Vision Future Convent/Nunnery

By Rasa Von Werder, August 20th, 2021
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Above is the Enlightened being Tenzin Palmo today with her convent & in 1973 when she first received a high ordination as a Tibetan Buddhist nun


Big Vision’ on the ‘Future Nunnery’ 8/20/21


                   Third day of insight to my mind, started on the 18th – The first idea was start a magazine/book periodical called ‘Great Woman’ & the next day, after thinking about bequeathing my property with income to Tenzin Palmo for a Buddhist nun convent, MomGod told me ‘Start your own.’ Woke up with this today from Mother God:


          From Mother God – MG:


          You are BAFFLED about starting the convent – what would be required of the nuns, the rules, their behavior, their work, etc.


          Let’s put it on the LOGICAL level. Here you had BUDDHISM & after him have come innumerable male & now female nuns. They adhere to his principles, take him for the exemplar. His ways were POVERTY, LOVE & KINDNESS.          {He was against sacrifice of animals & the cruel caste system, he was not a misogynist, but after men monopolized the religion, they excluded women from being nuns or having any authority/leadership in the Order, what Patriarchs are wont to do in all things.

…It says his Stepmom who raised him asked to join the order & he said no.  People interpret that that he was against women being in the Order & that females could not gain Enlightenment – he said that wasn’t it.  In my opinion could it be he didn’t want Mom doing a Yenta on him?  Breathing down his neck, standing by telling him what to do?  Being a bossy Mom & all that?  And if she scolds him, what can he do?  He’d be red in the face.  No, he wanted his independence from Mom as all kids do, prove himself capable, a grown man – not a Mamma’s boy.}


          They have saved all his scriptures & many ‘pundits’ have written commentaries, all of which become the basis for the behavior & deportment of the followers.


          Now appears Jesus Christ, the Messiah {a reincarnation of a great Buddhist Guru probably from Tibet as he is taken to Tibet at age 12 & returned age 29…after his crucifixion he is resuscitated & returns to Tibet living to the age of 81, dies, buried in Kashmir under a Muslim saint, with a square wooden building, painted green, over the site.}

He comes to ‘save his people’ but it gets more comprehensive & the entire world hears his message with many followers. His way is also POVERTY & LOVE, with great explanations. He & Buddha are identical twins theologically. Jesus is pro women, saving the woman caught in adultery, & he walks with women which Orthodox Jews forbade. He also said, re the poor & animals,


‘Whatever you do to the least of these, you do to me.’

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All his scriptures are saved & many theologians & saints have waxed supreme on the meaning thereof, people adhere to his teachings & behave in a way Christ would like.


His Order says, ‘No longer I live, but Christ in me,’ while the Buddhist aims to become ‘a Buddha’ or acquire the Nature of Buddha. They are following in the footsteps of the Leader, acquiring his behavior, beliefs, & while imitating him they gain his Spirit & that Sanctifies them & expands the work, the Mission.


It is noteworthy that to become a follower of Buddha or Jesus, one must imbibe the scriptures, know & understand them – one must STUDY. And then one must PUT INTO ACTION what the teachings proclaim.


Now we come to you – Rasa Von Werder. You want to start a convent, the beginning of an Order. What did your life represent? What did you preach & teach, what did you do?


Francis of Assisi reads, “Preach the gospel at all times and if necessary, use words.”  Implicit in this saying is the understanding that often the most powerful sermons are unspoken.


Rasa Von Werder, – What is your mission, your gospel?

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You came to liberate women from the tyranny of men, a social order called Patriarchy. This order has permeated the world for thousands of years & is ingrained in the minds of most people, that they are brainwashed, befuddled, unclear, disoriented & confused as to the logical order of things.


Even though you were sent as an Avatar, an Incarnation of God such as Buddha or Jesus, like them, you had to learn, you had to study, to be trained or train yourself to put the work into action.


