Female Body Building Truth

By Rasa Von Werder, July 8th, 2022

Chapter 3   written 7-7-22


Hi Randy Roach,


I’m assuming your system reads the printed word to you? {Friends, Randy is blind, sometimes partially so, his sight returns once in a while}


OK then I feel more free to write.


You mentioned re female body building how popular Cory Everson was, Rachel McLish, then you mentioned Lenda Murray.


There is a HUGE DIFFERENCE between what I did, what my claim to fame was, what my mission or intent was, & the motivations & desires of myself & the women that followed.

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When I entered female body building & promoted it, there was no such thing as female bodybuilding.  Indeed there were the ‘freak shows’ or limited venues of strong men or women but in general, women did not aspire to lift weights, it was still a forbidden art, something frowned upon, chuckled at & taught that it was against the proper image of a female – we had to be feminine.  To sacrifice our femininity was a mark against us, it pushed us to the fringes, it marginalized us like this belonged in a circus.



I was sent by God to help humanity – especially women, {I am recognized as an Avatar or Incarnation of God, like Ramakrishna & others – this is documented by hundreds of people who prayed to me & got results.  It’s in the movie ‘Army of Mother God’, which was produced without my knowledge but used my pics & voice -  on my website ‘Woman Thou Art God’ & in the 300 page book of testimonies ‘Guru Rasa & her Devotees’} & part of that mission was to disable Patriarchy with its agenda, its norms, its brainwashing & disempowerment of women  – so that the Patriarchs could run amuck with their agenda.


Without disabling women the men who run the world could not do what they do – women would stop them, as women are the Mothers, the Care Givers of society.  The women’s social order is called, by Mary Daly, ‘Biophilia’ the Culture of Life, while the male system she calls ‘Necrophilia’, the Culture of death.


Now my part was this, & I might add I was not always fully conscious of my deeper mission – God works in mysterious ways & had me do Her bidding, sometimes unconsciously, but over the years, the mission I embodied became more apparent, so that today I know that what women have to do is reanimate the masculine part of themselves which they once gave up & handed over to men. How was this done? By choosing, over the millennia, men with more & more aggression so that a part of them morphed into those commanding armies who kill for profit – while women shrunk into the shadows & sidelines, mostly taking care of men & kids. And so women, by


choosing macho men for partners, disabled themselves, & once men took over they degraded women more & more until it looked like there was no way out for women.


I was sent to lift women out of their degradation with a battle cry that said ‘Woman Thou Art God’ – Woman Thou art the leader of the planet. Just one phase of that was leading women to be ‘macha’ or dominant. They had to learn to be leaders again, they could not do this while being feminine / passive. To be feminine in a man’s world is equivalent to being an animal in a factory farm. These animals are taken care of & fattened up for the kill – So with women. Men grabbed all the resources, women had to bow & scrape to get a piece of the action, when women’s breeding / care giving days were over they were sent out to pasture or allowed to wither on the vine – good bye Grandma, we have no use for you, you are unattractive, weak, & you have no place in our society. Patriarchs make old women a moot point – by dint of their experience / knowledge they are a threat, so they must be silenced. I explained this thoroughly in two books, ‘Old Woman – Young Man – Why They Belong Together’ – Parts I & II.

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And so, my mission is disparate from the female body builders who followed. I was the Lighthouse, the Voice calling to action from a HighTower. I was not particularly doing something for myself but for others. I did not seek personal gain or money – Never got one red cent from the body building leaders, but I do admit I was recognized by Dan Lurie’s WBBG, Dave Robson, Esquire, Playboy, TV Shows & many great venues. But the Arnold / Weider clan, who ran many magazines & were a monopoly on body building, male & female, have tried to remove me from history. Look on Wikipedia at the write up on the subject. I am not there. {It has to be them who wrote it.} No mention of the Esquire 6 page article, ‘Viva Machisma!’ the first of its kind in history, depicting female body building, July 1975. No mention of Playboy, August 1977, “Humping Iron’ & Playboy says, ‘To the barbells, girls!’ No mention of the national & local TV shows in between – To Tell The Truth, Mike Douglas, AM New York, AM Washington, Stanley Siegel – all before the first Miss Fitness Contest of 1979 – prior to Lisa Lyon, no mention of the contests I won for WBBG or IFBB – I won first place, second place, & BEST BODY in two WBBG shows & two IFBB shows.


