Lady I pray for dies, goes to Purgatory for one day & Ascends into Heaven
6-26-22 Brenda’s Ascension
It’s something about clothing. I’m given a blue linen dress which is a super short mini dress, plain as can be. It’s got a scooped neck, short sleeves, form fitting. I am thin & I guess look decent in this dress but I get uncomfortable as I have no underwear on – the wrong position, people can see under my dress. That’s a concern.
*** {DRESS: The dress sounds like the illness given to Brenda, it’s sad or BLUE. Linen is not a SOFT material, this is a HARD condition. Form fitting feels like a restraint. She is RESTRAINED or imprisoned in her condition – can’t get out of it.
The SHORTNESS of the dress & distressed for having no UNDERWEAR sounds like the being troubled for being so VULNERABLE in the lower part of her body – which had developed CANCER starting with the bladder, then went to the liver. Being NAKED or WITHOUT CLOTHES is a condition of being VULNERABLE & UNPROTECTED.
Being THIN here means good spiritual condition – spiritual POVERTY. Sometimes {not always} fatness means greed & gluttony or being bloated with the things of the world & the flesh.}
And then as I’m walking on the street a man who likes me grabs me, puts me into a horizontal position & sort of tickles my legs yikes, I feel embarrassed he’ll see my nudity.
*** {EMBARRASSED with the man who likes me who will see my nudity: This is the uncomfortable feeling that the man who loves me SEES ME IN THIS CONDITION. {We want to be well & healthy with those who love us! We don’t want them to suffer with us.} ***
Then something CHANGES. I have a different DRESS, its chartreuse in color, a kind of party dress, has a soft chiffon neckline scooped low & also short sleeves but also a mini skirt. I go to a store where it’s given me. Not sure if I buy it or the saleslady just gives it to me for some reason.
*** {The CHANGE is now the TRANSITION from earthly life with the suffering into a PARTY DRESS. The ASCENSION INTO HEAVEN of Brenda is now UNFOLDING – this PARTY is the REJOICING.
Rasa is saying the HOLY MASS for Brenda. CHARTREUSE is the GREEN OF LIFE.
The SALESLADY is the ATTENDENT or person who says the HOLY MASS – the Holy Mass is putting the ‘bridal dress’ or ‘party dress’ on Brenda. This CLOTHING is actually THE GRACE OF GOD.D} ***
I’m sitting at a table by myself just thinking. Not sure if there are people to my right.
*** {This TABLE is the ALTAR where I said the Holy Mass…She is ALL ALONE as she’s the only one I dedicated the Mass to. I see it later, that she’s holding the TALL GLASS with the REFRESHING WATER – This is the BLOOD OF JESUS & MARY. I use PLAIN WATER as the medium, not wine, because I know Jesus turns water into wine when he wants to.} ***
To my left is a line of people all sitting on top of this counter against the wall, mostly men.
***{MEN ON COUNTER, AGAINST THE WALL: This sounds like RELATIVES who can’t help Brenda, so they are AGAINST THE WALL with concern – the main person would be her husband who has suffered equally with her. They weren’t able to get her well & they don’t know how to help her spiritually.} ***
I decide to just walk in front of them past them, & I do, not looking a them, & it’s here that I notice, like I’m looking at myself from about 10 feet away, that I’m thin & I’m holding a tall transparent glass with water in it, it’s something cool & refreshing, maybe has ice in it, maybe a straw {I had that water in front of me at the table, enjoying it.}
*** {GOING PAST THE MEN, HOLDING THE GLASS WITH THE REFRESHING WATER – Notice I am THIN etc.: This is the TRANSITION where Brenda is NOT LOOKING at people now, but she wants them to SEE HER – to understand she is partaking of the GRACE OF GOD, drinking in the refreshing WATER OF LIFE {Jesus & Mary’s Blood, to be specific}, she is thin/ready for God – her MIND is ON GOD which is IMPORTANT as when people CLING to the world – including loved ones – they must wait in Purgatory until they do let go. One of the saints – Anne Catherine Emmerich, said that the reason death is so hard to most people – what makes it hard – is that they are attached to the world & to people. It is imperative to LEG GO – Brenda is doing this successfully here!} ***
I go past these guys & am standing looking at myself still from some feet away, then I notice the dress has a veil attached to it, made of the same chartreuse color, & in front it just falls down to the floor – it’s a soft chiffon, & some of it is still rumpled under the regular part of the dress in back, I pull out the material & it goes flush to the floor. This new part starts past my knees & has a medallion close to the knees of rhinestone or diamond type – this now for sure is a party dress, at bottom it might have a scallop design, & it’s so long I’m hoping I don’t trip on it as I walk.
