Female Body Building

By Rasa Von Werder, July 11th, 2022

Discussion on Female Body Building

From Randy Roach


July 8 2022


We had discussed this years back Rasa.  A collaboration between you and I would be the worse case for both of us.  Look what they have done to you already.  They would just pull me down with you.  Your best bet is for me to remain as I have, that is totally independent.  Having an independent source giving you a place in History is the best thing you can have.  Remember, we did not agree on all things.  I place you where I truly believe you fit into the full context of women and weights and competition through the 20th century.  I stay to that theme of women and weights and avoid much of anyone’s personal beliefs.

I have been listening through my chapters to see if or what I want to do with this material.  Regardless, it will take some time as I have other drafted material regarding the battle between DeMilia and Weider that may or may not need to come first.  I have to look to see which best follows on the heels of Volume III, Book1.

Regardless,   It was Charles Gaines who saw you have to leap from the stage.


I did not see your letter until just now – how did I miss it?  Have no idea.

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    The letter does not quite make sense to me, not sure how to answer.  


    How can ‘they’ pull you down?  What can ‘they’ mess with?  You are not included in anything the Weider people create or write, if that is ‘them.’  You are not acknowledged in any way by them now.  So HOW can they destroy your work, hurt you, remove credit from your work?  It baffles me so enlighten me.  


    The Weider organization is small potatoes now.  They seem to have headquarters in Spain.  Few people are interested or fascinated by them or their activities, male or female contests, because they & their doings are not promoted in any major magazines, TV that I know of – anywhere.  Their movie, ‘Bigger’ was a flop.  How do I know?  because it’s being shown for free on You tube, I saw it.  It is kind of HILARIOUS.  Unless people are in love with the late Weiders or afraid of the shell that is left of their organization, they will either yawn or laugh.  I laughed.  It was hilarious & I was going to write my review or parody but something said it was NOT worth the trouble.  I have bigger fish to fry – writing my entire life story, am into Part 8 now, which will be done within 2 months, then after that Part 9.  There will be a movie or a series of movies like ‘Rocky.’


      I need a collaboration of the FACTS – nothing else.  There are some facts I’ve not been able to verify by witnesses.  These are the facts I need underscored.  

    I need someone to say  ‘Yes, I saw Arnold maneuver Kellie off the stage in 1974″ & I need someone to collaborate, “Yes, Weider {or Arnold} told us to put Kellie last place in Miss Olympia” & I need a witness to the fact that they were aware Weider or Arnold told them to photo shop me out of every picture of the Miss Olympia.


    Your point of us remaining independent of one another is well taken – I do get it.  But then again there’s free speech.  People can draw their own opinions whether or not we are independent of each other.  If we collaborated, how does that invalidate our work?  We can work together without being unduly influenced by each other, can we not?  You can still state your opinion & I mine. We can disagree, can we not?  You can say in a collaboration, ‘Kellie & I disagree on this – I see it this way.’ But if you aren’t keen on doing this, I take it as it’s not meant to be.


    One witness to the shenanigans of Arnold is Tom Minichiello of the Mid City gym.  I don’t know if he’s still alive, but he wrote a book about Arnold disguised as a fictitious character, & it’s not flattering.  He was an employee of Weider for a while, he got me into the first Weider contest in 1972, I applied through him & his gym.  It was downstairs from the Roxy Theater where I worked, I saw a sign for the contest in the window & walked in.

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    Later when the premier of ‘Pumping Iron’ came out in NYC – they had Carol Baker walk up on the stage – not me, lol.  I called Tom & asked why wasn’t I invited & he said, “Arnold didn’t want you there.”


    He also told me Arnold didn’t want any pictures of him & me together, so there was one group shot from 1972 with all of us winners, Arnold there, me by the side – & Arnold stands the tallest on top & Tom cut his head off for the image, lol.  But there were images in magazines where his head is NOT cut off, so I have both.


    Aren’t you taking them too seriously?  My place in body building has been acknowledged & accepted by the general public & media in spite of Arnold & the Weider org.  Yesterday I looked on the internet & there are many places that pair me with Arnold – although I never lied about him, told only the truth, we had one incident back stage, sex wise. {But that moment in time brought me years of resentment from Arnold.}  People are hungry for gossip & many sites pair me with him, as one of his flames.  This does me a great deal of good because of his fame.  So he has helped me in spite of himself.


    Then you also say we discussed this years ago.  I don’t remember what you said.  Quoting you:    

    You said:  Remember, we did not agree on all things.  I place you where I truly believe you fit into the full context of women and weights and competition through the 20th century.  I stay to that theme of women and weights and avoid much of anyone’s personal beliefs.


   I answer:  What did we not agree on?  Where do you place me in the full context of women & weights & competition through the 20th century?


    OK so you don’t want any sort of collaboration.  That is fine.  But I would like you to answer these questions, or send me what you wrote about me, then I will understand.  Can you do that?


    Thanks for the info on the two guys.  We shall see what God wants in all this.

    Thanks for the discussions.


    Things will change when my life story is produced for the movies.  People will think twice about many things & these guys ‘pulling me down’ will no longer work against me, it will be fodder / drama for a movie, lol.  Just like my Mom abusing me & getting other members of the family to do so – it makes my early life more interesting.  I can laugh at it now.  “Mommy Fearest” is the title for Mom.

    Remember ‘Mommy Dearest’ & the star screaming at her daughter re wire hangers?  It’s a cliche.  Had it not been for this abuse the daughter would not have gotten the fame & fortune she made from the movie.


