Channel Queen Victoria

By Rasa Von Werder, October 10th, 2022

Channel Queen Victoria  {see below Chapter 12}  Chapter 11   Strange Eggs in My Nest

Rev Judy Swaggart– My original living Guru who got me to channel – & the Crazy Putz

written 10-9-22

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          Where would I be without the ability to channel? How good would this book be without it? Channeling or mind reading is one of the great features of this life story, it has opened up the reasons for many a thing.

          I spoke about Rev Judy at length in Part 3 – where I give the characters of my youth in detail, but there were a couple things I’d forgotten & pretty funny.

Now picture this. To me, this is how she WASTED her time & gas money. Every single day Judy would drive from Hollywood to the shore – Santa Monica or thereabouts, but not the busy public beach, she always found some remote beach where no one was around.

And excusing me from her presence, she’d walk off at least 50’ where she would rant & rave, talk, I mean REALLY LOUD, almost yelling. What was it? Venting? Complaining to God? Whatever it was, it got some of the negatives, emotions, whatevers, out of her. You’re talking yelling, almost screaming at times – it could take a house down, that’s why she had to be in the open.

I kept thinking the drive there was like around a half hour, & the gas. That’s an hour drive every day. Couldn’t done instead? But then, I chalk it up to THERAPY. To me, she was LAZY & it seemed like KILLING TIME.

And it wasn’t confined to the beach, at times I’d be in another area of the building – it had some sort of outdoor patio, & I’d hear her ranting & raving loud as can be.

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Anyone who heard this would want to distance themselves from this loony.

          One of my fave stories is when we’d walk down the street together in Hollywood & a car would start following us, with a man. And she would say,

“They aren’t looking at you, they’re looking at me – my POWER – they can SENSE IT.”

Twice I have been discouraged from the fine, exemplary diets I was on, once by her, the second time by the guy I describe in this tome, CabHell. {This man veered me off my vegetarian diet when he kept asking me to take him to this fast-food place called Kennedy’s. They had terrific breaded fish or chicken with fries. At first I only ate the fish but under his influence I got into the chicken & that was the end of 14 years of being good.}

When I moved in with Verna she tried to do two things, get me to quit my fruitarian diet & date guys. I had not dated for years & was not interested. {I was stuck with that scum Putz NutOn, also described in Part 3, after having to give in to him, I lost interest in sex, lol} My mind was on self improvement & God. But she harped, needled & hounded me so much that I did quit my diet to my detriment. The fruitarian diet was the most difficult I had ever practiced – harder than being a vegan. She kept saying ‘be normal.’ Normal was whatever she was, lol. Dating was part of ‘normal.’ Truly, this woman was not advanced.

The guys she could not convince me about, I wasn’t interested in dating again for some time. She tried to fix me up with guys she knew. They all repulsed me.

Now the question is concerning her & other folks who were disgusting – abusive & hard to get along with. Why did I stay? In some cases, there was something I wanted from the relationship. I paid the price. It was hardship to be sure, but I stuck it out until I received or attained the thing I desired.

In Verna’s case, it was an Anointing. I was like Timothy to St. Paul. St. Paul was the Guru/mentor of Timothy & I loved what he said when Tim asked him for ‘a greater Anointing,” – It was,

“The greater the Anointing, the greater the persecution.”

Look what they did to Jesus.

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Verna would channel every day – it was my favorite time with her. I’d be all ears. She channeled saints, people on the other side she’d known, famous people from the past including movie stars. I was not able to do this but eventually, through this time with her as well as all my efforts, I achieved the ability. This being able to channel has gotten me out of scrapes, into better situations, & has enlightened my mind to hundreds of secrets & mysteries. Peace of mind comes with understanding. Truly, it is one of my greatest tools of psychological survival & staying the right course.

          Channeling includes also the ‘still, small voice’ which is God inside. This indeed, I gained the ability to do before Verna, when I was alone a lot when living with the Putz. After gaining my favors & roof he left me alone, went on his con-man pursuits with others, while I had quit work & spent almost full time improving myself. I worked for hours a day on this what I then called ‘mind over matter,’ through hypnosis, but it was more than that. It was ‘Spirit over mind over matter.’

