1-17-22 This is about Rev. Martin Luther King Jr – it’s his feast day! See
two other dreams below, both include Purgtory issues, one about my Lover
I’m recalling this from yesterday. I go to an old haunt – the ‘Italian American Civil Rights League’ where I used to work. As I enter, I’m not a member of their club or clan, but I have permission to be here & I have been given – don’t know by whom – an apt below this level, which has an entrance in the far corner of this room – it’s just big enough for a person to lower themselves in & I suppose there’s a staircase or ladder. Once you go in the place it’s a nice apt, but I don’t actually see myself going in.
*** {Apt I am given below, although I’m not a member of this org or club: This is my ability to enter Purgatory, which is a level below – given me by God.
Looking for my wardrobe is looking for my lights or Anointings, {which are tools} which it seems some other workers have stolen. This might not be as bad as it sounds, I have a suspicious this is about a Great friend of Mine, Rev King, whose day this is. I’ve had a couple Souls in Heaven work with me before as partners – I recall Errol Flynn got his last wife & last girl friend – Beverly Aadland – into Heaven in partnership with me.
This is a great revelation I did not see before until this moment. Here the Rev. King is in the next room – my Anointings symbolically are missing which means they are being used or someone else is performing with them. They are silver & gold, which are lights of great love. {see below} We shall see what happens.
The men who are here on this level might be Purgatorial Souls as they are super ugly. To put it in other words, I am in Purgatory – there are various levels. I did not enter my spot on the lower level, I’m on this one, whatever it is. A couple guy here are not ready apparently to ascend, their souls are not clean enough, so they are ugly.} ***
I am somehow concerned with the light grey standing wardrobe in this room which had my costumes for dancing – I’m supposed to perform. But the costumes are gone, all but one, the one left is a plain black low cut mini dress. {Symbol of funeral, Purgatory} The one I have at home has rhinestone strips but can’t recall if this one does. The dresses that are missing are glamorous, like maybe one all silver lame & the other gold – full length with see through robes – & I tell the men sitting here someone has stolen my costumes!
I look at the men & tell them it isn’t them, it’s gotta’ be the other dancers, who are also booked to perform here. This is EXTREMELY UPSETTING.
The two men I look at here against the wall on a sort of day bed are grotesque in ugliness. There’s a sense of yellowy skin & Afro frizzy long hair piled not hanging, but standing on their heads, both different but similar, they are like runts in their bodies, just ugly as can be.
Then I’m sitting on some sort of day bed in the middle of this room & there are two males to my left & they are bowing to their knees, because a personage in the next room is going to walk past here on his way out.
I ask them who the person is & a guy says,
“They got the GOVERNOR to come out here!”
Wow, I think, & I also bow in anticipation of honoring him.
How did this little place ever get the governor to come out here? I look in the next room & see even though it’s not a big place, they did their best. They set up two huge banquet tables with all kinds of food I believe, each table can sit maybe 25 people – so in this medium room they got about 50 really serious people to honor & fete him, so that it was worth it for him to come out. In other words, it’s not quantity but quality of people honoring him.
*** {This is REMARKABLE & thank God I decided to type this out today as when I dreamed it yesterday I didn’t have a clue what it was about & this is wonderful beyond words.
The governor is Rev King. He is here in Purgatory & so am I, although we’re in separate rooms. I’m in one room with a couple souls not ready to go up, another 2 persons, maybe souls, are sitting to my left bowing in anticipation of his coming by.
I’m asking how on earth did you get such a big person to come down to Purgatory?
And then I see what it is. Two banquet tables are the Love Feast or Holy Mass as well as acts of love, prayers, that were transmitted to the Souls. Rev. King USED MY ANOINTINGS – to partner with me in SETTING FREE THESE SOULS or having them rise up into Heaven.
According to this it seems like we got a good number, 50 or more souls, to rise up into Heaven in honor of his Feast Day! Wow
These are special clients of Dr King – his not mine – that’s why I’m not in the banquet room but I can see it. These are people who loved him or were dedicated to him! I am so thrilled!} ***
He’s at the farther table his back to the wall, & wow, is his face hideous. Not only that, it has a fresh BULLET through his head.
His face looks like that guy who was attacked by two runaway chimpanzees. They bit everything off his face – his nose, ears. They bite off anything that sticks out. And the guy’s face was all swelled up, you could hardly see his features. But the governors face is so swelled it’s even worse than that guy, it’s really swelled to 3 times, like sausages of flesh under his eyes, here & there, all these sausages of swelled flesh & that bullet hole. He’s talking to people.
