Champions & Me

By Rasa Von Werder, October 20th, 2022



          Reg Lewis was an interesting person who seemed to go from riches to rags.


“In 1954, Lewis joined West’s revue as the youngest in her crew – he was 18. Four years later, he was the reigning Mr. Universe (professional class) when the actress selected him as “Mr. Hercules” in a contest held at the Bert Goodrich Gym in Hollywood. Among his rewards were interviews with studio casting heads, and that sent him on a path to the movies.”


Reg Lewis     Chapter 14 continues Lovers &/or Friends with 9 Mr Universes – Mr Americas

written 10-20-22 


Above see his beautiful wife Sheri & Harold Poole that we spoke of before

Reg Lewis was active in bodybuilding for 30 years, from the 1950s through the 1980s; here is a listing of his many titles:


Junior Mr. Olympics Winner (1953) Lewis won this title at age 17.
Mr. Olympics Winner (1956)
Mr. Pacific Coast Winner (1956)
Mr. Physical Fitness Winner (1956)
Mr. Universe Professional Class Winner (1957)
Mr. USA-AAU Second Overall (1957)
Mr. Hercules chosen by Mae West (1960)
Mr. America Winner (1963)
Olympia-IFBB Third (1970)
Natural America Masters Overall Winner (1982)
Mr. America Over Forty Winner (1983)


Bodybuilder and actor Reg Lewis was born in Niles, California, on January 23, 1936. He began bodybuilding at a young age, winning his first title at age 17. Lewis jump-started his career with the assistance of actress Mae West who, in 1954, enlisted a gym full of bodybuilders (including Lewis, Mickey HargitayGordon Mitchell, and Dan Vadis) and took them and her act on a tour of nightclubs to various cities across the nation. West’s male revue created a sensation; according to Gordon Mitchell, the show and the men were a big hit with the all-female audiences. On occasion, Lewis acted as an escort for West, taking her to film premieres, nightclub openings, and other high-profile events throughout the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. And Lewis appears in West’s final film, Sextette (1978; with Timothy Dalton).

{Rasa says: Oh my, Timothy Dalton. What a line she had for him: Something like “I have some time for you so I could say ‘the British are Coming!’}

All I could find on Sheri Lewis besides one pic from a Russian website: Muscle Beach History – by Stuntmovie – › boards


Jun 7, 2013 — As Stunt so rightly pointed out, Sheri Lewis wife of Reg Lewis was quite the beauty.


My Account:

Below it’s Jayne Mansfield, believe it or not!


ercole_196206-07 3e59ea50363cd5e5290ddcf65c70cabf Reg-Lewis-banner2 

I knew Reg & Sheri Lewis in California around 1969 – went to their house somewhere in one of those Los Angeles ‘valleys, maybe San Fernando Valley.

They were both attractive & she must have been {or is} extremely rich, as she BOUGHT HIM AN AIRPLANE!    Their house was large, beautiful & sprawling –it was not a ‘mansion’. They had a 6 year old son.

I was fascinated by the fact that they entered the NABBA Mr. Universe & Miss Bikini Universe contests – 1957 – in London together & BOTH WON!

As far as lifting weights, she told me, in so many words,

“I gained muscle quickly by lifting weights, but then it came to a point I could gain no more.”

Of course, this was BEFORE WOMEN TOOK DRUGS.

Reg told me a bit about MAE WEST. He claimed to be

“her favorite, because I was the YOUNGEST.”

Mickey Hargitay also told me HE was her favorite, lol. She must have told each one the same thing.

Nowhere on the internet does it say he was her boyfriend or lover, just that he went with her to events, but he told me they were all her lovers, himself included.


There were two events they were involved with that I was a part of. First, they held an IFBB event in a big hall where I SPONSORED a female I was trying to manage – Yolanda Tugues. I was publishing a new-age give-away newspaper called ‘Enlightenment’ & as the editor of that paper, I wanted to present the award to the female who embodied,

“Most Radiant Health.”

