Enlightenment vs Holiness

By Rasa Von Werder, September 3rd, 2022
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9-3-22              Enlightenment vs Holiness


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These thoughts are inspired by the video of Ozay Tulku Rinpoche & his wife Sadguru Ahiranta—If the link doesn’t work check out Ozay & Ahiranta’s You Tube Channel “The Happy Life Show”



          Ozay speaks a great teaching on Enlightenment, & how one LEAVES Enlightenment in order to help one’s fellow man.

          He left his Enlightenment, {which was attained in prison}, to be a husband to his wife Kay & a father to her & his children. One cannot be UNATTACHED {a part of Enlightenment} while fulfilling the duties of day to day life. He goes into the fact of loving a partner, having a roof over the head, the responsibility of paying rent & bills, etc, all the workings of normal life. One has to SACRIFICE their Enlightenment to fulfill the earthly role.


          That begs the question what IS Enlightenment? Good question. My answer is that what we call ‘Enlightenment’ is a type of CONSCIOUSNESS, or in other words, a mental, emotional spiritual place where one thinks certain thoughts & feels a certain way. In this state one is not attached to any one person, or to things, or to ambition, or to any desires of the world, while one is focused only on the concept of God & her Infinity.

{This is also an absolute prerequisite to seeing God face to face – which is a part of Enlightenment, not necessarily the same thing, as not all people I have seen who profess Enlightenment <& rightly so> – claim to have seen God Face to Face. The Beatific Vision means actually leaving this dimension & going to another one. Enlightenment does not require that.}

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          Now Ozay speak of sacrificing or leaving Enlightenment to take part in human relationships & achieving responsibility for others in this life. He explains that Buddha did so when he saw a vision of the water lilies. Wondering what to do with his life next, the Almighty showed him that all humans are in various stages of evolution, & to help them achieve their spiritual destiny was a path worthy of Buddha, & so, he undertook to help humanity & of course, to some degree, gave up THAT CONSCIOUSNESS.


          However, Buddha did not give up his HOLINESS & neither has Ozay given up his holiness when he works out his plans to help others.


          And let me add here, the term ‘Nonduality’ is Enlightenment, the Hindu word for it is Advaita, pronounced correctly, in Sanskrit A-DOIT-TA.


          To compare my intense experience of ‘leaving’ the state of Enlightenment but not giving up my HOLINESS was that remarkable word from God, when after 30 years of celibacy, God told me to pack it in, quit the abstinence, go out & HAVE FUN. I resisted but God insisted, saying,

“If you do not do this you will be OUTSIDE THE WILL OF GOD.”


          I THEN DID WHAT Buddha & Ozay did – left the peace & serenity of my lifestyle & re-entered the TUMOLT & sometimes CHAOS of earthly life. Back to LUST, drinking, carousing, having fun, being an idiot & a fool, all part & parcel of my obedience to God.

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          And why did I do it? To REMAIN INSIDE THE WILL OF GOD. When I asked my most informed friends, why did God force me to do this, William Bond had the best answer,

“Perhaps it wasn’t for you, it was for others.”


          That goes perfectly with the reasoning Ozay suggests here, I went out & made a damned fool of myself for humanity. Others got the benefit of my holiness, even when I fell into lust & had sex with numerous guys, my grace rubbed off on them. I must have SAVED SOULS when they had contact with me. As many females benefited by my presence, – I met hundreds of females as well as males in our college town bars, we talked, hob knobbed – some of them told me THEY WORSHIPED ME!


          In the end, it took eleven long years to wear myself out. From 2008 to 2017 I danced my ass off but that stopped with severe anxiety attacks over one male, while heart attacks followed. No more dancing, didn’t have the strength.

          I continued seeing my one Beloved until the Corona fiasco shut down the bars. He was a drug addict & had moved in with his female drug partner– after a while he came out to the bars that reopened, but I went downtown no more. During this time I cured myself of the attachment to him – it was rough, it took a couple years to get over the addiction & regain my Enlightenment. Prior to that, he had total control over me & it was torture. Now I regained control & told him,


          “No more sex unless you leave your phony wife & go into rehab.”