I compare the late Joe Weider to Stalin. Stalin was not even at the major conflict of World War II – He sat comfortably & safely in his offices at home. But he hired an actor who looked like him to depict his being present at the greatest battle, a hero. The general public had no idea this was an actor. And so Stalin, having power, a media monopoly, rewrote history for his own glory & benefit. And Joe Weider, in agreement with Arnold, removed me from the history. And laughingly, puny & paunchy Joe Weider used Robby Robinson’s bust attached to his head & made a statue like so – which was used as an award for big contests – & put these pictures in his magazines– No one knew this was totally fake & phony. And so they did with my history – removing it & making a totally fake & phony account of how female body building got started. The truth is that in 1972 I called Joe Weider & tried to get him to put female body building in his magazines but he wasn’t interested. What would be the purpose, I suppose he thought. He jumped onto it only when my seminal work got it going – then it had a purpose – make money.


But I made no money on it. It was not about money for me, it was the exoneration of women & equal rights to be recognized as being fit, lifting weights, just like the men. I explained clearly in my book ‘The Origin & Decline of Female Body Building’ how women were treated like a side show, a bunch of bimbos or glamour dolls, rather than something serious, while the men were looked up to {in their own field – the rest of the world mostly laughed at them} & were given huge space in magazines & money – women got none of this.


I admit I received 10k for the first female body building book by a woman from Mr Stan & Mrs Jan Leitner, for the book ‘The Ultimate Woman’ – but this had nothing to do with body building organizations. They even advertised this book on the Phil Donohue Show for a week at great expense.


Now of course Joe Weider, once he got onto female body building, did it great good. He promoted women & their muscularity.  Through my work getting it started, & his work promoting it, female body building affected the entire world – every facet of everything was touched. Olympic sports for women, wrestling & martial arts for women, women in show business, singers & actors, were getting fit – everything was touched. Gyms filled up with women lifting weights, girls & housewives started training.


And so what I did – & the body building magazines helped– did change the world for women, empowered women, brought a new fit style for women. My mission was accomplished.


But now to the subject of how the women that followed me were different.

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When the women you mentioned entered the field – Rachel, Cory & the rest – it was for personal aggrandizement, not women’s rights. They were out for money, mostly. I remember wanting to vomit when the women started talking about what their demands were in conjunction to body building – It read like so,


“If these guys had any smarts, they would line up the offers for us to make money, endorsing supplements & equipment. They should be right there at the shows, see who wins, & make those offers.”


Please take note that Rachel McLish & Cory Everson were employees of Joe Weider. They were not struggling to start something new, they were paid. They were not idealists fighting for women’s rights. Cory Everson won the Miss Olympia again & again until she broke up with her husband, a Weider employee. When they divorced her career ended.


You say they were popular – of course they were. It’s promotion. This was show business.

These women cooperated with power for their own enrichment. I fought with power to land women a spot in their world, without pay – & later, no recognition. Somehow instead of accolades or a place of honor I got derision from women who followed. I opened the iron door for them & they kicked me in the ass – because they were told that was appropriate, I was not the foundress of female body building, I discredited it! Twist of facts that only a demon could create!


Now on another subject, I am wondering if women will ever follow me into ‘Stripping for God”. Over a period of 14 years I preached either before or after my dancing shows. No woman has ever done it, & will there ever be another one that does? – So far, no takers. It was the hardest thing I ever did, & without the Anointing of God, I could not have done it. This was another phase of my mission for female empowerment, you see the pattern. Women were looked upon as Madonna’s or whores – those in my business were the whores. Here I took the title whore off stripper, & replaced it by the name of God. We are honorable, we are not automatically sinners because of the trade. We can do what we do inside the Grace of God, we can minister & save souls. No woman has filled my shoes after that & I’m waiting.