Buddha suffered in the jungle for years, almost starved to death, until he concluded that was not the way, the way was THE MIDDLE ROAD. His austerities led to this Realization which was a big thing to the religious of that day, who believed you almost had to kill yourself to rise up to God. Indeed, one had to get untangled from attachments & desires & ego, these were the barriers to God & once removed, you & God were ONE. Jesus reiterated that {non-attachment} when his Mother & brothers sought him while He preached :


LUKE 8:21

And He answered and said unto them, “My mother and my brethren are these who hear the Word of God, and do it.”


He also said, ‘Lay up your treasures in Heaven, not on earth.” And also,


“Blessed are the poor”


And also,

“Turn the other cheek…love your enemies…forgive them, for they know not what they do.”


Jesus was trained when taken to Tibet by the Three Wise men, where he underwent study & practice for 17 years. He also had his big retreat of 40 days & nights on the mountain before embarking on the Mission, & He was even baptized or Anointed by St John.


Both Buddha & Jesus had GREAT POWER as they were one with the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus especially is known for his exorcisms, healings & miracles.

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For you, Rasa, it was a lifetime of tribulations & lessons where you did what you could – without seeing the whole picture. You studied with many Gurus, Christian & Yogic, you read thousands of books, you lived a full life of learning to get to the point you are now.


You have been querulous about the behavior of your nuns. Shall they be celibate? If you look at your example, one of the outstanding facets of your life is the great Sex Presence, being in the adult trade, dressing sexy, posing & dancing nude, having lots of sex with men before you gained celibacy, then quit celibacy, became a Cougar & had sex with many young males. So what are you going to do? Tell your nuns to do as you say, not as you did? Would that be fair or what the Mission requires? Would that HELP FREE WOMEN?


No, your Mission is far flung from Buddha or Jesus, although they live in you & all the righteous of all religions – the spirit of God, love & kindness. That is a GIVEN.


The world didn’t need you for that – it is full of those teachings where any human can spend their entire life reading, studying & practicing & never get to the end of it, whereas you have a NEW MESSAGE, & let us begin with SEX.


In your recent channeling of Saint Martin Luther King Jr he showed you that women’s sexual freedom will end Patriarchy & war. What will they fight for?


Dr. Bryan Sykes pointed out in his book ‘Adam’s Curse – a Future Without Men’ that men’s world revolves around control of women, to gain power to access them, & he outlined how the ancient potentates, like say Genghis Kahn, had as many wives or sex partners as they could ravish, in his case, 16 thousand – an entire town consists of his descendants, while one of the Pharaohs, whom he calls a ‘piker’ had only 350.

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The conquest of women is what Patriarchy is all about, & that means CONTROL, & force women to be FAITHFUL. If women then, walk away from the herd stallion, & mate with anyone they choose, it’s game over for the stallion. What will he fight for? And so, you see by logic here, men are but animals who fight for women, all wars are not for men to merely gain wealth & power, it is for men to gain what they need to get women. So, women do what they want, no more war.


Therefore, Rasa, let’s see this as a KEY to your mission. You PERSONIFY SEX, but you are also a Holy Soul, an Avatar, sent by God. Some people believe in you the way others believe in the Dalai Lama or the Pope. But you represent SEX in the minds of many, you still do as your books, movies, images live on.


And so, you represent SEXUAL FREEDOM FOR WOMEN which is the path to end Patriarchy & their wars.


In the past, you saw your career as a STUMBLING BLOCK because no one would believe you were for real, that you represent God. This will take TIME. Jesus mission was not fulfilled in his lifetime, it only started. He had few believers & much persecution by the status quo – so with you. You are ahead of your time, you sow the seeds, they will mature.


Why YOU in particular, were sent to do this message, & not some great academic with a Doctor degree, like Mary Daly? Not anyone who led the feminist movement. In fact, the feminist movement was AGAINST WOMEN BEING IN THE ADULT TRADE SAYING IT WAS DEMEANING. So they could in no way represent women’s sexual freedom & the right to choose what they do. They represented ‘Woman, thou must be an upstanding citizen of the status quo, if you do sex therapy for men, it is beneath your dignity & wrong, wrong, wrong. You must be like us & work in regular work like sit in an office or classroom, or if you’re poor, a factory or service work – but never the therapy of sex – society says sex is dirty & therefore, you must not soil yourself.’


