‘Been watching all the main crime movies on You tube, starting with Sherlock Holmes with Basil Rathbone & Nigel Bruce {my fave}, then Jeremy Brett – saw all there is. Then moved to Poirot, saw every one of the 71 episodes including the traumatic {for me} last one & a few items on Miss Marple {don’t like it} & Insp. Dalgliesh.
I have a chapter in my head about the psychology of these works, saving it for later. Right now it interests me to channel Mrs. Christie, after reading this account of her on Wikipedia:
Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie, Lady Mallowan, DBE (néeMiller; 15 September 1890 – 12 January 1976) was an English writer known for her 66 detective novels and 14 short story collections, particularly those revolving around fictional detectives Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. She also wrote the world’s longest-running play, the murder mystery The Mousetrap, which has been performed in the West End since 1952. A writer during the “Golden Age of Detective Fiction“, Christie has been called the “Queen of Crime”. She also wrote six novels under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott. In 1971, she was made a Dame (DBE) by Queen Elizabeth II for her contributions to literature. Guinness World Records lists Christie as the best-selling fiction writer of all time, her novels having sold more than two billion copies.
Christie was born into a wealthy upper middle class family in Torquay, Devon, and was largely home-schooled. She was initially an unsuccessful writer with six consecutive rejections, but this changed in 1920 when The Mysterious Affair at Styles, featuring detective Hercule Poirot, was published. Her first husband was Archibald Christie; they married in 1914 and had one child before divorcing in 1928. Following the breakdown of her marriage in 1926 she made international headlines by going missing for eleven days. During both World Wars, she served in hospital dispensaries, acquiring a thorough knowledge of the poisons that featured in many of her novels, short stories, and plays. Following her marriage to archaeologistMax Mallowan in 1930, she spent several months each year on digs in the Middle East and used her first-hand knowledge of this profession in her fiction.
According to UNESCO‘s Index Translationum, she remains the most-translated individual author.[1] Her novel And Then There Were None is one of the top-selling books of all time, with approximately 100 million copies sold. Christie’s stage play The Mousetrap holds the world record for the longest initial run. It opened at the Ambassadors Theatre in the West End on 25 November 1952, and by September 2018 there had been more than 27,500 performances. The play was temporarily closed in March 2020 because of COVID-19 lockdowns in London before it reopened in May 2021.
In 1955, Christie was the first recipient of the Mystery Writers of America‘s Grand Master Award. Later that year, Witness for the Prosecution received an Edgar Award for best play. In 2013, she was voted the best crime writer and The Murder of Roger Ackroyd the best crime novel ever by 600 professional novelists of the Crime Writers’ Association. In September 2015, And Then There Were None was named the “World’s Favourite Christie” in a vote sponsored by the author’s estate.[2] Many of Christie’s books and short stories have been adapted for television, radio, video games, and graphic novels. More than 30 feature films are based on her work. {end Wikipedia portion}
This is but a small fraction of what is written there about her – the rest I find interesting so please avail yourselves of it.
My speaking to the mind of Agatha Christie, channeling her. It does not mean she is actually ‘talking’ to me – it means, as I have explained before, that I’m READING her mind. So here goes.
ME: I surmise, Ms Christie, that you were born with the talents which you portray in your writings, which are, to figure out amazing plots using the psychology of characters in a setting, & the ability to sit down & year after year, keep writing it all down. You were gifted, it was inborn to be sure as no one could develop such savant abilities by human effort, no more than Mozart could have taught himself to be who he was. Am I correct so far?
AC: {Agatha Christie} Of course you are.
ME: OK then. I would like to ask you to start off, how {if I may} do my abilities compare to yours? What is
inborn in my nature that gave me the abilities to live what I lived & write what I wrote? In what way am I an equivalent to you? Not saying I’m your equal, as I am spiritual but do not claim equality with Jesus Christ, just asking what are the similarities or equivalencies.