*** {His appearance: This bespeaks of his terrible sufferings & final martyrdom. His face destroyed, grotesque, is the calumny, insults, cruelty poured out upon him – his face is his identity – they are smearing his reputation or who he is. The wicked humans who did this were subhuman, like some chimpanzees. The bullet is of course the bullet he took.
From Wikipedia: “The bullet entered through his right cheek, smashing his jaw,” – I never knew where the bullet/bullets entered his body & just now, a day after the dream, I looked at Wikipedia & find it was exactly as I saw it in the dream – in his cheek.} ***
I am bowing then waiting for him to exit but he doesn’t come by. I look at the room & he & most people are gone. {Could be the few people still there might be the Guardian Angels of these people, who remain with them in Purgatory, but when they ascend, the job of the angels is over.}
“Oh,” I said, “He went out the other exit.”
I see another plain door going from that room he was in.
*** {Room is empty – he exited out another door, his room, not the one I’m in. The Souls he ministered to her, in partnership with me, exited Purgatory into Heaven! Hallelujah!} ***
1-18-22-Dreams: He Needs Me Bad – I Win in the end – Saint Martin Luther King Fete!
I’m on the street at night standing next to a male dressed in black. His jacket looks like vinyl, loose, not tight, & a bit later I see it sticking out or buckling in the middle of his torso. It’s a casual jacket with zipper, thick, might have some kind of winter lining.
*** {Man in black: I already know from a quick view of this dream this is my Beloved Bob. He is in the deepest depression re me! It can’t get any worse than black. Seeing it buckling or sticking out from his torso later indicates the heart so he’s broken hearted at us not being together.} ***
I know this person but I have ignored him. He’s never asked me for anything, but this time he asks me to buy him a beer. He seems needy like, forlorn, not expecting me to pay attention to him or give him anything. He thinks I’m a busy/popular lady & I go to the bars having fun but I ignore him because he’s not worthy. This is the FIRST TIME HE REACHES OUT TO ME. I’m not sure if I find a beer some place & give him it but then he adds that it would be nice if in my busy schedule I could take him to the bar & buy him one or more beers there. Its closing time, not much time left, maybe half an hour, so there won’t be much drinking.
*** {Buy him a beer or beers. First time he ever asked me for anything. The beer or alcohol represents inebriation or a feel good state. He’s asking me to make him feel good. The fact that he never asked me for anything before is because he never had to. It was always there & he took it for granted. Now he no longer takes it for granted. He realizes he has to do something to get back my love – or more precisely, to see a demonstration of my love which is affection & sex!
Real life: Because of this dream I checked his social media – which I’ve not checked in a week. He wrote a poem that had some telling statements like so:
“Make amends – better late than ever”
“Where you been?”
“Suicide for the things I did”
“Trying to get in touch with you” me: {you have my # asshole}
“You been with everybody” me: {You’re imagining things, it’s in your mind, not mine. I’ve been writing books. Haven’t been out in two years!}
“I’ve got love four ya” me: {all it takes is repentance & make things right. Not just write poems, do something. I’m not chasing you any more.}
“You play in the dark” me: {You imagine things. What I do is on my sites & Amazon books.}
me: This can’t be about his live-in female, it’s about someone who isn’t there. She’s right there with him, he’s calling out to someone that’s missing. Wanting to see her. Thinking she’s with other men, thinking of regret over how he’s been, etc. Saying he loves her. So it’s about a female he loves, not his live in. Unless it’s someone else besides his female, it’s me, but if you look at my dreams as evidence, it’s me. Mother God, add something:
MG: Alright, it’s a beginning. He’s getting there slowly but surely. What will it take, emotional dynamite? He can’t get any more depressed this says. So get out of your depression by taking a chance, call the lady you love, try to make amends. Talk to her, not social media.
You still have that fake wife. You have to do something about this – can’t have it both ways. Not like it used to be.} *** {End real life part & channeling}
Before I take one more step I see he’s holding a MUSICAL INSTRUMENT – of what kind, I don’t know. It’s large like a guitar, but it is in the form of a dull goldeny color, the surface worn here & there, underneath a hint of BLUE, & it’s a METAL FOLDING CHAIR that he’s holding folded up.
