I believe in God, the Mother Almighty, Creator of heaven & Earth
And in Rasa Von Werder, one of Her Daughters, & William Bond, one of Her sons, that they were sent to earth to teach Female Empowerment, Matriarchy, & restore worship of God as Mother.
I believe in Matriarchy, Female Empowerment & women running the family & the world.
From Rasa:
After perusing a series of descriptions of CONTEMPLATIVE FEMALE Catholic convents/monasteries I came to the conclusion that some of them fit into this category:
There are many men in London, you know, who, some from shyness, some from misanthropy, have no wish for the company of their fellows. Yet they are not averse to comfortable chairs and the latest periodicals. It is for the convenience of these that the Diogenes Club was started, and it now contains the most unsociable and unclubbable men in town. No member is permitted to take the least notice of any other one. Save in the Stranger’s Room, no talking is, under any circumstances, allowed, and three offences, if brought to the notice of the committee, render the talker liable to expulsion. My brother was one of the founders, and I have myself found it a very soothing atmosphere. {end Wikipedia part}
The convents are tiny, usually housing 1 to 9 women at most. They do not reach out to the world, they have no separate doctrine from the Catholic Church & they live under the auspices of it. Often you see an image of the nuns surrounding a Priest, who presumably is their LEADER or the one who authorizes their existence, certainly hearing their confessions & providing them with the HOLY EUCHARIST which they themselves feel they cannot consecrate.
There is nothing here that can inform me, teach me or inspire me in the work that I must do to empower women & bring forth a religion positive to the female gender & its authority, in fact, they present a sorry example of compliance to Patriarchy. I move on from them.
About Gerald Gardner, founder of a modern day Wicca movement from Wikipedia:
Gerald Brosseau Gardner (13 June 1884 – 12 February 1964), also known by the craft nameScire, was an English Wiccan, as well as an author and an amateur anthropologist and archaeologist. He was instrumental in bringing the Contemporary Pagan religion of Wicca to public attention, writing some of its definitive religious texts and founding the tradition of Gardnerian Wicca. {end Wikipedia part}
{There are also other forms of Wicca, called Dianic Wicca or by other names}.
This example exonerates the male gender from participation in the founding of our religion/Sisterhood, pointing out that gender alone is not the criteria for establishing us. We have many men that have helped formed our religion including the likes of Jesus Christ, all his great Saints, Buddha & all his great saints, & many other men who believe/ed in Matriarchy, Female Empowerment & right now, my two best friends, William Bond & Pete Jackson, are of this number.
It is important to stress the SPIRIT of Matriarchy, as taught by Jesus & others, which is the Spirit of Divine Motherhood, that of loving & caring for others. Whoever espouses this Spirit is a Matriarch, a Christian, a Buddhist, Good Wiccan or Pagan or any other religion that is Good as taught by these Great Souls.
Jesus taught Matriarchy overtly & distinctly, he even cited he wanted to be a Mother Hen to his followers, the baby chicks under his wings.
Buddha taught his followers to pray daily for ALL SENTIENT BEINGS & that INCLUDES ANIMALS. I am all for that.
Gerald Gardner promoted a religion rooted in the ancient days when women ruled the world. He had to scrounge to find traces of Wicca/Paganism not wiped out through the Patriarchy, its Inquisition, & its Patriarchal Academics. All the Patriarchal Institutions – religions & Universities, have been enemies of Female Empowerment & the Matriarchal agenda. They have sought to wipe out all traces of HER-story & those who wish to restore it must dig deep. Gerald studied, researched & participated in ancient cults in order to understand what once had been.
Yes he was a man, not a woman. Why didn’t a woman do what he did? Shall we blame him for that or simply accept him as a Matriarch?
Here is a distinction: a Matriarch is recognized not by the body but by the Spirit. Some men are more Matriarchal than some women. I had many women enemies s- believe it or not – trying to separate me from William Bond, claiming he had to submit to THEIR authority! And they disrespected him instead of kneeling at his feet doctrine wise. Here William is the Prophet of Matriarchy, & they were attacking him.