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            Who is Randy Roach & What has He Done?




He’s the author of “Muscle, Smoke & Mirrors,” in 3 volumes, the definitive, accurate, detailed encyclopedia on male body building.

His work is a miracle accomplishment, never before done or will be surpassed – because the account is perfect & cannot be improved. In reading it, I was absolutely amazed & blown away by what he did, & on top of that, Randy Roach is blind!

He interviewed hundreds of people from all angles of the Game & found out secrets that most of us, even those in the field, had no inkling of.

All I can say is bravo, congratulations, God speed; you have done a monument of truth in a genre that lived on lies. You took off the masks, the facades, the pretensions of some of the members of the Sport, especially its leaders. You told it like it is – a big change from the stories others perpetrated – It’s the truth, the truth, & nothing but the truth, Amen.

to Randy from Rasa,

        The whole body building world has turned into a travesty of health, beauty.  It’s a freak show.  Take drugs until you are so freaky people’s jaws will drop.  Then you win contests & endorse products for health, haha, what a joke.


They completely forfeited their right to represent health.  They are drug addicted, drug produced.  


On the good side, women have proven that the male advantage, to some degree, is all in CHEMISTRY.  Chemistry makes women like men- not in all aspects but in the aggression & muscles & partially in strength.  Women still have the brain of a woman with the corpus collasum connections being numerous while men don’t – with the entire brain being awake while with men only half of it is – the back primitive part.  But women on these drugs rage just like men, react like men to stress, go off on people when stressed, become violent when upset.  And many physical characteristics.  So through this experiment, this has been proven, so it is interesting.

        Randy, I need to be exonerated.  Who will write my story – the truth of the Origin of female body building? 

Below, me age 67



    How is the truth of history discovered?  You might interview all the well knowns like Lisa Lyon, Rachel McLish, Cory Everson, Carla Dunlap, & Iris Kyle.  Each one will tell you her story, why she is important, how great she is, all the contests she won.


    What will be the truth?  The dates.  The work, the appearances.  Every one of these ladies begins from 1979 onward.  My work to establish this activity ended in August, 1977.  After that, in 1979 I appeared on Real People before Laura Combes, & I appeared in Playboy ‘Humping Iron’ three years before Lisa Lyon.  The dates WILL NOT LIE.


    Neither Arnold nor Joe Weider were in favor of female body building until 1979 – by then I had gotten it into Playboy & Playboy, the bible of female beauty, said, ‘To the Barbells, girls!’  Arnold’s statements on the subject were in a magazine – I do not have a copy but I remember.  Weider I told you I contacted in the early 70′s – it was 1972 – Eventually I got major trophies in 3 of his contests, one in Ca & two in NY.


    If you are going to finish your book about the females, then you have to tell it like it is – not repeat the narrative of Joe Weider & his employees.  His stars & winners were his employees, it was a monopoly.  He’s dead but some of his spirit lives on with Arnold & what is left of his Empire.  They still purport the narrative that is fake, leaving me out.  I need an authentic journalist to speak the truth, not taking my word for it, simply checking the work & dates.


    It goes like this:  Esquire, 1975.  Mike Douglas 1975.  To Tell the Truth “75 or “76.   AM New York, 1974, AM Washington, 1975.  Stanley Siegel, 1975, ’76 {on 3 times, not sure of the exact dates}, Bill Boggs Show, 1976 {?} Some of the local shows I can’t recall exact dates.  But these local shows were prestigious & had a wide audience. Playboy, August 1977.  Real People, first female body builder, 1979. Between this there were many articles in magazines & radio.


    Are you that authentic journalist or do I have to keep searching for him or her?  Your work is perfect, you would write a perfect book, if you’re so willing.


    Before Dan Lurie died he called me &  told me some facts about Joe Weider & his world, which I will explain by phone.


    If you’re willing to write the truth about me I think that writer’s block you developed re female body building will be removed.  If you leave me out of the book or trivialize my importance such a book would be a travesty – a  fake.  It would tell the ‘Joe Weider’ story.  It would  not be accurate reporting & unworthy of you.



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