College of the Gender War, Core Tenets

Females Future–the New Order


Females Future – the New Order from Pete Jackson & Rasa Von Werder

Position Statement Pete Jackson 3-8-24

Responses from Rasa Von Werder

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The following is a list of questions and answers about the positions that I, Ajax the Great (Pete Jackson) take on various issues.  Opinions expressed herein are personal and not necessarily those of the Matriarchy movement as a whole or any of its members, including Guru Rasa Von Werder and William Bond.  Unless otherwise noted, my views and those of my own True Spirit of America Party (TSAP) are basically equivalent.  And it should go without saying that the answers to all of these questions will ultimately be decided by the Women of the future.

(Last updated March 2024)

Q1)  Why do you believe that Women are the superior gender overall?

A1)  Because it is largely self-evident.  Ashley Montagu discussed it in detail in his 1953 bombshell of a book, The Natural Superiority of Women, which has been updated several times since then and never successfully refuted.  And he is by no means the only one to have made such observations.  Deep down, we all kinda know as much even if we don’t want to admit it.

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Rasa says: Indeed, men know it & are in terror of women. Just the mention of women’s rights makes their shackles rise up & they go into ‘fight or fight’ mode. I have had revenge taken on me for speaking the subject, both in person & on the internet, including death threats. Friends with a husband-wife, the husband told me ‘You won’t be welcome here any more if you talk like that.’ {It was MILD stuff – Other men locally, when I was talking to their wives & girlfriends, – one of them pretending to shake my hand, as usual tried to break it in a squeeze. But results were gotten, each woman got things out of him they had asked for for years – one got a new refrigerator, the other a 3k sound system to practice her music} Why so extreme? Because they take it as a personal attack on them, their manhood, their RIGHT to be dominant & deep inside they FEAR female dominance because they KNOW the woman is the BOSS – the MOTHER – & she WILL take over if not held down by all means necessary. As William Bond says: “When the cork is not held down it rises up” – as women have when the strongholds against them have loosened.

Pete Jackson continues:   Q2)  What kind of government do you think Women should create upon taking over?

A2)  I believe that Women will make that decision themselves, and have faith that they will make the right one, but if they want my advice I would recommend social democracy, democratic socialism, or something in between to start with.  From there on, I would recommend moving towards what Riane Eisler calls the “partnership” model as well as for the future.


Rasa continues: OK this is a DEEP & TRICKY question & there are important nuances here, factors that NO ONE ever speaks of to my hearing.

In the New Religion-Order I am starting – it’s aimed at WOMEN – not men, NOT equality or any kind of ‘egalitarianism’ Riane Eisler or Heidi GotNerd not withstanding. It is ‘safe space’ – female sequestered, protected & secure, female standing on her own two feet, no man need apply except learning our religion from the OUTSIDE, or for the most part, donating their sperm as we breed for our own community. There might be some relationships, close knit, even marriage, but this will not be the norm, the norm is the Order is the second ‘parent’ of the child begotten here & we provide all that is necessary for them. We’ll suggest to ur females of breeding age not to ook for the traditional husband hook up, but to see men as subordinate – providing NOT security but love, affection if any, & sperm if the female wants kids. They can ‘come & go’ or if they stay, we’ll talk about how they wan to work it. Do they want nighty visits like the Mosuos? Or once a week dates? Or do they want to live with the guy – in one of our Villages or completely off premises? Whatever she does, the order, if she remains in good standing, backs her up. If anything GOES WRONG she has the order for a safe haven.

{We anticipate men getting bent out of shape when she spends more time with us than with him, but for her to receive all the benefits, it will take time. What is he going to do for her, sitting in the house, waiting on him? Nothing, except ‘do this, do that – keep the house clean & organized, provide me love & affection & sex, support my needs.’ When he goes on the computer he’ll be looking for other women, chatting with them – he has his slave working, he can have fun. Or else he goes to the bars or hookers looking for diversion & leaves her alone or TIED TO THE CHILDREN.

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But at the Order, she has SISTERHOOD-STRENGTH – & this is one of the most important features of the Order; total CHILD CARE SERVICES! There is nothing that more chains a woman to the house than her children – men planned it that way {been there, done that.}. In the days of Matriarchy, with extensive families dominated by women – there were sisters, Aunts, Moms & Grandmas around. One could do whatever they had to do without fear of leaving children alone. But with a man as the head of the household – no women around – she has no help except cumbersome child care, where usually it’s daytime only. And it’s expensive – & unreliable or could be dangerous. Our services will be FREE from other members who volunteer, including a surrogate Mom who is there for overnight & protracted absences. This is a TREMENDOUS CROSS off the backs of the Mothers!

There is more. The woman can HAVE FUN with us – outdoor & indoor recreation. When the weather’s fine we have basketball, badminton, croquet, horseshoes, hiking in the ‘wilderness’ Villages, sitting around meditating in Nature – indoor sports when weather’s not good or after dark:, table tennis, chess, checkers, cards, all the usual indoor games.

Besides that, each facility will have one hour DANCING nightly for all ages including those with infirmities {they can sit in a chair for dancing – which I’m doing right now} & after that, sitting by the large fireplace having a group discussion or reading – one hour with kids, one without.

We can have a ‘movie night’ once a week with a large screen – where we make popcorn, grill hot dogs & cheese sandwiches at the fireplace while we watch. {No microwave ovens ever – they cause cancer.}

The Order offers meaningful work – paid & volunteer – plus camaraderie, a shoulder to lean on, a roof over her head, a religion that makes sense – FREEDOM.

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Given all this a husband will be jealous & demand,

“You married me, not the Order. What are you doing over there? Your place is at home, taking care of me & the kids!”

Yes, there will be a CONFLICT especially if the wife is at the Order every day. Even if she goes there one day a week – you can bet your bottom dollar he will protest! I know women who wanted one night a week ‘girl’s night out’ & the guys complained SO MUCH they finally gave up. And yet guys often go, after work, to a bar or a friend’s house, or to see other women – you name it, they act like they are free as a bird – you’re not – ESPECIALLY if you have kids – you MUST STAY HOME!

For years I wondered why single women are not invited to married people’s homes. Then finally figured out – single women ae Sisters / supporters / a way out, for the married woman. They offer a backup – they give a shoulder to lean on – they even have a place you can stay after he beats you up. They can give financial support. For all these reasons, married women are not supposed to have female friends, unless they are MARRIED & presumed to be owned by another man – kept under his control. {You’d be surprised how automatic & sub-rosa that control is!}

But single men ARE invited to married households because they give support to the man! I’ve witnessed married men, backed up with their friends, intimidate & sass their wives. Men work IN GANGS, but women aren’t supposed to! The gang is your little army!

But THERE IS MORE & it is important. Lots of men are pleased by the idea of equal partnership rather than women going off on their own terms. But LISTEN:

Women need REHABILITATION. They have been INJURED for thousands of years, beaten, demoralized; they have been robbed of their IDENTITY!

That’s why God gave me the dictum: Woman, Thou Art God, to get them back on track, on their own two feet, their own identity, their Source, which is God.

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They have been told that God is a Man, the Son of God is a man, & the Holy Spirit is neither male nor female. That means women are not a part of the ‘Holy Trinity.’ They have been left out of the Kingdom of God! The Catholic Church gives the impression that woman is only of use as An instrument for bringing a MAN into the world – the Son of God. All her prerogatives, her greatness, beauty & superiority comes from HIM – she has nothing of God ON HER OWN – it’s all HIM.

And so, although she’s the Greatest Woman on Earth – she’s only a reflection of a man, she does not stand on her own two feet! This is the doctrine the Catholic Church proclaims, Protestants notwithstanding – they say Catholics WORSHIP Mary but the CC FORBIDS IT! {We in the New Religion worship Mary equal to Jesus.}

That’s one issue, there’s more.

I’ve just been watching videos of horse rehabilitation. They are malnourished; you can see the bones sticking out from the sides. Hair on the sides is falling off in clumps. They are infested with parasites & worms in their guts. Some are so dehydrated & starved weak, they collapse, can’t even stand up. Some have hoofs that need trimming badly, they have trouble walking. One had abscesses in his teeth; he had trouble eating & was suffering. Horses are depressed, forlorn, given up hope, afraid. They need rehab because they’ve been abused, neglected, their needs were not met by the ‘owners’ or those in control.

Also saw a dog-rehab center. A man who gets into the pen with new dogs makes videos. There’s a sweet medium size black dog- he’s scared – most of them are scared when he gets into the pen & sits with them. The man says,

“A dog like this, when he’s adopted, needs time. If he wants to go under the bed & stay there let him. Don’t expect him to behave warm & bubbly like a regular dog, let him adjust. He might want to sit in a corner, be alone. Leave him be. Give him all the time he needs.”

Again, reading about the orphan kids in Romania, there were thousands – so many they didn’t have enough care givers, & the kids were neglected. They were sent off to adopting parents in the West & in America. I saw a documentary 40 years ago re one of them. He couldn’t get along with anyone – he’d have fits. Neaighor kids were driven away & didn’t want to come back. No one could control, appease or help him in any normal way. This rehab expert said,

“All you can do is whoever is in the house, adults, grab him & restrain him, lie on top of him for as long as he takes to quiet & calm down.”

This abnormal therapy did help, & he was finally able to part time get along with neighbor kids & play.


I’ve met many abused people in my farm area community. The’e now grown & told me their stories. Some adjusted – some did not so well. It depends how bad it was & their own disposition. One young gys you can’t leave aloe with his young brother – he was abut 26 whe I met them, his bro maybe 24. If they were alone, the oder one would beat up bis brother, every time. JuWhy? It was his reaction to the rage he felt at a stepdad his Mm brought home from a bar. This man got drunk every night, came back to the house, sodomized BOTH boys & raped their sister. During the day, as ‘man of the house,’ he fed them DOG FOOD. The social services finally came over & straightened the mess out.

Both these young men could not live alone – had a care giver lady who looked out for them, all lived in a large apt. I visited as one of the bys worked for me. She also told her story of being sexually abused age 6 by their neighbor, when she complained to her Dad he said,

“all men do that.”

And he was abusing the neighbor’s little girl 6 years old.

Another example is slaves. People that have been slaves for generations cannot be expected to act like the aristocrats who managed them as serfs, slaves & peasants.

I put it to you that women have been abused. They need time to recover. You assume, because women are genetically & other ways superior, they can right now take positions of authority leadership, dominion over men, over family, over businesses, governments, all that.

Horses are way stronger than men but men have contraptions {the bit}, guns, whips, all kinds weapons to keep horses in check. Those that fight back end up in the bone yard.

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Bulls are way stronger than men but the ring in their nose renders them docile.

Elephants are stronger than men. But they kill the parents right in front of the baby. They take the baby & use cymbals & cans & make loud noises for days until he doesn’t know right from left, back to front up or down, he’s disoriented. They make him so confused, so afraid, he obeys whatever he’s led to do.

I tell you anyone who thinks women can take charge of the family & the world without an Order such as this is a fool Women have been injured, they need time to adjust, to find themselves & regain their identity, their relationship with God, who is within them.

I’m not going to get into all the symptoms women portray as reactions to their abuse, but there are many, mostly based on fear, confusion & brainwashing.

Our New Religion, Order needs time to ease their fears & give them Faith in themselves & their God, to unconfuse them with the Truth – & de-program them from all the brainwashing.

To have the enemy with them at this time delays their rehab. The enemy is the smiling assassin, filled with lies – the false promises, & this enemy reminds them of where they have been – the memories haunt them & attach them to the sinister past. They need to SEPARATE & find themselves, they need time – years in fact. My goal for the Order is 120 years – 4 generations – before women gain what they need to stand tall without a doubt they can do it.

Egalitarian my foot. Before that can even begin to happen much has to occur. Besides, in the end, it will be a woman-dominant word. Take note of William Bond’s writing on how men cannot deal with equality – they either lead or you lead them. With men slowly going extinct – hopefully not blowing up the planet before then – there is no question on which gender has to be in charge.  {end}   Rasa Von Werder

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College of the Gender War, Core Tenets

New Order for Women

New Order for Women – What’s it About 2-3-24

The New Religion & Matriarchal Order for Women is Still a Mystery to Some


William Bond writes:  

Hi Everyone

One thing I have been thinking about with starting a matriarchal community is that, why would anyone want to join it? 


We can see the attraction for women, they will be in charge. But I know what many women would say, “what’s the catch”. This is because many women would have problems in believing men will submit to female rule. 


So we have to think about men, why would they want to join a matriarchal community where they will be bossed around by women? Femdom men would like it, but would most ordinary men want that? 


People will only join up if they think their lives will be better in a matriarchal community. So I think we have to think about how to motivate people to want to join.

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Pete Jackson says:

William, your response is tangential to this conversation, and really part of another ongoing and perennial discussion, but still something to think about nonetheless. Not so much for Rasa’s New Order for Women, as men joining as full members as it were would be counter to the basic principle of safe space for Women, but rather more for any other alternative, unaffiliated or very partially affiliated Matriarchal and quasi-Matriarchal communities, both religious and secular, both segregated and integrated, and everything in between, etc. that will inevitably pop up in the future.  (To put it in the lingua franca of the world’s currently largest but declining church, and thus make it a bit easier to wrap one’s mind around:  some such communities will be in “full communion” with the Bishop of Binghamton (aka Rasa), others in “partial communion”, and still others will be de facto “excommunicate and anathema”, but even so, all of which nonetheless have their own roles to play in the broader movement.)  You certainly make some great points overall.  Thank you.  Best wishes to you both, Pete


Rasa: These are really good thoughts, very insightful.


Pete adds:

          I don’t think I have anything else to add to the conversation at this time, or anything else about the new Order right now, but another time I might.  We shall see if I have any further ideas that are actually worth sharing, and not just me blowing hot air.  It’s a topic that truly deserves the utmost respect, not mere silly armchair philosophizing or “shooting from the hip” as I sometimes tend to do when I get out of my depth. Though I think I am better than I used to be.  (And unless specifically otherwise noted, all of my blog articles past, present, and future should be presumed to pertain to the society of the nation and world as a whole and my general vision thereof, not to the Order, regardless of the topic.)


          Rasa answers:

          Indeed, what William is asking is a new subject. Pete & I discussed the freedom vs. security measures I plan to take regarding men wanting to come to our dance/gatherings. We finished that, now this. {But a lot more must be said re this in future.}

          Why would women want to join our order?

          These reasons: Women will have a place of SECURITY in the way a good loving & secure family would provide for its children.

          We have finances. They will never be broke, penniless, homeless, worrying re bill payment. They have a home to go to – it is the Order. If they leave to get married & it goes bad, they return to our premises, with their kids if any. Support will be given for education & starting their own businesses. Support for all levels of educational on & off premises. We have our own schooling including higher education & show business. But if they choose to go off premises or if other types education is appropriate for them –{some women might want to learn architecture & construction, car repair, law enforcement, nursing & the like} – we help them study & graduate. They can be of service to the Order with these skills.


          We have the New Religion aimed to Empower women – learning to worship the God within ourselves, not a God of the Patriarchs. This is cleansing of the mind from the brainwash put upon us for thousands of years. We don’t need a Father, but a Mother God. We will conduct intensive studies into how our Empire of women fell & retrieve the lost Wisdom of women. All that women are & what they are meant to be will be explored – women as Mothers, Leaders of the family & the world, honoring the Great Infinite Mother God that made us & training our children in this positive new way.