*** {Musical instrument, folding chair, large: Is his penis. He wants to make music or make love with me. Music sets a mood, a feeling, puts a person into a vibe. A chair is a position or seat. It’s a place he’s been occupying or a position he had with me as lover. But now it’s folded up or ended. I see blue where it’s worn out – this is sadness. Goldeny, now dull, is the love that was there.} ***
It seems, without words, he’s asked me to stay at my apt for the night – which I share with another lady & a male – & for some reason he wants me to take his instrument there first & park it, then later we go there. Perhaps he didn’t want to take it into the bar, I don’t dwell on that.
*** {Take it to my apt, he wants to spend the night there: It all happened in my apt – He’s asking to be with me again & make love. It’s all he thinks about as far as our relationship but I can no longer do this, in real life, unless we have a genuine, total relationship. He’s longing for our togetherness.
Who is the male & female I’m sharing this apt with? There are no humans living with me – the persons I relate to the most are Jesus & Holy Mary, so it must be them. I am in an exquisite relationship with them right now, saying many prayers & celebrating Holy Communion every day. And this apt is my wonderful present state of consciousness.
My Mom being missing is strange – that would be Mother God within me. This might be saying that when I defer to Jesus & Mary in constant worship I am in their consciousness rather than my own private ‘me & my God’ personal state.
It seems amusing that Jesus is concerned in this dream about Bob – like maybe He’s worried about falling down to his level again? But Holy Mary is not concerned, she knows everything is alright, I won’t fall down again.
Myself wondering where to put him in my apt or consciousness? Somewhere more remote from a higher or lower place? Across from my God Self? In the end I opt for a room fairly intimate, as we share the same rest room. I was afraid it might be too close, but I’m taking that chance. What does this mean? I accept him because he’s reached out to me for th first time – into a fairly intimate state. Not 100%, which would be the same room, but close.
The empty bedrooms in this apt being so cozy, so private, so comfortable & delightful, is the spiritual state I am in & offering to share with my Beloved.} ***
As we walk toward the bar area, where we’ll stop at the corner & the bar is to the right {everything is blackish around us, no colors of any kind anywhere, a feeling of the streets or buildings glistening from a rain}
– my apt is across the street – a thin man stops us. He’s an enemy of this guy & he wants to DISCOURAGE ME from being nice to him. He says something negative, then he disappears like walking through the door & wall to the right. His clothing is he has on a fitted leather jacket that is sort of RUST with some kind of pink hue seeming to radiate from underneath the hem of it, the pants are maybe a dull mustard – it’s vague, but they’re not black, just a dull but matching color. The feeling is he’s dressed like a ‘dandy’ but I tell the young guy,
*** {‘dandy’ guy: The demonic trying to stop me from loving Bob, perhaps reminding me when Bob was a Casanova the time we were together. He’s anti-Christ, anti forgiveness, & the fact that he goes through walls means he’s spiritual, not a living person. He’s reminding me of the women Bob teased me with like talking to them, giving them his phone & asking them to call him while with me, he refused to give his phone. Things like that which were cruel made me feel great pain – rust is when things get old – he’s reminding me fo the past. The pink hue is vagina. But this is today, not then. I’m not going to hold on to yesterday’s pain when there’s repentance on his part. It’s a temptation.} ***
I then want to immediately attend to putting the guy’s instrument into my apt & prepare him to be there the night. I see there is my apt, then one beneath it & above it. Where shall I put him? At first I was going to put him in one of the other apts, but then I reconsider & think my place is so huge, has so many beds, it’s wonderful, so why not let him be here? {At least 6 bedrooms}
To the left of this extended apt I see my male roommate who is kind of hovering as if in the air observing me, concerned. Past him is my Mom’s room – who’s absent right now visiting somewhere. Across from her room is a wonderful out-of-the-way bedroom. These bedrooms tucked away in corners are so neat. The beds are low, they are double & have thick rumpled comforters in nice colors & prints. They are totally private, out of the way, like you could be there & no one notices you. But I decide not to put him in this room & look to the opposite side.
On the opposite side is an almost identical room & what’s different is that here its right by the bathroom I would also use. It kind of makes him closer to my protection. It seems I was so distant to this guy but suddenly I changed into this – because he reached out to me I guess. The lady who shares this place is approx in the middle of the apt in front of me – having this other guy here doesn’t catch her attention. I don’t see any more after this.
MEANING: This dream is about his repentance & reaching out to me, & my acceptance, putting him into a good place in my consciousness.
1-17-22—Casanova betrays me but I win in the end
This was yesterday – let’s see how well I remember.
There’s a tall, attractive young man I’m talking to who I tell,
“I can make you a star….there are ways….but you must cooperate.”
