Evil Patriachs vs Good Matriarchs

By Rasa Von Werder, September 18th, 2022

Matriarchy vs Patriarchy Discussion 9-18-22

Evils of Patriarchy—Good of Matriarchy

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From Pete Jackson:


Indeed, Rasa, the way you say it is a much more accurate take on what is going on these days.  It is Satan’s system of patriarchy and necrotechnocracy that is the root cause of it all, and that evil system is now finally collapsing (first gradually, then suddenly, in Hemingway fashion as it were) to ultimately pave the way for Matriarchy and Mother God.  


Women have the power to create Paradise on Earth, but of course they can also create hell on Earth as well.  They can go either way depending on who is in charge, and more importantly how and which whom their own energy frequencies are aligned. 

Men, on the other hand, can ONLY seem to create hell despite numerous attempts over millennia to create Paradise or Utopia of some sort.  And it’s not for lack of trying.  Capitalism, communism, Marxism, socialism, fascism, feudalism, technocracy, all major political parties  history, and practically every religion that has a name, were all utterly failed attempts at such.  Immanentizing the eschaton is clearly NOT men’s forte at all, it seems, as they seem to have the reverse Midas touch (everything they touch turns to crap).  At best, they create an illusion of paradise which ultimately and inevitably devolves to hell.


What did Gandhi say about Western Civilization?  “I think it would be a great idea”.  LOL         Pete Jackson



On another thread – re the now hysteria re trans women, that men believe they should be treated the same as are women, like letting them share saunas with them, etc.


From Rasa: William is right, it’s all about attacking, discrediting & disempowering women.  They have gone nuts since it’s been proven that women are superior to men due to having two X chromosomes, & that men are going extinct.  This is their lame way of fighting back.  But lame is also evil & cruel.  The demons do nasty little things to gum up our lives & horrific big things.  Like attacking the pc’s & ability to make a purchase at Lulu for me, & giving deadly fake vaccine shots to others, the little & the big.  And many HUGE things to do with laws, military, culture policies, etc.  They are out to steal, kill, destroy & murder.  They are demonic.  Our weapons are our virtues.  Put on the whole armor of God.  There is no other way to fight Satan.  The physical like they kill us, we kill them, is not the way.  The way is IDEAS. On that we are well armored, us three. What you guys revealed here is a start on the issue.  What you are saying gives me a beginning to which I can respond.  Yes it infuriates me.  Yes I’m beginning to catch on due to you two, I knew nothing of it until now.  My greatest weapon is Obedience.  I hear Her Voice.  I do what She tells me to – that is all.  She knows what to do, I don’t – not as a human in my flesh, I am just clay in Her hands.  Of course I must study, then pray, then obey.  I will get to this later.   Rasa


From William Bond: Hi Everyone


My book, “Why Men Are The Submissive Sex” is now on Amazon. 


I am thinking about writing a new book. I think the reason why many women reject Matriarchy is because they think it is impossible for women to rule our world. So writing a book about how it could be possible might interest women. Although it will have to be a spiritual book as I think it will only be possible though women communicating once again with MotherGod.    William


WHY MEN ARE THE SUBMISSIVE SEX: A Study of Male Stereotypes and Female Authority Figures


Did try to look at the female wood cutter video but it said ‘video unavailable’. But some time ago I did see a similar film about female lumberjacks in Britain during WW2. Also, I can remember what my mother and some aunts said. My mother was a air-raid warden and did this throughout all the bombing of London. One of my aunts worked in a factory during the war and she surprised herself at being able to do skilled machine work while another became a bus driver during the war. 


I get the impression women are frightened of men and for good reason, man are bigger, stronger and more violent than women.  Also many men will undermine women’s confidence in themselves. I see this in my wife her first husband undermined her confidence in herself all the time. Her children tell me they can see a big difference in their mother since she got involved with me, as she is now more confident in herself. 

I think feminism has helped women a lot but patriarchy has taken control of it and has placed strict limit on it.      william


From Rasa: Yes William, our mission is not an easy one but we must push on & have faith & confidence in our work.


The thing is there was a war.  Women lost the war. And now they are POW’s.  They have been BRAINWASHED into believing that things should be the way they are.  And we must un-brainwash them.


We’re doing a good job.     Rasa



From Pete Jackson: Very well-said, both of you.

For the 7000 year long gender war (which they call “patriarchy” to make it sound nicer), men have indeed won just about every single battle thus far.  Kinda like how the Americans won almost every single battle in Vietnam.  But in both cases, it’s also irrelevant.  In the long run, Women will win the war, God willing.


But you are correct in that the classic POW mentality is all too real indeed, and we must un-brainwash them from it.


Best wishes and have a good night,    Pete


From William Bond: Hi Everyone

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I think we have to be careful in assuming that patriarchy v Matriarchy is just about men v women. Many women are defenders of patriarchy while men men promote Matriarchy. Also men suffer under patriarchy as well as women. 


All patriarchy gives us is “blood, sweat and tears”. Slavery and serfdom as well as a huge gap between rich and poor is normal for all patriarchal societies as well as senseless wars, genocide and torture. The majority of men do not benefit from patriarchy it is only the 1% of wealthy individuals that gain from it. 


The power of patriarchy comes from men’s submissive nature in obeying those in authority. The power of any despotic ruler comes from an army of young men who will obey his orders without question. Men obedience to orders is so extreme that soldiers will come out of trenches to die in machine gun fire because they have been ordered to do so. I believe that men were once totally obedient to women but somehow a group of devious alpha men wrestles this power away from women and got men to obey them instead of women. 