AG: This is an interesting question of psychology.
I was born with the abilities as you described. You are a different sort of person like so:
You are a saint {Rasa blushes} & a woman of God whose life revolves around God & how to understand the ways of God, to follow Her, – you taught yourself & now teach others how to find Union with this Divine Person.
People will forever fail to understand you because they simply aren’t on that level. They see things in worldly ways & spirituality is absent to their minds, so they see you in worldly terms. But you are not worldly, you are spiritual.
In every facet of your life, included in all the activities you undertook, you sought the meaning of these ventures in the precincts of God. What was sin, what was not, in following your instincts? What regular interpretations on sin did you accept, what did you reject? That took some head work.
Now let’s center on your life story.
Here are the highlights or events that stand out, the things you’ll be remembered for:
1 Your juxtaposition of religion/spirituality & sex
2 Your openness regarding your sex life with accounts & pictures of men
3 The abuse you endured & rose above
4 Your physical beauty
5 The ability to write it all down
6 Your activities – the variety of them – being unusual
7 All the men you encountered & talk about
The word that would best describe how people see you historically would be that you’re an anachronism.
You appear in this world with a mind set, beliefs & behavior that smacks of another time – whether past or future, but it does not coincide with the world you were born into.
ME: That’s a new one on me, no person I channeled ever said that & I do find it challenging to understand & get used to, but it does open a new way of thought.
I shall again ask you what do you see in my future?
AC: I see huge amounts of financial gain, so much money you won’t know what to do with it.
ME: Everyone says that, like it’s usually the first thing that comes out of the minds of those I channel. But no one is telling me exactly or specifically what does it come from. I imagine, & they usually concur, from the books, movies & TV that will emerge out of the Life.
AC: Of course. What else could it be? Yes, you will have money from the gas & or oil under your land, but this other project will be more.
Below, Agatha Christie as a young lady – After, historical photos
Part 9 Contents
Part 9 is a potpourri of events exciting, challenging, bizarre & macabre, peppered with nude & erotic images of Rasa’s male models & young husband, not to be outdone by Rasa’s nude & glamour pics. Starts with cooking dinner for Dr. Robert Atkins, young husband dies of an overdose & voices regrets, the hard but righteous path that I chose,, world’s greatest lover Miklos Hargitay, Wisdom of the Cross, Charles Keating visits me, Robert Culp & Bill Cosby, Cougering & the wicked ways of young men, the Fuck & Rob Bandits, My neighbors who killed their parents, Strange eggs in my nest – the Rotten Reverend & magician who refuses to vanish, Channel Queen Victoria on mindset of the rich, Ron Van Clief & Jim Brown, Mr. Universe/Mr America lovers & friends – Vern Weaver, Harold Poole, Franco Columbu, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dennis Tinerino, Boyer Coe, Chris Dickerson & Reg Lewis, Prophecies of the future of this Life Story, Pics of me with celebrities – Congresswoman Bella Abzug, Tom Selleck, New York Mayor Abraham Beame, New York Governor Mario Cuomo
ME: Oh yes, in the first item of what I will be remembered for you mention religion/spirituality, but few people pay attention to this. I wrote most of my books on this subject during my early book creations, on the Beatific Vision, Souls in Purgatory, the Divine Stigmata, Yoga & Christianity & have written many articles on my spiritual experiences. How will this figure in the public’s perception of me in the future, especially, when I’m gone?
AG: It will be a bone of contention. It will be the never-ending dichotomy referred to, some saying you could not be that saintly creature here expressed, others saying you can. It’s like when you Stripped for God, the controversy never ended & will not end. Indeed, your teaching or position on this matter is wholly different than that of society & of course you are right, Patriarchy is wrong. Sex is not sinful, evil or dirty. It can be Sacred when Love is in it – that is what you profess. But it has been so mutilated by this society that few people think of sex in an innocent or even Holy manner, they haven’t risen to that level yet – that sort of idea is long in the future, hundreds of years.