          There will be emotional & physical security & safety away from men. Where women are, especially the young, here come the men, trying to tell us what to do – Intimidating, harassing, calling us names like ‘man haters, bullying us, challenging us, even threats if it comes to that. A world filled with Patriarchal men is NOT OUR FRIEND. We need to GET AWAY & this is where.

          Women need SAFE SPACE. Where will the go? Men have the entire world, which is on their side. Besides that, to get away from women & family, they have men’s clubs & brotherhood. They have men’s activities like sports & hunting. But women are supposed to be confined, barefoot & pregnant, no ladies night out every week – no sisterhood. Women literally, once married, are not allowed SINGLE female friends. It’s a cultural taboo! Because single women will EMPOWER the married female – give her support, a place to ESCAPE, mental & emotional strength, even finances, & this is a NO NO as Sisterhood in patriarchy is TABOO!

          The Order is a refuge for single & married women – a place to hide, to escape, to be private, to think her own thoughts & dream her own dreams. – A place of strength & love from her Sisters, a female Valhalla.

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          The next question is a CORKER:        

So we have to think about men, why would they want to join a matriarchal community where they will be bossed around by women? Femdom men would like it, but would most ordinary men want that?

          Rasa:   How wrongly you think, William!

          This is not about men, nor do we solicit men to join our Order. The men who do join will be few & their privileges will be limited. Those who are attracted to our Female Members or want to marry them will have to join if they want to participate in anything we do. There will probably be one man to ten women if that. But the women will have CHILDREN & this will be encouraged, in or out of marriage. Half the kids will be boys. Within a few generations we’ll have many male members born into our community & trained in our POV. These will be encouraged to marry women who think like us, mostly those within our Order, but if outside, their wives will be encouraged {not mandated} to be a part of us.

          In this Order, we are not focused on men. We need time & space to find ourselves, who we are – what a woman is supposed to be by the design of the Almighty. We need time, space & sounding boards to examine our thoughts, feelings & aspirations. We need Sisters to encourage us, hear us out. The LAST THING we need is for men to monitor us, judge us, critique what we do or tell us how to think, feel & act. This is what we’re getting away from. These are the chains we are to break, the fetters, the fences, the patriarchal guards against our freedom. As I said, this is to find ourselves as we are, not as men want us to be.


          Second, Femdom men will not find a fitting place within our Order. What is a Femdom man, a submissive as we have experienced in the Patriarchy?

          These men want to be NURSED by a Mother. They have a kind of severe Attachment Disorder {need of Mother nourishment}. Attachment Disorder is rampant in a Patriarchy – probably all humans within it have some of it, but these men are so extreme that they DRAIN the female of all her time & strength. They are even worse, if you can believe it, than the regular ‘normal’ Patriarchs.

         {I have experience with a female who has this disorder. Only by internet, I tried for ONE MONTH to help her as surrogate ‘Mother.’ It was so draining I could not do it – I excused myself from the role.

          The girl was so bad she would get physically ill if a female she ‘fell in love with’ stopped attending to her. It could be anyone – a store keeper, the mail lady, a friend, anyone. She would form attachments, the way men do to ‘dominant’ women – & if it went wrong or the female turned cold, she would get physically ill.

          She PAID a psychologist woman just to HOLD her an hour at a time to relieve her pain & her terrible need!}

          I had one Hindu male ‘fell’ for me – he met me once. He remembered me when his family moved to London & started calling me EVERY DAY for TWO YEARS! He did this sneakily where I did not know his number – so with the phone I had I could not block him. The third year he slacked off a bit – only called once a week. It did not pay to speak to him – he would then call EVEN MORE. I asked him to write me by mail – he refused. It had to be this sneaky way where I couldn’t block him.

          Finally by the Grace of God I got a new phone that let me block anyone – including if the number was not shown. He still tried, borrowing dozens of phones from other people – I blocked every one until he gave up.

          A ‘slave’ on the internet got to me & one day sent me 73 letters! I said no more, he quit, & was all over the place seeking new women. These slaves are fickle & have their eyes out constantly for anyone who would dominate them. It’s a SICKNESS.

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          They cannot live without a Mother & their need is so strong they are emotional toddlers. They make the woman center her life around them, worse than regular men, but they are MORE DANGEROUS because as grown men – when you don’t give them what they want they sometimes TAKE REVENGE & it can be serious! Sometimes the ‘payback’ annoying, but other times they do DAMAGE to property. I had close calls, I heard of women who got really whacked this way.

          Think of a toddler who needs a wet nurse – this is them, emotionally, even the Masochists, who recall their Mom as a Dominating Bitch who beats, intimidates & scares them.

          We do not need to saddle or Members with this as they need time for other matters, unless they want to start a Female Domination business. They are free to do that as they are free to go out into the world & do whatever business they please, except, Members will need to spend some quality time, at least in the beginning, like a Seminary, to learn our Religion & our ways, & this will take some years. This pertains to the Leadership type Members, not the ones who want to be on our premises part time – say once a week. The leaders need time & energy for education & the Order should be their first priority, not the needs of any man.

          If anyone tells me that the ‘submissive’ men serve the women I can tell you otherwise, having been in that field for over ten years. There’s a reason why they PAY for services – we serve THEM, what they do for us does not make up for the hoops they put us through {more so mentally, emotionally a well as the physical.}

          In conclusion William, I think you’re looking at our Order in a slanted way, through the eyes of men, you’ve failed to see what we’re about or what I’m trying to do. You were not supportive of the New Religion from the beginning – instead you immediately set out to write a ‘New Religion for Femdom Men.’ This offended me as I felt you could be trying to help me in this monumental task instead of going off on your own & as usual, serving Femdom men.

          This new Order is not about men, Femdom or otherwise. It’s about women; it’s new therefore, as few Orders are made for women. The religious places where women usually go off on are controlled by men & therefore they are NOTHING like what we’re doing.

          We are not about being told what to do by men – their version of morality, our behavior, our thoughts, feelings or actions. We are NOT serving men of any sort, on bended knee to them or nursing them. We need to get away & this is our Refuge of Women.   {end}

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Pete says:

One thing I might add about the Femdom men you describe. Many of the self-proclaimed “serious” FLR lifestylist men would vehemently object to what you said, of course, but from what I have observed mainly online, they are also largely cut from that very same cloth as well, cynical as that may sound. The biggest difference, if any, is that they cannot seem to fully distinguish fantasy from reality. And the few exceptions, who only go to prove the rule, are the ones who generally DON’T wear it on their sleeve.


          from Rasa:   Indeed Ajax, you are right. Like Freud said, if anyone disagrees with his theories let him have the same experience he had. They didn’t – they had ideas, delusions, but Freud had experience through his psychoanalysis of many. And so have I. It was 10 years on hand in a business. Besides that, from the age of 20, I had men approach me to be ‘slaves.’ I tried out one – total failure. However, there are exceptions. I had one ‘slave’ man named Jack. He was more helpful than anyone. Of all the men in my life, he was one of the 3 most effective, helpful & FUN to be around. There are exceptions to everything. Like when we spoke of the security measures & I laid out a list of who can’t be with us. It was strict. Then I mused about it, & this list would have removed my own spiritual husband, Nick, as he was a drug addict. And so, as the officers go through the scrutiny they must also interview the men personally on a casual basis, think & pray, & some men, although they fail the scrutiny, will be allowed in. Some will be technically ‘no good’ but the officers might hear a word from God which says, ‘let him in.’ We are a thoughtful, mystical, God centered group which goes by yardsticks beyond physical. After all, many Saints applied to several monasteries or convents & were rejected, until finally, they found one that would take them in. I think of Saint Faustina, my countrywoman, the Sister who brought us the devotion of Divine Mercy. Many others were not wanted like St. Joseph Cupertino was considered ‘simple minded’ & they believed he would not pass the priesthood test. But the Pope let him in without a test! He could LEVITATE! Then St. Francis of Assisi could not get an audience with the Pope. But one day after he prayed, the two armed guard at the gate looked the other way, he got in & spoke to the Pope & got his Order approved. Thanks for your thoughtful comments & also the very incisive comments in the article! 


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College of the Gender War, Core Tenets

Men Must Apply to Date Us

Men Must Apply to Date Us 


 Strict security features to protect  Members of our Order    1-31-24


From Pete Jackson:

Rasa, I have been meaning to comment on this, but I kept on forgetting over the years:
     (There should be a record kept of the relationships, when a man leaves a woman or a woman dismisses a man. He explains why he left; she explains why she dismissed him. These records can be accessed by any other woman who is interested.
     In this way, males who are unsatisfactory will not get away with what they do – if they are dismissed for transgressions,– they cannot easily bounce around & affect other women. Women will know ahead of time if there be any risks or detriments.)

     Pete says:

I would add that there is nothing inherently wrong with that, if such a thing is voluntary. But if such records and reporting were mandatory, that would come dangerously close to the Chinese “social credit” system with all of its myriad pitfalls. Most Women would probably prefer to keep at least some trysts “off the record” like the Mosuo often do. Just my $0.02.

Rasa says:

It’s an idea to be considered Ajax, not set in stone. There are many ideas I am writing that will be flexible. This can be discussed & worked out by the elders & seen from many perspectives. You could be right, we shall see. We shall think, meditate & discuss! Rasa

From Pete:

What is China’s Social Credit System, for those who don’t already know?

     Short answer: it’s every totalitarian’s dream come true.

Per Wikipedia:

“The Social Credit System (Chinese: 社会信用体系; pinyin: shèhuì xìnyòng tǐxì) is a national credit rating and blacklist being developed by the government of China. The social credit initiative calls for the establishment of a record system so that businesses, individuals and government institutions can be tracked and evaluated for trustworthiness. There are multiple forms of the social credit system being experimented with, while the national regulatory method is based on whitelisting (termed redlisting in China) and blacklisting.”

(And that’s putting it nicely!)

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“China’s Social Credit System has been implicated in a number of controversies. Western critics view social credit as an intrusive mechanism that infringes on privacy. In October 2018, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence criticized the social credit system, describing it as “an Orwellian system premised on controlling virtually every facet of human life.”[114] In January 2019, George Soros criticized the social credit system, saying it would give CCP leader Xi Jinping “total control over the people of China””.

“In December 2017, Human Rights Watch described the proposed social credit system as “chilling” and filled with arbitrary abuses.”

And that was BEFORE the plandemic. And the WEF (Davos Gang) allegedly wants something like that for the entire world.


     It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see what the pitfalls would be, *especially* if it were applied to something as intimate as dating and mating. Anyone who has worked in show business is likely familiar with the ominous threat, “you’ll never work in this town again”, and social credit is, at best, a high tech version of that, and likely crossed with classic McCarthyism.

As for what I would suggest as an alternative way to protect Women from bad, evil, crappy, lowlife, toxic, and/or ne’er-do-well men who persist in their defection and bad behavior (i.e. that doesn’t quite rise to the level of criminality but is still toxic) and then bounce back and forth on to the next Woman and so on, I’m afraid I unfortunately don’t have any clear answers at this time. It is a classic trade-off between liberty and security, it seems, and thus perhaps a problem that may not have any solution in a free society.

It is just something we will have to accept, I guess. In any case, the Mosuo don’t seem to see the need for any sort of mandatory record keeping in that regard, nor do any other Matriarchal societies past or present.

     I will note that nowadays with the advent of the internet, word travels fast in terms of reputation. Throw in those ubiquitous Ring cameras, CCTV, and billions of smartphones with cameras, and in practice, privacy has already dwindled almost to the level of Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon, for better or worse. One partial solution in that vein would be a *voluntary* registry that Women can post reviews about men (as long as it is not libelous) without threat of censorship. Manosphere misogynistic men already apparently have their own site called “Register Her”, (to the reader: do NOT look at it unless you really want to get in a rage!) so why can’t Women turn the tables and have their own side called “Register Him”, then? Again, *voluntary* is the key word here. And *decentralized* as well.

Women could even do this right now if they wanted to. But it is ultimately something for future generations to decide.

In my every deliberation on any such matters, I ask myself, if I knew I were to die tomorrow and be reincarnated as a Woman, what sort of world would I want to live in? And I nearly always keep coming back to the same answer.

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Rasa says:

     Wow Ajax, talk about ‘food for thought’! It’s a complicated issue. I think we shall throw this concern to the elders. These would be the women over 60 – maybe 62 & up. Assuming they have experience, how would they protect women from bad guys who are not criminals but have all sorts of detrimental traits? Criminals we shall expunge, blacklist them for sure – no holds barred, just there’s the door & that’s it. By criminal I mean stealing, abuse, violence, anything serious. But there is MENTAL & EMOTIONAL CRUELTY that appears under the radar. A person can hurt you just by being SILENT or by leaving every day to God knows where – bars, whoring – being a bisexual, searching for drugs – all kinds crap. This would not register as ‘criminal.’ They can also be SARCASTIC & constantly even in subtle ways, putting her down – Criticizing her. Women don’t need that – we’ve been put down, criticized, devalued, swept aside long enough. I’m wondering if you’re overreacting to my suggestion – as you said, males are already registering us. I will look that site up. No one is speaking about that that I’ve heard of. It’s what they do to us, it seems to be permitted, but God forbid we use any restraint on them, even GOOD GUYS like you get upset! We are NOT NAZIS or COMMUNIST/TYRANTS, Chinese TORTURERS. This is a God-driven, God centered organization with the bywords same as Jesus Christ & the Saints. Why do you or would anyone fear we will do men in? It’s simply reporting negative stuff like I said, being silent, morose, uncommunicative, not doing their chores or duties, not caring, not helping, going away to do secret or unknown things. Like being ‘with the boys’ & what do boys do? Drinking, drugs, whoring, plotting against women. No, I think you have overreacted Ajax. We need a registry. I shall look for that female registry. Thank you for opening the discussion.   Rasa

From Pete:

         Indeed it is a war. But in the long run, it is one that men have lost before the war began, despite winning nearly every battle. Men just don’t realize it yet. (Much like the USA in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.)

     I guess the main reason why I overreacted was due to my long observation that “cancel culture” has really gotten out of hand in this country (and some others) in recent years, where literally everyone is guilty until proven innocent in a court of public opinion. It’s the new McCarthyism. Once a person’s reputation is ruined, and it really doesn’t take very much, their life is basically over, often forever. That is largely why I so zealously and jealously guard my own reputation, almost literally with my life. And both genders are indeed guilty of this behavior nowadays, it seems.
     (Any readers who don’t know what “cancel culture” is are free to Google it.)
     Combine that with creeping Orwellian tendencies on both sides of the Atlantic (and Pacific too) these days, and that doesn’t make for anything good.
     I am well aware that you are nothing like that, of course.

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From Rasa:

     We women will need to create a Matriarchal culture & there hasn’t been one for THOUSANDS of years – what 6k? And so we’re grasping at straws, ideas how to make SAFE SPACE for women. I have hundreds of ideas how we will build a community. I’m going over these ideas one by one, this was just one of them.
     I don’t see any other woman at this moment doing what I do – if there are, I haven’t noticed. People mostly COMPLAIN but their remedies are not forthcoming. I need solutions.

