Marvin Gaye & Me Pt 2

By Rasa Von Werder, February 2nd, 2022



2-2-22      The next day: DREAM / VISION – This was so uncomfortable – I had

forgotten Marvin’s statement he would reveal where he was to me in a

dream. I start dreaming like so:


I’m in a large room with a super-high ceiling. It’s about 25’ across & quite deep, the ceiling is maybe 20’. It has no windows & I have a frightening sensation there is no way out. So I saw Hell only once before & it is frightening, the other vision was way worse than this, I dread to think of it. But this seemed a ‘no escape’ place, a place of total limitation like that, so I was scared to be there.


          In the middle of the room is a stack of boxes intermixed with papers, litter, nothing is organized, it is unkempt like a garbage dump or a room abandoned long ago, junk strewn everywhere, dust & debri, but it’s mostly boxes filled with things – some of them are dull pink - & papers everywhere of all hues, maybe white, light blue, nothing is bright or clean or neat, all is disorder.

          I can’t wait to get out of here & I move out quickly, not knowing why am I here? God please don’t let this be my state.

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MEANING: This is the spiritual state of Marvin Gaye – where he is now. Is it Hell or Purgatory?

          I can’t tell off hand, but it’s one or the other. Hell is a place like this, but usually way worse, like so ugly you feel torture. This is not as bad as that but it could be Purgatory – I hope.

          Purgatory is always a place of limitation, like you cannot see eternity or a huge limitless sky. When you see a sky there, it’s like the sky is limited, it somehow comes to an end, it’s an atmosphere that stops somewhere up there.

          When I bilocated to Purgatory to see my Dad, he was in a cave, lying on a stone slab, no windows, limited, but he was not miserable. I was the only person who had reached / contacted him. The Grace of God lifted him up shortly after my visit.

          When I first saw my husband, Stanley Everts, he was on a throne of flames like the LincolnMonument, his arms on the arm rests, in great torture, crying out – demanding that I helped so many – I should help him. Every time I started praying I would forget, & God told me because he was in ‘Hell.’

          But what is Hell & what is Purgatory? The Catholic Church says there is no way out of Hell, like Dante’s ‘Divine Comedy,’ the sign prior to Hell says ‘Abandon Hope – all Ye Who Enter Here.’

          However, over the years, his state improved. I saw it, but he still unjustly hated me for thirty years – & I said to God not to show me him any more.

          Then, fifty five years after his death, I said to God OK, you can show me him again. That act was apparently charity, & through it, he rose up to Heaven that very day.

          This is proof that a person in Purgatory can be in a Hellish state, but not Hell - & it makes me wonder, is Hell automatically forever, or is it just the lowest sufferings in Purgatory, which can last as long as ‘till the end of the world.’ Maria Simma says she ministered to Souls that had been there for HUNDREDS OF YEARS – some of them Popes!

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          The condition of this room I am in – which represents where Marvin is – reminds me of the rooms in the great movie:


        “Winner of both the Academy Award for best foreign-language film and the Cannes Film Festival’s Palme d’Or, Marcel Camus’ Black Orpheus (Orfeu negro) brings the ancient Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice to the twentieth-century madness of Carnival in Rio de Janeiro.”

          There is a scene in the movie where Orpheus is trying to find Eurydice, of a room that houses all the papers of MISSING PERSONS & there are MILLIONS, so many papers they are strewn from floor to ceiling, they even fall out & are blown here & there. It’s a feeling of ‘lost forever’ – no hope – This reminds me of that, only it’s filthy & ugly.

          I’m going to assume this is Marvin’s Purgatory, that he can get out – in time – & especially if someone helps him, maybe me.

          The lack of windows is lack of opportunity, lack of doors also, to get out – Lack of VISION. And what is vision? Vision is OUR STATE, wherever we are, either one which is closed down, shut up, no escape, like Hell, or a temporary state like that, but still, if someone helps, they can get out – if no one helps they might be there for hundreds of years or even the end of the world.

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          How can I explain vision or lack of it? Vision OPENS UP OUR SOUL to that which is GOOD & that which is ETERNAL, MEANINGFUL & JOYFUL. When I saw God Face to Face the second time, I looked at the horizon & instead of seeing the end of it, it opened up more & more to my vision, it was a miracle. This is INFINITY.

