Body Building Talk

By Rasa Von Werder, November 4th, 2023
RasaScansSept107 (2)

11-4-23    BodyBuilding Contest

RasaScansSept107 (2)

Several dreams, don’t know if they’re ‘important’ or not until I analyze them.  Will start with a later dream as right now can’t recall the earlier ones.  They will come back.  I have sacrificed watching You tube – anything – for the time being in favor of having an uncluttered mind for my work.  Later I will see if non-people videos like Robert E. Fuller’s animal work, will badly effect on my mind – I suspect not.  It’s the people videos, including the educational ones, which bring back numerous MEMORIES of earthly life, & thoughts & feelings, which dissipate & clutter my mind & heart.  What is RELEVANT here as far as my mind is what is ON my mind is what I send my strength into.  If I am focused on the world, there goes my energy.  If I’m focused on Souls in Purgatory – more likely they can receive the God given Grace I send.

This dream might answer my prayer before sleep:  “Let me know if it’s more important for me to body build tomorrow or do the juicing {I have been retarded in both.}

There’s this body building contest, & only 3 women compete.  The first is a riot.  She’s a tiny female, not much body to her. She comes out in a bikini made of flowers.  She takes off the flowers, underneath is a mini dress made of flowers.  She takes off the mini dress & some sort of other costume is there.  This happens again & again, each outfit made of flowers & leaves, at least 4 times.  It’s a phenomenon.  Everyone applauds.

But I’m IRRITATED & say,

“Is this a contest for SEWING or body building?’

The second female is tall & thin & very muscular & has short black hair, which frames her face in sort of feathers close to her skin.  The man who’s announcing the contest says they saw her making ugly faces & she makes some sort of extremely witty & telling statement, which gets a big applause.  Possibly by this statement, I think she will win the show.  I notice her abdomen very flat & muscular – she does not look super manly as the woman of pro bb do today, she’s moderate.

I don’t see the act of the third female.  When I wake up I really want to body build to look great, so I think that answers my question.

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MEANING:  I suspect the 2nd female is myself & how do I win the arena of female body building?  Not by anything except by WHAT I SAY!

My championing females being EQUAL to men in the sport given an equal chance instead of being used as a side show of bimbos or almost cheesecake – At the time I first entered in 1972 that’s how we were seen.  We got no money & no serious recognition.   The males were looked at as IMPORTANT.  We were the SIDE SHOW – they the main attraction.

Later, after the idea of female muscularity got better accepted, one female made a bicep muscle & was told never to do that again!

I got the idea into Esquire & Playboy & national TV shows before the first fitness contest was held – 1979 – & after that first body building contest – Miss Olympia, 1980 – I was in it.

ME:  Speaking of body building, Mother, you told me a short time ago that Arnold would be laughed at from my point of view explaining how he promoted Lisa Lyon in order to get even with me for cuckolding him.  And he failed.  That people will know this.  And they no longer worship him because he had an affair with their maid & had a child with her – right now he’s treating them as wife & family.  He bought her a nice house & has posed for numerous photos with her & even when the son was little – this part I think he’s good, he didn’t throw her to the curb after using her.  {But he did throw Maria that way.} 

Most people judged him for this event & his image fell down in the public favor. Americans are hysterical when it comes to sex.  And then they kind of chuckle at Arnold & no longer think he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.

But how will people know & believe he used Lisa as revenge against me rather than that he really liked or loved her?

MG:  It is precisely because they no longer see him as a God, but a fallen hero, that they will believe you & in doing so, they need fuel for the fire to laugh.  Your account of how he failed, the biggest man in body building, super rich & powerful, working with another man also the most influential, & yet, the two of them could not succeed in stealing your thunder, making her the one & only beginning of female body building & burying you in the process.  They wrote the history of female bb on Wikipedia & on purpose excluded you, {people are not that dumb, why exclude you?  There’s a MOTIVE} you mentioned it, & it will be noted.  People will find this humorous – haha, Arnold failed, what a fool.  Why didn’t he just suck it up & let it go?  So Kellie liked another guy, so what?  Not the first time this sort of thing happened, let it go, pardner, you’re showing your negative side.  If you just let it go you would not have failed & now looking back, you look like a dope.  People eventually got onto Arnold, that he only did things as a means to an end, used people, climbed the social & political ladder.  He was not a loving/loyal/faithful type guy.  He was a prankster, & his partner Joe Weider was a fraud – convicted of false advertising & had to pay big bucks in fines, the movie created to glorify him, ‘Bigger’ the whole thing is an apologia that he was NOT gay, because he was! This movie is a joke & so by Arnold being his close friend doesn’t add to Arnold’s glory.

ME:  And the female with the multiple costumes, flowers & leaves? I know it sounds like juicing, but could it also be Lisa Lyon & all her posing as a model, in various roles?

MG:  It could be her but see, the dream says she didn’t win, although at first it looked like she might. 

There was no third contender for FIRST female body builder, it was either her or you, that’s why you don’t see the third.  Many females came after but they were not the first. And although in the beginning it looked like she got more attention & respect because of Arnold & Weirder, she fell out of the public eye but you continued, told your story, & she went into the woodwork while your position was verified.  After all, you told the truth & you gave the dates.  It could not be disputed.

PS:  Again, re Lisa looks like she could win but did not.  Notice I explain right at first, that she is TINY & has no ‘body’ or ‘shape’ or muscles.  It’s just her COSTUMES that get the applause.

In the context of this dream, what are the costumes?  They are a COVERING or a FRONT.  It was her PUBLICITY, making her seem victorious {leaves} & given accolades {flowers for the performer.} But underneath there isn’t ANYTHING like she’s short, tiny, no shape or muscles!  In other words, it was just chimera, nothing substantial, to her, just a FRONT.  Had she been GREAT as an instrument of God or sent by God to establish female body building, more would have happened.

I had another female who tried to take ‘my place’ as the top activist Matriarch.  She stole my disciple & got him to do all kinds of work, trying to build herself a Matriarchal identity by which she could MAKE MONEY. All that she did failed.  Why?  No Anointing.  No God empowerment.

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