     The Order becomes a safety net so the Member does not FALL & hurt herself, the net is there to catch her. The Order has the responsibility of looking the man up, seek references which they check up on, check his police record. If he’s had relationships we know of, contact the women he’s broke up with, see what they say. He must confess if he’s been married {any children?} or lived with anyone, & give us where to contact them if he is willing. This part would help {it could be awfully embarrassing but it would help us tremendously.}. We should also FINGERPRINT the men in case there was or is a crime. We must know their ADDRESS, legit phone number, where they work, & their license & car.

We keep this info private. But if a female wants to start DATING one of the males, she can ask to see his records while under the supervision of an officer. If she hasn’t gone out with him yet, the officer can discuss with her his records in general without giving all the information. If it gets serious she should have access to all the data – not to keep – just to inspect it. It stays private.
     Now a lot of men will recoil at this! They are mostly looking to get laid, but that is their problem. Our problem – we must look after ourselves – is to get what we want, whatever it is, without any bad side effects. Therefore the net.
   Some women will want to just have sex. They might want to get pregnant, even, & keep the baby without a father. They might like the man for sex but not for husband. We are their security & home – they can do that with our encouragement. But if the man gets ‘in love’ or ‘obsessed’ with the female he had sex with – we must protect her. It can get complicated. If he’s stalking her he can’t come to the dances any more. She might have to get an order of protection. We will have to have security guards, dogs, whatever it takes. I am working all this out in my mind, there will be lots more working out when the time comes to build physically.
     With the male relationships it’ll get really complicated. No easy answers. It’ll be the same with women who fall in love with women, but there will be less violence – intimidation & threats. But it will get complicated.
     You might scoff at us requiring so much for the ‘dances’ attendees. At these dances we’ll have any of our members over the age of 12–girls 12, boys 14. {We will have boy Members, sons of the Mother Members.} That’s when I started going to dances – my Dad took us. Nothing bad occurred, just dancing. That’s when kids begin puberty & they are interested in sex, relationships, with male or female. So be it. We must accept normalcy!
         Again, to defend our scrutiny. This strict application does not by any means, guarantee safety for our members! Ted Bundy, before he had a record would have passed as he was charming, articulate & attractive. John Wayne Gacey could also pass before he had a record. Jeffrey Dahmer might also pass before he was ever arrested. There is evil lurking in the hearts of men that cannot be scrutinized except by God, or a psychic medium. It gives us partial protection.
     Then there are those who through relationships have proven themselves bad risks for closeness {some women want relationships, not only sex} – that’s where the registry comes in, that you object to – {taking away human rights you say}. – The women who write reports on males they had bad experiences with, of course it’s voluntary. No one forces them to explain. It could be as simple & innocent as
     ‘He’s a slob. Never cleans up his own mess, expects you to do everything. Drinks milk straight out of the bottle.’
     I also understand that we will WEED OUT the majority of males who’d like to meet females. It will be AGAINST OUR RULES strictly for a woman to associate with males who have not gone through the net. They will be reprimanded & in danger of being ousted from the community. {The males will try to persuade them to do this; they want to be free, let her take chances & risk her safety. Some will be naive & gullible & do it.} Whoever doesn’t mind filling out the data will have a clean record & good intentions. No men with past records – no men yet married – no men who intend to do a crime or have done a crime, will want to sign up. Men who are pure of heart, good intentions, good past records are most likely to join. That’s what we want.
     If we only have one newcomer a week attend, it’s no big deal – we have fun anyway. We’ll practice dancing, have contests & any show business training we have conducted, such as musical instruments or singing or reciting – this is a place to perform, show their stuff. It will inspire them to practice.
     PS – Regards reputations, the info discovered remains within the Order, not for public knowledge.

         One more thing. Pete, you’re reacting as if this will apply to the whole world & all men in it. This is just one Order trying to start out. Look at the Amish, Hutterites, Mennonites & whatever. Surely it does not frighten you that they have strict rules, ideas, dress codes, behavior & all that – to deviate means to be shunned. A group has a right to make its own rules, that’s what I’m doing. You’re acting like my ideas will apply to the entire world! Let us begin this way, hope for the best. I’m just trying to start a Matriarchal community good for women. I am including men with reservation. Shall I exclude them completely? Let the women run amuck so to speak, find their own men to have sex with with no scrutiny or reservations, references & information on them? Is that what you want? Will that make you happy? Rasa

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Pete says:

   If it only applies to within the Order and for its members, that is a different story, I guess. I would still personally consider such rules to be a bit too strict, but that’s just me. I of course have no say on what goes on in the Order, as it is only for Women. I guess if someone doesn’t want to live under such rules, they should simply not join then. Fair enough. We will just have to agree to disagree about this I guess.

From Rasa:

     I just saw your comment Pete. It’s only for us. If you disagree, what would you propose to maintain the safety of our members, including the young, naive, inexperienced ones who go to our dances? Like twelve to eighteen, they don’t know much – Have not been in the world – Will be victims of scheming, self serving men. How would you protect them? I have a plan, do you? You don’t like my plan, so what is yours. You see that’s what makes me wonder. People complain. They hate this, that or the other. But what can they do to amend it?

From Pete:

     I guess I don’t have any real plans or solutions in that regard at this time. (Or, at least none that wouldn’t come across as being too cavalier, such as a sort of “shore leave”.) I don’t think I have anything further to add at this time, except to note again that this is ultimately a classic trade-off between liberty and safety. Not everyone will agree on where on that spectrum is appropriate, and what constitutes an acceptable versus unacceptable risk, and that’s fine.   Best wishes, Pete

Rasa says:

OK try to imagine years from now. You have 3 daughters, 12, 15 & 17. They are all interested in males, – what do you do to protect them? Understand my position. As a leader of women who have been beaten in battle in the Gender War, I must now protect them from further assaults mentally/spiritually {with philosophies, religions & customs against women,} physically & emotionally. As a leader I have to anticipate all that men have done & will do if given the room – how do I stop them & give females Safe Space, while still giving them freedom to interact with men? That’s what I’m facing & trying to sort out. You probably never had reason to think this out before & instead of seeing it from the male POV see it from mine – a leader of young, innocent, naive or even mature, experienced women–all of us been hurt as all the slaves in those days were, who now want to be free. Think of our freedom, not men’s. How do we get free of this gender who has been our enemy? Do you imagine letting males do whatever they want will be the solution, little restrictions put on them? No scrutiny, no restraints? They have destroyed women in the past & they will do it again. That’s how I see it.      Rasa Von Werder  ……………………………………………………………………..PS  

Pete says:

I forgot one thing I should have said before: for the dances, it would probably best to have separate dances for ages 12-17 only on the one hand and 18+ only on the other. (And maybe some mixed dances as well if the elders approve.) That’s really the only other thing I had to add at this time.

From Rasa:

     Yes that is a thorny issue I’ve been musing about also.  There’s no EASY ANSWER for any of this.  We’re dealing with:

FREEDOM for the members, as well as SAFETY for them.

How is both freedom & safety accomplished?

And there are two agendas – for the men, for the women.  You so far represent the men, wanting their freedom.  But you have not come up with an answer of how the women will be protected.

Much of the questions here are up in the air, waiting to be thought out.  But sooner or later, they must be faced for anyone starting a Matriarchal Order.

You mentioned the Mosuos not have a security net like this.  That is NOT a good comparison.  They live in the Mountains, far from ‘civilization,’ & their environment has been ‘village like’ where everyone knows everyone.  How many JAILS have they there?  I reckon NONE.  How much crime, rape, abuse is there among the Mosuos?  I guess very little.  How violent are the men there?  Non violent in general.

And you said you knew of no Matriarchy in the past that had criteria like this, lol.  That is HUMOROUS!

Of course not – they were Matriarchal!  We live in a PATRIARCHY where men ASSUME, as they’ve been brainwashed for thousands of years, that they have more rights than women, they are permitted to hurt women a lot before they are finally prosecuted.  They do violence, rape, intimidation & sexual abuse.  No, these men are not like in any past or present Matriarchy.

These men are the products of one of if not the most violent male-cultures in the world – America.  We have more JAILS than any other country – I’ve seen the statistics.  We have more male violence, guns than any other country.  That is what we’re dealing with.

And I think one of the reasons you don’t see it my way is because you have no EXPERIENCE that women have.  Have you been abused as a child?  I mean sexually by a Dad or other male?  Have you ever been raped, beaten, threatened with bodily harm or life if you don’t do what the other person wants?  There are MANY THINGS you have never experienced which women routinely do.  Some women get it more than others – like those in the adult trade.


About the ages at our dances:  Legal age of consent in NY is 17, so within our Order here, it would be safe to let any of our members 17 or above attend.  That is to protect our Order as much as the Members – so we be not accused of introducing underage girls to men who might later {without our consent} have sex with them. There are many ways men get sex from females, including innocent or mature ones.  They can take them into the parking lot – seek some secluded place indoors – they find ways.  So if there’s no one there under 17 we are safer.


There’s many other questions.  This subject is a Pandora’s Box.  It would be easier to just say ‘no men’ or we have nothing to do with our Members {of any age} relations with men.  But that’s a cop out.  Because we must tend to all the needs of the members, including their emotional needs, if we are a real Order – real Matriarchal family.  Consider a Mother & Father {in this case the Mom is the one & only possibly – no Father} with children growing up.  In society the teeange girls have ‘coming out’ parties – their introduction to society.  This is not random blokes, willy nilly men, peasants, poor men, they seek males of their own status.  We don’t seek STATUS per say but STANDARDS.  As a family would block out undesirables, we do the same.  And the world is FULL of undesirables, especially men.


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College of the Gender War, Core Tenets

Loopholes to Matriarchy

William’s Question 1-9-24


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From William Bond–Hi Rasa:

Since the beginning of this year I’ve been attempting to write another book. I have been thinking about how it is possible to create a matriarchal society and it seems to me the only workable system we know off, is that of the Bonobo ape. In a sex war for dominance, men have the advantage of size, strength, aggression and violence. While the only way women can dominate men is through love, sex and sisterhood. So I’m thinking about whether women use similar methods to that of the bonobo ape. It would involve a very radical change of behavior. Women would have to freely give sex to men and at the same time have sex with other women to form a lesbian sisterhood. 

An alternative to this, is for women to be like the priestesses of ancient Goddess temples and form a prostitutes collective. So all the wealth and power that comes from prostitution end up in the hands of women and keep pimps and criminals out. So we could either have a new religion, or run it like a business. But whatever way we do it, women will end up trading sex for wealth and power over men. We also know that patriarchy is very anti-sexual and want to control women’s sexuality. an extreme case of this is Islam where women have to cover up their bodies completely and have their clitorises cut off.

I’m now having second thoughts about this and wonder if these proposals might be too radical? Because however you do it, women will end up having a lot of sex with many different men. So would it be realistic for women to use sex. lesbianism and sisterhood to dominate and control men?  It’s hard for me to say, as I’m a man so I don’t know what women would think about this idea. So I’m just wondering what you think about this Rasa.   William

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*{Rasa says: Prositution, though not formal, is exactly what we have been dong all these years ditto Bonobo style touching, feeling & sex. We do this in deference to them whether we like it or not, we are forced. Try being unpleasant to men & you will see revenge that is ten times worse than what you gave out. Merely IGNORING them has brought revenge upon me.

Your first idea – the Bonobo model plus sisterhood will never happen not realistic. As if we appease men Bonobo style, which we are doing anyway, that negates Sisterhood as women become our enemies we compete with them, there is a bad conflict. There’s jealousy, cattiness & hate woman to woman as long as we try to please men. For women to be hetero plus have a Sisterhood & become Lesbians is so unrealistic, no one would believe it. I guess being bisexual is what you’re saying, there aren’t enough bisexuals to pull this off, the majority maybe 75% are hetero & hetero they will stay.

If we take sex out of the equation, like using sex to dominate men, & find economic freedom – then we can continue engaging men for sex for our pleasure, not so much theirs. That is the model I’m working on in the New Religion & Order because it MAKES SENSE.

You are going BACKWARD in making sex the center to dominate men, that is EXACTLY what we want to abolish!

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Why not create a book that bears with the facts – that human men have been discovered to be inferior due to having only one X chromosome to women’s 2 X’s, that we see in statistics & reports, & the jail system, that men are generally rogues, that women have held them up for millennia but now this is falling apart. As men go downhill, women are rising. Show this in a few relationships & partnerships, how it affects the individuals. The men are scared; they’re trying to see how they can retain their dominance. The women are breathing sighs of relief but this dominance is hard won as the men are not submitting easily & are fighting all the way. This is conflict. All the ways men take revenge& try to trap women once again; all the ways women are trying to get away from their snares, violence & unfairness. This is the drama a story needs.

The stumbling block of your propositions, in my view, is that women must continue using sex to dominate men. This suits men in general & submissive men in particular but this is what I HATED about being a dominatrix. It is them controlling us from the bottom & that’s what you’re proposing here, are you not? Like “use sex to dominate me.” That’s why I HATE femdom. As it isn’t freedom for us at all.

And oh yes, why not interject women forming ‘brothels’ for ‘Sacred Sex’ as the ancient ‘Sacred harlot’s did? Men come to the Temple of Love, worship at an altar where women preach & lecture then give a donation for intimacy which will help them gain Spirituality – Sacred Sex – Tantra. And these women are respected, revered & they get wealthy so they can be free to do whatever.}*

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From Pete:

Indeed, William.  In a nutshell, my response upthread was basically that I thought it best to simply to remove all restrictions, shame, and stigma on sexual activity between consenting adults, and let it develop organically.  Dr. James W. Prescott would likely concur.

I forgot to add one more thing:  it is quite interesting that the slogan “Smash Monogamy” in the early 1970s was actually coined by a group of lesbian Women, not men.  Though I would argue that a better slogan would be “Smash Enforced Monogamy”, since it is not monogamy per se that is the real problem, but rather its “enforcement” and “default” status in society.  It should be whatever floats one’s boat.  Tolerance should work both ways, of course.  And it should be the case for both genders, with no “reverse double standard” either.

People can argue until they are blue in the face about whether monogamy is natural or not.  But I would say that there are three kinds of monogamy:  strict, lifelong, and universal.  Pick two out of three.  To achieve anything close to all three requires a ludicrous amount of violence and coercion, and/or some sort of “safety valve”.  Even Orthodox Jews, arguably the most monogamous people in all of recorded history, who appear to have achieved all three, have always had a convenient escape hatch for men:  quick and easy divorce, but only for men. Which, of course, historically left Women and children high and dry, often destitute.  (Perhaps that was what Jesus was esoterically getting at when he *allegedly* prohibited divorce completely.  Though banning divorce, as we have seen historically, in practice only trapped Women and children even more in the quagmire of patriarchy.)     Pete

Hi Pete

I think the reason why patriarchy talked women into monogamy is that woman are always the ones left, “holding the baby”. So unrestricted sex and love can work for women if they have a powerful sisterhood whom will care for the children. Break up the sisterhood and women then have to rely on men for support when they have small children to look after. In this situation women then need strict marriage laws to make sure the man stays and helps look after his own children. 

So the break up of monogamy will bring about very radical changes in how men and women relate to each other. Women then have to form a sisterhood and depend on each other for support. They also can receive the help of men but bribe them with sex to get them to do what women want. 


                     *{Rasa says: That is PRECISELY what I’m trying to build in the New Order – a backup system for women with children. We are not left holding the bad when these guys leave us. They want to dumpp sperm then go off & have fun or find another female or dump in multiple women. We need SECURITY. Not looking for wealth & luxury – it’s security, room & board, education, a foundation of security for the family.