    Arnold & Weider will be placed also as characters, {already have been in my writing} who were revengeful toward me for cuckolding Arnold, & their revenge, when you get past the hurt, is comical.  Grown men pulling down a woman, denying her recognition because she preferred another guy to Arnold – damn immature.  The public will say “What assholes.”


    Although I must say, Rick Wayne wrote an article which he put in the Weider magazine, a whole page praising me being the originator for the concept of female body building – how that got past the censors I don’t know.  Dave Robson reminded me of it, I must get a copy, maybe he can sent it to me.


    Onward & upward.  We both have work to do.  You must train your clients & think about finishing your book.  I must do what I do.


       Oh yes, Bigger opens with this joke:


    Ben Weider is sitting alone in a synagogue in front of his brother’s coffin with a runty reporter behind him & one of the things he says in honor of his brother is,


    “He was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.”


    I laughed out loud because I know a lady who produces art that looks like grafitti, who became rich by marrying a rich man – & her art is shyt & so is she {I have reasons} & she was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.


    It’s like this – I looked it up – who can nominate someone:


Can anyone be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize?

The list of those who can submit nominations is long, including members of national governments; officials with international peace organizations; university professors of history, social sciences, law, philosophy, theology and religion; and former recipients.


          So this lowlife lady has friends in high places, maybe a professor. I have friends also who are professors, maybe I should ask one of them to nominate me? Haha, it would be more logical than Ben Weider – after all, I preached in front of the White House which eventually ended the Cold War. I explained this on my Kellie Everts site. And I preach against war in many of my books. Here is the criteria:


          What are the qualifications to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize?

The prize should go to the person “who has done the most or best to advance fellowship among nations, the abolition or reduction of standing armies, and the establishment and promotion of peace congresses“, according to the will of Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, who founded the awards.


What in lisper’s paradise did Ben Weider do to eliminate war?


“Bigger” ends with the following: Zoom in slowly to a great mansion, we are told Joe Weider built a billion dollar Enterprize, & as we enter this palace, we see the Gods of bodybuilding on the walls – huge pictures of men like Mike Katz & Arnold, framed in gold, & I get the feeling with many of these men, these are the guys Joe Weider conned & exploited, made money off, & here they are enshrined, like ghosts in his house. It’s a Church of being in love with body builders & the male body, here we worship them.


And then you think of the truth. Joe Weider had thousands of people taking illegal drugs to get this way, they built themselves up by wrong doing with the law & with their health. Many fell by the wayside of ailments due to drugs, many died young, some are living with the ill effects of these drugs. All to snatch the prizes Joe Weider gave out, most got nothing but wasted their time, money, playing russian Roulette with their bodies to achieve results, but Joe Weider got richer all the while.


Weider made money through false advertising. The most sinister product of his organization was that he gave the impression that his supplements, products, produced these men. They did not, he knew it, but that’s how he made money. He stole the money. And all the while, to the very end, he hypocritically claimed he was AGAINST illegal drugs!


The women followed in the men’s footsteps & I heard one man say his girlfriend tried to compete – was told she better ‘take something’ or she wouldn’t have a chance. She made it elsewhere, on a TV show called ‘Gladiators’ if I recall rightly.


In other words, this body building empire of Joe Weider was built on false advertising & illegal drugs – case closed. And they want to pull me down? Not a chance. I have everything on

my side. God is Truth.


          Rasa {Kellie Everts}


Randy says they ‘wouldn’t take him seriously if we collaborated.

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Rasa says: OK they would not take you seriously.  Who is THEY?


Do you mean the world?  Or the tiny audience the shrunken Weider world still has?  Or those who imagine wrathful Arnold would get’m?


Personally, I disagree but OK, you do your thing, which is really perfect, I do mine.  We can remain friends, collaborate in the way of conversation, sharing knowledge & facts.  We can keep different opinions, that is OK by me.  I have learned so much from you it is amazing, the research you have done.


Because of your work I’m now investigating how does one get nominated for the Pulitzer Prize?  When I get done writing my life story, which should be the end of this year, will you consider doing what it takes to get nominated for this prize?  Because one must submit their work.  It can be PDF files, each story must be an individual file.  I have done a small bit of research & when the time comes, will do more.  You can look into it yourself see if its worth anything to you.  So thanks for everything. 


One more thing – Your encyclopedia should be on Wikipedia.  If a book is worthy, it can get put on there.  All one can do is try.  But yours truly deserves a spot.  All living people get someone to put their stories on Wikipedia – I don’t think any of the living person’s stories are random, it’s all you know someone who knows how to do it, they do it for you.  The historical figures, like say George Washington, are put on by history Professors.  But living people is totally different.  


Who is Randy Roach & What has He Done?




He’s the author of “Muscle, Smoke & Mirrors,” in 3 volumes, the definitive, accurate, detailed encyclopedia on male body building.

His work is a miracle accomplishment, never before done or will be surpassed – because the account is perfect & cannot be improved.  In reading it, I was absolutely amazed & blown away by what he did, & on top of that, Randy Roach is blind!

He interviewed hundreds of people from all angles of the Game & found out secrets that most of us, even those in the field, had no inkling of.

All I can say is bravo, congratulations, God speed; you have done a monument of truth in a genre that lived on lies.  You took off the masks, the facades, the pretensions of some of the members of the Sport, especially its leaders.  You told it like it is – a big change from the stories others perpetrated – It’s the truth, the truth, & nothing but the truth, Amen.


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