College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets

Serving Poor Souls with Nick

Serving Poor Souls with Nick

RasaSept205 (1)

3-16-24 Arnold-Success-Running


         Some startup scenes that are now vague, but what stands out strongly is I am jogging hard over this dirt road that goes up a slowly sloping tall hill, it’s a long way, & the road is glistening but not muddy in the least. I am running with all my might – Arnold is right behind me & trying to go as fast as me & overtake me, but so far he can’t. There’s a third person behind Arnold who’s keeping up but has no chance of beating us.


         *{Dirt road over hill is the road of CALVARY or carrying the Cross, & the road GLISTENING is the dew of the Holy Spirit – important that it’s NOT muddy, just glistening to show Grace.

         It features to effort of my HEART which means LOVE, shows great love. The successful person behind me {Arnold is always success} is NICK trying his best to love as much as I am, but he cannot overtake me. And the third person behind us both is either the Holy Lady present with us, or else my Guardian Angel {one of the 3} – or then again my Mother God within me. {But then who am I? One of my multiple personalities?} the Holy Lady, like Our Lord, could be the manifestation of a Being like her which has come to exist within my myriad of ‘multiple personalities.’}

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         I sense myself going with all my might again & again, the strength seems to come from my heart & I’m thinking my heart has improved. Arnold wants to be as good as me, I sense his trying harder again & again but he can’t beat me. I don’t know why this is so important, but it is, that I must be the front runner.

         Then we come to a sharp right-bend in the road. To the right of it is an Apricot-colored stone staircase of about 3-4 tiers, beyond that maybe a stone monument. In front of this edifice is a small bush, the trunk about 4’ then a kind of pyramidal shape evergreen maybe 3 ½’ tall. There’s a narrow path between the building & the bush, & the question is, will I run across this path or stay on the bigger road? I do the path but then at that moment both Arnold & I stop & both agree it’s time for a break! We’ve run what seems like an hour, we’ve crossed the top of the hill.


         *{This sounds like a choice between the ‘narrow’ road – ‘few who go there,’ & the ‘broad road’ – the two ways of operating , working or living, the narrow being the mystical plane, the broad being the earthly. And I am on the mystical plane, serving Souls in Purgatory.

         To the right of this narrow road is a monument or mausoleum to the Dead, & in front the Evergreen of Eternal Life. This is where I am, where I work, where I belong – my happy place.

         Here we ‘take a break’ or rest – we have done enough for a time – God rested on the 7th day, so must we. After all, we went over ‘the hump’ or the top of the hill.}*j

         Now Arnold & I hug warmly. He’s got his back to the road, I’m on the left side facing him, & he’s much taller. He’s wearing a dull grey/blue top clinging to him, his abdomen is sticking somewhat past his chest, & I kiss the area just below his neck joyfully with my arms around him warmly. The third person with us apparently is a lady & she’s sitting to our left, a large person, observing us. I am slightly afraid of her.

Arnold says something makes me laugh,

         “Do you want a shave?”

         I know he doesn’t mean face he means the pubic hair growing down my thighs. I tell him it isn’t like it used to be, most of it is grey or white, you can’t see it much.  But he finds a golden {blonde} lump like a locket, & holds it up to me & says,

“What’s this?”

         I smile & give it back to him saying,

         “I wouldn’t give this to anyone but you.”

        Then as we sit I find another blonde clump like that & another, totaling 3 or 4 & now there’s a pile of pubic hair next to us with those lumps inside.  I was happy abut that, my pubic presence is not over like I thought, lol.

         *{PUBIC HAIR:  Represents fertility, an abundance of it if there’s a lot of hair, as the vagina is the beginning of life/birth.  It begins in the vagina with intercourse, a symbol of Union with God, & this comes to completion with the birth as the child exits the vagina-symbol of being born into God’s world.

         I’m kind of saying to Arnold/Nick that I’m not fertile any more & he points out a golden locket of hair which says otherwise – this represents a child born out of our love – one of the Souls arisen!  And I’m saying to him that it was both of us who did it – I give him credit, I would not ‘give’ this credit to anyone but him.  I am enlivened by his discovery & I find more children that we begot from Purgatory into Heaven – the gold lockets of hair, born out of Love.

         *{The fact that I feel a slight fear of her shows me this is my Mother God – as we had a serious conflict when I was obsessed with Nick on earth – she threatened to kill me if I didn’t give up my earthly obsession, leave him alone & allow her to have him! At the time it didn’t make sense, but in light of future events it does. I had to get over the earthly addiction to Nick & step aside for Mother God who must be dominant. In time I did – by 2019. I never feel fear for Our Holy Lady or my Guardian Angel. And yet, consider, Mother God within me is FOLLOWING Nick & me, not me following her, which shows that what person or personality is evident here? Oh, things get nuanced! My mortal self had to be spiritualized & surrendered to God, not obsessed by addiction to the feel good feeling of being with him!

         My hugging & the kiss is kissing his heart, by which he tried so hard to love as strongly as me, tried with all his ight – I am grateful. His protruding abdomen means ‘pregnancy’ & tat means nurturing a soul the way a Mom nurtures a fetus – a Soul that will be born into Heaven. All this gives me great joy.

         And his shirt is one of sorrow – he feels earthly sorrows as do I, all of which translate into Grace for Souls.}*


         There were scenes after that but they’ve faded too much. I was coming over the hill with a man, both running but not concertedly, casually. We seem to have accomplished something & getting ready to do something else. I see a medium beige knitted sweater & flowers knitted of the same on the right shoulder of the sweater, it’s all vague.

Oh yes, here’s a scene. I know Arnold loves me, he proved it on our run, & this is permanent. But I am told he was with another woman before me, & this man way to the right knew them both. For some reason I aim impelled to go to him & ask him about it. He’s working on something as he sits, & it’s in front of him like before his lap. I bend to him & say,

“You knew my husband when he was with this other woman. Could you tell me about it?”

He just sits there saying nothing. I ask him again, he says nothing. So I just walk away. This man reminds me of my neighbor who helps me around the landscaping & lawn mowing. He’s not articulate, just a working class guy.

*{Who is this guy who new them both & I want to ask him about her? It seems to be Nick himself, as he was then, his mind set. He does not want to talk about her. Means he doesn’t want to recall her or go back there. Means he was not happy there, as if something gave you joy you’d want to return, if it was painful, you want to forget.}* {end}

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3-15-24    Elvis several dreams


I dreamed of Elvis several times in the last week which is not the usual. I had no idea who Elvis represented but in one dream I mused abut being madly in love with him from age 10 to 12, & now, here he is. But this last dream he came to me & kissed me & it was so real & ecstatic after thinking I know its NICK, my spiritual husband. I began to wonder, is Nick a reincarnation of Elvis? I doubt it, Elvis is but a symbol because I loved him so much & then that love fell into Nick.

Nick died of an overdose of drugs – I believe it was suicide after I gave him an ultimatum he couldn’t keep – leave his drug partner, go into rehab. We both knew – I explained it to him – that we’d be united forever in life & in death – we were mystically married & it was forever. He knew he’d be with me as soon as he died, he wanted to be with me & here he is.

He’s living an unusual lifestyle united to me, as he is enjoying my spiritual heights but also my earthly sufferings. It’s his Heaven but also his Purgatory. And he is assisting me, to my surprise, with getting Souls consoled & lifted out of Purgatory – this is unusual as I don’t yet consider him a ‘Saint’ where only Saints or souls in Heaven can use my portal to deliver Souls – but there it is. I guess it proves that anyone who has at least one foot in Heaven can assist me this way.

3-12-24 Helping Poor Souls


In the midst of these dreams there was one where I for sure was helping the Poor Souls.

I’m to go on a big TV show & there’s lots of rigmarole about that – Like I have to qualify as a guest to be interviewed or to perform.

In the end I know I succeed. I see a fancy skirt made of fluffy layers, split in the middle, where I’m dancing. Then there’s a luminous violet metallic piece of material I think about taking but realize it isn’t mine so I can’t. Clothing like this – costumes & metallic cloth – represents Gifts & Lights for Souls.

I also find my purse intact, filled with money & all my valuables, on a table where I feared some strangers at the show might have stolen. Purse means value of what I have.

The rest has faded out of memory. {end}

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College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets

Male Female Relations in our New Order

Mosuos vs Us Part 4 3-4-24 How we differ, how we compare


Rasa to Pete Jackson:

Just wondering – are you WISHING all my rules will change or be revoked? {Re Part 3}

Pete Jackson speaks:

No, not in the near future, and probably not in my lifetime either.  But in the distant future, generations from now, I am hoping that things would eventually evolve to the point where at least some of the rules could perhaps be relaxed a bit, especially for congenital Members (those who were born into the Order).  That is all I will say in that regard. 

Rasa responds:

    Oh that’s a good thought.  What becomes of those who are born into the Order, rules & all.  They will have to abide by them, as it’s in our ‘culture’ by then the way things are taken for granted once a culture is set.  For instance, consider the Mosuos having girls available for sex by age 13.  {It doesn’t say what age boys are allowed to visit & have sex}  Puberty for a boy would be somewhat later…..In their culture it’s accepted, but in America they’d all be ARRESTED, – the adults – And kids put in foster homes.

    A lot is left unsaid in the Wiki explanation of the Mosuos which I will address – especially re sex, dates.


    Much of this has to  EVOLVE.  ‘Theory of evolution.’  But we have a BEGINNING & idea of what is our GOAL?  At some point I will have to describe our ultimate goal & which rules can change, which are stable {with no stable rules the Order will fall apart.}

    And how the males born into our Order evolve as MATRIARCHS is a good question.  If they decide to become Patriarchs for whatever reason – there’s the door.  They would injure the Order by being in it – influencing others. 

  PS  I do sense a slight feeling of hostility from you re the Order, what I’m saying.  What is it that’s bothering you?  The fact that we want to be left alone?  At first, you agreed, which was so different from someone else who kept talking about ‘femdom men’ & helping them.  You said several times in defense of the Order, & the New Religion, that you agreed women must do this & to do otherwise would be counterproductive to what we want.  The other friend couldn’t take it & withdrew.

    The average man or even way above average – has gone berserk when I speak like this – they are IMPOSSIBLE to discuss these issues with.  I’ve had revenge including death threats for JUST TALKING either on internet or in person.

    Your reaction is MILD but it’s there.  When you approve of something or like it you’re very talkative, filled with ideas.  But now you’ve become somewhat silent, like a person gets when they disapprove but don’t want to say so or don’t want to criticize to make the other person mad – they bite their tongue.


    You are HELPING when you voice your TRUE FEELINGS.  It’s kind of like Lt. Col Gxxx – I wrote him wanting to work together.  He was gung ho until he discovered that I wanted women to rule the family & the world.  He stopped writing then.  I channeled his mind & he said,

    “The thought of women dominating the world including myself gives me a feeling of revulsion.”  

    And so my main question to you is if things bother you that I propose, why is that?  And what would be your alternative suggestion or rule re keeping this Order together & keeping women & children safe?

    If you drop out of this discussion {which I trust you won’t} I’ll have to just keep going alone – as there isn’t any man I can converse with on this & no woman.  One lady friend’ of mine told me my work for Matriarchy is IRRELEVANT. 

    In your articles you’ve said often ‘Let the healing begin’ – ‘this has to change yesterday’ & you are as aware of male transgressions in running the world as I have.  How does the healing begin?  What has to change, then?  If you don’t like what I propose, what is your proposition?  How do you see the world changing?


That is one of the problems.  We all complain.  The MAJORITY of people who say anything, who are educated in what is actually going on, or even uneducated but are unhappy with things – complain & criticize.  But NO SOLUTION.

    Fr. Groeshel once gave a talk on EWTN about Saints.  He said the difference between Saints & other people is Saints DO SOMETHING.  He then spoke of Mother Theresa of Calcutta how her first act was she found a woman on the street, very ill, took her to her own apt, gave her her own bed & slept on the floor – & there it started.