          This is what Matriarchy was all about, the security of the Sisterhood with child care built in. The nuclear family keeps woman as slaves to the home. How can she go out & work when she has one or more kids? I did that, it was extremely difficult. We need sisters at the home front, caring for children while we go out. That is the FOUNDATION of Matriarchy.}

From Pete:

Indeed, and that’s precisely where some naysayers will speciously claim that we are putting the cart before the horse.  But that said, with the advent of modern birth control, paternity testing, and especially the welfare state and its social safety nets (all nonexistent for most of recorded history), these concerns are greatly attenuated as a result.  So in recent decades, it’s not really putting the cart before the horse IMHO.   

But again, it is best to let it all develop *organically* rather than impose it from the top down.  Done correctly, it will be the ultimate kill switch for patriarchy, as I have noted before.  True, journeys are often far more dangerous than destinations, but this particular destination is worth the journey.

(The Tamera ecovillage in Portugal comes to mind, for example. But it also needs to be done within “mass society” as well as best as one can.) Pete

*{Rasa says. What you say Pete, re the welfare system & all that, yes, there are institutions & social agencies & actions in place that do diminish the man’s control over women especially their abandonment & lack of care. That is part of the culture that is evidence of men getting weaker in their stranglehold.

It’s all happening on different fronts in different ways. Abortion is weakening the man’s domination as he can’t always saddle the female with unwanted children. Birth control, all its forms & condoms weaken his hold. But it’s only part of the answer, albeit a good part.

Women’s sexual freedom cannot happen suddenly – like a light bulb came on. By many changes in society on many levels, gradually it will occur. Then it means patriarchy is done.

My Order hopefully, or its blueprint, will help.

The Tamera ecovillage in Portugal – I looked it up. It’s a good start – egalitarianism, equality, all that, it’s not Matriarchy.

I intend to take a BIG PLUNGE into SERIOUS MATRIARCHY with my Order.

As far as your book, in conclusion I saw the two propositions are a no-no. Dramatizing the actual reality that is really happening IMO could be better. Maybe if you focus on the Prostitution as the center of the story with a powerful Priestess/Madame & the men who get involved for good or bad would be dramatic.

And breakup of Monogamy? It cannot be required nor should it be a taboo to break it. You want to be monogamous? Go for it? You don’t? Fine. You want multiple lovers? OK. You want lovers of both genders? Float your boat. Freedom

Sexual freedom for women destroys Patriarchy. The taboos, restrictions, ‘morals,’ have nothing to do with righteousness or God – they are man-made. Women must unmake them. That’s our New Religion}* 

From Pete:  Good answer overall, Rasa. 

 Though I would say both of your perspectives make sense in their own way.  William may have over-egged the proverbial pudding a bit, but he still makes some good points, as do you.  

I don’t think I have much else to add to this conversation, except to bring up the interesting case of the Mosuo people (who are of course Matriarchal and practice a form of “free love”) that both of you have discussed in the past, and that has worked for thousands of years.  (Note that sex is NOT used by the Mosuo Women as a tool to appease OR to control men, at least not explicitly.)

And again, in any case, whatever the solution is, it will have to develop organically, and with at least some concessions made to modern times.  I had mentioned the Tamera ecovillage in Portugal, for example, but I would further add that even within “mass society” there are (according to philosopher Charles Eisenstein) some broadly similar pockets here and there, such as in parts of Colorado and Western Massachusetts in recent years.  Not necessarily Matriarchal, at least not explicitly, but a step in the right direction IMHO.   Best wishes,  Pete

 From William – Hi Rasa:

I think what you are proposing is already happening. There are books about why women are doing better than men in education. We also see the result of this as there are now more female politicians and business leaders. I suppose if things keep on going the way they are, women will probably in a another 100 years time, be ruling everything. The trouble is I don’t think I’ve got anything to say about this. The type of book your proposing should be written by academics who has access to all the facts and figures about this.


So if Ashley Montagu is right and women are naturally superior to men. Then the only way men can become the dominant sex is to actively suppress women. But once men stop doing this, then women naturally rise to the top and take over and perhaps is is what feminist have been doing.  They tell everyone they only want equality but I think they only say this to fool men. I think the feminist do want to take over and rule they world, but are afraid if they say this, as they fear it might provoke a male backlash. So they are working towards this silently and secretly and would prefer us to shut up about women ruling the world. 

Yes, I can see patriarchy has been very successful in making sex unpleasant for women. As far as men are concern sex is all about dominance and submission, and this includes femdom sex. Whereas women want sex to be about love making. (Although many men do also want sex to be about love as well). But I agree with the idea of Sacred Sex, I think the problem with femdom is that men are still in charge of it. So to them it is still about dominance and submission and not so much about men worshipping women. So perhaps I have to think about the spiritual side of sex to make this work.   William

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Pete – Good response, William: 

 Like I said, I think you are both correct to one degree or another.  It is however important NOT to make any solution androcentric (centering men), in terms of appeasement or control.  Rather it should be gynocentric (centering Women).

          From Rasa:

                     William, this is what I’m getting now. A novel is a FANTASY. This fantasy can be ANYTHING.  My reaction was from my own POV & feelings, which I am LOATH to have to continue USING SEX to appease or control men.  I – we women – have done that since the beginning of Patriarchy & myself & I am sure other women are sick to death of it.

And so, I would HATE your book.  But you aren’t writing for me, it’s for femdom men & they want it!  And it’s also an emotional release for you, you’ve done this many times, you’re good at it, you just need a NEW ANGLE & for that, ask the minds of femdom men what kind of fantasy they like.

For ten years I produced glamour, femdom & fetish videos for men & made a fortune.  I received their SCRIPTS & also saw that the more extreme, brutal, cruel we were, the more the videos sold.  I had to do what the market demanded, so I exaggerated the action in the ads & also pushed myself & my actors to their limit to act the way the audience wanted – even though it was make believe.  I had to demonstrate to these feminine young models how to act like they HATED the guys.  I was so effective that one actor was scared & said,

“I’d hate to meet you when you’re drunk!”

And he never showed up again for work, lol.

{I had the same thing happen with a spiritual disciple.  He wanted me to appear to him mystically & COMMAND HIM to worship me.  He began his devotion, made an altar.  Within days I appeared & touched him on the shoulder until it hurt & demanded,

“Worship me!”

he told me the story, then disappeared.  Why?  He couldn’t handle it.

Most of these guys I dominated had fantasies, such as being sodomized by a big dildo held by a woman.  But when it came time to do it, they wanted the dildo smaller & smaller until it became A BUTT PLUG, lol.

I had one male with plenty fantasies but when I pulled out all the stops dominating him, HE CRIED.

What you’re doing is fantasy.  So is Peter Rabbit & all the adventures created by Beatrix Potter.  So was ‘Twilight Zone,’ So was the ‘Harry Potter’ series, so was Star Trek – thousands of fantasies by thousands of writers & it works, when done well.  There’s an audience.

So go ahead & create hetero women who also become lesbians to control men, whatever you can imagine – if it suits the audience!  It doesn’t have to MAKE SENSE the way I said, its entertainment!

If you do what I want our submissive men will hate it, if you do what they want I’ll hate it.  Do what they want, they are ‘paying your bills,’ lol.   Best of Luck with the novel.  


Pete says:  very well-said, Rasa. 

          Fantasy is indeed exactly that, fantasy.  It may or may not contain a kernel of truth at times (and of course sometimes that kernel even can be the size of a whole cornfield if one wants), but it NEED NOT be so.  Fantasy is really ultimately for it’s own sake.

Best of luck with your novel, William.   Pete 

Hi Rasa

I wasn’t thinking so much about the femdom scene but more about the bonobo ape and the way female bonobos dominate male bonobos through sex and sisterhood. As far as I know, the female bonobo doesn’t act like a dominatrix. 

What interests me is that patriarchy does it’s best to restrict female sexuality. The extreme case of this, is that the Muslims force women to cover their bodes and even their faces and cut off the clitorises of females. Patriarchy also does it’s best to restrict prostitution and make it illegal. So what is it about female sexuality that patriarchal religions fear? That is what I’m more interested in.    william
 Rasa says:   Hi William:

 I think we spoke about this before & decided that the ‘kill switch’ to Patriarchy is women’s sexual freedom.  I first heard it when channeling St. Martin Luther King Jr. - He said to me when women are sexually free, that ends Patriarchy.  It all starts from there.

    Think about it from all angles.  Women get pregnant from any man they want, no man knows for sure, are these his kids?  So he cannot claim JURISDICTION or OWNERSHIP of new people, which DISEMPOWERS him.  He canot make the children work for & with him or fight with him!  The woman he’s been with will not stay in the dwelling he wants her to – she goes wherever she wishes, she & other women build their own dwellings, huts, cabins etc.  Or apts & houses in our ‘civilized’ society & go on welfare &/or work, sisters maybe help one another – Moms, aunts, grandmas, cousins all as One. 

     When the man wants sex, where does he go?  He has to be on bended knee to get it, do as the women wish – work – hunt, whatever.  But he cannot intimidate, frighten, abuse, beat up or dominate a woman when she is surrounded by female helpers on all sides.  And he cannot gain access to her children to dominate them!

    Control over women & their children is ‘the first conspiracy’ as we agreed many years ago.

    Men CANNOT create new people – this disempowers them.  They are helpless & powerless without women.  Women CAN create new people; this gives them ALL THE POWER.

    Therefore, it is imperative for men to gain control over the female & her power to reproduce – without it, he is HER SUBORDINATE.  All he can do is OBEY & whatever the females want, he must do it if he wants access to them.  If he doesn’t obey, he can be pushed to the outer limits of the village or society, he can become unwanted & unattended to – an OUTCAST from the society of women.

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    For us to follow the model of the Bonobos is better than Chimpanzees or any animal I can think of.  The females rule with the help of other females, although some males are stubborn & resist their authority.  But for us to HAVE TO HAVE SEX with men to keep them quiet, obedient & well behaved is way too much to expect.  If we are AUTONOMOUS we should not have to do that.

 That’s the difference between your view & mine.  In yours, we have to OBEY THEM by appeasement.  In mine THEY HAVE TO OBEY US because WE HAVE THE POWER & THE AUTHORITY.

    The model I seek is:  “You do as we say or you are out of here.  We do not molly coddle, appease, put on an act for you just to keep you here….You either obey or get out.”         Rasa


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College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets

Getting Matriarchy Started: How?

How We Get Matriarchy Started

R (63) - Copy R (64) - Copy 

Re an interview Mike Adams & Laura Aboli:


At the END of this enlightening interview Mike Adams presents a form of currency which has GOLD INSIDE it which is increasingly being accepted by merchants he says.  The problem with 24 carat gold & silver coins is how do you divide them & spend them?  These are divided to spend.  He explains the TESTING he did.  I TRUST Mike Adams as I trust few people.  He personally saved me long ago from this fake’ detox water’ that was being SOLD at huge prices – I bought some as it was advertised on Alex Jones, thought it was authentic.  But Mike Adams TESTED it & it was TOXIC!  From then on I was his fan.  The merchant I bought mine from gave everyone back their money.


What I’m saying is Mike Adams can be trusted.  His company even offered me a spot to do videos or pod casts on, to be part of his work.  I have not yet even tried to do it for lack of ability to concentrate on what it takes but some day I might.


In this interview – it is chilling – they talk about how the globalists are going to take from us all our assets, stocks, money, cars.  They will own everything even if we’ve paid for it.  Hard to believe but they explain some of it, it’s eerie, scary, but it’s fact they say.  And I believe them.


Am I going to get gold backs?  Lol, no plans to do so – too scared.  If the world comes to an end I guess I’ll just die with the rest of them.  It’s too much for my mind to handle, cold give one a nervous breakdown if one dwells upon this.  Maybe it won’t happen.  I will stick to just what God talks to me about – Matriarchy vs Patriarchy.  I can’t contain in this brain beyond that.  I cannot face Hell the way I would if I accepted all of this as going to happen.    

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I need to pray to meditate on what God wants me to do regards my work.  Listening to Mike Adams is so disturbing – Pete you said take all this with a block of salt & that makes me feel better.  But still, knowing the facts what the demons are trying to do, I need to evaluate what does God want me to think, feel & work at?  What is most productive for humanity?  And what about promotion?  I’m doing little of that because I simply cannot concentrate on production & promotion at the same time.


Oh yes, I looked up how does Dolly Parton look today – & saw an interview.  She must have had comprehensive surgery as her waist is super tiny & not a sign of age on her face.  And Jeff Bezos JUST GAVE HER 150 MILLION DOLLARS to do with as she wishes – which when asked she said it will be put to GOOD USE.  Indeed, I do trust her more than most others she has spent big money on helping others.  But the RESPONSIBIITY of spending this amount of money to help others where would one start?  You’d have to have an office & staff doing research.  Unless of course she needs all that to maintain her surgeries & wardrobe, lol  Her costumes alone are so out there she must have a storeroom the size of Wal-Mart to house them.


From William Bond Hi Everyone:


I also find what is happening worrying as we seem to be now ruled by a gang of criminals. But I don’t think their rule will last long as they are also incredibly stupid. We see this in the way they gave away western technology and manufacturing to China. Yes, by doing this they undermined the power of the working class in the West, but turned China into the most powerful country on the planet. 


We also see this in the Ukraine war. The Western elite believed that Russia was only, “a gas station posing as a country”. So they were shocked when they imposed sanctions on Russia to find the Russian economy is stronger than western economies and is winning the economic war. The Ukraine war is also demonstrating that Russia is ahead of the West in both technology and manufacturing. 


So I think in the short term, things will go badly for Western countries as the criminals that rule us are destroying both North America and Europe. But if we can get rid of the criminal gang that is ruling us, then we can recover. 


This is possible as we saw with Russia. In the 1990s with the fall of the USSR, Russia was a failed state rule by a drunk who allowed mafia criminal gangs and oligarchs to take over. Fortunately Putin then became leader and slowly restored law and order and put some of the oligarchs into prison and the rest capitulated to him. But doing this, in the space of 25 years he restored Russia to a powerful and stable country once again. 


I think it is a pity we don’t have a present a viable matriarchal political party. It is in time of social upheaval when new political parties can emerge and take power. But the patriarchal system is always unstable and if we can get something started then patriarchy will in time break down again, giving the chance for women taking over.    William


 From Pete Jackson   Good morning, William:

  We have always been ruled by a gang of criminals, basically, it’s called patriarchy. And mostly they have been quite stupid, at least in the long term. And while Putin did (temporarily) restore power to Russia, of course, he is not exactly on the right side of history either.  He is an autocratic and authoritarian dictator with lots and lots of blood on his hands, crooked as well, and he too will eventually fall from power as well.  Especially as his military quagmire in Ukraine drags on and on (much like the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the graveyard of empires, or the American wars of Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan once more).  Much like Trump “draining the swamp” only to fill it back up with his own crocodile crooks.


