Another example of a sicker than sick PATRIARCHAL – MALE RUN – Society. It enrages me. Somehow the bulk of the work falls on the shoulders of the women. They work from sunup ’till they drop from exhaustion. The main female featured here looks 10-20 years older than she is – is 60 but could pass for 80 – for the serial pregnancies – 15 – & the non-stop drudgery work. He – the male leader – is a SHAMAN which is similar to a Priest-faith healer. But he has to MURDER an innocent little baby chick to produce a cure for a fever? They boy, it says, was cured, but he took an “anti-fever” pill. What is that? Aspirin? OK so a needless torture of the baby chick – I couldn’t watch. I think he set it’s fluffy-ness on fire from a candle. He could not affect a cure using hypnosis or mind over matter, or herbs like a real FEMALE SHAMAN or faith healer would do – or a non-murderous psychologically effective ritual? {Yes he did that as part of it, – the paper doll – that was OK.}
Then a young person from a nearby village dies – they show the funeral. To commemorate this person’s death they take an innocent Water Buffalo, tie him to a tree, take a sharp spear & stab him to death with it. Then cut off his head, climb on top the roof & make loud noises to prove they have done something good. Only a man would think of this. Then the entire village gets drunk – women included. That part doesn’t other me.
Then the twins business. They have decided that only animals have more than one baby, people that have twins are possessed by an evil spirit. They are BANISHED, their HOUSE & PROPERTY ARE DESTROYED, & they MUST MURDER THEIR BABIES! If they do this they can come back to the village but they are shunned for a full year. Why don’t these people take their babies & somehow by the Grace of God go to that far-away town where the youngest son lives? I know it’s a trek but better than killing two babies! It’s a 6 hour trek. Where there’s a will there’s a way. Trust in God that when you get there God will find a way to survive.
The clincher is when this Chief-Shaman, who is 72 but could pass for 52 because he has the ‘life of Riley’ recites how great he is & he has to have the biggest funeral there ever was – dozens of COWS have to be SACRIFICED for him! He did this, he did that, proving he is the GREATEST man in the province. Hope your funeral comes as soon as possible but spare the Cows. I would take his corpse & hang it upside down, let the kids play target practice on him, like they did with Mussolini.
The Akha tribe in Laos: Between tradition and modernity | DW Documentary
The Akha in Laos live almost untouched by modern civilization. They still adhere to their archaic customs. But they are on the verge of upheaval. Cut off from the rest of the world, without a paved road, the village of Peryensang Mai has remained almost untouched by modern civilization to this day. Its inhabitants are from the Akha tribe, and they seem to live in a different time: Their language isn’t even written down; their everyday life is defined by the laws and rituals handed down from their ancestors such as animal sacrifices to ward off bad luck. This adherence to customs that are often quite brutal endows the Akha’s lives with stability and direction. The women of the village have a particularly busy life. Because the Akha are largely self-sufficient, their tasks range from agriculture to housework and making traditional clothing. This documentary tells the story of the Laovan family. Mother Yeapheun has always had to work hard to support her large family. Her husband is the village elder and ensures the Akha observe the strict laws and commandments. The couple and their eldest children cannot imagine life beyond the mountaintop, so the family is pinning its hopes on youngest son Kienglom, who has been going to school in a nearby town since he was eleven years old. Like many mountain tribes in Laos, the Akha are facing a difficult choice: between a move down into the valley, which would mean they would have electricity, running water and better medical care – but also abandoning their ancient rituals. The film takes the viewer on an emotional journey of discovery to a tribe torn between tradition and modernity and facing the need to reinvent itself in today’s world.
Rasa says: They don’t tell you the truth like I did – about it being Patriarchy, etc. They see it from an old-time vs modern point of view; I see it as Patriarchy vs Matriarchy. Why is that? Because Patriarchs are writing our history, making all the observations, so of course, they never reveal their own sins. Even women in Patriarchy, brainwashed, are following the narrative men present. So the society is never fixed – It remains as it is, the male fukked-up agenda, the women following. If we wish to truly change the world for the better we need to see through Mother God’s prism, the way She would see it. And Buddha & Jesus were both Matriarchal – No animal sacrifices. Sacrifice your sins, bad thoughts, feelings and actions. Sacrifice your hate & prejudice, not animals.
And another thing: Check those children’s bodies after the men have ‘baby sat’ them while all you women were at work. Can you imagine what goes on? And who are they accountable to for abuse? Is there police? Will the women handle it? No, the women are slaves, they do what they are told; they cannot protect the children & have no remedy when it happens. Same with all those Patriarchal cults like here we have Amish, Mennonites, Hutterites. Who handles the abuse? NO ONE. That is the purpose of Patriarchy: exploit the women & children, do what we want, they are our workers, breeders & toys
Pete Jackson says re overpopulation: In fact, as Igor Chudov reports later, in ultra-jabbed Germany, not only births, but even abortions are down too. That means that even accidental pregnancies are down as well as purposeful ones, so it’s not simply due to people choosing to delay or avoid procreation. Really makes you wonder!