    You know how evil men have been.  How do we begin Matriarchy? We can all talk the talk. But what is the walk? When & how do we walk the walk? {no pun intended, Walking Marriage is next}     Rasa


From Wikipedia:   Walking marriages[edit source]

One of the best known aspects of Mosuo culture is its practice of “walking marriage” (走婚 zǒu hūn in Chinese), although this practice remains poorly understood.[16] Walking marriages are the most prominent form of marriage in Mosuo culture; however, it is not unheard of for women in Mosuo culture to marry outside of their culture, therefore participating in marriages other than walking marriages. In a walking marriage, both partners live under the roof of their respective extended families during the day; however, at night it is common for the man to visit and stay at the woman’s house (if given permission) until sunrise. Therefore, they do not technically live in the same household, but they are free to visit when granted permission. Children of parents in a walking marriage are not raised by their father. The brothers of the mother (maternal uncles) in the marriage take on the responsibilities of the father since the father is not typically around during the daytime. Due to the separation of the father and mother, it is crucial for the uncle(s) to play a large role in the development of the child.

       Rasa says: Why is it ‘crucial for the uncle{s} to play a role in the development of the child.’ It’s NICE to have both a Mother & a Father if the Father is a good person – but in the absence of a Dad our Order is the second parent, it does not have to be a physical male. The things a child would seek from a good Dad will be provided. After all, what is it a child needs? Love, comfort when in need, security, food & shelter, an example, a teacher who shows the right path of virtue – being kind to oneself & others. Kids need skills for survival & ordinary daily life – keeping the body & one’s environment clean, organizing a schedule, working, exercising, studying, recreating, enjoying Creation. To receive such things one does not need an Uncle or Dad or any male, in their absence, women can provide. Not saying we push away all men – some will be around here & there, but they are not mandatory for the child’s welfare. {I might add they’ve done studies of adoptive parents, both hetero & lesbian, & there was never ONE CASE of abuse from the lesbians.}


Shih (2010) offers the most sophisticated anthropological account of Mosuo practices of sexual union. “All on-going sexual relationships in Mosuo culture are called “walking marriages.” These bonds are “based on mutual affection.”[15] “When a Mosuo woman or man expresses interest in a potential partner, it is the woman who may give the man permission to visit her. These visits are usually kept secret, with the man visiting the woman’s house after dark, spending the night, and returning to his own home in the morning.”

Rasa says: Nothing wrong with that. But does he carry a candle? Then people will know there’s a fox after the chickens. Does he meet any of those other guys along the way? Then it’s not too secret.

There a lot here they leave out. A female is permitted to start having visitors – any age up to very old? Do they have visitors for sex? And males what age are they considered men who can visit? Is it also 13 or older? What about older men wanting to visit a teenager? How is that looked upon? What about older women who want to date younger men – even teens – is that accepted? Each woman has her own room where males climb to the second floor – in one documentary they said after he climbs the stairs he has to cut some indentations with his knife before climbing thrugh the window. That’s it – no more explanation. They climb into windows? Don’t these rooms have doors to the outside or balcony? It seems there’s a wrap-around balcony on the second floor, where all the women’s rooms are. Might not a male bump into another gonna-be lover?

If I had more information it might expand my ideas of how to have our females meet their lovers. We cannot start at puberty because of our laws. It’s 17 in most states. Sometimes, if people the same age are caught having sex they write it off as the ‘Romeo & Juliet clause’ but if someone say over 18 cohabits with someone under 17 they can be prosecuted. Therefore we must not condone such liaisons. But you can’t stop love. Those of any age can love anyone of any age & tokens of affection can be exchanged without being sex.


The Amish {some sects} have an interesting solution to the problem. One Amish guy says teens are allowed to be in bed together – starting age 16 ½ or so – making out but not sex. He does not say if they’re dressed or naked. This will bring some doubt into our minds if the teens keep to the rules. Maybe some do – some don’t. There’s also the ‘rocking chair’ deal where the girl sits in the boy’s lap – they rock back & forth – again, is this in the living room or bedroom? The parents do not interfere – they know about it & stay in their own room. Here the boy visits the girl, not the other way around. I’d like to know more abut these situations & how many abide by the rues, & how many pregnancies occur? This indicates to me at least the Amish are trying to face reality than simply repressing & scaring the kids into guilt trips. The way most of Patriarchy does including from the Christian pulpits. The idea that sex is ‘dirty’ & abstinence is ‘purity’ still persists.

But how will we handle the need young people – or any people – have for love, affection, warm hugs & touch, sex – how do we face the natural needs of animals?

The only thing I can think of off hand is we neither condone nor condemn. We will not repress or put anyone on a guilt trip, nor will be say ‘go for it’ if they are under age. We might be neutral or even approving of affection, including publicly, between the youth or any age – at appropriate times, not on the street but at friendly dance gatherings, Holidays, etc. Within our religion we will definitely explain our view that neither nudity or sex are sins – it’s between them & God, & they decide in their own conscience what to do. This does not mean ‘anything goes,’ like a man cannot expose himself to a female, or a male for that matter, especially not to a child – that would be a crime. And of course abuse & rape, or using a person are sins.

 Wikipedia continues:

After the birth of the child, the man has no moral, cultural, or legal obligation to take care of the child. However, the child will be raised with adequate care and attention. The overwhelming support from the woman’s extended family allows both the man and woman to engage in sexual relations with whomever they please.

         Rasa says: This suits me fine. We prefer that the males do not interfere with the children, if they become demanding upon a female who wants to be let alone – usually to demonstrate their wrath or us the children against her this man will be expelled from the community {if he’s in it}, an Order of Protection made against him & whatever measures we need to ensure safety for the female & the child/children will be applied.

         The Mosuos have a Patriarchal element, however, where in a large family that has males, some of the men involve with the children of their nieces, etc. We won’t have that element.

General practice[edit source]

“The Mosuo have large extended families, and several generations (great-grandparents, grandparents, parents, children, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, etc.) live together in the same house. Everyone lives in communal quarters, and there are no private bedrooms or living areas, except for women between certain ages (see the section on “coming of age”, below) who may have their own private rooms.”

         Rasa says: Aha, “women of certain age” have those private visiting rooms upstairs – the rest live communally. We shall see about that.



“While a pairing may be long-term, the man never lives with the woman’s family, or vice versa. Mosuo men and women continue to live with and be responsible to their respective families. The couple does not share property. The father usually has little responsibility for his offspring.”[16] However, this does not mean that men can wipe their hands free of responsibilities and spend every night participating in shenanigans. After work, they are obligated to go home and help raise their nieces and nephews. The children rely on the collective effort of the extended family rather than that of the biological father.[17]

“A father may indicate an interest in the upbringing of his children by bringing gifts to the mother’s family. This gives him status within the mother’s family, while not actually making him part of the family.”[16]

Matrilineal society[edit source]

Unlike other cultures, women in the Mosuo society dominate the household and family. They are responsible for housework, agricultural duties, and taking care of children. In a walking marriage, the ancestral line is most important on the wife’s side of the family and the children of the couple reside and belong to the wife’s family household.[16] Considering women are responsible for most domestic jobs, they have a larger role in the walking marriage and are viewed with more respect and importance in this society.[18]

Husbands in walking marriages have a much less involved role than wives. The husbands in these relationships are generally the figures who are in charge of all religious and political decisions for the family.[19] Regarding the family responsibilities, the father or husband in the family does not have nearly as many responsibilities regarding the family as the wife does. In fact, the male relatives of the mother’s side of the family, such as uncles and cousins, are generally the “father figure” to the husband’s children.[16] The mother’s brothers occupy a central role in the household. Their roles include disciplining children, caring for them, and supporting the children financially.[16] Since the husband and wife live with their separate immediate families, they help take care of the families’ children and issues regarding their household. Even though fathers are involved in their sister’s children’s lives, they are not necessarily involved in their biological children’s life. In walking marriages, the involvement of a father in his child’s life is optional.[16] If a father decides to be involved in the upbringing of his own biological child, he can bring gifts and help with work around the woman’s household. This relationship can be performed regardless if the woman and man are still in the walking marriage and it gives the man a type of “official status” among the family without being fully involved.

Rasa responds:

We may have an element of that, the Fathers of children volunteering, bringing gifts, doing favors. But they will have no legal rights in many cases – & can never take a child away or see them alone. We will be careful about this, as for instance, a man is not living with or no longer involved with his ‘wife’ but she wants or needs him to drive her somewhere. We recommend the child not go on this trip, as situations could occur where the child is alone with the man, it would be difficult to monitor. He may be even be laying a trap or snare to be alone with the child to do harm. The Order helps its Members to avoid over-dependence on any man.


Wikipedia: Advantages to a walking marriage[edit source]

Other than the child receiving exceptional care and attention from the extended family, there are many inconspicuous advantages for participating in a walking marriage. For example: divorce is never an issue because the man and woman are not legally bound together, thus sharing very few of the same responsibilities. There are also never any disputes over who owns custody of the child since the child belongs to the mother’s extended family and takes the mother’s last name. In the case of a parent’s death, the child still has a prodigious amount of care and affection from the extended family.

Rasa: the extended family in this case is the Order. Each child will also have a surrogate Mother if the Mom is working or absent substantially. It’s not just ‘baby sitting’ – it’s loving the child. Child care centers have little love involved, many are abusive by neglect. I just saw a documentary of abuse where infants & toddlers were kept in a dark cellar:

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – A Colorado woman accused of hiding 26 children behind a false wall at her daycare center was arrested for investigation of misdemeanor child abuse, police said Thursday.

Carla Faith, 58, was arrested Monday in Colorado Springs on suspicion of two counts of reckless child abuse without injury and a single count of trying to influence a public servant, the El Paso County court records show.

Three employees – Katelynne Nelson, 31, Christina Swauger, 35, and Valerie Fresquez, 24 – were arrested on related charges.

Faith was arrested after a six-week investigation by the city police department’s Crimes Against Children Unit, Lt. James Sokolik said in a statement. She posted $3,000 bond Wednesday. Her next court appearance was set for Jan. 2.

Police went to the Play Mountain Place site on Nov. 13 after receiving complaints that the business was housing more children than its license allowed.”

         This woman was given SIX YEARS.


         My personal experience: I KNOW what it’s like to raise a child by myself, without family or husband -that’s part of the reason I am aware of the desperation of a Mother for adequate, safe child care. I had a husband who was far from good. I was going to leave him & when he found out, he tried to kill me twice by strangulation. I escaped with our baby, then about a year old, lived in a motel & earned a living as a model. A woman in the motel cared for the baby when I was gone. My husband searched for me & found me & told me he had a recurrence of cancer, could I take care of him. I went back & took care of him for 6 months, when he died. Little did I know he’d cancelled his life insurance, out of revenge, & rendered the baby & I penniless. Then I had to work & child care was imperative & I saw the frustration & desperation of it. I did finally find a great lady who was perfect, thank God.

        I have seen reports that most of these centers are strictly business. They give as little care as possible for the price. They hire extra people just in those hours when people drop off or pick up the child – in between the children suffer neglect.

         Our Order worships God, not the Almighty dollar.

Wikipedia:   Myths and controversies[edit source]

Outsiders often believe the following myths:

Mosuo women have many partners[edit source]

“While it is possible for a Mosuo woman to change partners as often as she likes, few Mosuo women have more than one partner at a time. Anthropologists call this system “serial monogamy.” Most Mosuo form long-term relationships and do not change partners frequently.[5] Some of these pairings may even last a lifetime.”

But, in other anthropologists’ views, it is a more recent change, “in the face of political campaigns and cultural integration with the Han Chinese“, and “previous generations often continued with multiple partners even after a child was born. Some older Na report having upwards of 30, 40, even 50 partners throughout their lifetime”[15] and despite these changes, “notions of exclusivity are not entrenched, and the Na language has no word for ‘jealousy’.”