The only way to end this vicious cycle is for Women to take over, basically.      Best wishes,    Pete

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From William        Hi Pete:

I feel about Putin the same way I feel about Trump. At one time I thought Trump was terrible, until I realized just how much the mainstream media hated him and then I changed my opinion of him. I think the mainstream media and the whole establishment hate Putin even more than Trump. Which suggests to me these men must be doing something right. Anyone the mainstream media praises, you know is a sell out.    William


From Pete:

With all due respect, I guess we will just have to agree to disagree about both Trump and Putin.  Though I do think there is at least a kernel of truth (possibly even the size of a cornfield) to what you just said about how the establishment rabidly hates them, it’s really more evil against evil, IMHO.  To put it in Dungeons and Dragons parlance, Trump and Putin are both hot-blooded, rogue, “chaotic evil”, and are thus seen as a threat to the cold-blooded “lawful evil” and “neutral evil” psychopaths ruling the world, as well as their self-interested “true neutral” sycophantic lackeys.  They are really two sides of the same coin, and the very top ruling oligarchs and their “shadow government” of course play both sides to divide and conquer.   Best wishes,  Pete

 From Rasa Von Werder:

I see all this in RELIGIOUS terms. My mind is on the righteousness of God & how She has put the WOMAN as the Mother/leader of the family & the world.  I see the Patriarchal world as the quasiHell on earth which evil men have created.

    The various leaders, to my mind, are mostly, if not all, DEMONICS.  I know some of them weren’t because no matter the evil they did, they still Ascended into Heaven, as I know for a fact, Richard Nixon is in Heaven because once for several months, he appeared to me daily to assist me in dream interpretation.  Why, I don’t know as I never did anything for him, or did I?  Maybe because I pitied him when he was being persecuted, don’t know.  But I also know he did evil as he signed the ‘Special Virus Act’ funded by Congress with 500M in 1971, which led to the creation of AIDS as biological warfare, & he was also a strong part of perpetrating the Viet Nam war.  Those are evil acts but yet, he ended up in Heaven.

    And I lump them all, basically into ‘perpetrators or puppets’ of the Big Satan, whoever he is, that works through the Globalists.  And identifying all their acts, who the main villains are, is not my expertise, althought I have some ideas, like for sure, know that WHO – World Health Orgaization is 100% Satanic.  Because I know they poisoned millions of Africans with AIDS under the smallpox vaccine, & other crimes more recent.  By listening to Mike Adams & others I know the names of some of the demonics but don’t know all the details.

    You guys study areas I don’t & so you flush out my deficits, which is a good thing for our Cause, & you both see it from different POV’s.  The way Pete described it in these letters, I am more in agreement with his view.  He does not see any of these Patriarchal leaders with rose colored glasses; I like the way he describes Putin. No matter what ‘good’ these guys do, say, he made Russia strong again, he has ‘blood on his hands’ & other cruel items.  So this is reality.  Patriarchs are, by definition, evil.  What good they do is part of a bigger agenda of evil – they do good in a temporary way, say, for their own country.  But in the long run, they are part of an evil agenda which holds down women, abuses & injures women & children AS WELL AS OTHER MEN.  This is the intrinsic, fundamental evil of patriarchs.  They are part of this doomed game of ‘I will give you all the Kingdoms of the world & their glory if you will bow down & worship me,’ & they are bowing down & worshipping Satan through Patriarchy.

          Patriarchy is Satanic, demonic, it is all evil. It has no redeeming virtue at all. What ‘good’ happens is transitory, impermanent, at base, it lacks LOVE & CARING & so it has thrown God out of the equation & its conclusion is HELL.

    This is the picture I am concentrating on.  But it’s OK if you guys are experts in the individual actions of these guys – I’m not so it’s good that you are!

    Thanks for the 3 Kings Day greeting Pete.  They are proof that Jesus was a reincarnated Guru from the East – India or Tibet.  So they are extremely important in my religion.   

    BTW I didn’t even know the mainstream media hated Trump & Putin.  It seemed to me at least half the media is for Trump, as he gets whatever he wants & looks like he’ll run for President again & maybe make it, according to Mike Adams.  There will always be half the media supposedly Democrat & half supposedly Republican.  To me, Tweedle de De & Tweedle de Dum like Noam Chomsky says. -  Both evil Patriarchic organizations.  Even if Hilary had been elected President, she would have been a Patriarch, a dick in skirt as we say.  No individual woman elected into office creates a Matriarchy, the senate, Congress & Fortune 500 companies have to be represented by OVER 50% women – that is the PATH to matriarchy {although it will take a couple hundred years to undo the damage men have done} not one single impotent woman who has to do as the charlatans say.     Rasa

Love these statements of Pete:    “We have always been ruled by a gang of criminals, basically, it’s called patriarchy. And mostly they have been quite stupid, at least in the long term. ” 

Rasa says:  Patriarchy is Satanic, demonic, it is all evil.  It has no redeeming virtue at all.  What ‘good’ happens is transitory, impermanent, at base, it lacks LOVE & CARING & so it has thrown God out of the equation & its conclusion is HELL.


From Pete:

I am somewhat surprised that Tricky Dick Nixon (I always thought that was a funny nickname) is in Heaven, lol, but then again, there may very well have been a little bit of Light behind his otherwise dead eyes, that God felt was worth saving for some reason.  Lots of gray areas, it seems. (Interestingly, Nixon was politically to the left of Bill Clinton and even Obama on most issues, at least in practice.) Even the WHO, while its leaders are clearly 100% demonic, some good people are nonetheless likely sucked into their vast orbit without realizing just how evil they really are.   Best wishes,  Pete


Rasa says:

That’s just it, Pete – a lot of INNOCENT &/or non-demonics are SUCKED INTO Patriarchy.  Some may be cool or lukewarm toward God, but they are not demonic.  And they might get sucked in for physical/material reasons that override any spiritual sensitivity they have.  It is extremely difficult for us to know who goes to Hell, who does not.  Truly.  One example:  Timothy McVeigh.  Not only did he NOT go to Hell but he did only ONE YEAR TO THE DAY OF HIS EXCUTION in Purgatory {Elvis Presley did FIVE YEARS!}.  People screamed at me when I told them that, 


“Don’t you know what he did? – The innocent people & children, “etc.


Yes I know. But who am I to judge, or you?


Many people including ourselves get sucked into systems of Patriarchy where our hands are tied.  They tell us to jump – we do it.  I hate to remind you – the vaccines.  So many innocent people who thought they were harmless or even beneficial got sucked in & who knows the consequences?


Then there are taxes. They are ILLEGAL – Income taxes that is.  The people never ratified this when a vote was called for.  Try not paying your taxes & you will be in jail.  {Pete says in fact, it was ratified.  OK.  Thanks.}


OK being President or Prime Minister is a much bigger scale.  They have to sign all kinds of things they might not want to – but if they don’t – they will get impeached or assassinated.  Bucking the Globalists can mean death if you’re in a high place & doing big things.  Lincoln was going to change the Federal Reserve System, he got killed. {Pete corrects me, he WAS against the bankers but not the Federal Reserve.  Kennedy was against the Federal Reserve.}


So IMO the high-up leaders do lots of things they would not do if they had a choice.  One should think twice before seeking high offices.  But some don’t care, or care little.  Thinking of one Governor who shall remain nameless who I don’t think gives a shyt about anyone. It’s that “I will give you all the kingdoms & their glory if you will bow down & worship me” once again.   Rasa 

Below, the event of preaching for women for equal rights in the military – got into a lot of media – & a thank you letter from President Carter’s Chief of Correspondence saying ‘You have the President’s best wishes.’ – & The speech in front of the White House that ended the Cold War {within a few short years} Also preached in front of the Canadian Parliament Peace Tower in Ottowa, Canada

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          My friends William & Pete believe in women entering the political field & taking over. Wouldn’t that be nice? But here’s the rub – they aren’t that much interested in seeking offices! And so what is the route by which we will get to Matriarchy?

MG: There isn’t any ONE ROUTE, there are many roads leading to Rome.

Many people must work on many platforms, wherever they are capable. Some politics, yes. Some, the religious pulpit except we aren’t hearing from women there, are we, {except when Rasa preached before dancing}. Some as authors – there has been great influence here. Some activists, doing pod cast interviews like Laura Aboli with Mike Adams {except they aren’t talking about Matriarchy! It’s that same’ole same’ole waiting for the good guys – the man on the White Horse, the Knight in Shining Armour – all waiting for HIM – not for women!}

Somehow or other we’ve got to break the ice about getting MATRIARCHY ON THE TABLE! It’s NOT TALKED ABOUT on any mainstream TV show & only RARELY in the alternative media.

When Rasa first got involved around 1995 in studying the dissidents, they were not represented by women – they did NOT put the issue of M v s P on the table – ever. She was listening to Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Michael Parenti & dozens of others through ‘Alternative Radio.’ She bought $8-900 of audio tapes. These men never even CONSIDERED the issue!

Now HOW, HOW, HOW do we get Matriarchy ON THE TABLE? Will Rasa be the one to do it eventually? Can she stay well long enough, get back in the mainstream media soon enough? Yes, mainstream, like Oprah Winfrey. Isn’t that how she got BODYBUILDING to take off? Not ALTERNATIVE but MAINSTREAM MEDIA like Esquire, To Tell the Truth, Mike Douglas, & Playboy.

There were a few alternative women doing body building {Pudgy Stockton & circus performers} – but that did not cut the mustard. An idea has to get into the MAINSTREAM.

ME: Mother God, it isn’t me per se, it’s YOU – it’s God. If you steer me to do this of course I must & I will. But I cannot do it alone. There is no one backing me up. I don’t have what it takes without God. I have to have God as I did for my other big ventures, like preaching in front of the White House & Stripping for God. No human could have thought of it or made me do it, it was YOU. And I am asking, are you going to prepare me & then steer me onto Oprah & other such shows? As a human I can only think of why they would NOT permit me voice. But can you make it happen? Or rather, WILL you make it happen?

MG: We shall see. When the time is RIPE is when you will know, not until then. Like all your other endeavors, you were not warned way ahead of time nor did you anticipate any of it – you would have been too scared, lol. We’ll spring it on you when the time comes & if we do, you will proceed.

ME: PS If & when you can empower me to do this, after it is done, I will be written out of the credit such as with all else except ‘Stripping for God’ – that was the only project they could not take from me. Is that how it will be? Suddenly people will be speaking of this issue mainstream & I will be forgotten.

MG: That is not your concern. You just obey & leave the fruits or results to us. So what if you don’t get credit? It’s God who did it, through you. God gets the credit; you shall not have Her Glory. So capish? Just be quiet & when the time comes, maybe when you truly no longer care or when you have passed on you will be recognized. Don’t think about recognition – that is the ‘kingdoms of the world & their glory’.

PS Consider how negative many other women have been with you regarding recognition. As you ou did so much work, they butted in to attack you because they were JEALOUS of any RECOGNITION you might get. They wanted to be the Queen Bee, the Big Banana, the Woman on a Pedestal. You see how WRONG that is?

If a person does what they do FOR RECOGNITION it’s not done OUT OF LOVE. If you do a favor & expect something in return, it’s not charity, it’s a sort of business. Not saying this is always wrong.

But you’re working FOR A CAUSE, the cause of God, for which God sent you to earth. Why do you seek or ask for recognition? You must give this quest up, it’s not living in perfection. You must give your love to God freely & without a price tag! God sent you to do certain things – help others get closer to God & empower women. Do it & let the chips fall where they may. So they ignore what you did, as the speech in Washington. So they wrote you out of female body building. You did it, didn’t you? It bore fruit, didn’t it? Rejoice in that, & that you OBEYED GOD, you did what the Infinite Majesty wanted & trust that She will eventually reward you with Love, if not here, then in Eternity.   

Back to politics, from William:

I can remember tricky dicky. Although the Watergate scandal revealed Nixon to be a criminal, he was also Quaker and because of his Quaker beliefs he was against war. So he took the USA out of the Vietnam war. He also made peace with Communist China and tried to make peace with the USSR. This must have alarmed the Military/Industrial complex and I think this was the main reason the establishment turned against him and had him impeached. Had he been allowed to remain in power he could have ended the cold-war in the 1970s. 


I think the same is true of Trump. In-spite of all his faults it seems he doesn’t like war. He tried to get out USA troops out of Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan but was blocked by the USA military. He also tried to make peace with North Korea and Russia but again the establishment turned against him. So I think he has made an enemy of the Military/Industrial complex and this is why the establishment hate him.   William

 From Pete:

Yes there is a lot of nuance, William.  Nixon did indeed end the Vietnam War, albeit gradually, after four years of his presidency and lots of bombing.  Though perhaps with the military industrial complex (MIC) and the oligarchy pulling the strings of whoever is in power, Nixon in this case, that may have been the best he could have done in practice. (Even Henry Kissinger, his secretary of state, also got credit for ending the war.)  And yes, he did make peace with China too.


(The military industrial complex should really be called the “mercenary industrial complex”, since, as the late, great Major General Smedley Butler famously noted way back in the day, “War Is a Racket”. War greatly destroys wealth and lives for the many, but greatly enriches the tiny few at the top.)


I wouldn’t say Trump is anti-war per se, and like any wannabe alpha male he does luuurrrve to bang on his chest and poke every proverbial angry bear he can find, but he certainly took umbrage (and rightly so) at the ridiculous protracted military quagmires of Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, and wanted to get us out of those. Ironically, he was the one who made the deal with the Taliban to exit Afghanistan, which Biden inherited, and the rest is history.  Like Vietnam, it was a war America lost before the war even began.  As for his frenemy, Kim Jong Un of North Korea, who really knows what is going through his head.  First they hated each other, then they became buddies almost overnight.  So overall, I can see how the MIC and thus the establishment would not like him very much, and consider him to be a rogue and a loose cannon.    Best wishes to you both,   Pete   {end}


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College of the Gender War, Core Tenets

the Gender Conflict

The Gender War – We are Leaders – How do we Defeat Patriarchs? 12-5-23

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From William Bond:

We have to think how we can sell the concept of matriarchy in a way that appeals to all people. It should in theory appeal to women but I think they are afraid of matriarchy. I know feminists do fear a backlash against women if they go too far and I suppose they think that the concept of women ruling the world will cause a backlash. This is probably why the women at Matriarchal Studies try to claim that matriarchy is only about equality. 

So I think women would love to rule the world, but they think if they try to do this, men will get upset and use violence against women to assert control over women once again. Which suggests to me that women do think that equality with men is as much as they can achieve and if they attempt to go further than this, it will end up in disaster. So for this reason we cannot just sell matriarchy to only women, we have to sell matriarchy to both men and women because women will have more confidence in matriarchy if they are supported by men. 

Matriarchy can appeal to men because Patriarchy doesn’t benefit the majority of men. We have had many men who have wrote about the insanity of warfare and that we live in a very unequal world. So I think we can sell matriarchy as a solution to both warfare and inequality. That is providing that female leaders are willing to act and behave like women and not try to behave like men as we see with many modern female politicians.  william

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From Rasa Von Werder:

William, We cannot DESCEND to their level when we are the main ones telling the TRUTH, the truth, & nothing but the truth.  It isn’t about lowering ourselves, our standards, our beliefs.  If the Lighthouse dims its Light because some people are blinded by it, what will the boats steer to?

No, we are the light on the shore.  We are the fire on the mountain top, the way St. Patrick signaled his new POV, challenging the Chieftains {in case you didn’t know, they used fires to signal events, holidays, the right to rule – many things.  They were signals.} Being AFRAID & giving in to the lower thoughts is not the answer.  This IS a WAR. - A WAR OF IDEAS.  Will we allow them to win?

Shyt, if we fold up, we are the Commander in Chief, the Generals, what will the lower officers & privates do?  No one to lead them!

