By Rasa Von Werder, February 17th, 2014
Kellie Everts - Fatima speech in front of the White House June 16, 1978, ended the Cold War and the threat of WWIII - nuclear annihilation of our planet - See the Kellie Everts biographical site

by Matriarchal Prophet – the “Right Hand of Mother God” – William Bond

In all patriarchal societies boys are subjected to stories of war and violence from a very early age.  In all these stories the “good” guys, defeated the “bad” guys through being better in using guns or their fists than the bad guys.  It is true that that you can come across books or films that point out the total Insanity of war and violence, but they are very few in number.

Men are brainwashed to believe in war.  Most of them get a rough awakening once they enter into it.  As William Bond says, there is a price to pay for killing other people.  In a Matriarchal setting, men only killed when they had to - in the protection of women and children.  This made them genuine heroes.  But after they enter Patriarchal wars, they must realize they are killing innocent men, women and children, and the burden of guilt is deathly.

Men are brainwashed to believe in war. Most of them get a rough awakening once they enter into it. As William Bond says, there is a price to pay for killing other people. In a Matriarchal setting, men only killed when they had to – in the protection of women and children. This made them genuine heroes. But after they enter Patriarchal wars, they must realize they are killing innocent men, women and children, and the burden of guilt is deathly.

The impression given in all these action stories for boys, is that violence is, natural and normal for men. Where heroes and villains kill humans with as little remorse as killing a fly.   So any boy who does not like violent stories, rough sporting games or is not willing to fight other boys, is labelled a sissy, wimp or coward.  Boys are put into a position to prove that they are tough and macho.  This generally means, someone who is willing to inflict violence onto others.

Men are between a rock and a hard place, what to choose?  Go with men - Patriarchy - and they say you will have all the things of the world, and respect.  But you have to be heartless, unfeeling, uncaring.  Go with Mother - Matriarchy, and you will have the Love of God, but the world will call you a sissy, wimp, and you might not get the things of the world, and their "glory."  To choose the Good Path takes a brave soul.

Men are between a rock and a hard place, what to choose? Go with men – Patriarchy – and they say you will have all the things of the world, and respect. But you have to be heartless, unfeeling, uncaring. Go with Mother – Matriarchy, and you will have the Love of God, but the world will call you a sissy, wimp, and you might not get the things of the world, and their “glory.” To choose the Good Path takes a brave soul.

The trouble with this, is that if violence was so natural for men, why then does patriarchal societies put so much effort into brainwashing boys to be brutal?  If boys were naturally violent, we would not need to pressurize boys into being like this.

Are men "naturally violent?"  Think - they are geared biologically to DEFEND the good, not to attack the innocent.  They love their Mother, wife, children, community.  If a powerful animal strikes, they defend, if another man tries to rape his wife, Mother or daughter, he defends.  Natural testosterone and a special kind of brain makes this right for him.  But this does not mean he is a pathological killer or should be paid a sum of money to go out and assassinate innocent, and that is what Patriarch bid him to do, and mind control him to do so.  They begin breeding violence through video games, media and social pressure.

Are men “naturally violent?” Think – they are geared biologically to DEFEND the good, not to attack the innocent. They love their Mother, wife, children, community. If a powerful animal strikes, they defend, if another man tries to rape his wife, Mother or daughter, he defends. Natural testosterone and a special kind of brain makes this right for him. But this does not mean he is a pathological killer or should be paid a sum of money to go out and assassinate innocent, and that is what Patriarchs bid him to do, and mind control him to do so. They begin breeding aggression / violence at an early age.

In the 1982 Falklands war between Great Britain and Argentina, it was discovered that of all troops that saw action on both sides, more soldiers committed suicide than died in the conflict.  This is not unusual, this is the trend is most wars, but for obvious reasons politicians and military leaders try to suppress knowledge like this.

I have read the consistent reports of men committing suicide during and after combat.  What is it?  Depression, anxiety and finally DESPAIR.  Add to that the GUILT they feel from what they participated in.  At some point, they realize they are caught in a place like Hell, from which they cannot escape.  Can they go back to their Mother?  No,... their wife?  No... Who then?  No one, so they kill themselves.  They cannot find a world where they can find solace, relief, from the Hell of Patriarchy.  They have seen the face of it in war.

I have read the consistent reports of men committing suicide during and after combat. What is it? Depression, anxiety and finally DESPAIR. Add to that the GUILT they feel from what they participated in. At some point, they realize they are caught in a place like Hell, from which they cannot escape. Can they go back to their Mother? No,… their wife? No… Who then? No one, so they kill themselves. They cannot find a world where they can find solace, relief, from the Hell of Patriarchy. They have seen the face of it in war.

Mother, mother, what have I done?  Save me from this evil world of Patriarchy.

Mother, mother, what have I done? Save me from this evil world of Patriarchy.

After WW2, Brig General S.L.A. Marshall did a study on the combat experiences of American troops and discovered that few of them aimed their rifles to hit the enemy.  They preferred to miss their targets than to have the death of another human being on their conscience.  This study was to change the way American troops were trained, as they then adopted behaviorist psychology to program their soldiers to kill.  This was very effective, but the suicide rate of combat troops, greatly increased because of it.  It seems that killing another human being is a traumatic experience for most normal men, leading to mental problems and suicide.