Rasa says: There will be no slut shaming or any kind of guilt trip put on females whatever they desire to do re sex. In our religion sex is a private matter – the old traditions re sex come out of the patriarchal mentality, their religion & culture, to hold the woman down – look at the double standard. Our females are free. Even those who want t pursue sainthood will not be criticized for sex, as I know that in my experience I have been One with God, Enlightened, since many years ago. And it was God who told me to quit my celibacy after 31 years, drink, go out & have fun. I did not want to do this buy obeyed. After some time I got really tired of it & longed to be intimate with God again – as this lifestyle deadens one’s spirituality. {Not because of sin but because of consciousness.} And so, I knew it was alright with the Almighty – I quit. Sex did not impede my Union with God & I-we shall judge no woman for it.

Wikipedia:   Fathers of children are commonly not known[edit source]

“The large majority of women know their children’s fathers; it is actually a source of embarrassment if a mother cannot identify a child’s father.[15] But, “unlike many cultures which castigate mothers and children without clear paternity, Na children induce no such censure”.[15] The father of a child born from a walking marriage will not see his child during the day, but rather at night time. The father doesn’t play as large a role in the development of the child. “At a child’s birth, the father, his mother and sisters come to celebrate, and bring gifts. On New Year’s Day, a child visits the father to pay respect to him and his household. A father also participates in the coming-of-age ceremony. Though he does not have an everyday role, the father is nevertheless an important partner.”

Rasa: The role of SOME Fathers could be substantial, but I suspect many will be ‘here today, gone tomorrow’ – due to the nature of American men, the POV of our Order, & the wishes of some female members. The participation of the Fathers that remain with us, will be determined as the Order progresses. It could be just the regular American family, it could be less than that or more than that, depending on what the Mom wants & what he wants. It might get complicated of there’s legal marriage; we’ll recommend not going there. In some cases it might be good for social security benefits & pensions, including any inheritance – it all depends on the case. The Order will provide Sacramental marriage for those who wish it.

To be continued – Rasa Von Werder

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College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets

Separate Beds

Separate Beds–A Surprise Ending  2-27-24


         This dream was so vivid had trouble going back to sleep.

         Somehow I have a date with an old friend – a wonderful man, who was my best friend for 10 years, then for some unknown reason he dropped me.

         Our date is at a fancy bar-restaurant {where we originally met} & as we sit at this small table he says,

         “You’ve changed.”

         I say,

         “I’ve quit drinking”

         but alas, he’s not only ordered me a drink, but a HUGE one in a huge glass & there is a part of it in a bottle on the floor to my left – like the drink has 2 parts.

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         Not wanting to be rude {I see the waiter behind us & he looks like my old buddy Jack, who was the most fantastic ‘slave’ & Jack served the drink. He gives me a look like the drink is expensive or something like that.} – So I say I WILL drink this just this one time.

         I shall call my date ‘Joe.’ Joe’s wearing a traditional black suit with gray quiet vertical pin stripes.

         I was about to start drinking this drink when there’s some kind of ‘call’ {BTW the glass is shaped similar to the glass Kathryn Hepburn bought from Rossano Brazzi in ‘Summertime’ which she thought was a one-of-a-kind goblet – but turned out it was a fake – she felt cheated – he argued it was authentic but she suspected-that glass was rose, but this is clear & similar not exact to that.}

         The call is saying this part of the restaurant is NOW CLOSING & we all must go back to the main part of it. We are suddenly in the MIDDLE OF A FIELD, huge expanses all around us, like say a 10 minute or more walk back to the main road & town.

         And as the call comes, everyone here lines up like a herd of sheep or whatever, walk several people deep, long line of HUNDREDS of people – male & female, & they’re walking fast!

         But I stand there looking back at our little table because I’m not sure, but I think I brought my PURSE with me. It’s twice as large as a normal purse, not round or fat, about 5” or so deep, but it’s a foot & a half tall & wide, & it’s exquisite. It has indented stripes all over it, not vertical or horizontal, slanted from left to right downward – The color kind of in between, party dark, partly light, the stripes darker than the background – tasteful design.

         I am staring & staring as to where did I put the purse, {as it has all valuable stuff in it}. I bend down to see if it’s under the table but can’t find it. Then I think, maybe I brought just the little purse that went inside this big one – that’s it – I left the big purse in his car.

         Meanwhile he kept calling me & calling me, telling me to come on, while I looked. Finally, he just LEFT ME THERE while I was searching, & he & all the other people DISAPPEAR!

         Now I must walk, all alone, back to where we came, in my HIGH HEELS which are not too comfortable. And I realize Joe is NOT a gentleman to leave me here like this. There’s an indented walk, like cut out in the field, so the ground is a foot higher on both sides of this dirt road. As I walk I think of Joe, how he looks, wondering how we got together again & in my vision he becomes my first husband Stan, who was a very evil man. I feel REPULSED at the thought that we’re back together & he’s courting me & I absolutely DO NOT WANT HIM.

         I finally get back to the bar/restaurant where we originally met & had just been. Look in the bar where we sat – he’s not there. Walk into the front bar – he’s not there either & I hope people don’t know he abandoned me & are laughing at me as these people saw me with him now without {these people look like the local yokels I hung with recently trying to start the Church but of course it couldn’t work. They’re wearing their type clothes- lots of checks.}

         I then go out in front to the sidewalk & try to recall where he parked. Oh yes, right around the corner. There he is in a black car next to a small tree, & he’s on the phone. I wonder WHO IS HE CALLING? As I don’t have a cell phone on me & should he not be looking for me instead of calling someone else? It’s a feeling of betrayal.

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         The next dream is I’m with a Jehovah’s Witness who’s reading from a book. She’s giving the teaching on Jesus & its WAY DIFFERENT than tradition. It interests me & I want to know more.

         She’s sitting with her back to the wall, on the floor. I go to her & say,

         “Tell me the page number as I want to look it up myself.”

         She tells me something like,


which is unlikely for a book to be that big but I write it down.

         Now in this room is a boy, about 7-8 years old who’s some kind of disciple of whatever is going on. He’s been taught. And there’s a grown man to the left, is he the mentor?

         The boy wanted to take this book & show it to someone but I tell him no, it’s a secret teaching of ours. If you take it to someone who’s traditional it’ll be like shooting them, they will be in such shock.

         Where does this boy suddenly get a large handgun & he aims it at that man, his mentor. I try to stop him but too late – he shoots the man in the head. Then he puts the gun to his head & shoots himself twice.

         We must get them to the hospital immediately. I think the mentor will be alright but I doubt the boy will survive with the 2 shots. He did it to himself.

         The mentor speaks to me, he will recover. He tells me lately he’s been shaky on his feet & this is just part of it, but we both sense he’ll recover as the bullet did not penetrate him fatally.


         *{Mother God, to start with, I know who it is, an associate of mine I shall call Sam. In the scenes there are several symbols of ghosting & rejection. First, he’s Joe. Joe was the greatest best friend for 10 years & suddenly dropped me & I didn’t know why. There’s also Jack {the waiter} who was a dear buddy/’slave’ – he moved but sent cards every Holiday, suddenly one year the cards stopped. I called him but no return call, feared he was dead – then one more card & nothing. – So, another ghost.

         And in the end, when I go back to the original bar, I see the local yokels who I tried to get to help me start a Church – no go – not a single one was interested – another rejection or ghosting.

         I do finally find Joe there in his black car {this car reminds me of a long-ago boyfriend, Richard, the half Chinese, half English stunner, who dated me but tried to get sex & I was celibate. Finally he gave up & dropped me – this looks like his car.

         He’s in the shade of a small tree. Tree could be tree of life or it might mean ‘Cross.’ The black car, if it’s like the guy mentioned, could mean two things, one, he drops me for not getting what he wants, & two, black is a funeral, so end of relationship. Now that I think of it, it’s like the car has slightly jumped the curb, see the spokes of the wheel SHINING – right under the tree the right tire on the curb on some grass.

         He CALLING SOMEONE ELSE rather than trying to find me is definitely he’s deserted me, seeking someone else.

         But our bar area turning into a huge field – What is that? And the drink? Huge drink – I have quit but will down just this one but don’t even start when they make a ‘call’ which means ‘last call for alcohol’ as they do in the bars before closing.

         The DRINK seems to be something that here is compared to the goblet where Kathryn Hepburn got screwed or cheated. And the one who SERVES it {waiter} is another GOOD friend who’s stopped communicating! This is a drink of something in the past – I USED TO DRINK {in real life have quit} but no more – Sounds like FEMDOM as I used to be in it as a BUSINESS but no more. He wants me to continue, but I don’t even start. WHO wants me to continue? It’s obvious; the subject of this dream is a FEMDOM MAN – Sam, who has now abandoned me, because of the Femdom Issue – He’s wants it – I don’t.

         Comparing Sam to my first husband is the LAST STRAW. This evil man tried to kill me twice & in the end, after I went back to him & took care of him for 6 months, he secretly canceled his life insurance & left the baby & I penniless. Literally 5 bucks to my name. And he paid for being who he was – 55 years in Purgatory, getting out WITH MY HELP!

         And so, this breakup is not a friendly one, it’s BRUTAL or HEARTLESS. And IN MY EYES or vision, when I see who & what he really is, he repulses me. And like Kathryn with the rip-off goblet, I felt cheated by him as he came off so SINCERE re Matriarchy. {BUT his version is not mine!}

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         Now what is the HERD of people filing out fast while our seating is suddenly way out there in the midst of a field? The call comes – they all run including Sam & he wants me to exit pronto but I DON’T. He leaves me. And I am all alone, & WHAT is my PURSE?

         My purse is the NEW ORDER. Here is the crossroads where Sam & I will go our separate ways! The order is FOR WOMEN ONLY for the most part, & the men who are ‘faint of heart’ cannot take it. Only the MOST HUMBLE & SUBMISSIVE to MOTHER GOD will remain! As I said before, Patriarchal Femdom men are NOT SINCERE – they TOP FROM THE BOTTOM & here is a prime example! Sam is topping from the bottom!

         He is INSISTING that Femdom Men be part of the Order – NOT supporting me/us in what Mother God is telling me to do – as I am Her handmaid – She explains to me how we must separate. He will NOT swallow this & is concerned with & focused on FEMDOM MEN instead of Mother God – all the while professing he is ONE with Her & so on, when he ISN’T. Because the bottom line, I, the woman sent by God, am the LEADER, & the HOLY SPIRIT is speaking to ME, what women must do. He is a man, albeit a good one, but in this FINAL STEP of SEPARATION he will not obey & is holding on to his human desires & flesh! And he cannot see ME, personally, as his leader who he must follow & obey, he wants me to follow HIM – topping from the bottom – which is so predictable natural, & common, a daily occurrence in Patriarchy. Here it is, the fox in the hen yard – he would devour us by telling US what to do! He is saying, “I want to submit, DOMINATE ME!’

         We are saying,

         “We don’t want to dominate you, we want to be left alone. We need to find ourselves, the identity we have lost from thousands of years of men dominating us. We need time,- to commune with nature, our own nature & the God Within. Stop bothering us. The only thing you CAN’T DO is to leave us alone!”

         Now being in this field suddenly, far apart from the town, is the NEW ORDER being ‘way out there’ like ‘left field’ or way away from the normal ordinary thinking. And so the bugle calls & everyone in the world, including Sam, runs back to safety, to the common ground, to PATRIARCHY!

         My PURSE is what I carry of VALUE. In it there is money, keys, ID, all imp stuff. This purse is BIG. The idea of the New Religion/ Order is a BIG THING to bring to the world! That is what I am concerned about, not going like a sheep with the rest of them to the safety of old ways, the familiar, we’ve been complaining about – everyone talking, no one walking, no one working for Matriarchy including female separation from men – they are AFRAID! {That’s why in the last two days of dreams, the dance troupe conflict, the dancers were all in YELLOW. I alone had a dress made of pure gold sequins. My Jesus, the One within me, was so afraid we’d be shut down He cried. This told me that the Jesus within me is the author of this project; it is HIS, not mine. I’m only the servant.}

         The design of the stripes over my purse? Not up & down or across, but 90 degree slant. What is that? Might be ‘a new slant on life’. Up & down is PRISON, like the SUIT Sam is wearing – he is a prisoner to Femdom, to his flesh. Stripes across would be THE WORLD as it doesn’t go UP to Heaven, just stays here.