We are the LEADERS!  One of the characteristics of a leader is COURAGE.  This courage galvanizes the fearful, inspires them to move forward against an enemy that can hurt or kill.  Sometimes the leaders are so Charismatic  they will inspire the troops to attack against all odds.  {Not talking about hypnosis the tyrants use, talking about courage.}  Look at Napoleon & Alexander the Great.  I’m not condoning or excusing their crimes, just talking about how they spurred on people.

Recently you spoke abut positive thinking, that one must BELIEVE in order to succeed.  What has happened to your FAITH?  Have you LOST IT?

We fight not against the physical, but against spiritual entities in high places {St. Paul’s very famous idea.}  We fight with SPIRITUAL WEAPONS.  He explains, the Helmet of Salvation, the Sword of the Spirit, the feet shod in Peace, the Girdle of Righteousness & the SHIELD OF FAITH.

OK, so if we, the leaders, decide to compromise? This article I just saw, indicates today’s Churches are confused about the Gospel of Christ – which means preaching the Cross, Poverty, do unto others, love others as yourself – all of that.  Today’s world DOESN’T LIKE IT they say!  so let’s give them FOOD – MUSIC & most of all PROSPERITY PREACING, preach being positive will bring results such as MONEY.  Preach if you love God, God will give you MONEY!  BLESSINGS ARE MONEY!  A fine house, car, good mate, healthy children, preach all that will come to you if you love God – then they will COME TO CHURCH!

But this gospel is the Gospel of Satan!  He said,  ‘I will give you all the kingdoms of the world & their glory if you will bow down & worship me!”
And you are suggesting compromise of our ideas, the very ideas that have built our foundation – which for you is ‘men have done a terrible job of ruling our world, they are not suitable to lead, step aside & let women take their place. etc.’

For me, it’s ‘Women are superior to men by nature – God made them that way.  Men cannot, should not rule the family or world as they destroy what they control; it is not natural for them to lead. etc.”

On the side of Christianity as I said, the Cross is what Jesus taught, & Poverty is the Cross.  The FOCUS on Prosperity is the Gospel of Satan.  As far as Matriarchy, Matriarchy is NOT equality of women with men.  We cannot preach this as then we become IRRELEVANT.  We dismiss our cause, our unique foundation & agenda.  We then stand for nothing; we simply disappear among the out-dated feminists.  Feminists will be like the Wright Brothers 200 years from now, people will know they had to start somewhere, so there they started.  And what they fought for was not equality with men – I’m sure many believed in superiority – they preached for equality UNDER THE LAW – a big difference-the right to vote, to get jobs, etc.  You never cite that difference.

    So let’s get back to the teaching of St. Paul.  What do we fight with?  Truth, righteousness & the truth is what we three have been saying all along from the beginning & we cannot deviate from it or else we sink into the mire of where all the other don’t-knows are.  Those who hunger for the truth – who will they then follow? - The femdom world?  I just had a man write me today talking about a femdom ‘Goddess’ who wants to start a Gynarchy community. He calls her Viola Voltairine. Curious to see if this had any validity, I looked her up & saw this:

“And through Ms. Lane, I’ve met Goddess Viola Voltairine. A slave owner of two men, seeking to create her own harem of male servants. She also revels in female sexual sadistry. A self-proclaimed vampire, she cuts and feeds on her favorite boy Drum’s blood regularly.”

OK this is a crock of shyt.  It’s an invention to MAKE MONEY from submissives. We understand this; we know it’s not REAL in creating Matriarchy.  It is not part of our agenda, POV or religion; this is a sideline for those who want/need to use the adult trade to make money.

OK then is this who they follow if we disappear by preaching a lower truth? 

You speak of FEAR – women’s fear.  They fear more than VIOLENCE.  They fear the lack of support from men.  Support is paramount.  If a woman has children, working & taking care of them is extremely difficult – she needs help.  Even ordinary life is more tolerable with the help of a partner.

Your letter, now that I reread it, is so sissy-ish it makes me want to vomit.

If this is WAR – & it is – it’s like saying let’s back up a step. Give the enemy more room, more freedom, let him have what he wants to some degree. We can’t afford to have him hurt us or kill us, let’s give in.

Some leader you are!

Instead of what you say we must have FAITH that God WILL PREVAIL & Matriarchy will happen as God intended, just let us do what we can, no compromise.

You said:  “This is probably why the women at Matriarchal Studies try to claim that matriarchy is only about equality.”

          The reason these women say what they say & pretend what they pretend is because academia is still under the power of patriarchy.  They are not allowed to teach/preach, female superiority which is the rule in Matriarchy.  If they do they will be discredited & maybe lose their jobs – their work trashed or discredited the way they tried with Marija Gimbutas.

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From William:

Rasa, when I wrote about men supporting women. I didn’t mean that men take any leadership position. Men can support women as bodyguards and as workers for the matriarchal cause. In many ways men can be more aware of what a terrible job men do of ruling the world, than women. Too many women are willing to make excuses for men’s behavior. I don’t see matriarchy v patriarchy as a women v men fight. Many women support patriarchy and I’m sure many men will support matriarchy.    William


From Rasa: William,

    All I can think of in answer is in Africa there are communities of women that broke off from men.  They supported themselves; they found a way, some, by selling jewelry they created to tourists.  I’m not sure exactly what they did in all these sisterhoods, but they not only survived they thrived compared to what they had before, & did not suffer the mistreatment & oppression previously.  The men were seething with rage & jealousy – their communities without women went downhill, they become impoverished & lacked all the benefits of female slavery.  For a while they attacked & interfered with the women but eventually slowed down on that, it was no use.

    In time, males were allowed to return but only in subordinate positions, to do menial work.  Not many men – just a few.

    We definitely see this issue from two similar but different positions.  Mine is more extreme pro women.  You want the men to be involved in everything it seems.  I don’t.  I don’t trust their presence at all.  They want to get their foot in the door & after they do they take more & more away from women.  Their ultimate aim once again, is to control us, & it’s like the demons getting in – we know their agenda. 

    My POV comes from experience.  I’ve lived with men starting out ever-so kind, nice, supportive, with flattery, gifts, favors – whatever they can do to get in {false front being shown}.  And then after a while, they take more & more good away & bring more & more evil into the picture.  This happened with most, not all my relationships.  The exceptions were as I described in my life story, ‘St. Esquire’ & Richard Von Werder, my second husband.  But I can’t think of any other supportive & loving relationships men gave me, it always ended up bad.  And when I say bad I mean horrid – Because they are not SINCERE in their ‘love’ – it’s human desire.


    And besides that, they DON’T CARE ABOUT CHILDREN in general.  There are exceptions, George Muller & Rev Spurgeon & a few others.  But these are rare.  Why did we have legions of children IN THE STREETS in the 1800′s?  Charles Dickens writes about the work houses & orphanages.  These orphans were seen as VERMIN by the regular folk, as they had to beg & steal to survive. They were dirty, ignorant, sometimes ill & had no charm or manners to win folks to their favor.  Why all these kids in the street, for lack of WHAT?

    For lack of MATRIARCHY.  Men want to follow THEIR NATURE – taking care of children is not part of it.  So they obey their glands & when women get pregnant, they can whistle Dixie for support – he got his kicks – good bye Cecilia.  Women are reduced to beggars– there is no safety net for men’s actions, what can a pregnant woman or one with babies do for support in those days?

    You care too much about the side of men, who do not deserve your concerns.  Granted there are some good ones, but only a minority.  I’m thinking in general terms.  You’re seeing this PERSONALLY like your own good self helping women.  Think of all those who don’t give a shyt.

The Patriarchal system is designed for men to get all the privileges & women few options, keeping them in slavery. This is changing for the better but you’re slow to see women’s plight. You’re looking at men with rose colored glasses – across the board THEY ARE THE ENEMY & we are sleeping with him.       

        In spite of all your teachings, you are a man so you are on the side of men – To some degree, to a degree that makes me uncomfortable.  

No matter what I say, you CAN’T see my POV.  You can’t perceive why women would want to have a place to GET AWAY from men entirely, to have a SAFE SPACE where men aren’t welcome.  Consider the MEN’S CLUBS in England & elsewhere, where the man could get away from wife & family, be LEFT ALONE, eat, sleep, gamble – not sure what else was provided.  In some places, just sit, read or chat.  But they were left alone without interference from women.

Women want the same thing – I certainly do.  I have not had a REAL girl friend since High School.  No one I can rely on or trust. Because once women reach a certain age & status in society, they are considered PROPERTY OF MEN.  Single women are not allowed into married people’s company.  You can’t understand all of this, there is so much you DO NOT UNDERSTAND re the plight of women & their needs.    Rasa


Pete Jackson says:

Good evening, Rasa and William.  Oy vey, there’s a lot to unpack here.  I am admittedly a bit out of my depth so I don’t think I really have much of substance to add here.  But here goes anyway:

I will note that there is a difference between compromising one’s *strategy* versus compromising one’s *principles*.  The former may be permissible, while the latter is not.  And it’s a very fine line indeed.

About faith, I am the first to admit that mine is not always nearly as strong as it should be.  I can even be a Doubting Thomas at times.  It’s kinda human nature, I guess.  And I reflexively tend to approach the issues from a more secular and social perspective by default. 

And of course, William and I are men, and thus we will unfortunately always be at least a little a bit biased towards the male POV, even if unconsciously.  It’s in our DNA.  Like William, I personally tend to prefer more integration over gender separatism for the most part.  Though I think there is something to say for both perspectives IMHO.  And especially with me, please take what I say with at least a grain of salt, if not a whole pound.

We may not always agree on everything, but at least we all agree on the very basics overall.

Beyond that, I don’t think I have much else to add here.     Best wishes,    Pete

Rasa says:

OK thanks Pete.  What this to me has brought out is that there is a conflict between the view of William & myself which will never change.  So to quell my frustration I just have to accept it, not let it bother me.  It will be impossible for us to convince the other, we just have to let it go.  And why he can’t understand what I am saying is beyond me.  I DID NOT say women & men have to be separate at all times in all ways, all of them.  I said women NEED a PLACE/PLACES were they can be separate.  Is that not a difference?

Patriarchs are not separate from women AT ALL TIMES, in all ways, in all places.  But they have places to go to be separate. Muslims have their Temples.  Italians & other nationalities have ‘men’s clubs,’ they are all over the place. They also have Shriners, Freemasons & the like.  Even my little town has one. I’ve seen so many movies where men speak of & go to ‘their club’.  The club is a men’s hotel – they can sleep there if they wish.  Where is the equivalent of this for women?

But for women, it’s even more necessary because they not only need separate space to go to for themselves, the space must also receive their CHILDREN.  This is BEYOND battered women’s shelters.  That is what my NEW ORDER will address & I hope, provide.

William & yourself don’t dwell upon such things as you never had to.  I had to.  I had a child & I was alone.  No family, nothing.  I could have used a safe space that provided amenities for her & me apart from our own residence.  A ‘hotel’ or ‘women’s club’ where you could safely leave your child/children where they would be  provided for by women, while you work shop or do something else.  Women need this DESPERATELY.      Rasa

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Paul described the spiritual battle in his letter to the Corinthians

“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war
  according to the flesh.  For the weapons of our
  warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for
  pulling down strongholds,  casting down arguments
  and every high thing that exalts itself against
  the knowledge of God, bringing every thought
  into captivity to the obedience of Christ,” – Paul (2 Cor 10:3-5)

As we are fighting a spiritual war, the weapons we use are not physical weapons. Our mission objective is not to take prisoners or to conquer cities. Our true target is to capture the hearts of the people, to lead them to Christ, to teach them to obey him.

But sometimes, no matter how much effort we put in our preaching, we often find it difficult to reach to our friends. No matter how hard we try, we fail to capture their hearts.

As the result many churches come up with many methods to preach the gospel. But often we do not receive the result that we want.  It looks as if we are attacking a stronghold that will we can never overcome.

Perhaps we rely too much on our own wisdom and strategies and we fail to utilize the spiritual weapons of the apostles. 

The Power Of God And Its Role In Spiritual Warfare

When Paul encountered a similar problem, how did he overcome it? 

Often we are unsure how to win the hearts of people. The modern church advocate that that traditional services can no longer attract people.  They feel that old stories can never move new people. So they plan countless ways to reach out and move people. 

As we see this, sometimes we wonder, “Shall I continue to talk about Jesus and the cross?” “Should we find another way?”  That is how most Christians approach their spiritual battle. 


College of the Gender War, Core Tenets

Body Building Talk

11-4-23    BodyBuilding Contest

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Several dreams, don’t know if they’re ‘important’ or not until I analyze them.  Will start with a later dream as right now can’t recall the earlier ones.  They will come back.  I have sacrificed watching You tube – anything – for the time being in favor of having an uncluttered mind for my work.  Later I will see if non-people videos like Robert E. Fuller’s animal work, will badly effect on my mind – I suspect not.  It’s the people videos, including the educational ones, which bring back numerous MEMORIES of earthly life, & thoughts & feelings, which dissipate & clutter my mind & heart.  What is RELEVANT here as far as my mind is what is ON my mind is what I send my strength into.  If I am focused on the world, there goes my energy.  If I’m focused on Souls in Purgatory – more likely they can receive the God given Grace I send.

This dream might answer my prayer before sleep:  “Let me know if it’s more important for me to body build tomorrow or do the juicing {I have been retarded in both.}

There’s this body building contest, & only 3 women compete.  The first is a riot.  She’s a tiny female, not much body to her. She comes out in a bikini made of flowers.  She takes off the flowers, underneath is a mini dress made of flowers.  She takes off the mini dress & some sort of other costume is there.  This happens again & again, each outfit made of flowers & leaves, at least 4 times.  It’s a phenomenon.  Everyone applauds.

But I’m IRRITATED & say,

“Is this a contest for SEWING or body building?’

The second female is tall & thin & very muscular & has short black hair, which frames her face in sort of feathers close to her skin.  The man who’s announcing the contest says they saw her making ugly faces & she makes some sort of extremely witty & telling statement, which gets a big applause.  Possibly by this statement, I think she will win the show.  I notice her abdomen very flat & muscular – she does not look super manly as the woman of pro bb do today, she’s moderate.

I don’t see the act of the third female.  When I wake up I really want to body build to look great, so I think that answers my question.

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MEANING:  I suspect the 2nd female is myself & how do I win the arena of female body building?  Not by anything except by WHAT I SAY!

My championing females being EQUAL to men in the sport given an equal chance instead of being used as a side show of bimbos or almost cheesecake – At the time I first entered in 1972 that’s how we were seen.  We got no money & no serious recognition.   The males were looked at as IMPORTANT.  We were the SIDE SHOW – they the main attraction.

Later, after the idea of female muscularity got better accepted, one female made a bicep muscle & was told never to do that again!

I got the idea into Esquire & Playboy & national TV shows before the first fitness contest was held – 1979 – & after that first body building contest – Miss Olympia, 1980 – I was in it.

ME:  Speaking of body building, Mother, you told me a short time ago that Arnold would be laughed at from my point of view explaining how he promoted Lisa Lyon in order to get even with me for cuckolding him.  And he failed.  That people will know this.  And they no longer worship him because he had an affair with their maid & had a child with her – right now he’s treating them as wife & family.  He bought her a nice house & has posed for numerous photos with her & even when the son was little – this part I think he’s good, he didn’t throw her to the curb after using her.  {But he did throw Maria that way.} 

Most people judged him for this event & his image fell down in the public favor. Americans are hysterical when it comes to sex.  And then they kind of chuckle at Arnold & no longer think he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.

