4 Movies & NY Law Journal on Rasa

By Rasa Von Werder, April 23rd, 2022
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4-23-22 Rasa Life Story Movie Prediction

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Lawsuit against Morton Downey Jr. front page New York Law Journal


          I’m at a movie theater with a female to my right. We’ve been watching this movie in color, & it’s about Bruce Springsteen. After a while I exclaim,

          “This is the FOURTH TIME he’s doing this song!”


          *** (BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN has been chosen to symbolize me, lol. Why? Because he toured coast to coast for many years, an entertainer. But one more quirky similarity I just recalled. Freehold, N.J. He is from around there, & I lived near there for 7 years of my young life! We just put in Wikipedia ‘on a farm near Freehold, NJ!

          But the BIG REVELATION here is FOURTH TIME!           I’ve been praying to God many times – will this be one movie or a series? Because I channeled a dozen souls, all of them keep repeating “You will make big money from this.” I sense REALLY BIG but they don’t tell me how much. I keep asking, will there be one movie or a series? And nobody so far has answered, but this dream does.) ***


          I see a lot of color on the screen, like saturated shades of dull red, brown dark colors, the images & colors blend together, like no separation. He’s on stage with his men, someone playing drums, this & that instruments, all on stage. But like, my God, the same song four times!


          *** (DARK COLORS, RED, BROWN: These colors represent suffering. This has been my life, lots of pain.) ***

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          My lady friend & I both know, somehow, that Bruce is in the house, to the right of us, back a ways, sitting against the wall. Since he’s the subject of this movie plus he’s a celebrity, there’s reason to want to meet him.

          I tell my friend, let’s go speak to him, but she is reluctant, so I tell her,

          “I’m going, even if you don’t.

          So I head in his direction. By way of a joke, I say,

          “It’s a crazed fan”

as I approach.

          He’s sitting, surprisingly, all alone with just one female in the seat behind him – who is affiliated with him. No one is mobbing him, maybe he’s incognito, somehow disguised or didn’t tell anyone he’d be here so all the seats to his right & left & in front are empty.

          The female behind him is young, pleasingly plump, & for some reason, as I approach, she takes a layer of her clothing, white, pulls it up partially covering her face. It’s like saying “Oh my God” or “Wow.”


          *** (WHY IS HE ALONE? Except for one female behind him etc: The behavior of the female is tricky, but I discern this is a hint that the person approaching is God, & there’s a saying that God is so imposing / overwhelming that people might cover their faces at her approach – the Light of God is so Bright it frightens people. {I have heard in writings that when a bad sinner faces God at the immediate judgment the sight of her is so frightening that they ask to be removed & sent to Hell – Because God to them is not a friend, but a judge. They stand condemned. Of course one who is filthy with sin, even thought they are saved, might also want to get to Purgatory fast & get cleaned up.}

          This then tells us that the dreamer is my God Self, while Bruce is my flesh & there is something amazing in this that God kneels to my flesh. It shows incredible intimacy with God – that we are One.

          Why is he ALONE? This might be a hint that there is no one like him, as ‘birds of a feather stick together’ & if one has no birds of like feather, no one sticks to them. But this might give the hint why the movie is being made – individuality – there is no one else like this.

          Who then however is affiliated with Bruce – me? The only human I can think of that’s been behind me all my life is Our Holy Mother – & this is strange that she should be startled by my God Self, but it’s just a symbol.

          Calling myself, the God Self of Rasa, a ‘crazed fan’ as a joke means what?

          I think it’s an analogy that I have been ‘a crazed fan’ of God & now God is my ‘crazed fan.’ It’s a reflection of each other. There is no difference, so to speak, when one enters Nonduality.

          And in this kneeling, God shows to me that She acts toward me the way I have acted toward her – we are the same.) ***

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          OK so now I KNEEL right in front of Bruce like putting my head into his lap & quickly assure him,

          “You KNOW ME, we spent FOUR HOURS speaking to each other one time.”

          And so he is assured it’s not just some random stranger or someone out to do him harm.

          My kneeling there, we are extremely close & affectionate, like if you had a pet in your lap.


          *** (FOUR HOURS TOGETHER! Again the number 4 is saying there will be FOUR MOVIES.

And again, these are but symbols, not to all be taken literally. “I Strip for God” & God acknowledges me the same way.) ***



publication:    Aha, the New York Law Journal re my lawsuit against Morton Downey Jr – front page!


The New York Law Journal Friday Sept. 22, 1989  Front Page


TV Station Faces Libel Trial Over Downey Show


by Alan Kohn


                        After the judge completed his analysis of libel law, public and private figures, and New Jersey’s law on assault and battery, one fact remained:  WWOR-TV must defend itself against a suit by Kellie Everts, a self-proclaimed “stripper for God.”