         But SLANTED reaches THE TOP & comes DOWN to Earth, something from Heaven to us. And bigness here means importance.


I do not go with the herd, I’m looking at this vision of the New Order.

            Back to his car. He’s in the driver seat looking for something/someone new – one of his dominatrixes? Our first argument was over that – he said “I have to go with the majority,”

Meaning the majority of women – they were all Mistresses trying to get money out of men – I was the only Woman of God, & Sam said because there were more of them, I was only one, he had to side with them. He quit me – ignored me – & it took me a couple years to get back into his graces – I worked hard at it.

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         The next dream: This woman here is speaking A NEW RELIGION, which is a strong departure from Christianity. It interests me; I’m studying the alternative ideas & have incorporated them into the New Order.

         The two males here – one a small boy, the other grown up, his mentor {‘Steve’}, & the boy wants to tell this doctrine to traditional people. I tell him no but he doesn’t listen.

         This is Sam applying the doctrine & lifestyle I presented here to the REST OF THE WORLD. But it is only a sect right now, a small beginning. It won’t do to tell everyone about it – they’ll only be SHOCKED – we must be selective who we choose, like Christianity in the beginning – they were greatly persecuted for a long time, in fact, until Constantine, the Emperor of Rome, finally made it legal {Edict of Milan, year 313}.

But ALAS, he HIMSELF is gobsmacked by the ideas – he reacts immaturely. The small boy is a symbol of his immaturity & the temporary immaturity or lack of open mindedness from the other guy Steve, who’s seen as mentor or superior to the little twerp.       He gets hold of a gun, shoots his mentor in the head – from which he will recover & himself in the head twice, where I suspect he will not recover.

         Mother God, clue me in on this. I might get it wrong.

         MG: OK your new doctrine is a shock to traditional people including Christians. But the two people represented here as SHOCKED LIKE SHOT IN THE HEAD are the two males, one little, one grown. They represent Sam & Steve, another friend.

         The little guy is IMMATURE & INCAPABLE of actually submitting to women &/or Mother God!. This is Sam – he can’t rise up to it, it’s beyond his capacity – so he ‘kills himself’ or removes himself from our fellowship. He’s ‘dead to it.’

         The other associate is more mature. He was also shocked like a ‘shot in the head’ but he can handle it & is recovering & seeing why it has to be. He’s a ‘bigger person’ as they say, ‘you have to be a big person to handle this,’ & because of his ability he’s seen as MENTOR to the little guy.

It’s all about HUMILITY.

         The BIGGEST PERSON is the one who can humble himself & allow God to take over. The less there is of my will, the more there will be of God’s. Let God’s will be yours. But the immature person cannot humble themselves to God, they hold on to what they know – their flesh – & give no room to God, so they remain spiritually small, weak & incapable of obedience.

         Jesus spoke constantly especially in ‘John,’ of how He & the Father were One, that it was this union that facilitated His work. He had given all of Himself to God, He did not think in the lower ways of the flesh, whereupon He got His Power. And conversely, those who hold on to the lower things have not God & Her Power.

The chickens have come to roost, lol. {end}

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College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets

Moving to a Higher Level of Work

2-23-24    Dance Group Conflict – Moving to the next level where the other women can’t go

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This dream was extremely stressful as I dreamed it.

I’m in a dance group. It’s easy – so easy you don’t have to repeat the steps again & again to learn them, you just know the steps as soon as you see them.

There’s about 15 of us dancers with a female manager. We’re wearing yellow costumes, like fancy 60’s style bright shiny, thin yellow pants with matching tops that are revealing, with other decorations like on head & arms. We dance again & again to a large audience of thousands. I love my job but then something terrible happens.

A man owns our company but he has to go away on business. While he’s away the manager lady has me on the stage with all the others & says to me,

“You have large breasts, but all the rest are flat chested – you make them look bad.”

I’m outraged that she says that to me & I exclaim loudly,

“Are you saying because of this I’m fired?”

I assume she says yes although I don’t hear it. I go out into the audience, protesting to them, saying how unfair this is. The entire audience disappears but a new one enters, & they are ALL GREY.

It’s like the old audience slides out {they were all regular colors} & the new one slides in – they went out me facing them to the right & the new one also comes from there. The new audience is not as huge so far, it’s a beginning.

As I’m in the audience I come across a Mom with her little son about 7 years old. He says to me,

“When the man called us boys to dance, he did not call on me, but I wanted to dance. Please tell him next time to pick me to dance also. He’s referring to the man that owns this company.

He’s a sweet little boy wearing a light green sweater with designs, soft grey & other pastel designs, & I tell him I will tell the man. I don’t know who the boy is or how to describe him to the owner.

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OK, the man returns. I have something to tell him. I get up on the stage, the man is to my left – I don’t see him but know he’s there. The company has gotten a whole new set of costumes, they are all bright, tropical colors, with spangled headdresses, very fancy. The manager is standing there wearing the most plain white cotton top, form fitting crisp material. She has dark brown medium short hair, somehow reminds me of Rev. Verna who exploited me.

I exclaim to the man, in an outraged manner, pointing at the manager, exactly what she said,

“She said, you have large breasts & you make the rest of us look bad,”

“And then SHE FIRED ME!”

I see myself off somewhere, maybe talking to myself,

“That was the most happy I ever was – dancing with that troupe.”

Have no idea what then transpires as the dream ends.


*{ME: I’ll need help Mother God. All I can think of is my first large group of videos where I mostly tell my life & my breasts are exposed, sometimes to an extreme degree. I worked it this way because I was representing myself for the most part in the adult trade – Kellie Everts, rather than me as Guru Rasa, & of course I knew I’d get a larger audience that way. I’ve been planning a new playlist as Guru Rasa with all plain, conservative clothing, teaching & preaching.

MG: That’s exactly what it’s about as you’ve been gathering a new wardrobe, checking some of the old clothes you’ve never worn, planning a new slicked-down hairdo, maybe the new very light sunglasses {not sure about that}. Your mind’s been on it.

ME: But who is that lady firing me, & who is the man that owns the company?

MG: the lady could be Mother God or Holy Mary, who is seen as manager. Don’t take the ‘firing’ so seriously & so ominous, it’s merely a transition from that playlist to this conservative one.

The man who owns the company is Jesus, & he was figuratively ‘gone’ as you spoke more re secular things than spiritual, but now He’s back!

The audience is first, the regular people who are of the world. But the new audience beaming, streaming or sliding in, are those of the mind & spirit seen as grey for ‘grey matter’ of the brain – There won’t be as many.

Who is the little boy? That’s someone who’d like to be included in your work, but he hasn’t been ‘called’ or invited. It’s as if Jesus has to approve him, but you have to ask or tell Jesus to do so. All I can think of is friend Pete. Pete seems unhappy today, it could be because he feels ‘left out’ from this new Order.

And so according to this new dream, it isn’t just videos but your entire outlook, focus of work, has now shifted to the Matriarchal Order & spirituality – this would gel with the recent dream you had of a new place or orientation. You couldn’t figure out, what is the new place? Before it was your life, now it’s moving ahead in preaching, teaching, & conceiving the New Order.

ME: the breasts – How do I make the other women look bad – what does this mean?

MG: Those were the old days of show business, glamour & the like. Your calling is way beyond that, that was only a phase of your identity & work. You are BIGGER than that – your REAL SELF is about GOD LOVE – breasts being love. You leave behind the smaller place {flat chested} to your bigger calling.

ME: How do I recommend Pete to Jesus? He wants to be chosen to dance is he wants to be a part of this work – {Dancing, performing is work in my vocabulary.} But he is a part of it. What does he feel left out of?

MG: The community of Matriarchal women. Both Pete & William want to feel they are a part of this, & they are, but they need to feel wanted or needed. So tell them they belong to the community off premises, & if it ever starts, Pete can come to the dances & gatherings to which men are allowed. And he can continue doing computer work for the Order. Even if you’re dead but there’s a community, Pete can be a part of it because he’s been your associate. Leave behind the invitation in your writing.

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ME: The new very colorful artsy show biz costumes – what do they represent? They’ve moved on without me, & who are THEY, the flat chested women?

MG: The flat chested women are the phonies – they have no LOVE & therefore they’re not ANOINTED to do God’s work. They were called, but not chosen. All the women who profess Female Superiority / Domination / Matriarchy – not a one of them has offered to join up, to help, to be helped, to form Sisterhood even when you reached out to them, or when they saw your work – except for Freyja Derrickson, who has now abandoned you.

ME: What is their problem? Why can’t they work with me instead of against me? They don’t have the capacity to make it on their own, God is not with them. Logic might tell them joining with an Anointed person would be good. But instead they’re hostile to me, or just ignore me & think ‘I will be Queen.’ Like the Princess from Snow White & the seven dwarfs: ‘Mirror mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? When they find out another female is more beautiful, they turn into ugly hags, bring her a poison apple & give it to her.

MG: To be Anointed you have to humble yourself & step aside for God. Divest yourself of human nature & its desires & obey Her. They can’t do that, they’re working from human nature & its competitiveness, its egomania, its selfishness, a path that is short lived. But you must all on your Faith strongly, trust the God that got you through all things & will bear you up through this work. Just remember how She got you through everything & carry on with this Faith. Not even knowing what is ahead, but believing it will happen as God plans.

In the dream it shows them carrying on as usual with all the colors of the earth – bright, flashy, tropical. But your audience coming in is grey/drab in color but represents the MIND. Mother God/Mary knows you did your stint here – you had to – but now you go to Higher Ground because of the Anointing – a place where – get this – THEY CAN’T GO. ‘Water reaches its own level’ means it follows the path of least resistance. ‘Dead bodies float downstream,’ lol. They have not the Power to go against the current – you have, because you’re ONE WITH GOD.  {end}

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College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets

Getting Matriarchy Started: How?

How We Get Matriarchy Started

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Re an interview Mike Adams & Laura Aboli:


At the END of this enlightening interview Mike Adams presents a form of currency which has GOLD INSIDE it which is increasingly being accepted by merchants he says.  The problem with 24 carat gold & silver coins is how do you divide them & spend them?  These are divided to spend.  He explains the TESTING he did.  I TRUST Mike Adams as I trust few people.  He personally saved me long ago from this fake’ detox water’ that was being SOLD at huge prices – I bought some as it was advertised on Alex Jones, thought it was authentic.  But Mike Adams TESTED it & it was TOXIC!  From then on I was his fan.  The merchant I bought mine from gave everyone back their money.


What I’m saying is Mike Adams can be trusted.  His company even offered me a spot to do videos or pod casts on, to be part of his work.  I have not yet even tried to do it for lack of ability to concentrate on what it takes but some day I might.


In this interview – it is chilling – they talk about how the globalists are going to take from us all our assets, stocks, money, cars.  They will own everything even if we’ve paid for it.  Hard to believe but they explain some of it, it’s eerie, scary, but it’s fact they say.  And I believe them.


Am I going to get gold backs?  Lol, no plans to do so – too scared.  If the world comes to an end I guess I’ll just die with the rest of them.  It’s too much for my mind to handle, cold give one a nervous breakdown if one dwells upon this.  Maybe it won’t happen.  I will stick to just what God talks to me about – Matriarchy vs Patriarchy.  I can’t contain in this brain beyond that.  I cannot face Hell the way I would if I accepted all of this as going to happen.    

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I need to pray to meditate on what God wants me to do regards my work.  Listening to Mike Adams is so disturbing – Pete you said take all this with a block of salt & that makes me feel better.  But still, knowing the facts what the demons are trying to do, I need to evaluate what does God want me to think, feel & work at?  What is most productive for humanity?  And what about promotion?  I’m doing little of that because I simply cannot concentrate on production & promotion at the same time.