But how will people know & believe he used Lisa as revenge against me rather than that he really liked or loved her?

MG:  It is precisely because they no longer see him as a God, but a fallen hero, that they will believe you & in doing so, they need fuel for the fire to laugh.  Your account of how he failed, the biggest man in body building, super rich & powerful, working with another man also the most influential, & yet, the two of them could not succeed in stealing your thunder, making her the one & only beginning of female body building & burying you in the process.  They wrote the history of female bb on Wikipedia & on purpose excluded you, {people are not that dumb, why exclude you?  There’s a MOTIVE} you mentioned it, & it will be noted.  People will find this humorous – haha, Arnold failed, what a fool.  Why didn’t he just suck it up & let it go?  So Kellie liked another guy, so what?  Not the first time this sort of thing happened, let it go, pardner, you’re showing your negative side.  If you just let it go you would not have failed & now looking back, you look like a dope.  People eventually got onto Arnold, that he only did things as a means to an end, used people, climbed the social & political ladder.  He was not a loving/loyal/faithful type guy.  He was a prankster, & his partner Joe Weider was a fraud – convicted of false advertising & had to pay big bucks in fines, the movie created to glorify him, ‘Bigger’ the whole thing is an apologia that he was NOT gay, because he was! This movie is a joke & so by Arnold being his close friend doesn’t add to Arnold’s glory.

ME:  And the female with the multiple costumes, flowers & leaves? I know it sounds like juicing, but could it also be Lisa Lyon & all her posing as a model, in various roles?

MG:  It could be her but see, the dream says she didn’t win, although at first it looked like she might. 

There was no third contender for FIRST female body builder, it was either her or you, that’s why you don’t see the third.  Many females came after but they were not the first. And although in the beginning it looked like she got more attention & respect because of Arnold & Weirder, she fell out of the public eye but you continued, told your story, & she went into the woodwork while your position was verified.  After all, you told the truth & you gave the dates.  It could not be disputed.

PS:  Again, re Lisa looks like she could win but did not.  Notice I explain right at first, that she is TINY & has no ‘body’ or ‘shape’ or muscles.  It’s just her COSTUMES that get the applause.

In the context of this dream, what are the costumes?  They are a COVERING or a FRONT.  It was her PUBLICITY, making her seem victorious {leaves} & given accolades {flowers for the performer.} But underneath there isn’t ANYTHING like she’s short, tiny, no shape or muscles!  In other words, it was just chimera, nothing substantial, to her, just a FRONT.  Had she been GREAT as an instrument of God or sent by God to establish female body building, more would have happened.

I had another female who tried to take ‘my place’ as the top activist Matriarch.  She stole my disciple & got him to do all kinds of work, trying to build herself a Matriarchal identity by which she could MAKE MONEY. All that she did failed.  Why?  No Anointing.  No God empowerment.

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College of the Gender War, Core Tenets

Alx Uttermann-Great Interview

Report of Rasa re Sri Kaleshwar – Alx Utterman & her video

 letter to Alx Utterman:

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Comment: I have been praying to him {Sri Kaleshwar} daily & he started appearing right away with another man – I did not know who the other man was at first, but then realized it was Sai Shirdi Baba, who always appears with him! They are partners. And they chose me as their partner also & one night, the three of us got a large number of Souls out of Purgatory – their clients, not mine. They also graced me with Sacred Holy Food which was new to me – Shirdi Sai Baba served it to me, while Sri Kaleshwar was pouring something on my head – which I did not understand until I saw the images of him pouring water on the head of Sai Baba! They are with me daily. A friend sent me VIBHUTI of Sai Baba which I kiss every morning {within an envelope.} I am wondering, is there any way I can get one grain of the burnt up Sacred Ash you got from Sri Kaleshwar from his miracle of Christmas 1999? I would like to have you, Alx Utterman, as a spiritual relationship. I will join your center. I am sincere, interested in God & her Glory, not the things of the world. God is All. 

Below is Rasa Von Werder, NOT Alx, in 2015


         Letter to Alx Utterman:

         Can I get one grain of the ash from the miracle of Christmas 1999? Or touch a piece of paper to the ash & send it to me. I would like to be spiritual friends with Alx Utterman. My work for God: Building a Matriarchal Center for women & their children which includes a New Religion that is appropriate for Matriarchy {Includes Christian & Eastern principles – includes Wicca & worship of Mother Nature} – with our own Temple, {off limits to men} – Convent {no sexual repression, they are free to have children} – Community of women outside the convent, some married, some not – Full education in our Community including the Arts & Entertainment classes – etc. A full spectrum living with Culture, Lifestyle of the Highest Standards, etc………I will write it all down & hope to facilitate it before I die, but if not, will leave my legacy, work & resources including money & property, to the Center. {50 wonderful Paradise acres with house, 3 acre yard, wilderness, 5 acre island, riverfront, swamps, creeks, pine glades.} Let me hear from you & your GREAT GOALS FOR GOD & MATRIARCHY! PS Expecting a movie of my life, ‘I Strip for God’ will bring millions for our Order.

                 Note: It’s been a few days since sending the letter & she’s not yet answered 


               Dream:   Sri Kaleshwar & Sirdi Sai Baba appear to me & saw both at more or less the same time:

                 “God wants sex.”

                 “God wants to have sex with you” – Not sure if that was “We want to have sex with you” – as they are Gods.”

                 I know they mean MYSTICAL or SPIRITUAL SEX & that is the essence of sex on earth, it is mystical union AT BEST.

                 At the same time they showed me a huge Shiva Lingam, about 2 feet long, & something else I don’t know – was it the Sacred Yoni? Yes, it’s a whole religion. Is it the worship of Shiva?

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See this video:  This is the best I have seen so far on the subject of Womb Chakra & Feminine Divine, other subjects like sexuality, Jesus sex life, etc.:




The Speaker is Alx Uttermann – Disciple of Sri Kaleshwar & exponent of his teachings


the following are many COMMENTS on the video stated:

BlueStarRising said re the discussion of Jesus being married:

         Whether the Magdalene and Yeshua married or not is wholly irrelevant to the Mystery of the Bridal Chamber. It is not earthly marriage, but the male and female aspects of God and of the inner

and the outer that must be reunited in us. St. John of the Cross wrote on this cosmic union, “Oh night that guided me, Oh, night more lovely than the dawn, Oh, night that joined Beloved with lover, Lover transformed in the Beloved.” —Rosamonde Ikshvàku Miller


I would respectfully contest this statement — on the grounds that to each of us, human beings all, carrying the exact same Christ Consciousness within, need to know that one can lead a ‘normal life’ and simultaneously reach the highest level of consciousness one can carry in a human form. If we suggest that the human life and marriage of Jesus and Mother Magdalene is purely symbolic or esoteric, and not simply human, that again creates more of the illusion of separation between each of us and the Christ inside. Another wall of a belief system to have to break down as we ascend in spiritual awareness and capability. This life is difficult enough, as spiritual characters-in-the-making, without adding more walls of dogma and belief that limit our capacity, is my strong opinion and experience.


Rasa Von Werder’s {Rasa on You tube is Kellie Everts} answer: 

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 @alxuttermann1009  Very well said & I am glad you have the courage to say things other women won’t. Indeed, it is IMPORTANT for us to dispel the Patriarchal teaching which has DEGRADED sex in order to DISEMPOWER WOMEN because women are the citadel of sex. Understand it is the MEN who are dependent on women FOR SEX, they PAID for it from time immemorial {the first profession, lol} not the other way around. In order to disempower, disable women from having this advantage over them, the Patriarchs assaulted the sex act, causing it to be TABOO, SINFUL, DIRTY, LOWLIFE, & because sex was so evil, it had to be CONTROLLED by the male Institution/Religion through Sacramental marriage. No other act of sex is considered legitimate or righteous in Patriarchy – Catholics even laughingly persuade us that masturbation is a MORTAL SIN {deserving of Hell!} And while we women are slut shamed & stoned to death for sex – the males in the past raped & whored with impunity. {What does that tell you? What I just said.}……..Now Mr. BlueStar wants to make a point – that sex can be sacred. Indeed, I do agree. The Sacredness is there when the people conducting it are of God…..Oh yes, one more thing. The first ‘brothels’ were Temples to the Goddess, when sex was recognized as Sacred. In particular, the Sacred Harlots, which included Constantine’s Mom as a young lady – Helen – the Priestesses made TANTRIC SEX available to men FOR A DONATION. It was known that females were SPIRITUALLY SUPERIOR TO MEN & males, by physical sex with the female, while prolonging their orgasm, would receive more & more spiritual energy from them – eventually – after many years – attaining Enlightenment. This POWER women had over males the Patriarchy wanted to eliminate & destroy it they did. Now women in the adult trade are treated as garbage disposals for sperm – all because of a small portion of demonic males who sought to rule the world & so they did. But this age of Kali is ending & Matriarchy is on the cusp.



When Alx tries to explain Ramakrishna she gets so embarrassed she finally gives up & changes the subject. She couldn’t bring herself to say he was a homosexual. It proves you can be an Avatar & homosexual at the same time, lol.


These two comments were not removed, but sent way down the line where few people would see them – I suspect a covert way of making them invisible –



Ramakrishna: How could he want sex with his wife Sarada when he was a homosexual, madly in love with Vivekananda? When V did not visit a while Rama was ripping his hair out with anxiety, & when V appeared, he touched him & put him into a deep trance {so he wouldn’t go away?} V was annoyed with all this & said if it continued he would not return. Then when Rama was dying his homo disciples made a human wall around him, forbidding any females to enter & say good bye. One female did get through by dressing as a male. She was an actress, & she was the only female that got to pay her last respects. Why would the disciples do this except for contempt & hate of females?


@KellieEverts–conductsNightTra {Rasa Von Werder}

Alx says: “SEX IS NOT A SIN” Re Our Lord, ‘being like all men except for sin’. Indeed, I have said this so many times – always alone. Finally someone concurs. I explain that the restrictions on sex were created by Patriarchs in order to CONTROL WOMEN – Proof is the DOUBLE STANDARD. The woman caught in adultery. Where was the man? Their law stated both need to be stoned to death, but he is not there. {Jesus saves the day.} My associate Ajax the Great & I agree, sexual freedom for women is the KILL SWITCH FOR PATRIARCHY. When women do whatever they want sexually & no longer fear men, men will have nothing to fight for. Consider a ram with his harem. The harem runs off & mates with the other guys in the woods. No more head banging, lol. We will end war by being sexually free.


Rasa says:

There are many great insights presented here by Alx Utterman. One must listen to this with an open, eager mind & digest it all. Take time to study her remarks, they are deep. I am impressed by her statements on sexuality & accept them as true. “Kaleshwar said Jesus was married to & had a child or children with Magdalene” {I’m fine with that} “Jesus had children with other women besides Magdalene – women threw themselves at him, saying ‘Bless my Flower,’ “Jesus was happy to oblige” adds Alx. {Lol, fine with me, the more Jesus’s the better! You mean Jesus was human? Why not? I am human, I’ve seen God Face to Face twice, I was celibate 30 years for God but God told me ‘Quit the celibacy, go out & have fun!’ That proves SEX IS NOT A SIN}………Sri Kaleshwar was married & had a child, his wife was sitting right there while they were speaking–Alx was there. That’s fine but I am perturbed as to WHY DID HE LIE TO THE PRESS & SAID HE WOULD NEVER MARRY? The interview is right on You tube. Playing that dayum ‘forever celibate, great saints never have sex or think about it’ bullcrap. Sri Kalesh, you did all the miracles to prove yourself. Now do the miracle of standing up to Patriarchy’s bull shyt & admit to sex!



Re Peter the Apostle: Alx, Ven. Fulton J. Sheen agreed with you. I have his audio from 45 years ago. He said the reason Our Lord called Peter ‘the Rock’ is this: We had a kid in school who was a runt & a wimp, the smallest, weakest in the class, & we called him ‘Hercules.’ And you mention Peter’s unstable ways & Jesus more or less says, “On this ROCK I will build my Church?’ I firmly {like a rock} believe that Jesus wanted Magdalene to be the head of his Church because of all the Apostles, Anne Catherine Emmerich says SHE WAS THE MOST SPIRITUALLY EVOLVED – a great Contemplative. But we live in an evil Patriarchy. They rule by ‘might makes right.’ So of course they ousted the women {Alx said so-would like to see the source} from leadership & took over, & wrote the women out of history. The canonical gospels sound like part of them was written by Peter himself – as he is the STAR. It’s that ole’ gender war. They won but now they are losing, & when the cork is no longer held down, women rise up {analogy made by William Bond.}



Mary Magdalene’s appearance 1:53:00: I believe the visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich–I have all her books – day by day accounts of Jesus & other events in the bible. A literary figure named Clemens Brentano sat by her bedside {she was bedridden with Divine Stigmata} & wrote down every word of her visions: She said – St Magdalene was the child of a ROMAN PRINCE & a Jewess. Magdalene was SO BEAUTIFUL that her mother put her, as a child or young lady, in a window of their home which faced the street, so passers by could admire her. She was the MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN OF HER TIME, more beautiful than the Holy Virgin she says. In my imagination I see the level of Merle Oberon {Mother Hindu, dad Englishman}, Gene Tierney or Hedy Lamarr {Jewish – when she first appeared on the screen in Algiers, the audience GASPED at her beauty.} From sitting in this window being admired, she developed the sins of pride & vanity – she was never a prostitute {who are sacred sex therapists} as the Catholics later wanted us to believe, to degrade her status. Se owned the city of Magdala with her brother Lazarus & she subsequently gave Our Lord a lot of money for the ministry. They persuaded her to go see Jesus preach – she wasn’t interested – but finally she allowed them to carry her there on a palanquin………….Eventually she was madly in love with Jesus, repented her pride & vanity, & during the Passion of Our Lord, she fell apart, while Holy Mary remained serene. Obviously, her love was human as well as Divine, as we go crazy in our flesh when we are in love.



About the Mary Magdalene chanellers or facilitators, who make their career/living off her persona, & a producer was trying to make a documentary on such women. But each one he approached told him she’d be glad to do a documentary, but it would have to be ONLY ABOUT HER & HER VERSION! This goes to prove how women are their own worst enemy. They are trained by Patriarchy to reject sisterhood {because it is POWERFUL!} & work alone, which is a weak position. Men dominate by the brotherhood, albeit it’s a wicked one. The slave mentality is one works to secure status, respect & security through the ‘Massah,’ but does not join with ‘other slaves’ for an uprising. This is ego mentality, all for me, not for them, & it is doomed to failure. And that is why the Matriarchy, which begs for sisterhood, has been slow to rise up, but still, it is rising, albeit slowly. Of all the men & women who gravitated to me while I was on Face book – thousands – only two remain helping the cause, & they are men. When I left Face book, a convenient forum, I still reached out to my women disciples but they were no longer zealous, since I was ‘gone.’ But two men remained steadfast.