But you, Rasa, got involved in all that means ‘Sex therapy via entertainment for men,’ & yet, you are of God, sent by God on a mission, & the mission is Sexual Freedom for women! There was a purpose why God gave you this body & this ability to dance/entertain but also the Anointing to use these tools to make a point. No academic behind a desk, writing great books, no feminist hiding behind propriety could have done this. It took a woman in the adult trade to prove her point – a point that applies to ALL WOMEN.


So now, the Patriarchal adage, that women are either Madonnas or whores, is dispelled.

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ME: This is well explained, Mother God. It’s getting clearer by the day. Now let’s then talk about the convent or beginning of our Order. I never thought it would come to this, this raises my spirits. I thought my work was over, I write my life & that is it. But this is the next level. OK, what do I do with the female followers who want o be in this Order? How do I find them, choose them, house them, require house rules for them?

I was in the adult trade most of my life – that is not a requirement, but if any female was in that trade, it will by no means exclude them, that would be gross hypocrisy. Many women are there & desire getting out, but have no place to go. Of course, we aren’t going to advertise,


“All women in the adult trade who want to get out come live with us.”


These first few women of the Order are key players that set the foundation. I would like you to outline for me the requirements or qualifications that these original members should have, & what they would do.


MG {Mother God}: Aha, first, you don’t need many, you need one, two or three women. Look what you have done by yourself – one woman, like William Bond, by himself, one man, has done for Matriarchy. It is better to have one, two or three qualified, fervent committed people than a thousand lukewarm ones. It’s like when St. Francis started his order. He even predicted it. At first, the followers were made of gold, then silver, then copper, & lastly iron.


When he absented himself at the Crusades, Brother Elias took over the Order & instituted may items Francis frowned upon, like an extensive library, & regular meals at a big table, better accommodations & so on. Francis preached perfect poverty,

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“Go, sell all you have, give to the poor, & follow me.”

          Your first women have to be GOLD. So what would that mean? Let’s begin with what is important, the no negotiation qualities. Physical talents, such as strong intellect {high IQ}, writing, speaking, promotional talents are vital tools, but without this, they would mean nothing:


A woman has to be ANOINTED or put a better way, moving toward holiness, sainthood or Enlightenment. She might not be there, this is part of her way of getting there. She has to be more than CALLED – she must be chosen, & one is chosen when they answer the call.


{We cannot have secular, atheistic, materialistic, worldly people as our adherents – they are of a different spirit, they will sell out the Order, they will be of no use or advantage, they could be a detriment & like Judas, cruel traitors.}


So first, a woman is in love with God or the Idea of her, no matter what religion she is, & she wants to please God & gain her favor & go to her highest spiritual level.


Second, a woman has to believe in Rasa, just as Buddhists had to believe in Buddha & Christians have to believe in Christ. They must believe she was sent by God on a Mission – they must believe in the mission & be eager to promote it, which means Female Empowerment & Matriarchy.


If they believe, they will study her writings & those Rasa recommends, whatever is needed for the Cause. Some of these writings are scriptures, some are regular work.


{Rasa has encouraged women to start writing their own scriptures, meditate, pray, gather together & write a new song, based on Women’s beliefs, not on men’s. If you want to refer to the Saints of the past, well & good. But do not be beholden or under the power of Patriarchs, to any Pope or Llama, – that is counter-productive. You must stand on your own feet spiritually; you must set the way for a New Order of Women – a Monarchy of Mother God. The beginning of this thesis is in the book ‘Woman, Thou Art God.’}


ME:   OK, Mother God, that makes sense. They must be committed to God & fervent in their love of her, & they must believe I am sent by her & willing to do my work. That sets the foundation. Is there anything else as a basis?


