggy Reeves – Women At The Center: Life In A Modern Matriarchy
Abendroth, Heide Göttner – The Mosuo as a Living Matriarchal Society
Meyerowitz, Eve – The Akan Of Ghana – The Sacred State Of The Akan
Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy – The Jesus Mysteries -Jesus and The Goddess
Acharya S. – The Christ Conspiracy
Hancock, Graham -Underworld: Flooded Kingdoms Of The Ice Age
Neumann, Erich – The Great Mother
Matthews, Caitlin – Sophia
The Gnostic Gospels
New Testament

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