*** {the VEIL! This is one of the most telltale signs of ASCENSION as the veil is a symbol of what is between God & us – God is beyond the veil to us, when we ascend the veil is lifted, we see God face to face. In the human wedding ceremony the veil the wife wears means the same thing – if it is over her face the man moves it &to achieve their union, symbolically.
This appearance of the dress, then the veil attached, is as if Brenda’s ascension happens in increments, but these increments were probably moments in time.
The diamond or rhinestone broach at the knees, holding the veil or skirt, is an important symbol,– JEWELS represent AWARDS for extra things the person has done – extra work, extra charity, extra sacrifices. This veil seems to be a SPECIAL BONUS of Grace that goes with her ‘bridal’ ascension. It could also be the prayers of others for her, that helped her, including our most recent prayers.} ***
I think I got a real bargain, a good deal, because for sure I got this extra part for free – it was attached to the dress. The dress was reasonable; maybe the saleslady didn’t know it was attached, it would have made the dress more expensive – I got a bargain.
***{EXTRA ATTACHED, I GOT A BARGAIN: Brenda feels gratitude for the extra Grace she’s been given.} ***
Later: I awoke & wondered if this was the ascension of Brenda, & was amazed because it had been only one day since she died. I asked God for confirmation, & fell asleep again.
I then saw a loaf of bread made to resemble an envelope with the seal part facing up in triangle form, but this is bread dough & it’s puffed up, cooked, the size of it is squarish, about 8”x8”. I know what this means instantly – the body & blood of Christ or Jesus & Mary, the way I celebrate the Mass. It’s in envelope form to tell me this is our MESSAGE – the Bread of Life has delivered her from Purgatory.
I might add the TRIANGLE image on the envelope represents PERFECTION. God is perfect, we must be perfect to INTEGRATE with God.
I saw her husband, Scott, grieving, lying face down on this bed. There are two black cameras on the side of the bed – probably symbols of memories, the memories they shared & he is grieving they will be no more. I knew he had to get this message as soon as possible so he could rejoice.
Dreamed the Night She Died – She died 11:45PM6-24-22
My dreams:
The Hurt Kitties
I’m in my front yard & my porch & the entire small yard sees to be covered with the blankets of my bed plus the sheet on top. I am just sitting around or reclining, it’s so warm & pleasant here, & decide to go back inside. I’m in the doorway to my living room now & notice it’s just as warm in the house as outside, but just as I’m about to enter the house – maybe I did close the door as for a moment I seem to be looking through my glass door at this:
*** {OUTSIDE & INSIDE, BLANKET & SHEET ON YARD & PORCH, GOING INSIDE NOTICE IT’S WARM ON BOTH SIDES: This shows two sides, both warm, pleasant & comfortable. It might mean the prayerful conversations going on OUTSIDE or with Scott & his family, where there is a warm feeling or Love, & INSIDE my house – which is me & my feelings; it is equally warm or Loving. What I see THROUGH A GLASS DOOR is what I UNDERSTAND, it is CLEAR to me or SHOWN to me by the Holy Spirit.} ***
A Mother kitty runs onto my porch with several of her kittens. The Mom has some sort of wounds on both sides of her body, like part of the flesh was scooped out; skin & fur cover the wounds. And I notice one of her babies has the exact same wounds!
I look closely at the poor little kitten. There’s a label of sorts attached to her, like a half an inch of skin on a strip of about 4” & on it is written the name of a man, & after that something like ‘Deposit’, which is getting blurry. I sense that this man POISONED the little kitty somehow – & he did it DELIBERATELY, LIKE AN ACT OF MALICE. I vaguely see an EVIL MAN.
*** {WOUNDED MOM CAT & KITTEN: This is Scott & his wife. Scott is the maternal cat, the care giver, who is suffering equally with Brenda. Brenda is the kitten or victim. This sign perplexed me until Scott told me there is a chance their well water is poisoned from a Kodak plant about a mile away, which was dumping their chemical wastes into a lake. This was a while back. OK that gives me the clue. The MAN who poisoned her would be the man who RUNS THE PLANT who didn’t care who he poisoned. That shows MALICE, it is criminal. I saw a criminal look on this man’s face. Then the term ‘Deposit’ perplexed me because there is a town called Deposit not far from here. But it’s not about that – it’s about DEPOSITING CHEMICAL WASTES THAT POISONED THE WATER – even though it’s a mile away it is possible for poisons to leach into the ground water. And the fact that this writing is getting BLURRY shows it was a while back – which is the time the plant was there. I read that Kodak, the entire company, dissolved in 2012. I’ve not been able to discover when this particular plant was in that area dumping poisons into a lake.