They also, of course, attacked me vehemently out of jealousy, the crazed thought that I was ‘trying to take over’ & they deserved accolades more so than I. These women who attacked either William or myself were NOT Matriarchs. Call them whatever you wish, but they did not assist Female Empowerment.
When it came time to REAL WORK on our agenda, the women became SCARCE. When it was time to take the dole, they were all over the place. They stood in lie when I handed out praise & attention to them. When it came time to do research, write articles, build websites, they disappeared.
One is following in my footsteps, & I am proud of her work. But she has distanced herself from me – I have no idea why.
Bottom line is men can be more Matriarchal than women, they can help, they are helping. But that doesn’t mean that men can, in general or at random, influence this doctrine toward Patriarchy. We make a fine distinction between help & infiltration, between sincere members & agents provocateur.
This will require great discernment & it will come from the Holy Spirit.
There will be men, even agencies, with all kinds of offers. Some of these will be sincere, some not so. Beware of Greeks bearing Gifts. The famous ‘Trojan Horse’ was built with soldiers inside, when the city carted the horse in, the soldiers popped out, attacked & defeated the citizens.
There are those who want to join, infiltrate, suck up, flatter, lie, to get inside our heads, our lives, our Order, with only the intent of using us or even betraying us.
For example, a female who intends to make money from Scandal Sheets might join our Order for a ‘visitor’ status, to see if she wants to be a ‘nun’ or Matriarch.
She stays two weeks only to SPY & find every detail she can to TWIST it against our favor, the minutest molehill will turn into a mountain, ridicule & contempt are her goal.
How do we know such a person before we let her in? Discernment – prayer.
“By their fruits he shall know them”
I have had many people on social media who wanted to be ‘friends’ with me, but these friendships carried a PRICE TAG. In the end, it is THEIR NEEDS not those of the Religion, the Order, the Cause, the Matriarchy they were after. They wanted to use my prestige, fame, status in the community, to build themselves up, for what reason I’m not even sure.
They wanted the so-called GLORY, not the sweat & blood, the REWARDS, not the pain.
What is the sweat & blood & pain & what are the rewards?
They imagined accolades, respect & love. Lol. There is a dearth of that. You work & your rewards are in HEAVEN, the eternal sphere. When you die your radiance in Heaven will be brighter than it would have been. There isn’t any Heaven on Earth, there will always be pain, if you’re waiting for that, you will find dirt in your mouth at the end of the rainbow.
Doctrine of the Matriarch Religion
What we MUST believe even though there is a soft boundary between ourselves & many other religions, there will be points where there is an IRON FENCE between us & them.
Here is where we will not change. In any point of doctrine where Patriarchy assumes leadership or puts women down or stands above women, we reject that completely. Any system which in any way wants to lead women, be above them, have greater rights, claims that God is a man, that the Priests have to be men, etc, we reject all that.
For example, Mormons might be wonderful people & we love them for loving God. But when they say their founder saw some sort of writing that no one could read but him & this writing told him men should be leaders & have multiple wives, forget that. That is against us.
And Jehovah’s Witnesses, they are wonderful people & we love them. But when they say women cannot preach in Kingdom Hall, & all the leaders are men, we defy that doctrine & say this is not for us.
And the cults like Mennonites & Hutterites which are all-male leaders & Patriarchs, some of them might be saints, but we reject Patriarchal Societies.
Then, what does a Matriarch {the name of our New Religion} have to espouse? {BTW, this is written by Rasa Von Werder. Where William Bond has differences of opinion, you choose which one you wish to follow, but the Sisterhood must believe Rasa Von Werder’s version.}
I That God is a Mother God, Her symbol is female & rightfully so because the woman is the egg & reproductive, the sperm is not
2 That females should run the family & the world. That men have done a terrible job of running the world & should step aside.
3 That human men are going extinct. They are a ‘genetic experiment that did not work & nature is removing them.’ It will be a woman-only world in 100k years or so, women will reproduce without men, the offspring all female. {See the teaching of Dr. Bryan Sykes, world’s leading geneticist, on this} {Rasa Von Werder gives her theory elsewhere how men evolved & became negative as shown in the myth of Lucifer-to-Satan with one third of the angels following him into Hell}
4 That animals are Sacred & should not be exploited in a cruel manner or hunted for sport. That vegetarianism & veganism should be encouraged, that humans who eat meat should eat less of it. Animals that are housed for human exploitation will be monitored for good conditions, the most humane housing, feed & treatment. Animals deserve freedom, happiness & fulfillment as much as humans do. We are another species of animal, ‘Whatever you do to the least of these you do to Me’ says God.