          Two months later, he died of an overdose. Was it a suicide from a broken heart?

          My time with lust & ‘having fun’ had reached its conclusion. Was my mission finished? Have I succeeded? Do I get my diploma, Lord?


          This video speaks of the miraculous way God worked to bring Ahiranta & Ozay together, all the obstacles & experiences they faced,– in fact, Ahiranta says she got a serious illness in order to meet Ozay – God works in mysterious ways – Ahiranta saw a vision of Ozay from years before, when he was 11 or 12. In this sighting she saw a man who took her into his arms & told her everything would be alright. A marriage made in heaven. Their relationship is fascinating & the way they tell their stories also is.

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          Ozay makes a great point about understanding your own feelings, verbalizing them, putting them into words. Because if you don’t figure out why you feel as you feel, confusion reigns. You must meditate & search deep inside yourself to know why you feel what you feel to find peace.


          These are great people, this video is top notch, I recommend seeing it.


PSS  Ahiranta Explains Her Own Malady


          Something I did not discern right away, took me a day, & then I realized Ahiranta explained her own malady.

          It happened when she spoke of the RUNNER who when he hit the finish line, had spent so much of himself, he collapses & even loses control over his own BOWELS & LIMBS.

          When I get insights or revelations it’s usually because I have seen PIECES OF A PUZZLE & all of a sudden, all the pieces are together & I see the picture.

          I’ve know Ahiranta for many years, & she has a trait I was always aware of but I did not connect it to any malady.  I knew about her sickness as it’s been a thing she’s spoken of from eons ago, & is part of the way she met Ozay – she needed help.

          The pieces have now fallen together & I know why Ahiranta has symptoms that are mysterious & crippling so to speak, but which have no physical origin.  And it is so simple that it’s as plain as the nose on your face, but no one ever sees it.

I didn’t see it as I thought that illness was cured many years ago & I’ve not spoken to Ahiranta & Ozay now for a few years – except to say hello.

So let me spill it in a nutshell, & that is all there is to it, Ahiranta, you give too much, you love too much, your heart is too open, you exhaust yourself, you spend your love & affection in an abnormal or extreme way.

When a person does as you do, they get hurt more than they should & they become ‘the sacrificial lamb.’

One must love themselves as well as their neighbor, you sometimes love the neighbor MORE than yourself, & as we listen to Ozay in the video, he speaks of CAUSE & EFFECT, & the cause of your malady is GIVING TOO MUCH, the effect of this is the exhaustion, the body collapsing, losing control over the body & all else that follows {long ago I recall your series on your paralysis} & whatever else is happening, though it seems remote, like BURNING, is all caused by this mental, physical, spiritual & emotional exhaustion – there is nothing else.  You are doing this to yourself, & when you stop, the symptoms will stop.

I prayed on it, asking God why you do this & God said it doesn’t matter – just stop.

Just for example, for years now you have been writing me letters, sometimes I cringe when I read them, because they are so mushy, so affectionate, I fear answering them as if I don’t respond in kind, or with as much affection, it might hurt your feelings.  I just don’t know what to say – you GIVE TOO MUCH LOVE SO STOP!

I remember when you kept speaking of the heart being open, again & again – your heart is TOO OPEN – STOP!

And you answered every one of my comments on your video -STOP!  One comprehensive comment for all my comments is enough.  It took me no effort to write my comments, it was just off the top of my head, but it takes you effort to answer them all – STOP!

Stop hurting yourself!

I have said it all, if you want to discuss it further then OK, but I have said all that needs to be said & you can believe me or not believe me but I have said what I understand.


 When you stop 50% of this 50% of your symptoms will be gone.  If you stop 80% of it ALL your symptoms will disappear.  You need give only 20% of what you do to be a kind, loving, decent person.  Giving too much, on ounce here, an ounce there, here, there, everywhere, soon you have given pounds away from your own body & there’s nothing left to balance you & keep you healthy…….

Guru Rasa Von Werder  

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