I’m not sure I really want to go to the trouble of all the work it takes to make a person famous, I’m considering it. Perhaps I’m waiting for his reaction to see if he’ll cooperate or appreciate it, but nothing is forthcoming. He’s neutral, like he thinks,
“OK, maybe she can or can’t. But I’m not going to do anything about it”
& he doesn’t. So he fails that test.
Next we’re out in the street, & its daylight, a nice day – a broad horizon. He’s wearing a white t shirt & white Bermuda shorts & carrying a basketball.
*** {Handsome guy I make an offer to but he fails to cooperate. Then he’s in the streets with a ball: This reviews how Bob & I were long ago, when I hoped to help him in a career, but he did nothing to help himself or work with me to help him so it failed.
Instead he worked the streets ‘playing’ or ‘balling.} ***
He meets one young lady who wants him because of his looks, then another. I see like two separate incidents. Each time he passes the ball to a male friend & goes to make love – the second time not one but two females want him, he passes the ball again to a male friend & goes to make love to them.
The next scene I am talking to him & his skin is darker than before. He’s still wearing white, sitting down leaning forward & listening to me. I explain to him I don’t judge him about the two females because I’ve done it with two males. In fact, last time I had two guys in tow – college age – I was so drunk I fell hard & dislocated my hip – & now my dancing days are over, etc….What I didn’t like was another item but I’m not sure what. Was it passing the ball, being deceptive?
*** {Passing the ball: Not sure what this means but I’m guessing if the ball is balling, he’s lying about the sex he did – says another guy did it, does this twice – being deceptive, as if another guy did the balling, not him.} ***
In the next scene there is something like this: I have a boyfriend, but I’m also interested in the guy mentioned but don’t want him to know, & he’s hanging out at this apt that I now visit. The one I am visiting suspects me of having another boyfriend but he isn’t sure.
*** {The guy I desire plus I have another boyfriend: Is one & the same guy. He suspects, imagines I have another one & I let him think what he wants. This is part of the ‘game of love’ because he’s playing games, so was I.} ***
To get into this place there’s a window higher up & a landing in front of it, covered with some cups & glasses. I have to go on all fours over this white partition & enter the apt, & there I sit down with a lady friend to my left. The guy I desire is sitting left, there’s a few of the local hoods hanging here – 6 or 7. I might add the apt is rather sparse, not like it was before.
I sit there smiling, then say that I must go see what my bf Mike has to say & I exit. When I go to the street I stand in front of a bar or some place but he’s nowhere around.
I return to the apt & at some point I’m telling this guy how even though I can’t dance any more I am flexible as anything. To prove it I stand up & hoist one of my legs up to the ceiling.
As I do so, to my surprise there’s an audience of both males & females, we are IN A NEW PLACE & all these people APPLAUD WARMLY. I’m so pleased I do it again with the other leg, everyone again applauds warmly & I see a female in particular smiling at me. She’s wearing blue, is middle aged. All these people are good people, not like the guy I’m infatuated with & his crowd. Then I decide to go all out & I dance gracefully & beautifully & move down the room like I’m center stage, floor level, & there are more people surrounding the room farther down, all sitting. I dance & even arise into the air & completely go around in the air & land softly on my feet & the music hits a crescendo – mellow music – & I stop with a perfect step to the end & everyone applauds.
I was wearing a top that was very loose on the bottom – it’s translucent & you can see my body through it, the rest of it is translucent also & I’m not sure what kind of shoes I have on, maybe heels. But it seems it wasn’t only my dancing, it was my body they could see as the light shined through my outfit & I have a perfect body. The scene with the guys just evaporates.
*** {The new place: I’m no longer in the old consciousness where I was hanging out downtown as a Cougar, obsessed/in crazy love with Bob. I am now keeping to myself, celibate, writing my life story & ministering to Souls in Purgatory.
This is a place where I am greatly appreciated. People are applauding. They could be those who read my articles about Purgatory, & the Holy Souls themselves, which is totally different than the Purgatory Bob & the people downtown put me into. It’s the difference between being miserable, being abused, &being loved – Hell vs Heaven.
My outfit being see through & they seem to be amazed at my body {they see the breasts especially which is love} as much as the dance, represents my spiritual state as well as ‘performing’ or acting out rituals of love, like the Holy Mass & praying. Possibly the spot where I rise into the air & go around in it without touching the ground is the Holy Mass or Martyrdom – that act of Our Lord being the most difficult, & I recreate it.} ***
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