          I kept digging deeper & deeper into myself until I heard this voice one day, clear as a bell, in my head, speaking to me, & when I asked who it was, it said,

“I am you.”

How can you be me when I am me?

At the time I didn’t get it was the God inside me, but later I did & this is what is called ‘Atman’ in yoga.

And as I said, I stuck it out with Verna until I felt I had done all I could with her, gained all I could – I gave her the greatest loyalty including donations, she had ever had. I served her valiantly & obediently, so well that when I tried to leave her twice, she put death curses on me, & both times, black men who lusted for my body were going to kill me but God stopped it. This is documented in Part 3.

And in 1979 the night Verna died, she appeared to me & gave me her Anointing, asking me to promise to help humanity, which I did. {In the bible it is like when they say a Prophet ‘left his Mantle’ to the next guy.- the mantle is Light.} I had officially resigned from her Church in 1976, assisted by this great psychic lady of Greenpoint, B’klyn, Angela Astone.

The Chapter with Verna was finished, I got what I sought, I paid the price, it was mine, I moved on.

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And as I said, with this Putz guy I wanted to know what he said he knew – it was ‘mind over matter.’ Metaphysics was my forte, natural ability & it interested me greatly. I was with Verna for 6 years – with the Putz only two. I listened to his bullshyt on & on, I supported him & had sex with him as he demanded it. And after I reached ‘the God within’ I didn’t need that situation any more. It’s not that he gave me the ability, but the time I was with him I quit the world & worked on self improvement, my tool being hypnosis – which he introduced me to. Dealing with this I achieved a goal without fully understanding it, & at this point Putz got dangerous. Like Verna later became, he was bent on hurting me, he got kind of crazy when my ‘Voice’ took over. He was baffled, jealous & mystified. He kept asking questions of my Voice & the answers amazed him.


As I explained, he got stranger at this time & I knew I had to flee for my life – Verna’s door was open for a price & I took it. I paid for what they both gave. {End Chapter 11}


Chapter 12   Channeling Queen Victoria – the Royal Cougar written 10-9-22



Been watching multiples documentaries on Queen Victoria lately & in doing so, connected with her mind. Channeling her has been eye-opening & allow me to share it.

The movies I saw are these people, a male & female, following all the great billionaireCastles & mansions where she stayed a day or more & was feted. At first I was just curious. But after seeing this & other films on her I was gob-smacked by the selfishness, ostentation & greed of these people – they are everything bad, including her. And she admits it from the other side.

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Where is she? I suppose she’s in Heaven, but not a high place, she says, she is about like my Mom & her time in Purgatory she said was over 10 years.{Take that part with a grain of salt, it’s not set in stone, just my thoughts, not big revelations, I could be off.}

Here’s our conversation, some of which I’m repeating as we’ve been ‘speaking’ for days.


ME: Queen Victoria, the vision I’m set with after seeing all this material on you is how could you stand being yourself? Here you went to these Castles, Palaces, where they spent like 50k pounds to 90k lbs for your visit – all for status. What a WASTE of valuable resources!

You ate & drank, you walked around palatial grounds, Albert hunted what I assume to be ‘caged hunts’ because at one place, he killed an animal a minute for an hour & a half. He must have loved shedding blood.

Did it never occur to you how selfish, greedy & narcissistic you were? Also vain & proud, they say you went to Church & visited the chapels. What did you pray for? – More prestige, money, glamour & status?


V {QUEEN VICTORIA}: I was born into the place I was in & I did not struggle to see it any other way. Understand that we were all like that, a society that followed patterns, to the manor born.

I knew vaguely there were the poor, the destitute, the starving, the needy. I wasn’t ignorant. But I felt it had not much to do with me, it was not my station to save them,

“The poor you will have with you always,”

But I was called to be a Queen, to fulfill this position, destiny, a place of prominence & all that we did. I felt it was my duty to do what I did; I did not see it like you do, as sin.