          Consider when something wonderful has happened to you, like someone you love you discover loves you? Or you get an offer for the most perfect job on earth, or a book gets published by a large company you’ve been trying to sell for years, or you get your first starring role in a major movie, or you win the lottery or some great boon or blessing. You are then all fired up & the world seems BEAUTIFUL & you’re filled with hope, joy, inspiration, you think you can do anything – you’re so happy. That’s when the windows & doors to happiness have opened up, but the opposite, they are all closed down, no joy, no love, nothing to look forward to – a void, an emptiness – in Hell, even hate & other monstrous emotions prevail. {I feel no hate or other cruel emotions here & that confirms my sense this is Purgatory, not Hell. But of course, there are those in Purgatory being cleanse of such emotions, example, my husband Stanley.}


          And so I am seeing the lack of joy & vision of Marvin’s state.


          What are the boxes & papers? It reminded me as I said of the files of millions of ‘missing persons’ – in a place they will never be found. I will need help. Mother God, give me a hand on this.


          MG {Mother God, NOT Marvin Gaye}: There is a dead space here, nothing alive, green, living, all deadness. Boxes are filled with such dead matter; dead papers are fallen here & there. No life whatsoever, no greenery, no fruit, no food no drink – nothing.

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          This indicates the inner state of Marvin when he died was devoid of spiritual life. But let’s hope he can be helped – say the Holy Mass for him today, we can only hope. Maybe the Gregorian Masses if we see a spark. I believe we will have results. Can the dead come to life? Let’s find out, sometimes no, sometimes yes. Indeed there are those who were comatose, even declared dead, who lived once again.


          The boxes of huge bunches of papery trash & other papers are what? Some of the boxes dull pink, all kinds of dull colors. This is his life, going from woman to woman {pink} & hit to hit. Nothing touched his soul, it’s ‘just on paper’ like a marriage can be ‘just on paper’ meaning there’s no intimacy, it’s a dead marriage. Or a Priest is a Priest legally, ‘just on paper’ but his heart isn’t in it – he has not given himself to God, he’s just a shell of a Priest, or a minister like Marvin’s Dad, no life of Christ within him, he’s empty, he shows no love.


          If & when a Soul is filled with Grace you see LIFE. When you saw Saint John Paul II in Heaven {the day he died!} you saw him as a boy in the woods & fields & hills, where he was happiest – a beautiful setting like the Elf Boy with a feather in his cap, wearing old-fashioned tights & soft pointed moccasins, in a Maxfield Parrish painting. This is nature, which is life. When you saw God Face to Face, both times, there were no buildings or people, it was SUPERATURAL NATURE with a great deal of WATER – First it was a ton a second of GUSHING WATER exploding from a Mountain – rushing down to a deep canyon as you looked from a balcony. There was snow – you touched it on the banister – you had physical sensations. This water represented the Grace of God exploding from the Source before your eyes & it went from a great height to a great depth – your soul OPENING UP TO GRACE, exploding into the Energy / Life / Presence of God.

          The second time you entered a SUPERNATURAL WOODS OF ALL COLORS & when you cleared the woods, no beach, the INFINITE OCEAN OF GOLDEN LOVE opened up before you & You were It & It was You – It was God – You were God – You were ONE. You had REACHED GOD SAW God Face to Face, as She is, Her Infinite Nature.


          Now the ABSENCE OF GOD is the opposite of all that. No nature, no life, limitation, a shut down, a death. This is where Marvin was & why he wanted to end it, because life was no longer in him & it was unbearable to live in such a state.


          ME: When I got to his section & was gong to write about it, I stalled. I could not get to it for like two weeks, usually the most I get stuck is days, but I just couldn’t face his chapter. Is that because I sensed his awful state & was slow to face it? And now that I know where he is, can he be helped?

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          MG: It is likely you felt his state & I believe you can help him & after you say the Holy Mass you will know.


          ME: OK – Channeling Marvin Gaye again. Do you look forward to my saying the Holy Mass for you?


         MARVIN: Oh yes indeed, bring me the Grace of God, Her love & yours. I look forward to it. Thank you & Amen.

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          ME: Will do. Feel peace, I am with you – Nourishment coming soon, the Body & Blood of Our Blessed Lord & His Holy Mother. Over & out for now.  

{end Amendment Chapter 9} End Chapter 9}


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