MG: They should have strong character, not mentally ill, not a drug addict or alcoholic, not a criminal. They should have abilities, skills & moral virtues. {We aren’t talking abut sex, we refer to don’t lie, cheat or steal or hurt humans or animals.}


The virtues that are important are many: Zeal for the Monarchy of Mother God, obedience to her agenda, fortitude, patience, endurance, peacefulness, dependability, love work, discipline toward the good, etc. Every virtue counts. {Rasa has these qualities, they are following in her footsteps.}


Other qualities that would be useful are: Intelligence on all & any levels; intellectual ability, writing skill, promotional skill – Can handle herself with media including TV shows, documentaries, interviews, & be presentable & accurate with the answers. {Rasa has these skills; you must have some or all of them.}


There’s more: Keep your word to the Order. If you’re asked to do something, do it. Do not make excuses, or beg out of work or anything slightly difficult. Do not be a complainer, whiner, selfish, weak, undependable, lazy, deluded or a day dreamer. You have to have your feet on the ground but your mind on the stars, be in the world but not of it. You are fixed, focused & centered on God, the Mission, the order, the work.


Remember the goal: Female Empowerment, Matriarchy, women to rule the world & everything in it, from family to government, to religion, to economic, everything. Learn all the precepts that explain why this has to be, why Patriarchy has to end & females take over. This will take some doing as there is a lot to dispel, there will be many arguments & interviews you might face, be prepared with the knowledge.


One or more of the founding Sisters will have to reach out to the media on a regular basis, aggressively & seek interviews in print, TV, any media. They must also saturate the internet with blogs & sites, the way Rasa has done. This must expand, & the women have to be inventive, hard working & resourceful.


These women must be STRONG the way the disciples became strong after the Holy Spirit descended on them with Fire & Doves. There will be mega temptations – often in the form of MEN for women that are heterosexual. The lure of men might be the greatest pitfall for ending one’s commitment to the Cause, because men will want you to SERVE THEM, that is their wish, their instinct, & if they have a strong desire, they might do anything it takes to lure you away from the order. In our society, women are OWNED by men even if it’s a 50/50 deal financially – the women ARE NOT FREE to go out, stay out all night, go on trips alone or with women friends, the males are possessive, selfish & etc, & women who say they are free while married usually have not tested the waters. They think they are free but they’re not. For instance, males don’t permit their wives to have single lady friends – I have tried – because this gives strength to the wife, who can than resist him better when he does wrong. He does NOT want his wife empowered.


Now hear this – No man lured Rasa away from her Mission. Indeed, she had sex with many men before & after her celibacy. No one forced her to be celibate – it was her choice – no one forced her to have sex. But no matter how many times she fell in love, she never wavered from her Cause, her Mission & Beliefs, & the women who get this started must do likewise.


There will be a new baptism of each woman that joins in the name of Mother God, her Creation & the Holy Spirit. Each female will be Anointed by Rasa, & continually Empowered by her grace & prayers. {Rasa is in a state of ‘nonduality’ which means that even when she does not use words, her energy is manifesting for the good of others. You belong to her work – you gain her spiritual energy. You leave her work, the energy stops.}


You must be strong in that when hardships or disagreements appear, you do not fold up & ride out of town. The Order will have a leader, most probably, & she must be respected. No follower will be allowed to razz, sass or talk back to her, argue, complain incessantly or ‘bust her chops.’ There has to be order in the convent – logical, reasonable order. She will have the ability to terminate a follower {in the residence} who seriously breaks the rules, like letting a lover into the convent, for instance. Or if the ‘nun’ makes the lives of the other members incessantly difficult, she will be asked to leave. This would be arguing, criticizing, threatening or any dis-pleasurable communications with other members on a steady basis. Small transgressions or perceived faults that are not really serious will be forgiven. It’s like any household – the head of the family must maintain order.

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Who will be chosen to be our Popess or Llama? Whoever is most qualified, mature, committed, reasonable, dependable, practical – the best leader who is fair but knows when to be strict, when to be soft. This will be a person of wisdom, & it will be decided through the meditations of Rasa, to whom the leadership should fall.


What will she be called, the order be called? The Chief could be called our Queen. A tentative name could be the Order of ‘Rasa Wins.’ That would make the followers ‘Rasa Winners.’

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