Oh yes, I looked up how does Dolly Parton look today – & saw an interview.  She must have had comprehensive surgery as her waist is super tiny & not a sign of age on her face.  And Jeff Bezos JUST GAVE HER 150 MILLION DOLLARS to do with as she wishes – which when asked she said it will be put to GOOD USE.  Indeed, I do trust her more than most others she has spent big money on helping others.  But the RESPONSIBIITY of spending this amount of money to help others where would one start?  You’d have to have an office & staff doing research.  Unless of course she needs all that to maintain her surgeries & wardrobe, lol  Her costumes alone are so out there she must have a storeroom the size of Wal-Mart to house them.


From William Bond Hi Everyone:


I also find what is happening worrying as we seem to be now ruled by a gang of criminals. But I don’t think their rule will last long as they are also incredibly stupid. We see this in the way they gave away western technology and manufacturing to China. Yes, by doing this they undermined the power of the working class in the West, but turned China into the most powerful country on the planet. 


We also see this in the Ukraine war. The Western elite believed that Russia was only, “a gas station posing as a country”. So they were shocked when they imposed sanctions on Russia to find the Russian economy is stronger than western economies and is winning the economic war. The Ukraine war is also demonstrating that Russia is ahead of the West in both technology and manufacturing. 


So I think in the short term, things will go badly for Western countries as the criminals that rule us are destroying both North America and Europe. But if we can get rid of the criminal gang that is ruling us, then we can recover. 


This is possible as we saw with Russia. In the 1990s with the fall of the USSR, Russia was a failed state rule by a drunk who allowed mafia criminal gangs and oligarchs to take over. Fortunately Putin then became leader and slowly restored law and order and put some of the oligarchs into prison and the rest capitulated to him. But doing this, in the space of 25 years he restored Russia to a powerful and stable country once again. 


I think it is a pity we don’t have a present a viable matriarchal political party. It is in time of social upheaval when new political parties can emerge and take power. But the patriarchal system is always unstable and if we can get something started then patriarchy will in time break down again, giving the chance for women taking over.    William


 From Pete Jackson   Good morning, William:

  We have always been ruled by a gang of criminals, basically, it’s called patriarchy. And mostly they have been quite stupid, at least in the long term. And while Putin did (temporarily) restore power to Russia, of course, he is not exactly on the right side of history either.  He is an autocratic and authoritarian dictator with lots and lots of blood on his hands, crooked as well, and he too will eventually fall from power as well.  Especially as his military quagmire in Ukraine drags on and on (much like the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the graveyard of empires, or the American wars of Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan once more).  Much like Trump “draining the swamp” only to fill it back up with his own crocodile crooks.


The only way to end this vicious cycle is for Women to take over, basically.      Best wishes,    Pete

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From William        Hi Pete:

I feel about Putin the same way I feel about Trump. At one time I thought Trump was terrible, until I realized just how much the mainstream media hated him and then I changed my opinion of him. I think the mainstream media and the whole establishment hate Putin even more than Trump. Which suggests to me these men must be doing something right. Anyone the mainstream media praises, you know is a sell out.    William


From Pete:

With all due respect, I guess we will just have to agree to disagree about both Trump and Putin.  Though I do think there is at least a kernel of truth (possibly even the size of a cornfield) to what you just said about how the establishment rabidly hates them, it’s really more evil against evil, IMHO.  To put it in Dungeons and Dragons parlance, Trump and Putin are both hot-blooded, rogue, “chaotic evil”, and are thus seen as a threat to the cold-blooded “lawful evil” and “neutral evil” psychopaths ruling the world, as well as their self-interested “true neutral” sycophantic lackeys.  They are really two sides of the same coin, and the very top ruling oligarchs and their “shadow government” of course play both sides to divide and conquer.   Best wishes,  Pete

 From Rasa Von Werder:

I see all this in RELIGIOUS terms. My mind is on the righteousness of God & how She has put the WOMAN as the Mother/leader of the family & the world.  I see the Patriarchal world as the quasiHell on earth which evil men have created.

    The various leaders, to my mind, are mostly, if not all, DEMONICS.  I know some of them weren’t because no matter the evil they did, they still Ascended into Heaven, as I know for a fact, Richard Nixon is in Heaven because once for several months, he appeared to me daily to assist me in dream interpretation.  Why, I don’t know as I never did anything for him, or did I?  Maybe because I pitied him when he was being persecuted, don’t know.  But I also know he did evil as he signed the ‘Special Virus Act’ funded by Congress with 500M in 1971, which led to the creation of AIDS as biological warfare, & he was also a strong part of perpetrating the Viet Nam war.  Those are evil acts but yet, he ended up in Heaven.

    And I lump them all, basically into ‘perpetrators or puppets’ of the Big Satan, whoever he is, that works through the Globalists.  And identifying all their acts, who the main villains are, is not my expertise, althought I have some ideas, like for sure, know that WHO – World Health Orgaization is 100% Satanic.  Because I know they poisoned millions of Africans with AIDS under the smallpox vaccine, & other crimes more recent.  By listening to Mike Adams & others I know the names of some of the demonics but don’t know all the details.

    You guys study areas I don’t & so you flush out my deficits, which is a good thing for our Cause, & you both see it from different POV’s.  The way Pete described it in these letters, I am more in agreement with his view.  He does not see any of these Patriarchal leaders with rose colored glasses; I like the way he describes Putin. No matter what ‘good’ these guys do, say, he made Russia strong again, he has ‘blood on his hands’ & other cruel items.  So this is reality.  Patriarchs are, by definition, evil.  What good they do is part of a bigger agenda of evil – they do good in a temporary way, say, for their own country.  But in the long run, they are part of an evil agenda which holds down women, abuses & injures women & children AS WELL AS OTHER MEN.  This is the intrinsic, fundamental evil of patriarchs.  They are part of this doomed game of ‘I will give you all the Kingdoms of the world & their glory if you will bow down & worship me,’ & they are bowing down & worshipping Satan through Patriarchy.

          Patriarchy is Satanic, demonic, it is all evil. It has no redeeming virtue at all. What ‘good’ happens is transitory, impermanent, at base, it lacks LOVE & CARING & so it has thrown God out of the equation & its conclusion is HELL.

    This is the picture I am concentrating on.  But it’s OK if you guys are experts in the individual actions of these guys – I’m not so it’s good that you are!

    Thanks for the 3 Kings Day greeting Pete.  They are proof that Jesus was a reincarnated Guru from the East – India or Tibet.  So they are extremely important in my religion.   

    BTW I didn’t even know the mainstream media hated Trump & Putin.  It seemed to me at least half the media is for Trump, as he gets whatever he wants & looks like he’ll run for President again & maybe make it, according to Mike Adams.  There will always be half the media supposedly Democrat & half supposedly Republican.  To me, Tweedle de De & Tweedle de Dum like Noam Chomsky says. -  Both evil Patriarchic organizations.  Even if Hilary had been elected President, she would have been a Patriarch, a dick in skirt as we say.  No individual woman elected into office creates a Matriarchy, the senate, Congress & Fortune 500 companies have to be represented by OVER 50% women – that is the PATH to matriarchy {although it will take a couple hundred years to undo the damage men have done} not one single impotent woman who has to do as the charlatans say.     Rasa

Love these statements of Pete:    “We have always been ruled by a gang of criminals, basically, it’s called patriarchy. And mostly they have been quite stupid, at least in the long term. ” 

Rasa says:  Patriarchy is Satanic, demonic, it is all evil.  It has no redeeming virtue at all.  What ‘good’ happens is transitory, impermanent, at base, it lacks LOVE & CARING & so it has thrown God out of the equation & its conclusion is HELL.


From Pete:

I am somewhat surprised that Tricky Dick Nixon (I always thought that was a funny nickname) is in Heaven, lol, but then again, there may very well have been a little bit of Light behind his otherwise dead eyes, that God felt was worth saving for some reason.  Lots of gray areas, it seems. (Interestingly, Nixon was politically to the left of Bill Clinton and even Obama on most issues, at least in practice.) Even the WHO, while its leaders are clearly 100% demonic, some good people are nonetheless likely sucked into their vast orbit without realizing just how evil they really are.   Best wishes,  Pete


Rasa says:

That’s just it, Pete – a lot of INNOCENT &/or non-demonics are SUCKED INTO Patriarchy.  Some may be cool or lukewarm toward God, but they are not demonic.  And they might get sucked in for physical/material reasons that override any spiritual sensitivity they have.  It is extremely difficult for us to know who goes to Hell, who does not.  Truly.  One example:  Timothy McVeigh.  Not only did he NOT go to Hell but he did only ONE YEAR TO THE DAY OF HIS EXCUTION in Purgatory {Elvis Presley did FIVE YEARS!}.  People screamed at me when I told them that, 


“Don’t you know what he did? – The innocent people & children, “etc.


Yes I know. But who am I to judge, or you?


Many people including ourselves get sucked into systems of Patriarchy where our hands are tied.  They tell us to jump – we do it.  I hate to remind you – the vaccines.  So many innocent people who thought they were harmless or even beneficial got sucked in & who knows the consequences?


Then there are taxes. They are ILLEGAL – Income taxes that is.  The people never ratified this when a vote was called for.  Try not paying your taxes & you will be in jail.  {Pete says in fact, it was ratified.  OK.  Thanks.}


OK being President or Prime Minister is a much bigger scale.  They have to sign all kinds of things they might not want to – but if they don’t – they will get impeached or assassinated.  Bucking the Globalists can mean death if you’re in a high place & doing big things.  Lincoln was going to change the Federal Reserve System, he got killed. {Pete corrects me, he WAS against the bankers but not the Federal Reserve.  Kennedy was against the Federal Reserve.}


So IMO the high-up leaders do lots of things they would not do if they had a choice.  One should think twice before seeking high offices.  But some don’t care, or care little.  Thinking of one Governor who shall remain nameless who I don’t think gives a shyt about anyone. It’s that “I will give you all the kingdoms & their glory if you will bow down & worship me” once again.   Rasa 

Below, the event of preaching for women for equal rights in the military – got into a lot of media – & a thank you letter from President Carter’s Chief of Correspondence saying ‘You have the President’s best wishes.’ – & The speech in front of the White House that ended the Cold War {within a few short years} Also preached in front of the Canadian Parliament Peace Tower in Ottowa, Canada

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          My friends William & Pete believe in women entering the political field & taking over. Wouldn’t that be nice? But here’s the rub – they aren’t that much interested in seeking offices! And so what is the route by which we will get to Matriarchy?

MG: There isn’t any ONE ROUTE, there are many roads leading to Rome.

Many people must work on many platforms, wherever they are capable. Some politics, yes. Some, the religious pulpit except we aren’t hearing from women there, are we, {except when Rasa preached before dancing}. Some as authors – there has been great influence here. Some activists, doing pod cast interviews like Laura Aboli with Mike Adams {except they aren’t talking about Matriarchy! It’s that same’ole same’ole waiting for the good guys – the man on the White Horse, the Knight in Shining Armour – all waiting for HIM – not for women!}

Somehow or other we’ve got to break the ice about getting MATRIARCHY ON THE TABLE! It’s NOT TALKED ABOUT on any mainstream TV show & only RARELY in the alternative media.

When Rasa first got involved around 1995 in studying the dissidents, they were not represented by women – they did NOT put the issue of M v s P on the table – ever. She was listening to Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Michael Parenti & dozens of others through ‘Alternative Radio.’ She bought $8-900 of audio tapes. These men never even CONSIDERED the issue!

Now HOW, HOW, HOW do we get Matriarchy ON THE TABLE? Will Rasa be the one to do it eventually? Can she stay well long enough, get back in the mainstream media soon enough? Yes, mainstream, like Oprah Winfrey. Isn’t that how she got BODYBUILDING to take off? Not ALTERNATIVE but MAINSTREAM MEDIA like Esquire, To Tell the Truth, Mike Douglas, & Playboy.

There were a few alternative women doing body building {Pudgy Stockton & circus performers} – but that did not cut the mustard. An idea has to get into the MAINSTREAM.