5 Children should be breast fed up to 6 years, when the immune system is fully developed. Women should not have a second child until the first is weaned, after six years. To have serial pregnancies causes trauma in a child because they have to be weaned & the mother pays less attention to the first toddler. Serial pregnancies are forced upon women by men, it has caused overpopulation & disastrous consequences to our planet. {See the teachings of Dr. Bryan Sykes on this in his book “Adam’s Curse – A Future Without Men} The care, raising of children should be managed by women only, as they have the instinct for it, they should not surrender the authority over their children to men, – they are designated by God & biology to be the caregivers. Child abuse is primarily caused by males – this must be addressed seriously. Women must have financial independence from men to take care of the children without them if they are abusive to them or the children.
6 Sexuality – In general, sex between consenting adults is not a sin. However, there could be instances of sin during sex, to be decided by God alone, not society, as God knows the hearts & minds & circumstances. Anything, even a biological act, committed to hurt someone can be a sin. Nudity is also perfectly innocent, unless someone is using it unfairly, such as a man exposing himself to a woman or child against their will. Think like a nudist, do not be scandalized by nudity in general, it does not represent immorality.
Let us take note that the sex laws & attitudes have been aimed primarily against women. Women are free to do with their bodies as they wish, no man can dictate what to do, what is moral or immoral, that she is less of a human because she chooses t have many partners. She is FREE.
7 Reproductive rights are purely the decision of the female. She should use birth control of any type when she wishes to. Abortion is up to her, but to be avoided by using birth control whenever possible, especially condoms. In our Sisterhood, women are sexually free but we want to protect them as parents protect their daughters. We plan to screen the men who want to be in association with us & cohabit with our members, to make sure our Sisters are not hurt. But if Sisters want to ‘have fun’ by having sex with any men they choose, they are allowed. We hope they stay within the community & their children will be a part of our Religion & Sisterhood.
Catholics & Muslims have used child bearing as a way of increasing their numbers, successfully so. The Catholic Church heinously forbids birth control, in an age when AIDS exists & women can be killed by it. We reject their rule. Muslims do not allow birth control at all – there are no condoms sold in Dubai. I have a lady friend who lives there. The lack of using birth control is a strong Patriarchal ploy AGAINST WOMEN. They use it to keep female ‘barefoot & pregnant’ – “from the bedroom to the kitchen’. When women are alone in a nuclear family & they have children, they find it difficult to navigate elsewhere, they are tied down. Child care is expensive. I did it, I raised a child alone while working & paid for child care – we remained in poverty the entire time, it was hard.
When we disregard the ‘nuclear family’ as the idea & try living as Sisters, as both William & I agree, child rearing becomes more easier. Obviously, a woman can leave the community & go out, be it work, shopping or recreation, & leave her children in the care of Sisters. You can’t do this in a nuclear family. The male might be working, he could be dangerous alone with the child, or he could be just incompetent as a care giver. No, in a nuclear setting, the woman is strapped & imprisoned by children. A Sisterhood is strongly empowering to a woman.
8 A woman must believe in HERSELF, that God is within her, that she has authority over herself, her life & her children. She must walk like a Godess, talk like a Godess, act like a Godess. She must have dignity & pride. And she cannot afford to be ‘feminine’ in the bad sense of the word, as that is what they want, for us to be weak, passive, wishy washy, dependent, submissive & soft. If we want to be feminine in the POSITIVE way, gentle, kind & caring, we can only afford to be so in the company of men who are gentlemen or model people, the rest will SLAUGHTER us – like they slaughtered the Indians, Aborigines & Indigenous Peoples.
A woman MUST RESPECT HERSELF & OTHER WOMEN. She must not be in conflict or competition with them – the ‘slave mentality.’ We are NOT slaves of men, we are capable of taking care of ourselves but we must BELIEVE in ourselves & OUR GOD.
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