This is not unusual, there have always been a problem getting troops to kill in battle.  Military history is full of stories of small armies defeating a far larger armies.  The reason why this is possible, is that the small army of psychopaths, who will ruthlessly kill others, will always defeat a far larger army that has too many troops in it, who have qualms about killing fellow human beings.

War does not make men happy, certainly not normal men.  It seems to me that the hordes of guys such as who followed Alexander the Great were mentally ill, or damaged, and it is known that Alexander himself, and who knows how many of his followers, were homosexual.  Obviously, not sissy homos, macho homos, which people do not understand are also running much of our modern-day military and governments.  Bohemian Grove, near San Francisco, where the heads of state of all the world are selected, is a pleasure ground of homosexuality.  These men do not love women. They might use them as dumping grounds for sperm and breeding exploitation, but their sexual eyeballs are on men.

War does not make men happy, certainly not normal men. It seems to me that the hordes of guys such as those who followed Alexander the Great were mentally ill, or damaged, and it is known that Alexander himself, and who knows how many of his followers, were homosexual. Obviously, not sissy homos, macho homos, which people do not understand are also running much of our modern-day military and governments. Bohemian Grove, near San Francisco, where the heads of state of all the world are selected (by the Shadow Govt., Illuminati, corporate elite, obscenely rich), is a pleasure ground of homosexuality. These men do not love women. They might use them as dumping grounds for sperm and breeding exploitation, but their sexual eyeballs are on men.  See the disclosures of Kay Griggs, married to an army Colonel, who explained it all to her, then disappeared.  They tried to kill her, but she escaped.  I learned more about military sexuality from her than any other human being.  I knew they had brothels seated next to army barracks in Viet Nam, but I had no idea the entire military was homo oriented.

Lieutenant Colonel  Dave Grossman, has publicized this in his book  “On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society,” for which he has been strongly criticized.  Military leaders do not want the public to know that killing is not natural for men. The military has to train their troops not only how to fight and how to kill as well.  In the past it was done by brutalizing men.  The soldiers were treated so cruelly, that they learned to hate, then this hatred was directed towards the enemy.  Nowadays, the military uses clever behaviorist psychology.

The men have learned to prepare other males into the mentality of violence and killing way ahead of time, then when military age occurs, they have an easier time directing them into violence.  Dr. James Gilligan, a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry has for most of his career, worked in prisons, studying violent criminals.  What he discovered was that the main cause of violent crime was the macho culture these criminals grew up in.  Like most young men they were bullied at school and accused of being a sissy or wimp and had learned to resort to violence to ‘prove’ they were not like this.  In the end violence became a way of life for them and they ended up as violent criminals.

Macho culture makes men killers.  You do not have to be a killer to be a real man.  Look at Saint (Rev.) Martin Luther King Jr., who stood up to mobs of white killers with "The Strength to Love," - look at Jesus, Gandhi, who stood up to violence bravely.  These were REAL MEN.

Macho culture makes men killers. You do not have to be a killer to be a real man. Look at Saint (Rev.) Martin Luther King Jr., who stood up to mobs of white killers with “The Strength to Love,” – look at Jesus, Gandhi, who endured violence bravely. These were REAL MEN.

It would make far more sense if violent criminals were put into the army.  After all, a psychopath is the perfect killing machine the military wants.  But patriarchal propaganda likes to portray soldiers as heroes, and do not want violent criminals ending up winning gallantry medals.
RASA SAYS:  William is right.  However, Kay Griggs, who is famous for outing the military, said that they do recruit psychopaths and mental weirdos (from other countries as well as ours) to do assassinations and terrorist attacks.  They also find young victims of normal state, strongly disturb their mind, and turn them into strangelings – people like Timothy McVeigh, who started out as good hearted innocents, but eventually being a part of a government-planned terrorist attack. And who could ever forget Lee Harvey Oswald assassinating JFK?  His Mom went on TV saying he was working for the CIA – everyone laughed.  What was he doing in Russia, during the time when it was our greatest enemy?  And why did someone then shoot him before anything could be revealed?  Most of the governments of the world are killers, their stock in trade is war – put nothing past them.  (end Rasa part)

What are men fighting for?  What are they risking life and limb for?  So rich men can grow richer, so rich men can have harems of women.

What are men fighting for? What are they risking life and limb for? So rich men can grow richer, so rich men can have harems of women.

Patriarchal governments feel they have to do this because if they were to admit that war was total insanity they would have to disarm, dismantle the military and stop training boys and men to be killers.  They fear that they will be open to attack and conquest by other nations who retained their armed forces.  This would also be true, even if we had a matriarchal government.  Boys and men will still have to be taught to be killers by the military, to defend the country.  The only way the insanity of war and teaching men to be killers, can be stopped, is for women to rule the whole planet.

Kellie Everts - Fatima speech in front of the White House June 16, 1978, ended the Cold War and the threat of WWIII - nuclear annihilation of our planet - See the Kellie Everts biographical site

Kellie Everts – Fatima speech in front of the White House June 16, 1978, ended the Cold War and the threat of WWIII – nuclear annihilation of our planet – See the Kellie Everts biographical site

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