College of the Gender War

Are we at war?  Yes indeed we are.  Once woman was the winner, the chief, the authority.  Then males broke away from her authority, they fell from the Grace of Mother God!  They stopped worshiping Mother and created a Father in their own image and likeness.  This is the truth about the Myth of Satan being an angel of Heaven, then falling into Hell.  It was the time when men turned away from Matriarchy, created their own Hell in their hearts, attempting to bring the entire human race into Hell on earth and in eternity.  This is a war that we battle every day, the Culture of Death – Patriarchy – against the Culture of Life – Matriarchy.  We here are attempting to bring back into Life the precepts of Mother God in Love and Sex.  They took it away from us – we gain it back, bringing God back into sex; the return of Love, the return of Sacred Sex.  All of this will be explained here in detail – the theology of Sex and God.

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