Rasa on overpopulation–birth control–abortion
The lack of abortions tell it all. People didn’t stop having sex, & unwanted pregnancies happen all that time. That means something caused people to become infertile.
For me, Patriarchy is going to Hell in a hand basket. It is inevitable that many things will go wrong, all the time. It is expected that the Patriarchs & their sock puppet females will lead the world into devastation again & again – the only question is how?
The fact that many people believed in these monsters shows me they have not been paying attention to alternative media. They are ignorant of what is going on behind the scenes, as the mainstream media is controlled by those that do wrong.
Now about the population. Patriarchy – men – not women, have caused overpopulation.
It behooved Patriarchs to have more & more people in their tribes so they could have bigger armies. Other reasons, it is men who are loathe to practice birth control. Not women. Men many times load their sperm into women & take off – leave her holding the bag. I just saw a documentary in Africa where a dirt poor woman had 6 children in 10 years. She could not afford even the first, & went to live with her Grandma. The moderator asked her why she had so many children – they can’t even feed them! They take turns taking spoonfuls, each one gets only so many. And the woman said,
“Ask the men.”
Each man had abandoned her. They want to fukk but not provide. Maybe they are poor themselves, no doubt, but try masturbating instead of sexing. But they don’t care, they fukk & take off, worse than animals, as many animal males tend their harems – even male fish protect eggs fertilized eggs.
Alright, Dr. Bryan Sykes says the same thing – that the Patriarchs cause overpopulation; serial pregnancies. And so why don’t they remedy this in natural ways, by stop intimidating women into sex, lying to them, pretending they care. Have sex with other men or your hand.
And now those in charge want to reduce overpopulation by MURDER. Typical male logic. There is no end to this & there never will be until the final solution of Mother God comes closer – the extinction of men. Maybe in a few thousand years their numbers will diminish to a point where we can control the rabid dogs. And I apologize to the dogs. Rasa
Pete Jackson says: And recently I was reading about how there are still overpopulation deniers, most notably XXXXX. He actually has the GALL to say that people aren’t having enough kids! Seriously. Or at least not enough to colonize Mars, one of his biggest ambitions. (Facepalm) I do like other things about him, and think he is a genius overall, but he has a MAJOR, MAJOR blind spot in that regard, much like the late Stephen Hawking (with an IQ nearly 200) denying the existence of God. XXX really has his head in an anatomically impossible position, lol.
In Western (i.e. rich) countries, and even some not-so-rich countries, birthrates have been plummeting for a while now, because Women are FED UP. And that is a GOOD thing on balance, not something to fear. The two best, and ethical, ways to solve overpopulation is 1) Female Empowerment, and 2) poverty reduction, and the rest will follow. And make birth control free and readily available as well. No coercion or murder needed.
And yes, the root cause of overpopulation is indeed MEN. They are the ones who force, coerce, deceive, manipulate, and brainwash Women into having so many kids that they otherwise would not have had. Then they either ditch them, or if they do provide at all, there are always strings attached to whatever they provide. How very phallocentric of them.
One thing that came to mind is penetrocentrism in particular. FWIW, I recently saw a study from 30 years ago that found that, contrary to popular opinion, 50% of Women actually prefer non-penetrative sex instead of penetrative sex, while 30% have no strong preference either way, and only 20% of Women actually prefer to be penetrated. There are thus many ways for a man to pleasure a Woman, or even enjoy mutual pleasure, that literally do not involve any risk of pregnancy whatsoever. But in contrast to what 80% of Women want, the particular sex act that MEN demand the very most of all, that is, PIV intercourse, just so happens to be the one that has the very worst risk-reward ratio for Women, especially when so many men refuse to wear condoms, usually for purely hedonistic reasons.
Also, about the Akha people of Laos, you are indeed correct that it is not tradition vs. modernity, but patriarchy vs Matriarchy that is the real question here.
From William Bond: Hi Everyone
The way I see this is to go back to basics. Males have a strong competitive and aggressive instincts. While women have a strong maternal and nurturing instincts. This is because females need a strong maternal instinct to want to give birth and love and care for the children she gives birth to. Males on the other hand have a strong competitive and aggressive instinct to fight and compete against other men for the chance to impregnate females.
To quote Abraham Maslow, “If the only tool you have is hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail”. So if you have men ruling a country and there is a dispute with another country the obvious solution for aggressive men, is war and even genocide. But if we have women ruling countries then in any dispute with other countries then women will first want to talk it over and find a solution that way.
If we go back to the stone-age they they had hunter/gather tribes. Women collected the majority of food by gathering plants, men on the other hand preferred to find food by killing animals. Anthropologists studying stone-age tribes that have survived up until modern times found that the majority of food was gathered by women, hunting was a unreliable way of obtaining food and in some places it was more of a sport for men than a real help to the tribe.
Another thing that anthropologist discovered was that women nearly did everything. They not only gathered most of the food, they carried water, they built the huts and looked after the children. The only thing men did apart from hunting was to fight other tribes in tribal wars. I read a report of one Anthropologists studying Amazon tribes and she found that many had the insane custom that boys couldn’t become men until they killed another men in another tribe. This custom insured that there was perpetual war between the tribes.
