Lisa Lyon Ascends

By Rasa Von Werder, December 1st, 2023

Lisa Lyon Ascends with a ‘death bed’ Word for Me!

She  confesses ‘They wrote you out of Female Body Building’!

Rasa-Von-Werder (1) 

12-1-23 Body Building Mystery


          I’m in a building, a large room on an upper floor but it’s way different than normal situation & room. It’s like there was war or devastation & there is little provision of space, decent housing, not sure about food or other supplies.

          So I am a visitor I guess in this very large room occupied by a female & her young son who seems to be a toddler. The female is hard up financially, trying to survive, make a living & she’s struggling to do that.

          Her son has made two piles of #2 here on a low shelf, the poop has no smell & it’s almost white, like a texture of some kind of frozen ice cream with the icicles, but it isn’t cold. She has not removed it & after a while I ask her to do so, which she does.

          I see the colors here as a sort of darkish salmon with medium grey running through flourishes, like if you had two colors in a liquid cream & ran a finger or spoon through them, they would create a montage like this. This is how the room seems color wise – hard to explain.


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         She’s trying to make a living by mail order & is working to accomplish this. But later there is talk about body building. It seems like she’s a body builder, way in the beginning. And I am surprised to see a large picture of her in a bb magazine, which is her but not her, somehow her muscles are way-exaggerated & her face changed, improved, everything photo shopped but you would not recognize her on the street from this image. And this is her advertisement by which she gets the most fans to write in & become her customers, so she can make some bread. This whole thing surprised me – that it was not as bad as I thought, her getting customers, but it’s based on this FAKE image of her which looks similar but different to her – it gives the wrong impression, like a sexy message! The colors of the image are exactly like the room & the picture fills the entire page. Who gave her this ad? I wonder.

          Now I’m in the street & about 30’ in front of me is a female waking with a man, on a wide old-fashioned street, like you’d see in old Europe sort of {vaguely}. She’ thin, wearing a plain chemise sort of & I know who she is & want to talk to her. I call out,


          Which was the name of a female bb in the beginning – like 1980 – before all the females used drugs. {Some did, however, in the 1980 contest I was in, don’t know if any were using them in the first Weider BB contest in 1979.}

          She stops as she heard me. I catch up to her & say,

          “Do you remember Kellie Everts?”

          She says yes.

          Now mind you, I ‘m wearing ordinary clothes that I bum around in at the house – no makeup, nothing. You can’t see any great features so I apologize, saying to her,

          “I’m not fixed up, with the right outfit & makeup I look much better.”

          She says,

          “You look fine”

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          Above:  Arnold trying to gain credit for Lisa Lyon as the original female body builder. This would erase the fact that it was Kellie Everts who first got the idea for female body building into national media:   July 1975 Esquire, national TV ‘To Tell the Truth’ 1976  & Playboy’s ‘Huming Iron’ May 1977.  What was his motive?  Love for Lyon or hate for Kellie?  {for cockolding him with his best mate Franco Columbu?}


or Then I’m transported from about 20’ or more away from her sitting with a guy dressed in dark clothes. He’s at a desk like a newscaster, journalist, but he’s some sort of a psychic affiliated with her {there’s a sign on his person like a light colored moon crescent which signifies psychic}.

          He’s describing my body building history, it’s arrival, it’s summit, & then he says,

          “And then they wrote her out of female body building.”

          This man is like a friend, spokesman for this lady Pillow, but what he says makes me upset. Is he predicting the future, after I’m dead, or is it what’s already happened, by the Weider/Arnold staff placing the ‘history’ of female body building & leaving me out? If it’s the future it upsets me. As I was greatly hoping the truth would be sorted out & my name would be widely recognized as the Progenitor.


          *{ME: Here we go again, Mother God. Relying on you to understand the meaning. I suspect Pillow is Lisa Lyon. I suspect her image by which she is trying to make a living, is the lady I see in the full page ad – that the Weider/Arnold duo is promoting her to make her BIG or give her the credit for being the first lady body builder.

          But the impoverished woman in the big room somehow sounds like me, trying to make a living in mail order, which is what I did – but at that point it was not a struggle as I did well. So it’s confusing to me. I need your help.

          The pivotal point to me is this about the future – that they will write me out of female bb history? Or what has already happened? And Lisa from where she is – be it Purgatory or heaven – is apologizing to me about it or admitting they did me wrong?

          MG: This sounds like a review dream & Lisa Lyon talking to you from the dead.

          What MIGHT be relevant here is you seeing her on this broad, ancient style road walking toward the sky {the opening between the 2 rows of buildings} with a man to her right, in a plain chemise, vanilla color, & you call her to speak to her.

          What this sounds like is an announcement of her imminent ASCENSION {she died Sept 8, 2023 so it’s been 2 months, 3 weeks & 3 days, which is a VERY SHORT Purgatory, the average person being about 5 years.} And you were NOT going to record this dream, thinking it was irrelevant, & you would have missed this Ascension!

          It so happens that at times, the one about to ascend as they appear to you for some reason, has a MESSAGE to give you. James Brown told you ‘Do not go out with a black man’ which was an apology for his uncaring attitude. And your first husband’s Mom, from the other side after her death, said to you, ‘I’m sorry I didn’t care about you & your child.’