And praying, as you know, ‘Desire is prayer.’ Whatever my lips might say to God, my desire was to be who I am, to gain in status & prestige, to be honored, to keep all my wealth & glory, & to live my days without danger of being beheaded.


ME: Around you, in your country & other dominions you controlled, including, God help us, India, there were millions of starving people, while you sat at a table that took dozens of servants to prepare 8 to 13 courses costing many thousands of dollars. That alone is obscene.

And the show hosts say they feted you like this FOR THEIR STATUS. The richer the fare, the surroundings, your service, the greater the opulence the more important they seemed.

What were these people trying to achieve? They already had status & money, what more was there?


V: its maintenance, we all wanted the same things; we were birds of a feather, like minded. Our milieu wanted to be the highest, the richest, and the most honored of all people. We were all in it together, supporting one another, propping each other up. I had achieved prestige of the highest rank through my ancestors. The others were second or third in line. We struggled to maintain what we had, not let anyone take it away from us. And if possible, expand & get bigger & bigger – like my ‘Empire’ was one on which the sun never set, & India was the ‘Jewel in my crown.’ Everything was an object, an acquisition, a front, a thing to be used, something of honor, power & prestige. And we chalked it all up to our Country – that we were helping Britain, our Nation, we were great human beings that way.


ME: You were not great human beings. If you were you would now be in a high place in Heaven, like Joan of Arc, whom your great country burned at the stake.

But where are you in Heaven, the proof of your life?


V: I am in a low place in Heaven. I see the Truth now but it’s too late. I was all the bad things you said – we all were. I did not try to change things, reform anything. I just went along with it, ‘dead bodies float downstream.’ I had my Heaven on earth, it is those Saints & good souls who suffered & helped others who have the highest places in Heaven, I have a low place. It’s too bad for me. If God had me return now through reincarnation, I would be the same & it would be very hard for me to improve. Reincarnation is to help us grow more, but it isn’t easy.


ME: I understand that for any one individual to reform the elite, the courtiers, is difficult.

{Last night saw a documentary on King Louis XVI who had 3 finance ministers, all of whom said the courtiers had to be taxed – their nation was bankrupt – but the elite would not give in. Louis could not stand up to them – he FIRED each minister against his own better judgment – & I hate to say he borrowed huge amounts from banks to finance our Revolutionary war against England – & we paid not a penny back, adding to the woes of France & their demise!} & in the end, the people had had enough & it turned Revolution & heads rolled – his entire family & court – so I know it’s not easy to make these elites PAY UP.}

But at the very least, you could have taken from your own funds, anonymously if need be, & set up soup kitchens & relief centers for the poor. You could have sent donations to the homeless & destitute through some sort of agency, secretly. You could have got some of your subjects to help those in the work houses & orphanages, which were PRISONS OF PUNISHMENT toward the poor. Your nation looked upon poverty as a crime & poor people as criminals – which is ridiculous. It is you & your ancestors who were the criminals. You fought wars against innocent people & took what they had. You injured & killed people, that’s where you gained your status. And then to turn around & stigmatize the poor as criminals is obscene, offensive, sinful & cruel. You did all that, you could have helped.

And you could have privately got at the very least, Albert & a few of your friends to help the poor out of your own millions. How could that have offended the elite, if you did not demand money from them?

And also, those dinners where they spent fortunes on you – you could have made a rule, like Jesus did, whenever there was a feast for him & his disciples, he said an equal table had to be set for the poor – & it was done. So you could have did something similar,

“Whatever you feast me with, you must also feed the poor”

Even if it wasn’t equal, as you ate the most expensive food on earth – truffles galore, at least give the whole town a decent meal – when you were there. But instead it’s all for you & your staff & more elites, nothing for the poor.


V: I know what you’re saying, it makes sense. But we had our minds in a different place. We did not think of the poor, we dismissed them from our minds, believe it or not. We did not associate with them, see them, or speak to them.

They did not have great representation in the government – no Patriarchal government has a Voice for the poor. The poor are downtrodden, exploited, used. We liked it that way. If there were no poor, where would we get our slaves / servants? Who would clean all the shit from the streets & the public toilets? Who would wait on us hand & foot for miserable wages? Who would tend our horses & carriages & animals & grow & harvest our crops?