Modern man still has the same attitude except we now fight wars with more deadly weapons and we are in danger of destroying ourselves with nuclear weapons. War is also the reason why we have overpopulation. A tribe or country becomes more powerful if it has a bigger army of young men in which to fight wars.
This was shown in Ancient Greece. In the warring states of Ancient Greece the most powerful was the Spartans. The Spartan boys were taught to be warrior from early childhood and they became a formidable army on the battlefield, but they had one weakness. Spartan women were held in high regard in Spartan society and were free to have as many children she wanted. Because of this the population of Sparta didn’t grow and even declined as warriors who died were not being replaced.
They customs of other Greek states was completely different. Women didn’t have control over how many children they had. They couldn’t refuse their husbands sex, they couldn’t use birth-control and rape was never punished. As the result the population of Sparta declined, while the population of other Greek states grew and Spartan warriors found themselves fighting battles where they were heavily outnumbered and their power and influence declined until they were finally conquered by Rome.
The same thing happened to Russia in modern times. The Soviet army did more to destroy the German army in WW2 than any other army. This was because they greatly outnumbered the German army and once they got themselves organized, were able to crush the Germans. But since WW2 the Russian population has been in decline. This is because the Communists did away with the custom of the Russian Orthodox Church which were similar to Roman Catholic customs about banning birth control.
Russia Communists recognized this problem and tried to make it easier for women to give birth through state health care. They even gave medals to women who had many children. But the population still declined and this may be one of the reasons why Putin restored the Russian Orthodox Church after the fall of Communism in Russia.
The Muslims also have similar customs about not allowing women to use birth control and tuning a blind eye to rape. They claim they will be able to conquer the whole of Europe through immigration and that Muslims populations in Europe will grow bigger while Native Europeans will decline and so Muslims will in time become the majority and take over.
While men rule the world they will always be at war and inflict pain and suffering to our world. They only solution is for women to rule our world if we are to live in a world of peace and harmony. William
From Pete Jackson:
Very well-said, both of you.
William, to your last letter I would also like to add that more recently, even for Muslims birthrates have also been dropping as well. It is taking a while but is nonetheless happening for them as well. Again, Women are FED UP.
There was a book a few years ago called “How Civilizations Die (And Why Islam Is Dying Too)”, who painted falling birthrates as a bad thing. But truly it is not civilizations that die, it is patriarchy that is dying.
From William Bond: Agreed Pete, Muslim women exposed to Western ideas do get fed up and question what they have been taught. The same is true of Italy which is strongly Roman Catholic the birthrate is falling because women are now better educated and question the Church’s teachings.
The point is that patriarchy only want large populations so they will have larger armies of young men to use as ‘cannon fodder’, in which to fight wars. William
From Rasa Von Werder: Good intelligent remarks both of you, & I will add some.
Dr. Bryan Sykes said the following: Not only does it compromise the child’s immune system when the woman stops breast feeding it prior to age SIX – to have another child – but the child suffers intense psychological trauma by being weaned. We wean children as early as possible as men force us to have the next child. Children need psychological / emotional support as well as physical – to give them security, a sense of ‘all is right’ & the quality of LOVE. When a mother weans a child too soon it feels REJECTION. Biology helps women take care of children to the max as her SEX DRIVE DIMINISHES for the years a baby is a toddler – until it can walk & keep up with the tribe. Dr. James Prescott also explains that babies SUFFER ATTACHMENT DISORDER from lack of closeness / bonding with the Mother in the formative years. This disorder leads to a number of maladies such as anxiety, depression, sexual disorders, homicide, suicide & substance abuse later in life.
He notably says that children need PHYSICAL CLOSENESS to the Mom including SKIN to SKIN contact for prolonged periods of time in order to FEEL WELL & mature properly. Rocking is also crucial – I have seen all sorts of devices used for rocking in primitive societies including Tibet & Siberia. Rocking is similar to when a child is in the womb, the mother moves about, & when a Mom carries the child in a case or papoose, obviously it rocks as the woman walks – this is necessary for brain & nervous system development.
The Patriarchs don’t even THINK of that. When male doctors took over the management of children, God help the kids in orphanages. There docs told the nurses not to touch the children except when feeding or diaper changing. All the children DIED. I saw studies on You tube from the 50’s where orphan children were LEFT ALONE most of the time & they just stared vacantly like ghosts. We need STIMULATION, CONTACT & COMMUNICATION with a caregiver in order to grow up healthy.
These factors are not attended to in a Patriarchal society. The idea is quantity, not quality of life, which we agree, is for men to have bigger armies. They don’t care if the soldiers are dysfunctional – as long as they obey orders – in fact, Kay Griggs, the whistleblower who was informed by her Col husband, says they want them to be so so they will be better killers.
Our society is pandemic with attachment disorder as none of us fully gets the nurturing we need from a maternal, loving Mother & society. Mothers are DISABLED from having full charge & management of their children.
Back to what William said, men have one agenda, women the opposite. Men want to KILL while women want to GIVE LIFE & LOVE. It’s necrophilia vs biophilia. Rasa
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