ME: Mother God, it isn’t me per se, it’s YOU – it’s God. If you steer me to do this of course I must & I will. But I cannot do it alone. There is no one backing me up. I don’t have what it takes without God. I have to have God as I did for my other big ventures, like preaching in front of the White House & Stripping for God. No human could have thought of it or made me do it, it was YOU. And I am asking, are you going to prepare me & then steer me onto Oprah & other such shows? As a human I can only think of why they would NOT permit me voice. But can you make it happen? Or rather, WILL you make it happen?

MG: We shall see. When the time is RIPE is when you will know, not until then. Like all your other endeavors, you were not warned way ahead of time nor did you anticipate any of it – you would have been too scared, lol. We’ll spring it on you when the time comes & if we do, you will proceed.

ME: PS If & when you can empower me to do this, after it is done, I will be written out of the credit such as with all else except ‘Stripping for God’ – that was the only project they could not take from me. Is that how it will be? Suddenly people will be speaking of this issue mainstream & I will be forgotten.

MG: That is not your concern. You just obey & leave the fruits or results to us. So what if you don’t get credit? It’s God who did it, through you. God gets the credit; you shall not have Her Glory. So capish? Just be quiet & when the time comes, maybe when you truly no longer care or when you have passed on you will be recognized. Don’t think about recognition – that is the ‘kingdoms of the world & their glory’.

PS Consider how negative many other women have been with you regarding recognition. As you ou did so much work, they butted in to attack you because they were JEALOUS of any RECOGNITION you might get. They wanted to be the Queen Bee, the Big Banana, the Woman on a Pedestal. You see how WRONG that is?

If a person does what they do FOR RECOGNITION it’s not done OUT OF LOVE. If you do a favor & expect something in return, it’s not charity, it’s a sort of business. Not saying this is always wrong.

But you’re working FOR A CAUSE, the cause of God, for which God sent you to earth. Why do you seek or ask for recognition? You must give this quest up, it’s not living in perfection. You must give your love to God freely & without a price tag! God sent you to do certain things – help others get closer to God & empower women. Do it & let the chips fall where they may. So they ignore what you did, as the speech in Washington. So they wrote you out of female body building. You did it, didn’t you? It bore fruit, didn’t it? Rejoice in that, & that you OBEYED GOD, you did what the Infinite Majesty wanted & trust that She will eventually reward you with Love, if not here, then in Eternity.   

Back to politics, from William:

I can remember tricky dicky. Although the Watergate scandal revealed Nixon to be a criminal, he was also Quaker and because of his Quaker beliefs he was against war. So he took the USA out of the Vietnam war. He also made peace with Communist China and tried to make peace with the USSR. This must have alarmed the Military/Industrial complex and I think this was the main reason the establishment turned against him and had him impeached. Had he been allowed to remain in power he could have ended the cold-war in the 1970s. 


I think the same is true of Trump. In-spite of all his faults it seems he doesn’t like war. He tried to get out USA troops out of Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan but was blocked by the USA military. He also tried to make peace with North Korea and Russia but again the establishment turned against him. So I think he has made an enemy of the Military/Industrial complex and this is why the establishment hate him.   William

 From Pete:

Yes there is a lot of nuance, William.  Nixon did indeed end the Vietnam War, albeit gradually, after four years of his presidency and lots of bombing.  Though perhaps with the military industrial complex (MIC) and the oligarchy pulling the strings of whoever is in power, Nixon in this case, that may have been the best he could have done in practice. (Even Henry Kissinger, his secretary of state, also got credit for ending the war.)  And yes, he did make peace with China too.


(The military industrial complex should really be called the “mercenary industrial complex”, since, as the late, great Major General Smedley Butler famously noted way back in the day, “War Is a Racket”. War greatly destroys wealth and lives for the many, but greatly enriches the tiny few at the top.)


I wouldn’t say Trump is anti-war per se, and like any wannabe alpha male he does luuurrrve to bang on his chest and poke every proverbial angry bear he can find, but he certainly took umbrage (and rightly so) at the ridiculous protracted military quagmires of Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, and wanted to get us out of those. Ironically, he was the one who made the deal with the Taliban to exit Afghanistan, which Biden inherited, and the rest is history.  Like Vietnam, it was a war America lost before the war even began.  As for his frenemy, Kim Jong Un of North Korea, who really knows what is going through his head.  First they hated each other, then they became buddies almost overnight.  So overall, I can see how the MIC and thus the establishment would not like him very much, and consider him to be a rogue and a loose cannon.    Best wishes to you both,   Pete   {end}


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College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets

Geared to Women

I got this letter from an Org that

teaches self reliance, carpentry,

camping, permaculture  &

outdoor work classes much of it

geared to women – The first letter

is them, my answer second

There’s beauty and tragedy during this time of midwinter celebrations. Gift-giving has been a part of many traditions for centuries, and remains a sweet way to conjure warmth and joy. At the same time, this sweet practice has contorted into something congested and draining in the post WWII materialist United States.

So much stuff!

 Boxes and packing material and things that need places to go. It can get a little out of hand.

Many of us yearn for deeply connective experiences more than we yearn for things. Why not make your loved one a delicious meal and share it with them while having a focused conversation about something they’re into? Or plan an excursion to a wild place you’ve never explored together? Or write a song or poem to share with them? Or plan to take a class or workshop together on a subject you’re both interested in (hint hint )?

However you approach this time, it can be helpful to examine your own relationship with giving and receiving.

Why do you give gifts? 

What kind of impact are you hoping for? 

What are you longing to receive?

May these inquiries help you feel more grounded and deeply satisfied in your relations, even if you find yourself drowning in bubble wrap.

On another note…as we get excited about opening up classes in January, we’re keying in to the strain that many are feeling around money and time. We wanted to share a few ways we’re responding to this reality.

These are the ways we’re trying to meet you in this moment (we’re all on the same team )

  • In the face of inflation and rising prices everywhere, we are not increasing our registration costs this year

  • As usual, we offer free camping (with facilities use) to all of our students; this includes access to a well-equipped outdoor kitchen, hot outdoor shower, clean and appealing outhouse, and the mountain beauty of our campuses

  • For those who don’t have camping gear, we’re trying out offering some set-up-for-you tents with bedding for a small fee at our Paint Fork campus

  • We’ve created this new Planning Your Trip page to share lots of useful info and help you feel more comfortable and prepared for the whole experience of coming here

  • Also on the Planning Your Trip page, and at the bottom of each class page, we’re sharing more info on transportation options and how to minimize costs there

  • We teach hard skills; if you go home and practice what you learn here, you can save money by building, growing, and making things for yourself, instead of buying them

  • During challenging times, feeling a sense of togetherness can be one of the most supportive things; coming to a class here helps many of us feel like we’re not alone in our hopes and dreams for a more sane and sustainable world

Whether or not you come learn with us, we hope you find a sense of not-aloneness this coming year, and that you can access the essence of generosity as you navigate giving and receiving.

With warmth and welcome,

Yours truly

 Hello Sisters,


            That’s the most sane, intelligent & valuable message/s I’ve gotten from your group since we started.

            I agree with all you state & what you act upon, what you teach & provide.  My problem with participating is I am old & both my hips hurt to the point of not being able to walk but 30-40 steps without carrying a small stool & sitting down {when outside} so I’m NOT a good candidate for your classes or  any sort of TRAVEL.  I have other conditions that make it rough for travel like a long bus ride, let’s skip all that.


    I live ALONE in my house so leaving it can invite breakins & most importantly I FEED WILD ANIMALS every day.  All who live in the forest or fields {I’m surrounded by mountains, fields, forests, 50 acres my own plus a large island, riverfront etc} avail themselves of the grub I provide, every day.  If I disappeared they’d go hungry.  I feed everyone from bees to bears; foxes, 1 coyote, skunks, possums, deer, 1 unknown big cat, chipmunks & squirrels, many birds, etc.  Raccoons galore.  I was feeding some of the raccoons & bears by hand, they got so tame.  These last critters can do mischief to property, I’ve had all sorts of dilemmas, so it pays to be around to watch out for trouble. 

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    Putting all that aside, I am hopefully your SISTER IN SPIRIT.  I’ve written you before that I hope to start an Order, a new religion geared toward women partially written – A Temple to Mother God {no men allowed}, a ‘convent’ for single sisters who want it {celibacy not required}, housing for Mothers & their children, A learning facility where we teach & practice all the things you do, plus show business, – entertainment training – acting, singing, dancing, public speaking.

      We will have one large facility where beginners can live in a Community, less privacy, & also individual homes I will design for Moms with kids, or women in same-sex marriages, etc.  This Order will create a MATRIARCHAL COMMUNITY.  No we will not exclude men but have dances or parties often, for those women who want to meet men {we screen the men for background: criminal records, past relationships, employment etc – They have to apply for membership to take part in our gatherings}, date, & possibly have children.  Some of them want no man participating – they want to raise their children alone.  Those who wish to get married can be included but they live in separate premises – to be worked out.  They can still belong to the Order & participate daily or weekly & take advantage of our perks, education, ambiance, child care, sisterhood, etc. {They will soon discover that having a man will be a conflict to their freedom.  Men will resent their participating in a woman-liberating Order, doing constant activities, meeting in our Organization – they will begin to impede & limit the female’s participation, they will be a nuisance.  Women will be warned ahead of time about this & they will discover its truth.}

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  We will have Elders & Officers who are the governing body of the Order, they will vote on issues & actions. Our Order will run on a military style with Officers {Like the Salvation Army.}  We are the Army of Mother God.  This will not be chaotic or a free-for-all, there will be rules, regulations & a hierarchy.  Refusing to cooperate/obey the rules will mean termination of membership & all its privileges.

    OK that’s my info for now.  If you wish to speak to me you may write me & exchange phones.  Thank you for your great activities that feature much for women. I’m excited about your courses including  camping / scouting /  self reliance,  self defense, & assertiveness training  for our Sisters.


    Oh yes, in case you’re wondering – I’m not gay, just gung ho for Female Supremacy/Matriarchy.  I’ve had 3 husbands, all of whom died.  I was a Cougar for eleven years, dating new men every weekend – mostly college age. {Much experience & Wisdom here to impart to other women}.  My life story plus many teachings are written in 31 books, available on & Amazon.  I have TEN books on my life story called “I Strip for God.” If you’re interested in any of my books I will send you them FREE of charge.

    One last note, in case you think I’m a Pipe Dreamer with delusions of grandeur.  I have the money today to begin the Order on a small scale, but I am waiting to find staff who can help.  My life story will probably be made into a Major Movie in my lifetime – I’ve had offers since 1981. {If not in my lifetime the rights will go to my beneficiaries for the Order}.  Linda Carter, Wonder Woman, was asked to play me but she refused so that killed it at that time.  But the day is approaching when it will be done.  This will bring in the MILLIONS the Order will require to get it started.  Meanwhile, I will put everything on paper & publish it, in case I can’t get it going during my lifetime; future Sisters will have a blueprint.  I will leave all my resources to the right female/s.  It can be one woman or a married couple who believe in my work & can dedicate themselves to it – they will get the money, my land which includes MINERAL RIGHTS with gas/oil under ground. {See Marcellus Shale}

            Sincerely,    Rasa Von Werder – look me up on the internet, including Wikipedia

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College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets

Lisa Lyon Ascends

Lisa Lyon Ascends with a ‘death bed’ Word for Me!

She  confesses ‘They wrote you out of Female Body Building’!

Rasa-Von-Werder (1) 

12-1-23 Body Building Mystery


          I’m in a building, a large room on an upper floor but it’s way different than normal situation & room. It’s like there was war or devastation & there is little provision of space, decent housing, not sure about food or other supplies.

          So I am a visitor I guess in this very large room occupied by a female & her young son who seems to be a toddler. The female is hard up financially, trying to survive, make a living & she’s struggling to do that.

          Her son has made two piles of #2 here on a low shelf, the poop has no smell & it’s almost white, like a texture of some kind of frozen ice cream with the icicles, but it isn’t cold. She has not removed it & after a while I ask her to do so, which she does.