For this reason we need to sell Matriarchy to both women and men and explain how both sexes will benefit from it and question patriarchal brainwashing.    William


to William, 

            You are totally right.  It isn’t just men vs women, it’s the SPIRIT OF LOVE that a minority of men DEFEATED by the SPIRIT OF HATE.  They hate other men as well as women, it is Satan against God.  It is Lucifer, in Heaven, a man still in the state of Grace, turning against Mother God & saying

    “I will not serve!”

    And then St. Michael the Archangel, who could be a female as easily as a male, smited him, sent him down into Hell or OUTSIDE the STATE OF GRACE. And the myth says that ONE THIRD of the angels followed him – which to me means ONE THIRD OF MEN followed the demonic Patriarchal leader/s.  That leaves two thirds of men outside the demonic, still in the Grace of God, the unfortunate ones that are manipulated by the tyrants. 

    When you & I were posting a lot of public media, William, occasionally a female would attack you just because you’re a man, thinking they were above you because they were female.  And here you are the Prophet of Matriarchy who heralded its beginning on the internet.  They should have shown you deference & respect instead of criticism.  Of course I blasted them & then they turned against me – these women were of the demonic spirit.  “It is the spirit that quickens, not the flesh.”

    And once again, when the shallow ‘friendships” of Face book & such have faded away, who remains to serve Matriarchy with us?  Not a woman, although I reached out to them & some were on the list – it was Pete!  And he’s been loyal for years, he has the Spirit of Mother God.

    So yes, thank you for bringing out that important distinction, William, because if we condemn all men we go against Buddha, Jesus & all the great male saints & victims of Patriarchy, the True Friends of Mother God & the world of love these men portrayed.  It is dangerous to just say ‘men & women’ & what you said needs to be recalled often in our work.         Rasa


From William: I agree Rasa, we also need to think about Matriarchy as the spirit of love.  If we look at patriarchal history we find rulers who care little for the people they rule and at times they seem to hate them. The world would be a far better place if we had rulers who cared and loved the people they rule.

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The only way we can have loving rulers is to be ruled by loving, maternal and nurturing women. So we can vote into power women like this and not vote for selfish people who only want power for themselves.  William


Rasa: Yes if people like Buddha or Jesus ruled the world we’d be Golden. But such people can’t rise to the top when Patriarchs rule, as Patriarchs are CRIMINALS who will do anything to injure & kill those of God. Look at the Pharisees in Jesus’ time – they gave him the biggest heartaches, they were truly evil. These are Patriarchs & their way of ‘killing’ by the letter of the law.


And so, we are left with the idea that women must, somehow, some way, some day, take over the family & the world. My solution is the long term one which I think God is implementing anyway, as I speak. Women have to regain, reanimate the ‘masculine’ within themselves, which they sacrificed long ago when they created offspring called ‘men’ – which became more & more masculine over the millennia & turned into the ‘Gorillas’ we know today. They have overstepped & gone over the top as far as aggression & lack of compassion. And as males are bit by bit phased out now over millennia, women must also regain what they sacrificed at one time. They thought by creating macho men their lives would be easier. This offspring could do the hard work, the dirty work, the killing & protecting. That worked for a while, maybe 100k years or so. But then they came to a point when some men became ‘Lucifer’ & said ‘I will not serve’ & in the myth, wanted to be worshipped as was Mother God. Isn’t that what we have now?


This is not a quick political solution, this will take thousands of years. However, if we abide by these IDEAS now we can see the writing on the wall. Indeed, partially through God getting me to instigate female body building as well as results of the whole feminist movement, women are doing just what I said. But there’s still a long way to go & we must be informed, animated, inspired & strengthened by the IDEAS here presented.   Rasa


Re newsfeeds ‘The Daily Sceptic’, ‘Common Dreams’ & ‘AlterNet’


From Rasa: I checked all 3 of the news feeds you gave me Pete.  I subscribed to Common Dreams only. {I think I did, gave them my e mail} I liked one article they did on the conspiracy against women, where centers are seducing women into thinking they will get them an abortion when first they are lying to them & are against abortion, & now, even looking to get women arrested seeking abortions.  It seems there’s now a 10k bounty on this & might rise to 100k!  Unbelievable!


I checked the material on the others & there’s too much MAINSTREAM CONTENT like Tweedle de dee & Tweedle de dum……….I don’t want my mind focused on the ‘this is what he said today, then he answered this, then she said, then he said.”……this is a WASTE OF TIME for me just as the mainstream media is a waste of time.  One can get centered on the minutiae, looking at the trees, & lose sight of the forest, which would then put me in the same place as the average Jane Doe.


Although Brighteon is EXTREME & most of the things they explain might not come true or won’t affect me, they suit me well.  I will also re-subscribe to Sons of Liberty, although they are fanatics on uncovering every police crime there is as well as they are an extreme ‘Christian’ {Christian as understood by men} & therefore partially anti-woman place, but yet, they suit me better than mainstream.


Although the extremes might be too extreme, they do not rivet me onto the tiny little minutiae arguments going on here in our society.  I need the big picture or where the big applies to the little going on.  Like the transgender thingy is one small thing, but it portrays the BIG hysteria men have against women, they want to be EQUAL to women – the gender that can REPRODUCE – the gender that is NOT going extinct – & so this focuses in with the big picture.     Rasa

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