          And here, Lisa has a message & it is that the Arnold/Weider establishment wrote you out of female body building ON PURPOSE. It’s a REVIEW, not a prediction of future – you already know about it, Lisa is confirming it by way of supporting you, underscoring its truth, which are her ‘last words’ to you. The ‘last words’ on a person’s ‘deaths bed’ are considered accurate, viable & meaningful. They give a message of what’s on their mind, their conscience, their concern. So here she is CONFESSING something, to your favor. It might show that deep in her heart she REGRETTED what was done to you, although she never did anything about it, like saying in public you were the one who started it – who she got her idea from – but it was on her CONSCIENCE.

          ME: It sounds like I’m aware she’s about to Ascend. I see her with her Guardian Angel {this proves something, that our Angel/Angels accompany us during our Ascension}as she’s about 30’ or so in front. I call her to get a message just before she enters Heaven – & this message would have to be ACCURATE.

          Of course Lisa would remember me. She knew of me plus we did the Tom Snyder show together & spoke. Here I discovered she had seen my July 1975 Esquire article, as she exclaimed,

“That was YOU?”

Why do I call her ‘Pillow’ – a female I never knew, never recall even seeing a picture of her – the only thing I recall is calling Doris Barrilleaux who I was now to get PERMISSION from to enter the 1981 Caesar’s Palace competition in Atlantic City. She would not give it to me – hemmed & hawed – didn’t say no, didn’t say yes, it meant NO. And she mentioned I vaguely recall Pillow as a viable contender. So why the name Pillow, Mother God?

MG: to represent the ultimate, cruel REJECTION of you in the female body building world after you got it started! You are in a roundabout sense, asking Lisa Lyon about it. She HAS to answer. Why? Because your spiritual efforts have benefited her escape from Purgatory, otherwise you would not have been permitted this privilege, so here, she owes you one. You have not mentioned her NAME in your prayers but nevertheless, she got some of your God-Grace.

ME: The ancient looking road with the tall buildings on either side, beyond, between the buildings open sky? Why her vanilla chemise, plain as can be?

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MG: Ancient road to Eternity, entering the timeless, not the ‘here & now.’ Her chemise? The plain garb of a sheep, no frills, no pretense, just the plain ole’ sheep’s clothing – vanilla or white, representing the ‘pure in heart.’ No more sin or attachment.

ME: OK the last questions. The person in the big room with the toddler son who has made two plops. The colors of this room resemble the colors of the exaggerated, unrealistic full-page image in the magazine which is her but not the real her. It’s an image made to rope in customers, meant o be sexy while that’s not who she is. She at first is desperate for money, then this image seems to rope in customers so she’s better off than we thought.

MG: Yes this is you, your image in public, the magazines, is not the real you. It provokes sex desires in men; of whatever type they are – being men who like dominant women, body building women or glamour dolls. There you are, on all 3 counts, an image, theater, not who you are AT HEART.

As it shows, in the beginning you were between careers & hard up for money, this mail order business SOLVED it – God gave you it but you had to do a lot of hard work & take chances.

The colors are a combo of salmon & grey. These indicate ‘resurrection’ {fish} & mental {grey.} It shows this entire career of yours – being of the adult trade, the pains, the misunderstandings, everything was orchestrated by God. It was not merely ‘earthly’ work; God had Her hand in it. It was all for a reason.

The toddler who leaves 2 shits I need time to get it – could be someone who was using you – I asked you to end the relationship & you did. 

Another question:  Why is her message delivered through the Guardian Angel, who in the next scene after the Blvd, is sitting as her business associate, behind a desk in front of her, wearing black & with a ‘psychic’ moon on his headdress.

Because Angels are known as ‘messengers,’ like the Angel Gabriel informing Holy Mary she will get pregnant by the Holy Spirit.  It’s an announcement – ‘the Annunciation.’ It makes it official – an Angel CANNOT LIE.

The psychic moon does not say ‘future,’ it says ‘insight’ or something hidden being revealed.  And you don’t know if they left you out on purpose, but this proves it. So as to why the Angel, not her, says it – to make it official & without doubt.  He’s wearing black to denote ‘funeral’ or ‘death.’

ME:  Also when I excuse the way I look, saying I’m not fixed up, wearing my grungy house clothes, she says,

“You look fine.”

Is there any meaning to that?

MG:  She’s praising you not on being ‘fixed up,’ which is superficial, theatrical or Hollywood grooming, but on the state of your appearance as you look without embellishment – & determines it’s fine.  This should encourage you on your quest to reach perfection again.   {end} 

Some Channeling

           Mother God, you know how angry/exasperated being denied true recognition makes me.  I feel like writing something, posting something, maybe even a new book.  Maybe challenge their version of ‘Female Bodybuilding’ on Wikipedia by writing another one with a new title.  I feel inside you want me to just forget it, not to do anything, it isn’t worth it.

          MG:  Right now I want you to do nothing because you’ve already done everything important at this point without wearing yourself out.  You wrote & published your book – your website has the story – many articles.  You repeated the account in your life story.  What more can you do without tiring yourself out?  It’s not that important, most people know – who should know – the truth.  Those who begin doing research & know nothing about the origin, if they have any moxie, will find you.  Those who are deadbeats & write only crap might not find you, but they don’t matter.  Honestly, it’s not important at all.

          ME:  Should I get into their version of the history & make corrections?  I could do it myself, or Pete.

          MG:  Not right now.  I insist you not think about this.  It stresses you out for no reason, it’s not important.  {end}

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