Until society catches up to that idea, this part of your life will not be understood, but argued about. And this controversy will serve to make your story more interesting, as it isn’t like everyone else, it’s weird to some, your life makes new statements that haven’t been made before. A woman in the adult trade also being a bona fide minister of God, a saint, a martyr, an example of virtue – all this is without example prior to you. Usually saints were against
hedonism, having fun, doing sex – certainly no saint we know of was a Cougar, lol. Saints gave up all these things for the love of God. You did give up some of this for many years – but during that time you produced x rated videos for making money. You did not have sex but the videos catered to the sex desires of men – their fetishes. And then after 31 years you were told by your inner God to go out, drink & have fun, quit your celibacy. This will cause great controversy when it is brought into the open. You’ve seen how people react when you talk to them in bars – Outrage. “God will never tell you to have sex!”
And here is an important element where you & I are totally different in our lives & in our writings. In my writing, the focus of my life – I am there to ENTERTAIN. Even though you were a professional entertainer, your life is not about that. And your writings are not created to entertain but to TEACH.
In explaining your life you are trying to explain what you learned, what is the path of righteousness, what is the path to Hell.
I did not by any means try to teach people to find God, although my hero Poirot & other I created, indeed, were on the side of justice & Truth. You saw how in the last case of Poirot he became a murderer. This upset you terribly. You had a glowing saintly image of him, & for him to kill someone went against your nature, & you were hurt. But I told you then it was entertainment – that I wanted to give him a dramatic sendoff, & this was a good way for him to go – murdering a man who would in future cause others murdered. It was righteous, but then again, Jesus would not have done it personally.
{But it is recorded that all sorts of terrible things happened to his persecutors after the Cross, the Temple curtain was torn from the top to bottom, the dead walked the streets, the high Priest went crazy & Herod got a terrible illness of parasites crawling out of his anus.}
But I convinced you my writing was more for entertainment than teaching religion & spirituality the way you do.
ME: Yes, that last episode soured me on all the 70 stories I had seen before. I saw Poirot with rose colored glasses before, now the glasses came off. I was disappointed. I took it too seriously you told me, it was entertainment. I could imagine a different response to this case. Like for instance, Poirot would teach that God’s karma would get this man, & we see in some way God causes a righteous accident to happen to him rather than Poirot actually putting a bullet through his forehead. It seemed inconceivable for Poirot to do this.
AC: But there is the difference between us. None of my characters ever taught karma. You teach karma in some cases, like with your brother who was cruel to you, you show how bad luck dogged him in his life & in the end he died a failure, but strangely, in his school days he was voted ‘Most Likely to Succeed.’
ME: Alright, you have taught me a lot about both of us, Ms Christie, & I am grateful. Is there anything else you can tell me about my future while we’re at it?
AC: You will have all your dreams come true. All the things you wished for will happen before you die, you’ll be very happy.
ME: What dreams are you referring to? Right now my mind is on the Sisterhood & all that goes with it, like an Order, a Convent of sorts, a Society for women to give them Spiritual Inspiration, emotional & physical security, an education. Like the University of Mother God College campus where only women are allowed with safe space on the campus as well as the Temple to Mother God. This is a dream but I don’t know if I’ll have the ability to pull it off before I die, even the beginnings. Is there any hope for that? Or any other dreams you see fulfilled?
AC: It’s too difficult to conceive it all right now. Maybe with the great amount of money you’ll have you could purchase a property that in future will be the beginning of the College with Temple. Women would be greatly attracted to a super-fancy mansion of this type, something to feast their imagination on, living there. And so when you die, it goes to the Sisterhood. A vestigial beginning but with a lot of ideas you present to their heads when they look at your life.
This will gel into your mind later, let is go for now, it will appear to your mind as time goes by.
ME: Thank you Agatha Christie, I will channel you again in the future.
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