The designated recipient was Yolanda – I wanted to promote her.

And to speak for me, I got a candidate for Mayor of Los Angeles to pipe up.

Only problem was, when he announced the chosen winner, it was the wrong person! I had to jump up to the podium {wow that was embarrassing!} & tell him it was someone else – it was made right & Yolanda got the trophy & roses from me.

Then Sheri told me it was SHE who made the change because she thought another girl was better qualified.   Yiikes, that was SO WRONG of her!

BTW I could not get anywhere with Yolanda no matter how much I tried {was doing this for free} because she wouldn’t OBEY me. Imagine of Elvis didn’t obey Col Parker!

I told her not to deal with anyone I fixed her up with personally, it was all business, & these guys, once alone with her, would lead her down the garden path. But she didn’t listen.

First, I got her a photographer to take images for free. But she gave him her phone – at his insistence – I saw him sneaking her into a corner for it – all men want access to you sans manager so they can lay you. Don’t know how that got screwed up, but all the images he took HE SAID were wretched & TOO DARK – unusable.

Next, I had got a call from Russ Meyer who wanted me for a movie. Instead, I brought him Yolanda, insisting she’d be better for the part, sacrificing myself for her.

She messed that up by allowing Meyer to visit her at home & then, I don’t know what happened, but the deal fell through.

I gave up. I was giving my time & energy for free, she fukked up the deals. Good bye Yolanda. But we remained friends. Maybe she’s still out there.


Back to Sheri & Reg: In the year 1971 or “72 Sheri & Reg held another contest, this time at their sprawling house. It was fixed up so you could seat 100 people or more, in fact, the famous manager, PATRICK CURTIS was there – the man who launched Raquel Welch.

*** He came up to me & wanted my number. Later he asked me for a NUDE IMAGE. He was INTERESTED in being my agent! But Rev. Judy Swaggart, who I was living with at the time & supporting, nixed the deal – as she nixed every deal that came up except what matched her agenda – Her agenda being me working, giving her money.

He was an uncertainty to me – maybe he just wanted a date – so I ignored him as she wished. Judy claimed it was wrong for him to want my picture nude – I don’t know – This is show biz & nudity is not a thing of scandal, it’s a commodity to be used. He could have made me another Raquel, but it was not meant to be – I had a destiny as more than a movie star. ***


Miss Voluptuous


OK so this contest another IFBB Miss Americana – 1971 or “72. They had a huge bevy of contestants – maybe 40 – & some of them were Hollywood starlets. I considered myself lucky to get an important trophy, Miss Voluptuous.


It was NYC 1975 & I’m a GUEST POSER {no money, nothing given} at the Miss Body Beautiful contest, WBBG, because I’d won the year before. So I am HONORED & give the trophy to the new winner. One of the reporters said it was too bad for the other girls I showed up, as I put them all in the shade, such was my class – he said it, I didn’t. I have a copy of his words somewhere.


Oh yes one of my fave anecdotes. The winner now has on the borrowed robe, fancy tiara & scepter, sitting on her thrown. She was average looking.

She says to me,

“Now that I have won, what will they do for me?”

I said,

“Nothing. You take the title & promote yourself with it.”

She was never heard from again.


So in the men’s contest, I see Reg Lewis, a shadow of his former self. He looks worn out, I sensed that hedonism & selfishness had marked his face. His body wasn’t so good, either compared to the current champions. This was not a huge venue & he didn’t get a trophy. He had come down in this ‘theater’, I felt he was desperate to stay ‘up there’ but he didn’t have a chance.

What happened to his rich, generous wife Sheri? I felt Reg had been a sort of gigolo, first under the care of Mae West, but especially his wife. He lived off them because he was young & perfect. Now he was cut loose, was he fancy free? I could smell failure. He had a lady friend there, she was in the contest & he introduced us. Her figure was good, but there were marks all over her face, old acne scars & her hairdo was stiff – no prizes. I never saw Reg again & have no idea where Sheri is, if she is. {End Chapter 14}

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