BlueStar you mentioned seeing a woman lifting the Eucharist, how moving it was. A female who has female disciples she’s teaching to be Priests. You can see me raising the Holy Eucharist every day & I have an account of why on my site ‘Woman, Thou art God’ inside the ‘How to Build a Church in Your Home,’……I explain how I was working {1981} to bring women into the Catholic Priesthood, calling every convent in New York, but the women shot me down until I got discouraged. Then I asked Jesus, ‘Maybe I am wrong. Do you want women in the priesthood?’ The next day I went to the Cathedral for 8:00am Mass. I was the only one there. A new Priest walks in to celebrate, younger than the others. Time for Communion, I am kneeling, waiting, he doesn’t come. I look up – he beckons me to come forward, then BEHIND THE ALTAR. I walk over there slowly, he gives me the Body, then the Blood of Jesus from his own Chalice. I walked out slowly, in a trance. When I emerge into the light outside, I suddenly realize, this was Our Lord & He called me behind the altar!


Durga turning to Kali is a prediction of the extinction of human men. See the myth of her slaying & removing Maharashtri, which represents Patriarchy. I have written of this untold times. She had the solution before we even knew it; the myth was from ancient days.


Indeed. Can we be human & rise to the highest level? Here’s the formula: At times one sequesters themselves all alone, abstracts themselves from this world & reaches up to God. Buddha did this, Moses, Jesus, all the hermits, many Saints. Some remained celibate by choice, but they DID NOT HAVE TO. God told me that. I could have achieved Self Realization without being celibate, but I didn’t know it, so I practiced celibacy. Now there comes a time when the isolation, abstraction, HAS DONE ITS WORK. If we were to be that way ALL THE TIME we might as well have stayed in Heaven & not been born. But there comes a time when we are allowed, or it’s Kosher so to speak, to be human again, to do human things & have human desires – surprise, surprise. We have been brainwashed by some religions that to be a saint one must be a forever virgin or forever celibate but this is NOT TRUE! It’s simply something taught by certain men for a reason. One reason is to keep women virginally pure & sexually inactive. Another reason might be lack of insight or understanding into Mystical Theology. Ask me, lol, I know.

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College of the Gender War, Core Tenets

He writes Myths like they were Facts


Answer to video Sacred Sex on You tube


Glorian: Practical Spirituality to Awaken Consciousness and Liberate it from the Causes of Suffering 

I suggested they check Dr. Bryan Sykes for biological facts re male & female – they removed my comments fast

  The female body building champion in this article is Christa Lou Cormick, daughter of Ozay Rinpoche in Great Britain


Our history is far more incredible than modern science or religion suspect. Rather than being the descendants of apes or of two divinely created people (and the incest of their children), we are the outcome of a very long and slow spiral cycle — evolution and devolution — whose pattern includes the rise and fall of civilizations faintly remembered in myths and scriptures. Most importantly, in that history we learn the truth about the origin of our suffering, and how it is related to sex.”


Rasa’s answers to the video:

All fetuses are FIRST FEMALE. Look at the biology, not myths for that. When the fetus is the size of grapefruit seed, they stop being ‘reproductive’ as females & begin to turn into males, which are NOT REPRODUCTIVE. The sperm of a male is a ‘parasite’ according to scientists & can only present the male DNA to the female to reproduce.


the woman’s clitoris is NOT an ‘atrophied penis’! The penis is an enlarged clitoris. Remember, the female form was first. She might have been a hermaphrodite, but reproduction is in the female, not the male. You are presenting this in the male-supremacy model, a biased male view; obviously we have a Patriarch here. For the facts look to the world’s top geneticist, Dr. Bryan Sykes of Oxford, & his book “Adam’s Curse – a Future Without Men” – human men are going EXTINCT. So much for your version of male as the superior sex! Their y chromosome is crumbing & cannot repair itself. Woman has two X, male only one. When his y crumbles completely in about 100k years, there will be NO MORE HUMAN MALES. Women can reproduce without males in more than one way. See Dr. Sykes.

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Where do you get this information? It is theories, ideas, not facts. You give no origin for your studies. I agree that way long ago the humans were all females/hermaphrodites perhaps. And eventually they created two genders. But I do not pretend these are facts, they are ideas & theories. How do you explain that we share 98% of our genes with apes? Bonobos & Chimpanzees. Yes I believe in myths but you are misinterpreting myths according to male bias. The science of today is PROOF of female superiority, her having two X chromosomes, male an XY, the Y a broken down X that cannot repair itself. And I do agree that in ancient days of Matriarchy, sex was sacred. It was conducted in Temples with the Sacred Harlots, men gave them money. The first ‘brothels’ according the Patriarchy. The Patriarchs degraded sex to become taboo, dirty, unclean subject to control BY MEN, in order to control women. But originally in Tantric sex the FEMALES gave Light & Enlightenment to men through sex, being that women were in all ways superior to men, spiritually included. As men conducted sex with the Sacred Women, withholding their orgasm as taught by women, they eventually gained Enlightenment.

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The degradation of our society occurred through Patriarchy – the rule of men. When this rogue segment of males – a third according to the Myth of Lucifer – took over the world, it was the rule of Satan. Satan is the Prince of this world, he works through men. Women were responsible for males becoming rogue by mating with the most masculine males over the centuries, when eventually, a third of them became so masculine with all its drawbacks {lack of empathy, insensitive, no maternal instinct, born to protect & kill, don’t know how to love but to use & exploit} that they TURNED AGAINST WOMEN & GOD AS A MOTHER & said ‘I will not serve.’ They then attacked, murdered & intimidated women to do their bidding, which is the OPPOSITE of the design of God. We live in an upside down world where the ‘lunatics are running the asylum.’ Males who should be obeying women are obeying their ID {see Freud} which is the lowest nature, the primitive instinct. This instinct is how we describe demons: no redeeming value, cannot be saved. With this instinct they rule the world, they steal, kill & destroy, – check the Old Testament, a crazy tribe that says God told them to do this & that, while the 10 Commandments are only for their own people. They think they are ‘chosen’ – lol – for what, by whom? Then they say God told them to attack communities & steal all their resources, rape their girl children. This is NOT GOD. They invented God in their own image & likeness. Then they imagine God told them to do what they wanted to do, so they are exonerated & sinless – everyone else is sinful & perverted, but not they. Meanwhile they have dozens of wives & hundreds of children, like Gideon. Take the Old Testament with a block of salt.

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The Christian myth of Lucifer & the Hindu myth of Maharashtri with Durga/Kali explains the emergence of Patriarchy, it’s identity, its evil, & finally, its removal through male extinction. See Dr. Bryan Sykes on the extinction of human men. He said they are a ‘genetic experiment that did not work, therefore nature is taking them out.’ He & Dr. Ashley Montagu both said the human male is a parasite on the body of the female.



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College of the Gender War, Core Tenets

Why are Women Leaving?



People Leaving the Catholic Church – Especially Women



These three qualified & brilliant men discuss why so many people leaving the Catholic Church? I give my answer


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OK I have thought about it & have so many reasons figured out why people are leaving the Catholic Church. You make it seem like those who leave the CC are leaving all the good that it offers. This may not be so. The basic answer I got after praying was NO TAXATION WTHOUT REPRESENTATION. It’s what the CC has done to women. It excludes women from all types of leadership, but it USES women as volunteers, almsgivers, servants, slaves & BREEDERS. It is the women who are most supportive of religions, women are more spiritual than men, they go to Church more, they give more in every way. Yet they are not REPRESENTED in any form of leadership, their voices & needs are not met. They are TOLD WHAT TO DO as if the men know better than us what we should or should not do. The CC is a Patriarchal stronghold or rather was, & it is diminishing for the way it looks upon women. It will continue to shrink because women will not put up with it, not breed for them, not donate time & money – as the CC no longer represents us. Why we remained in it so long was the women’s movement had not yet begun. Scientific proof of female superiority occurred only recently. And the last straw toward men, the straw that broke the camel’s back, is human men are going extinct. See “Adam’s Curse – a Future Without Men” by top world geneticist Dr. Bryan Sykes…..


The men here on this show are the best of men & superbly qualified for God’s work. They have golden hearts & brilliant minds. The CC will use them to try to keep its foothold on earth, but it will not be enough. These new good Priests have sacrificed themselves, especially in the vow of celibacy, & they will be rewarded by God. They are bent on saving the Catholic Church. But women have moved on – we are a different breed than those brainwashed in past days to live under the authority of men. We will take all the good the CC has to offer, which Jesus & Mary gave us, the Saints, the Sacraments, the Holy Spirit – take all this with us as we move on & leave the CC. That is the big answer. We are not leaving God, merely a Patriarchal Institution which does not serve or represent women.


          Guys you are selling a product, so to speak, the benefits & services of the Catholic Church. Yes those are great. However, you are missing the point. These services & benefits are not what women are rejecting. Women love these & they will not want to lose them. But you are presenting these Gifts at a price – they come with the MALE AGENDA. We have to be less than you, lower than you, when we are part of the CC. All of us you believe are INFERIOR to men. You do not believe God called women to the Priesthood. Wasn’t Holy Mary the first & foremost PRIEST when She gave us the BODY & BLOOD OF JESUS?

Look at the way you conducted this presentation. You hardly ever speak of women or their role, or their importance. You act like WOMEN ARE IRRELEVANT. This is a boy’s club, a religion of men, women are servants. The nuns have no authority; they bow & scrape before Priests like nurses bow & scrape before doctors. Nurses must obey doctors, nuns must obey Priests. And the bad Priests were obeyed by wicked nuns, as in the Magdalene Laundries. Nuns obey & cover for bad Priests, they are afraid of them & the Church, being kicked out. But you do not even address the subject of how the CC treats women, like it doesn’t matter, it’s all good. It’s not good. Women are leaving. As I said, they will take the good part of the CC with them & start new religions. I have started my own Order. We will write our own rules. God is inside us. Jesus is alive within me, so is Mary. Their Spirits & Anointings are within the good women. And so, what we are leaving is the authority of men, we feel this is not necessary to our relationship with God. We can relate to God without men telling us what to do.

OK BIG picture & little picture. First, the entire world.

In the last century & beginning of this century things have happened to fatally injure the Patriarchy – it CANNOT CONTINUE as it has for two reasons.

First, it has been discovered that females are biologically, constitutionally & mentally superior to males, by virtue of their two X chromosomes with males have only one X & an inferior Y – & also brain scans which prove that the male can use only about half of his brain at a time, while women use the entire brain. {This is due to the corpus collasum having thousands of nerve connections in female, very few in male.} Secondly Dr. Daniel Amen discovered that in men, the frontal lobes are ASLEEP but the back or primitive part of the brain is awake, but in women, the entire brain is awake. The frontal lobes constitute the civilized part of ourselves, including our spiritual abilities.

Even prior to these scientific facts being discovered, the women’s movement began with Emmeline Pankhurst of England in the 20th century, Elizabeth Cady Stanton & the Americans following up, then the second wave of the movement in the sixties with Betty Friedan.

And so now you have women rising up & proof of female superiority – scientific proof that cannot be disputed, & the world will never be the same again. Even though the males are suppressing this knowledge, it’s leaking out as people like Ashley Montagu in 1953 promoted “The Natural Superiority of Women” while William Bond & Rasa Von Werder have been writing on the emergence of Matriarchy & Female Empowerment for years.

To top it all off & put a lid on the subject, I have mentioned the work of geneticist Dr. Bryan Sykes of OxfordUniversity who has proven human males will be no more in approximately 100k years & it will be a woman-only world. Women have the egg, which is reproductive, while men have a sperm which is not, it carries DNA material to the egg, men cannot reproduce without women but women can reproduce without men. Women will reinstate their parthenogenesis abilities as did Our Holy Virgin Mary – They can also have two female parenting by placing 23 chromosomes of one woman’s egg into another. All female offspring.

In the light of all these facts, male domination of women cannot continue as it isn’t feasible, logical or rational. Their control of women is based on violence, intimidation, unjust laws & lies. But this cannot stand any longer. The males know the truth as well as do the women, the women began to fight back & God is on their side, as Truth is, God is Truth.

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In other words, women are rising up, Matriarchy is coming back & Patriarchy is crumbling.

That’s the BIG picture & the little picture is the Catholic Church is part of the tyrannical, obstinate & exploitative Patriarchy, & it refuses to change. Many other religions have changed – they are ordaining women, even the Jews have female rabbis.

And in view of this, if one refuses to change or adjust as the world changes, one begins to fail. If a business doesn’t change, even huge companies like Kodak, who were once innovators, have shut down. IBM was once big, now shrunken down due to competition. K-Mart was once the main discount store, before that Woolworth’s. K-Mart put Woolworth’s out of business, Walmart put K-Mart out of business. The business world does not stop but new companies take the place of the old.

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And so with religion. Now that women have moved forward they demand leadership positions. If the religions now active don’t provide this, they will eventually create their own religions, as I am doing. I am writing out & planning a new Order which will include all the good things of Catholicism & the good of other disciplines moving toward God.

We do not throw out the baby with the bath water. All we want to be rid of is male tyranny & oppression & dogmatic gunk. To think that males have some kind of monopoly on God is irrational. If anyone should have a authority on religion it should be women, as they are moreso the nurturers & care givers.

My conclusion is that no matter how many good, sincere & faithful men now enter the Priesthood, it’s too late to fix the Catholic Church.

What is the CC trying to do? First, it entertained homosexuals & pedophiles, giving them a cushiony home, environment & nourishment. It protected them when they sinned.

These scholars here are saying it was only 1%. One percent what? Those convicted? Perhaps convicted, but those guilty would be way more – & consider the unreported cases. If it was only 1% perpetrators the Church could have cleaned these guys out. It was way more than that – My guess? Thirty per cent?

And you guys point out that pedophilia exists way more in other cases, such as Dads molesting their own children. Indeed, this is true. However, a Church is to be held to a higher standard – they represent the things of God. The average Dad is not expected to be a Righteous Soul – Priests are.

The homosexual pedophiles were & are Judas’s to the Church. They are demons. They have betrayed her to the core. Can the Church ever recover?

Things were going downhill for the Church due to the women’s movement & the proof of their superiority. And then this. This would make a person think,

“So these are the guys who are making us feel guilty over our sex lives? I’ve had enough. I don’t need this. I’m leaving & taking my children out of there.”

You men emphasize all the good you are offering to the public. Indeed you are, but still, holding on to the tradition of Patriarchy where you rule women, we obey. Why? Why do we have to obey you? Why don’t you obey us?

And the Church is now desperate for survival. It is pulling out all the stops, importing men from India & Africa & somehow finding the most masculine, straight, athletic, female-loving men they can find who are willing to sacrifice. I’m sorry for them because celibacy/chastity is not normal & natural & could be unhealthy, especially for men. This state can only be good when empowered by God’s Grace.

I know a bit about celibacy as I lived it for thirty years. It is incredibly difficult. I worked on it for years before the Holy Virgin appeared to me & requested me to become celibate. She came & gave me the grace & the authority to practice it because I desired it.

But this is not for all people & should not be demanded willy nilly, like you, dear sir, must sacrifice yourself for us, the Church. No, it is between the Soul & God. It might not even be the right thing to do.

In my opinion, all they must do is take off the restrictions on dating & marriage for men, & ordain women with the same. That would solve many problems. But they won’t do that, so the CC will continue to shrink until it becomes a remnant.

Meanwhile, their Churches will go empty & be put up for sale, & people like myself, who want their own Religion that serves women, will buy up the properties & preside – Our own world where men will be ‘Third order,’ having no say so or vote in what we do. Amen.

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