These are the 3 main chemicals I discovered that the Kodak plant used which are toxic: methylene chloride, acetone & methanol.
What are the long term effects of methylene chloride?
Methylene chloride exposure poses chronic health risks, including cancer; liver, kidney, …..
What are the long-term health effects of exposure to acetone?
Studies on animals determined that long-term exposure to acetone damages the kidneys, liver …….
It is relevant that Brenda developed liver cancer, which they think started in her bladder.} ***
I then take the baby under my left hand, cup my hand completely over her body – she is so tiny, & at this moment she takes a great sigh of relief, like she is comforted.
*** {GREAT SIGH OF RELIEF – I CUPPED HER WHOLE BODY IN MY HAND: This says two things, one, that the prayers I was saying comforted Brenda greatly & second, this could be the ‘dying breath’ as she passed about a few short hours after we prayed.
CUPPED HER WHOLE BODY IN MY HAND: The hands represent LOVE. She was enveloped in love while we prayed.} ***
And the Mother is nestled on my right shoulder against my neck – she apparently receives comfort also.
*** (MOTHER NESTLED AGAINST MY NECK, I was aware still of her wounds: This is SCOTT, the husband, the caregiver, who was ALSO COMFORTED. Why on my shoulder & neck? We usually CRY ON SOMEONE’S SHOULDER for comfort. The neck being right by the shoulder is about the same thing.) ***
Next dream that night: Her Purgatory
Purgatory is always nightmarish or stressful to different degrees, but this is not as bad as most Purgatories.
As I dream, I am in the consciousness of the person I’m dreaming about, Brenda, like it’s happening to me. But it’s what she is experiencing. Interesting that I also dreamed her ascension symbolically as if it was happening to me – the change into the chartreuse party dress.
OK, I am on a journey, walking a long distance. At one point, though, I don’t see how to arrive at my destination, it’s tricky, something is blocking my way. I look back, thinking of going back, but to my shock the way back is barred –the doorway I came through is covered over with thick white plaster, as if I’d been in a hallway & gone through this door.
*** {JOURNEY I WALK, BUT BEFORE ME IT IS DIFFICULT, BLOCKED. I WAS GOING TO GO BACK, BUT THE WAY BACK IS BLOCKED! Brenda has passed & she cannot re enter the earthly life. It’s finished. And so she must tackle how to gain the Vision of God, which is not yet seen.} ***
So I go forward. I’m in a huge building & looking for a window to escape – I see no windows.
But then on one wall I see two spots that might be windows but are covered up. The walls here are made of huge blocks, colored green. So I go to the first place that I think is a window & begin to peel off the covers. There are curtains, then layers of cardboard, many layers, I pull them off one by one, but at the end there is only that wall made of green blocks.
I try again – there’s a place higher than this that I begin peeling things off, many layers, & I finally do get to a real window, not big & it has a milky glass over it that has been raised. I reach up & put my hand there & something bites my hand – it’s a small dog I see.
*** {PEEL OFF LAYERS, NO WINDOW. SECOND SPOT PEEL OFF LAYERS THERE IS A SMALL WINDOW, BUT SOMETHING BITES MY HAND – A SMALL DOG: Here Brenda is trying to leave Purgatory & it’s frustrating. She tries so hard to see God/Love, outside this place. She finally does get an opportunity but as she puts her right hand to hoist herself to this high window something bites her hand – a small dog.
Me to Mother God: Can you help me on what this means? Why would someone bite her hand as she’s trying to see God, & turn out to be a small dog?
Mother God: This could be one small fault or sin not accounted for. She feels it now, it’s a reminder, & this will explain one day in Purgatory – Something not paid for. The HAND is love. She did something small against Love.} ***
Now how do I climb up to this small window & hoist myself out? It’s tricky, but somehow I do manage – I have to do it backward, so that I’m sitting in the window, facing the inside. Then somehow I hoist myself out & I am outside but I can’t see clearly. It’s as if my eyes are blurry or else it’s a thick fog. I look so hard, try so hard to see the outside but can’t see it clearly.
*** {BLURRY VISION BUT I AM OUTSIDE ETC: This one day in Purgatory will soon be over. Brenda’s vision of God is still blurry, but she’s getting there. In a short time she will be One with God, assimilated into the Perfect Peace, Love & Joy that is our Reality at the Source.} ***
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