    Ms. Everts has sued Morton Downey Jr. and numerous persons associated with his former television show and WWOR-TV Channel 9 over her treatment when she appeared as a guest along with another stripper, a belly dancer and some male strippers on a program that was videotaped Oct. 26, 1988, and telecast Nov. 4.

    In his decision in Everts v. Downey in Kings Count, Supreme Court, IA 17, Justice Elliott Golden, after viewing a videotape of the telecast, noted that at the conclusion of the program, Mr. Downey had loosed a “barrage of invectives” against the plaintiff, among which were “slut” and “pig.”

    Among the names he called her during the program was a fat bitch”.  During the “entire program,” Justice Golden stated, Mr.  Downey “singled out plaintiff for his vituperation and abuse, apparently for plaintiff’s claim that she was a “stripper for God.” 

Mr. Downey’s remarks plus allegations of assault and battery, are the basis of Ms. Everts’s suit. The record did not show, the justice stated, whether anyone other than WWOR-TV had been served, so that he was only dealing with the television station’s motion to dismiss, which he denied.

          In his analysis, the justice, after examining case law, stated the decisions led to a “powerful syllogism. A defamation is actionable only if it is false. Opinions cannot be false. Therefore, opinions can never be actionable, even if defamatory.”

          Mr. Downey’s “defamatory language,” the justice continued, could be divided into “separate segments: the statements and charges he uttered during the entire show and the “barrage” at the conclusion.

          Thus, calling Ms. Everts a “fat bitch” during the program, the judge ruled, fell into the category of statements described as “mere opprobriums which are tolerated on the theory that it will be understood to amount to nothing more than vulgar name-calling.”


DJI_0076-2 OIP (7) SWI-Fishing-Aceh-Attractions-Banyak-Islands-017-1Circumstances Weighed


          Mr. Downey’s charge that the plaintiff “must be on drugs or is diseased,” Justice Goldin found, “must be considered in view of the circumstances in which those statements were made. In each instance, the remark was predicated by Downey’s alluding to plaintiff’s assertion that she had a vision from the “Blessed Mother” that she should no longer engage in sexual activity.

          “These statements come under the general principle that statements of underlying fact provide the context in which an opinion maybe be understood to be an opinion.”

          A “more serious question” was presented with respect to “defamatory statements” directed at Ms. Everts at the program’s end, particularly when during the entire program Downey singled out plaintiff for his vituperation and abuse, apparently for plaintiff’s claim that she was a “stripper for God”, the justice found.

          After finding Ms. Everts was a public figure the justice stated this did not preclude her from recovering for the “libelous conduct of Downey” but declared she must prove malice. A finding that WWOR-TV “SHOULD HAVE HAD SOME SERIOUS DOUBT AS TO THE TRUTH OF Downey’s statements may circumstantially be made,” Justice Golden found.

          “Thus, the records shows that there was about a nine-day period between the original live show, which was videotaped, and the telecast – ample time for defendant to have reviewed this tape. This factor becomes relevant when considered in light of defendant’s concession that Downey was known for his loud, combative and provocative style.”


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          As a matter of fact, a review of the tape shows that Downey’s performance was more than just loud, combative and provocative but in certain segments of the program, outright salacious…Downey directed his venomous and oft-time degrading language at plaintiff, although another stripper and a belly dancer were co-guests on the program.

          “All of this should have alerted defendant to the concrete possibility of damaging defamatory statements for which it could be held liable. Suffice it to say there are circumstances here for a jury to ponder and weight to determine if, or to what extent, the defendant showed actual malice in the presentation of this program, in addition to the other issues herein.”

          One of the other issues, Justice Golden stated, was WWOR-TV’s claim that even if the statements at issue were found to be defamatory statements of fact, the complaint still should be dismissed for failure to plead special damages.

          The justice rejected the claim, holding the defamatory meaning was “apparent from the statements themselves. They are statements that held plaintiff up to public contempt, ridicule, aversion and disgrace.

          “Extrinsic facts are unnecessary to explain their defamatory meaning necessary in libel per quod and therefore, there is no need to plaintiff to allege special damages.”

          Ms. Everts was represented by Jack B. Solerwitz, Mineola, L.I. WWOR-TV’s lawyers were Laurence Greenwald and William A. Rome, of Stroock & Stroock & Lavan.


          The decision of the judge not to dismiss this case is long – appears on pg 25, 3rd column, & goes on for many pages, citing the assault and battery {he knocked Kellie Everts down into her chair} and other defamations uttered by Morton Downey Jr. – It is probably about 10 pages typed.

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