          I see the colors here as a sort of darkish salmon with medium grey running through flourishes, like if you had two colors in a liquid cream & ran a finger or spoon through them, they would create a montage like this. This is how the room seems color wise – hard to explain.


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         She’s trying to make a living by mail order & is working to accomplish this. But later there is talk about body building. It seems like she’s a body builder, way in the beginning. And I am surprised to see a large picture of her in a bb magazine, which is her but not her, somehow her muscles are way-exaggerated & her face changed, improved, everything photo shopped but you would not recognize her on the street from this image. And this is her advertisement by which she gets the most fans to write in & become her customers, so she can make some bread. This whole thing surprised me – that it was not as bad as I thought, her getting customers, but it’s based on this FAKE image of her which looks similar but different to her – it gives the wrong impression, like a sexy message! The colors of the image are exactly like the room & the picture fills the entire page. Who gave her this ad? I wonder.

          Now I’m in the street & about 30’ in front of me is a female waking with a man, on a wide old-fashioned street, like you’d see in old Europe sort of {vaguely}. She’ thin, wearing a plain chemise sort of & I know who she is & want to talk to her. I call out,


          Which was the name of a female bb in the beginning – like 1980 – before all the females used drugs. {Some did, however, in the 1980 contest I was in, don’t know if any were using them in the first Weider BB contest in 1979.}

          She stops as she heard me. I catch up to her & say,

          “Do you remember Kellie Everts?”

          She says yes.

          Now mind you, I ‘m wearing ordinary clothes that I bum around in at the house – no makeup, nothing. You can’t see any great features so I apologize, saying to her,

          “I’m not fixed up, with the right outfit & makeup I look much better.”

          She says,

          “You look fine”

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          Above:  Arnold trying to gain credit for Lisa Lyon as the original female body builder. This would erase the fact that it was Kellie Everts who first got the idea for female body building into national media:   July 1975 Esquire, national TV ‘To Tell the Truth’ 1976  & Playboy’s ‘Huming Iron’ May 1977.  What was his motive?  Love for Lyon or hate for Kellie?  {for cockolding him with his best mate Franco Columbu?}


or Then I’m transported from about 20’ or more away from her sitting with a guy dressed in dark clothes. He’s at a desk like a newscaster, journalist, but he’s some sort of a psychic affiliated with her {there’s a sign on his person like a light colored moon crescent which signifies psychic}.

          He’s describing my body building history, it’s arrival, it’s summit, & then he says,

          “And then they wrote her out of female body building.”

          This man is like a friend, spokesman for this lady Pillow, but what he says makes me upset. Is he predicting the future, after I’m dead, or is it what’s already happened, by the Weider/Arnold staff placing the ‘history’ of female body building & leaving me out? If it’s the future it upsets me. As I was greatly hoping the truth would be sorted out & my name would be widely recognized as the Progenitor.


          *{ME: Here we go again, Mother God. Relying on you to understand the meaning. I suspect Pillow is Lisa Lyon. I suspect her image by which she is trying to make a living, is the lady I see in the full page ad – that the Weider/Arnold duo is promoting her to make her BIG or give her the credit for being the first lady body builder.

          But the impoverished woman in the big room somehow sounds like me, trying to make a living in mail order, which is what I did – but at that point it was not a struggle as I did well. So it’s confusing to me. I need your help.

          The pivotal point to me is this about the future – that they will write me out of female bb history? Or what has already happened? And Lisa from where she is – be it Purgatory or heaven – is apologizing to me about it or admitting they did me wrong?

          MG: This sounds like a review dream & Lisa Lyon talking to you from the dead.

          What MIGHT be relevant here is you seeing her on this broad, ancient style road walking toward the sky {the opening between the 2 rows of buildings} with a man to her right, in a plain chemise, vanilla color, & you call her to speak to her.

          What this sounds like is an announcement of her imminent ASCENSION {she died Sept 8, 2023 so it’s been 2 months, 3 weeks & 3 days, which is a VERY SHORT Purgatory, the average person being about 5 years.} And you were NOT going to record this dream, thinking it was irrelevant, & you would have missed this Ascension!

          It so happens that at times, the one about to ascend as they appear to you for some reason, has a MESSAGE to give you. James Brown told you ‘Do not go out with a black man’ which was an apology for his uncaring attitude. And your first husband’s Mom, from the other side after her death, said to you, ‘I’m sorry I didn’t care about you & your child.’

          And here, Lisa has a message & it is that the Arnold/Weider establishment wrote you out of female body building ON PURPOSE. It’s a REVIEW, not a prediction of future – you already know about it, Lisa is confirming it by way of supporting you, underscoring its truth, which are her ‘last words’ to you. The ‘last words’ on a person’s ‘deaths bed’ are considered accurate, viable & meaningful. They give a message of what’s on their mind, their conscience, their concern. So here she is CONFESSING something, to your favor. It might show that deep in her heart she REGRETTED what was done to you, although she never did anything about it, like saying in public you were the one who started it – who she got her idea from – but it was on her CONSCIENCE.

          ME: It sounds like I’m aware she’s about to Ascend. I see her with her Guardian Angel {this proves something, that our Angel/Angels accompany us during our Ascension}as she’s about 30’ or so in front. I call her to get a message just before she enters Heaven – & this message would have to be ACCURATE.

          Of course Lisa would remember me. She knew of me plus we did the Tom Snyder show together & spoke. Here I discovered she had seen my July 1975 Esquire article, as she exclaimed,

“That was YOU?”

Why do I call her ‘Pillow’ – a female I never knew, never recall even seeing a picture of her – the only thing I recall is calling Doris Barrilleaux who I was now to get PERMISSION from to enter the 1981 Caesar’s Palace competition in Atlantic City. She would not give it to me – hemmed & hawed – didn’t say no, didn’t say yes, it meant NO. And she mentioned I vaguely recall Pillow as a viable contender. So why the name Pillow, Mother God?

MG: to represent the ultimate, cruel REJECTION of you in the female body building world after you got it started! You are in a roundabout sense, asking Lisa Lyon about it. She HAS to answer. Why? Because your spiritual efforts have benefited her escape from Purgatory, otherwise you would not have been permitted this privilege, so here, she owes you one. You have not mentioned her NAME in your prayers but nevertheless, she got some of your God-Grace.

ME: The ancient looking road with the tall buildings on either side, beyond, between the buildings open sky? Why her vanilla chemise, plain as can be?

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MG: Ancient road to Eternity, entering the timeless, not the ‘here & now.’ Her chemise? The plain garb of a sheep, no frills, no pretense, just the plain ole’ sheep’s clothing – vanilla or white, representing the ‘pure in heart.’ No more sin or attachment.

ME: OK the last questions. The person in the big room with the toddler son who has made two plops. The colors of this room resemble the colors of the exaggerated, unrealistic full-page image in the magazine which is her but not the real her. It’s an image made to rope in customers, meant o be sexy while that’s not who she is. She at first is desperate for money, then this image seems to rope in customers so she’s better off than we thought.

MG: Yes this is you, your image in public, the magazines, is not the real you. It provokes sex desires in men; of whatever type they are – being men who like dominant women, body building women or glamour dolls. There you are, on all 3 counts, an image, theater, not who you are AT HEART.

As it shows, in the beginning you were between careers & hard up for money, this mail order business SOLVED it – God gave you it but you had to do a lot of hard work & take chances.

The colors are a combo of salmon & grey. These indicate ‘resurrection’ {fish} & mental {grey.} It shows this entire career of yours – being of the adult trade, the pains, the misunderstandings, everything was orchestrated by God. It was not merely ‘earthly’ work; God had Her hand in it. It was all for a reason.

The toddler who leaves 2 shits I need time to get it – could be someone who was using you – I asked you to end the relationship & you did. 

Another question:  Why is her message delivered through the Guardian Angel, who in the next scene after the Blvd, is sitting as her business associate, behind a desk in front of her, wearing black & with a ‘psychic’ moon on his headdress.

Because Angels are known as ‘messengers,’ like the Angel Gabriel informing Holy Mary she will get pregnant by the Holy Spirit.  It’s an announcement – ‘the Annunciation.’ It makes it official – an Angel CANNOT LIE.

The psychic moon does not say ‘future,’ it says ‘insight’ or something hidden being revealed.  And you don’t know if they left you out on purpose, but this proves it. So as to why the Angel, not her, says it – to make it official & without doubt.  He’s wearing black to denote ‘funeral’ or ‘death.’

ME:  Also when I excuse the way I look, saying I’m not fixed up, wearing my grungy house clothes, she says,

“You look fine.”

Is there any meaning to that?

MG:  She’s praising you not on being ‘fixed up,’ which is superficial, theatrical or Hollywood grooming, but on the state of your appearance as you look without embellishment – & determines it’s fine.  This should encourage you on your quest to reach perfection again.   {end} 

Some Channeling

           Mother God, you know how angry/exasperated being denied true recognition makes me.  I feel like writing something, posting something, maybe even a new book.  Maybe challenge their version of ‘Female Bodybuilding’ on Wikipedia by writing another one with a new title.  I feel inside you want me to just forget it, not to do anything, it isn’t worth it.

          MG:  Right now I want you to do nothing because you’ve already done everything important at this point without wearing yourself out.  You wrote & published your book – your website has the story – many articles.  You repeated the account in your life story.  What more can you do without tiring yourself out?  It’s not that important, most people know – who should know – the truth.  Those who begin doing research & know nothing about the origin, if they have any moxie, will find you.  Those who are deadbeats & write only crap might not find you, but they don’t matter.  Honestly, it’s not important at all.

          ME:  Should I get into their version of the history & make corrections?  I could do it myself, or Pete.

          MG:  Not right now.  I insist you not think about this.  It stresses you out for no reason, it’s not important.  {end}

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College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets

Who & What is God?

Who – What is God 11-13-23

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         I know many people have said things about God that are partially true – But they have claimed part of the answer, not all of it. I believe this will be all of it.

         And I’ve been saying again & again,

“No one knows Who & What God is & they never will, because we are finite, God is Infinite, it is beyond our ability to understand Her.’

But recently She has revealed to me Who & What She is! And I feel it is IRREFUTABLE, like when Einstein discovered his Energy equals Matter times the speed of Light squared, & his Theory of Relativity. So here’s my Revelation:


Where God is there is no TIME & so God has no beginning & no end, God just is. God APPEARS & MANIFESTS as the ENTIRE UNIVERSE, & everything in it.

God did not create the Universe & stand apart from it, God IS the Universe.

God is the Galaxies, the suns, moons & planets. God is the Dark Holes & the empty spaces & the meteors.

God is the LIFE on every planet which has life.

God, on Earth, is nature, & animals, the air, the water, the dust, the insects, the people – everything.

All that is in the universe is an extension or manifestation of the BODY OF GOD.

God is both energy & matter, God is everything & in all things.

This answers one of my burning questions – why does God allow predators & victims, for instance, Painted Dogs taking down a deer & devouring pieces of her while she’s kicking & bleating, still alive?

God is both the victim & the predator – God has no MORALS – just as William Bond said – it is WE who invent morals & religions, God invents Life.

In God’s life, it’s all by INSTINCT. God cannot sin, no creature that preys upon another sins, as it is their instinct they cannot deny, in fact, to deny their instinct would be death. The rule of life & instinct is to live, so they must do what they do.

As I said, God is the victim as well as the attacker; God experiences the terror & also the satisfaction of killing for food.


Now we come upon a big question, that of religion. Religion is an invention of humans. Prayers, rituals, are the same in all religions, from Wicca to Christianity to whatever. The prayers & novenas & rites of Catholics are no different than those of Wiccans, they are SPELLS. All religion, as Buddha rightly says, has a PSYCHOLOGICAL effect. His followers – although he recognized no central God – do prostrations, prayer wheels, offerings of water, flowers & food to him & Maitreya. He demanded no such thing but people want to worship, as it gives them Peace of Mind & Satisfaction – it’s primarily psychological, we can call it spiritual. It affects our minds & emotions.