We needed the poor to prop us up! We used the poor as always has been in Patriarchy.


ME: So you admit you were a dick in a skirt? Holding up the Kingdom of the world which is ruled by Satan?


V: Yes, without giving him a name, we were serving him. We weren’t weird, like doing rituals; we were just all for ourselves & our ruling class. That’s about it in a nutshell.


ME: I might add about John Brown. Were you in love with him & he with you? It bothers me that he said he would give his life for you. Why were you worth his life?

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V: Yes, we were in love – me more so than he. He loved me as his Queen, a symbol. And his loyalty is like that of all potentates’ body guards. The man who stood in front of Queen Antoinette’s rooms at Versailles was murdered. Anyone who becomes a body guard has to be willing to sacrifice their life – in that context what he said was true – but he wasn’t that in love with say, a poor servant maid he’d give his life for, it was his Queen.


ME: In the documentary it says you could not have sex with anyone because you had a prolapsed uterus & it would have been very painful. But you could have given a blow job or a hand job or he you – you could have kissed & made out. Any of that?


V: Let’s leave that in silence for the moment.


ME: What about the 24 year old Hindu honey, 6’2” movie star looks. Were you a Cougar, lol? I know you were in love with him & he appreciated you, but any sex there?


V: I take the 5th. Some day I will tell you about these guys if you have earned the right to know.


ME: My conclusion to all this is you elites are mostly all alike – I doubt if there is a one of you who’d stick their neck out to be decent or saintly.


V: Remember what I told you – most of the people out there that are looking at us Royals & cheering, not criticizing, but cheering, would do the exact same thing if they were in our position. Only a saint would buck the system. And that saint’s life would be in danger from the courtiers or elites.


ME: So it’s more the system that is at fault & all you individuals just fall into place? Why doesn’t anyone criticize you in these documentaries – you or any other Royals for their greed, vanity, narcissism, selfishness & so on?


V: The films you see are financed by rich & powerful companies, not by the poor, & so, they are basically on our side. And no one is allowed to preach against the Patriarchs in the mainstream. Of course, the alternative media do so, but they get a small audience.


ME: But the Russian & French Revolution are proof that the power can swing off the Royals, they can be assassinated or murdered, & even their courts. Are the English Royals afraid of that? Were you? What is their strategy to remain in Power & Wealth?


V: We were all afraid, in the past & present, of losing what we have, even our lives. We fight tooth & nail to keep it. The Monarchs work diligently on their propaganda, rites, and processions, demonstrations so they are seen as great stars & everyone else is intimidated by them.

We in Royalty are supposed to be but figureheads, not political & not influencing the government, – which exempts us from being attacked - but we do have influence.

We try to maintain a serious air of superiority, even though it’s getting harder & harder when we marry people who don’t tow the line – like Fergie & Diana. They disgrace us but we push on & hope for the best.


ME: But you Royals were & most of you still are evil, because you are not of God, & you don’t care about the poor. In ancient days, before Patriarchy, we had real Queens, a Mother God, & women were venerated. Women ruled the world, men obeyed. There was no war or weapons of destruction. We had peace. Notably, there was no poverty, everyone lived the same, even the Queen had scant few privileges above the rest. No one tortured, abused or exploited others. But this is Patriarchy & what you were part of.

What is your opinion of my life story & what will become of it?


V: You will be heralded & treated like I was – the Queen, lol. You will be recognized for the great things you’ve done, finally. You will be happy. You deserve recognition; you’ve not gotten any to speak of.


ME: My work, will it bear fruit? Will there be Temples to Mother God? A Sisterhood? All the plans I have for our New Religion, communities of women & their children – our Temples off limits to men. Will any of this occur if not in my lifetime, within a few generations?


V: All you wish for in time will occur. Rome wasn’t built in a day. It took about 500 years before Jesus’ religion became official. This is all new, but it will happen, make no mistake. And good luck with it. I wish you the best.

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