We create sets of rules, we follow them, we feel it will bring us to the Promised Land, & it does. Our minds are the catalysts for where we go, to Heaven or Hell, to be discussed further on.


Now about DEMONS.

Who & what are they, & what is sin?

Only humans can sin. Animals cannot because they don’t have the intellectual thinking ability to judge ‘right from wrong.’ Their frontal lobes or intellectual capacity of the brains are not developed that way. They cannot ‘reason.’

But humans can reason, & so, knowing ‘right from wrong’ they can CHOOSE to do wrong & then it’s a sin. Who or what decides right from wrong? – Religion.

There are religions that worship hate or negativity, there are religions of Love. Love can be defined as the instinct of a MOTHER – Matriarchy – To care for others, to help them survive & grow.

Of the religions of Love, there is no one religion that can be called the absolute Pinnacle or ‘perfect’ religion. Jesus said,

“Religion is made for man, not man for religion.’

No religion can claim to be the One & Only answer to God as God is all things to all people – Infinity. No one discipline can encompass all that.

I personally admire the Nature religions, like Wicca, equally with the Christian religions, its followers have less faults. Christians tend to be fanatical & judge & condemn others, Wiccans don’t do that. They don’t say,

“follow this or you go to Hell,”

but some Protestants say that. Even Catholics who aren’t as fanatical, many feel they are the one & only correct religion – not so.

Islam is also fanatical but as I said, no religion can represent all there is.

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Demons come from the ID or the primitive part of our brain, mostly came out of men when they rebelled against Matriarchy & denounced Mother God & women with the mythical words,

“I will not serve.”

Now you ask, if other animals cannot sin when they follow their instinct, why do humans create demons from their primitive self?

Because it is a CHOICE, a decision, which other animals don’t have. But humans have a choice, they have frontal lobes that make intellectual decisions, & the humans who once obeyed God as Mother & respected women, made a choice to turn against them both & stand in their stead.

It is this BRAIN-INTELLECT choice which creates a demon, when the human wants to EXCLUDE GOD & LOVE from his person. It is not a creation of God – it is a negation – it is an absence, a shutting off God from oneself – it is there that people end up in Hell – a place where God is not. It is by their own actions they end up shutting out God & being where God is not.

I conclude this for today & will make additions as they are revealed to my mind. It’s gestating. Guru Rasa Von Werder {end}

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College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets

Jesus & Mary Equals

Principles of the New Religion 8-14-23


Principle 1 – That Jesus & Mary are Equals

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        Jesus & Mary are equals. They are both God, as in the attitude of Yoga ‘The Guru is God.’ In Yoga we do not look at the Guru as the flesh but as an Embodiment or Incarnation, we look at the God within the Guru, as he or she is Self Realized or Enlightened.

        Mary created Jesus without participation of a man. The Holy Spirit gave her the ability of parthenogenesis, a skill all women once had which has become vestigial. In one of the Eucharistic miracles, Jesus turned from bread into real flesh. This flesh was sent to three laboratories to analyze, without telling them the source of the flesh. Each one came to the same conclusions:

        “This was the Heart Tissue of a living man! Not a dead man – they asked, how did you obtain this living tissue from a living man?”

     And his DNA had no y chromosome. We need to ask Dr. Bryan Sykes, how could Jesus be a man when He had no y chromosome? Was this a miracle? Dr. Bryan Sykes has determined the y chromosome is crumbling & cannot repair itself. When it disappears, in about 100k years, there will be no more men.

        As Holy Mary created Jesus, She presented us his Body & Blood & it was the same as hers. She was the first Priest & the first Pope.

        In the book of Ven. Mary of Agreda, ‘The Mystical City of God,’ four volumes which are the life of The Bl Virgin, dictated to Mary by our Queen, the following is revealed:

        Before Jesus entered the Garden of Gethsemane to await his arrest, he visited his Holy Mother in her oratory. Standing before her & taking her hands, he stated,

        “Mother, let us begin the work of Salvation.”

        He did not say ‘Let ME begin the work of salvation, he said US.’

        How did Mary tangibly work as partners with Our Lord?

        In a monumental revelation, see ‘Next Level Soul Podcast’, interview of Alex Ferrari with Alx Utterman – She describes her experiences with Sri Kaleshwar, a miracle man of India. Here she tells us that Sri Kaleshwar has revealed that the most powerful charka in the body is the WOMB Chakra, hitherto unknown to the west. It contains the data from all our past lives & their karmas! He also explains that only the female has a Womb Chakra, & the male has to use the Womb Chakra of his Mother if he utilizes it. And then he adds,   

Dictated to Ven. Mary of Agreda (1601-1664) by the Blessed Mother herself, The Mystical City of God is an amazing collection of four books of revelations about the life of Mary and the divine plan for creation and the salvation of souls that has been enthralling readers for centuries.

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        “Jesus had the most powerful Womb Chakra of any living man.”

        Now think. If Jesus employed the Womb Chakra to do his work, his miracles & healings, it was the Chakra of his Holy Mother! Look what this implies! It means She had the most powerful Womb Chakra of all time & Jesus was using it – they were equals. Alx Utterman said she might have reincarnated a million times to have attained her level of evolution.


        Now on another level. We know how a loving Mother bonds with her child so that its every pain is her pain. She suffers with the child when it suffers, she grieves when it grieves, she is totally bonded with her child if she’s a good Mom. Her suffering is equal with his or hers. When Jesus suffered, Mary suffered, every one of his pains was her, in the Passion, She was with him in Spirit in the Garden – She knew He was about to be betrayed. She was with him at the scourging, the entire Passion. Everything done to him was done to her, She felt it & lived it. And when He expired, She expired. When He forgave his enemies, She forgave them.

        There was an absolute Mystical connection with them, She supported him like no one else COULD. Her Holiness was above all.

        And after Jesus left the scene, Holy Mary invented the ‘Way of the Cross’ & relived it every Friday; the beginning of devotion to his Passion. And then, She led the Church, not officially recognized, but unofficially, She was the head of his Church. All the Apostles deferred to her, & St. John lived with her as her Son helping Mary in the absence of Our Lord. Jesus decreed it from the Cross,

        “There is your Mother, Mother, there is your Son.”

        He represented all of us.

        It is also She who appears to the human race so many times to save us from the effects of sin & wars. They are equal partners in the Salvation of mankind.

        When we say the Holy Mass in the New Religion, it is the Body & Blood of Jesus & Mary. Amen.


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College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets

Reach Sai Baba on My Own!

6-20-23 Startling Experience with Sai Baba

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This is so startling. I am in a kind of theater, on a platform looking down at a huge seating of movie stars. There are hundreds sitting there, maybe even a thousand, & each great star is being introduced by a voice on a speaker & I see one male star stand up with his son to his left, also standing.


*** Meaning: These represent the STARS OF GOD – Great Saints. ***

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This man is absolutely STUNNING, medium dark hair & in spite of amazing accomplishments he is modest & humble, you can see it easily in his demeanor.

His Jr is not as stunning, he is alright, much younger, like 28.

And although the great star I know is maybe 40-45 he has the looks of a perfect 35.

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*** The stunning beauty is Sai Baba & his son is Sri Kaleshwar. Beauty is his stature in Heaven, his Radiance. ***


I am eager to meet this star in person but don’t know how. But somehow I figure a way, to go around this gathering from the back, & then, I am close to him as in the dream he is now at the back row. My daughter is with me. He & his son are still standing & the star turns to me. He is ABSOLUTELY SHOCKED to see me, that I have reached him, startled. He’s wearing a strong looking glossy twill suit, dark color, wide shoulders, the suit is stiff like armor.

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*** The SUIT of glossy twill, dark, strong shoulders: This is his ARMOUR that represents spiritual STRENGTH & PROTECTION. It’s the ‘armor of God’ – as in the Breastplate of Righteousness.

When a soul rises up to God they cannot be interfered with, contacted willy nilly, by anyone. In Heaven, for example the lower souls cannot access or communicate with the higher ones without their permission.

For example, I might not want to see my relatives in heaven, who abused me on earth, & if I chose not to, they cannot contact me, since I am a higher soul, the onus is on me.

Our Light surrounding us in Heaven {& on earth} is a SHIELD that not everyone can ‘penetrate’. ***

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I place both my hands on his shoulders & say,

“I love you.”

And then,

“Can I kiss you on the cheek?”

Taken aback, he says no!

And I return with again,

“I love you!”

And with my daughter, I withdraw.

Moments later he finds where I went & shows me affection, like snuggling near me. He changed his mind.

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*** Meaning: Wow. I touched him! Meaning I’m on the SAME LEVEL as him – touching the shoulders means Divine Stigmata or Martyrdom. Because Jesus’ SECRET WOUND, that the bible speaks not of, was when he carried the cross, the wood pressing against his shoulder bore through his flesh right down to the bone. Anne Catherine Emmerich reveals this.

Now I have Jesus Secret Wound so to speak – the Interior Divine Stigmata, which no one can see nor can I prove it to anyone. And this is MARTYRDOM. And it is saying that I recognize or touch the secret wounds of Sai Baba – that he was a MARTYR & we have that in common, & this STARTLES him.

The darkness of his suit is ‘God is darkness to the soul,’ so says St. John of the Cross. And people cannot see or understand Sai Baba easily, as his height in Heaven is darkness to those who are not as high.

This Grace occurred because a lady sent me an envelope with his VIBHUTI, enclosed in plastic. This was something that when he was living, Sai Baba could manifest, & it was like talcum powder in the air & it fell on people. One of her friends was there & collected it & sent her some & when she heard I was communicating with Sai Baba she sent some to me. She suggested I keep in in my bed when I sleep, under my pillow. But I was afraid I would damage the envelope somehow & decided to keep it on my bed mantle, & to kiss the envelope each day, which I did. And my kiss resulted in this experience.

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Now Sai Baba put me to a test when he said “no” to a kiss on the cheek. If he rejected me, would I still love him?

I passed the test.

And then he changed his mind, he came to me with affection.


Me to Sri Kaleshwar: This is startling in that I was able to reach Sri Baba by my own volition, rather than his coming to me, as you guys have done to me a couple times. And there’s strong symbolism that we are both martyrs. But Sai Baba is a miracle man, with astounding spiritual height & Powers. Surely, how can I equate with him?


Kalesh: You can equate with him because of your Divine Stigmata. A person cannot give more than that, they are at the greatest height of Sainthood. You gave up God for loving God in the Interior Stigmata. Sai Baba is also a martur, this says, & you are on the same level.


Me: But why can’t I do miracles as he did?

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Kalesh: You have done many miracles. Each soul sent by God has a different mission, your miracles have been commensurate with your mission. Sai Baba & I demonstrated miracles appropriate to our work. We did healings & manifestations.

Your speech in front of the White House stopped the Cold War, end of Communism, the threat of WWIII. That was a miracle.

Your prayers for 3.5 months, in favor of victims of predators, brought about the ‘Crisis’ in the Catholic Church. Was that not a miracle?

The manifestation of female body building, was that not a miracle?

Stripping for God, was that not a miracle?

Seeing God Face to Face, all the Visions of Jesus & Mary, angels & saints, were those not miracles?

And the healings of cancer for your friends, were those not miracles, & other manifestations of answered prayers.


Me: But somehow I could not imagine myself an equal to Sai Baba, he is revered as an ultimate Ascended Master. Are you saying I am as good as he?


Kalesh: The height of a person is determined by what they give to God of themselves. You gave all. You could not give any more or rise higher, that is the ultimate gift, one’s life. Giving up the vision & Gifts of God is the same as giving up one’s life voluntarily. And so, yes, you are on the same height as the highest of Saints, who also gave their lives.


Me: Then I have succeeded as an Avatar. God sent me, many Avatars don’t make it due to this life being so harsh & people being so cold hearted. But you say I made it. Wow. That is extraordinary, I am so happy.


Kalesh: You have a lot to be happy about. God is All.

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