Lover Will Succumb to Me

By Rasa Von Werder, March 2nd, 2022

Three Dreams Explain:  Lover is out there looking for a NEW WIFE.  His

present Sugar Momma is now disabled & might not ever fill the bill again. 

 One night he tries a new filly & temporarily trashes you in his mind.  But next

day this doesn’t work.  He threw you to the curb by his actions but now he

sees the Light – You were the perfect woman.  Back to you.   


3-1-22-3 dreams re Lover-Aunties House first -

Note – the pictues in this article are NOT THE LOVER – they are professional models 


          Something mysterious going on at Aunt / Uncles house – this usually means travail or punishment.

          We’ve been getting ready for something – a journey an event, not sure what. My Aunt seems concerned & is helping me.

          There’s also a young man here who I’m uncertain about down the road. He’s attentive, seems to care as much as I do about the event, but in the end, he’s shaky – but it does work out alright.

          We are arranging, organizing, working. Then it’s time to leave. For some reason my Aunt goes first, I’m to follow. Then the young man goes.

          I recall scrambling, trying to get everything arranged before I exit. I run to the back bedroom to get my keys from my purse – that I will not leave without, all the keys to everything.

          Then I run to the living room which is also a kitchen of sorts, it has a stove with a black iron top that reminds me of the old fashioned iron/wood stove in our Freehold kitchen, yet this seems to also be automatic like a modern stove (a black one). I must make sure the fire is off, that the house is not in danger of fire, so I check.


          *** (BLACK STOVE I CHECK MAKE SURE IT’S OFF: Stove represents heart, the heart burning with love or passion. Since it’s black, which means funeral or end in this case, it might mean you want to make sure his relationship / love for Ruthie is over, the fire is out, it will not ‘burn down the house’ or destroy what you are embarking on – him & you.

          The KEYS are things that open doors of opportunity – keys to happiness keys to success keys to freedom. You want your prosperity, you want your keys or abilities.) ***

          The whole time I’m scared they’re going to LEAVE ME BEHIND, ESPECIALLY after the young man leaves I think,

          “This is it. Maybe they abandoned me; maybe it was all a lie.”

          I am wearing two different shoes; the right shoe is white canvas cloth covered to the bottom of the ankle, plain, no decorations or lacing, the left shoe is a sandal.


          *** (RIGHT SHOE WHITE CANVAS COVERS FOOT: The right is usually what’s coming; the left is what’s left behind. This says what’s coming is marriage or union with the lover I’m so uncertain about. He was so skittish & weird in the past, it’s hard for me to trust in him or his love. The being COVERED is ‘I got you covered.’

The left shoe being a sandal is there was no proper relationship, you were not ‘covered’ but ‘exposed’ which would mean vulnerable.) ***


          Just as I was most worried, I see the Aunt, who is the Mother of the boy (young male) is at the back bedroom window which is up to the ceiling – she has opened it from outside & is calling me to come – to hurry.


          *** (MY AUNT, MOTHER OF THE BOY: This is his God Self, the Chief within him, who has been the ‘Aunt’ which means hurtful to you, so much in the past. Of course it wasn’t that part of him that hurt you, but this is just a symbol to make a point. Now his God Self is calling you to hurry up, get organized. She has opened the window of opportunity.

          ME: What am I supposed to do, Mother God?

          MG: Do nothing. Wait for him. This shows his disposition & eagerness, don’t worry about him, let him come to you.) ***


          Then the young man re-appears & he is nervous about this trip & he says to me,

          “You go first,”

like he’s afraid of something, afraid of facing people going with me.

I was not abandoned.


*** (YOU GO FIRST: Mother God, explain this.

MG: Like you said, he is afraid, always was, and still is. Your union is imminent but he’s nervous. It’s typical of males one might say, to get cold feet before commitment, as they fear being ‘hemmed in’ – ‘Don’t fence me in.’


*** (AFRAID THEY WOULD LEAVE ME BEHIND: You feared this union might not happen but this is yet another dream that says it will.) ***



Earlier, 2 dreams Feb 26, 2022


This dream was 3 days ago. I try to return to my place in B’klyn but not only is the building being demolished but the entire street, every building is being torn down & so is every building on the street in front & behind it.

Someone is replacing the buildings with new ones – everything I owned has been confiscated &probably destroyed. I see new buildings coming into being – they are luxurious but sinister made with doorways & windows of milky blue glass with designs that gives me a feeling ‘this is not good.’ It’s like giving up something real for something fake of the world.


*** (Your lover had a tryst with someone of this world – you’re reading his mind. It isn’t REAL in that there’s no love or spirituality in it. In his mind temporarily his love for you has been destroyed & replaced by this fake affair. The milky glass with designs is something planned or a design on this world, some sort of scheme, like if I stay with her I will have more money for drugs to – hell with Rasa I will do this…

His mind is unsteady & he flies from this idea to that, he’s immature, unstable, torn by animal plans & desires. In his heart he loves you, this is a temptation.) ***

The dream was so frustrating & painful I did not write it down but the next day this situation was corrected in this dream:


Feb. 27, 2022


          I am back in B’klyn occupying my usual apt & look out the window. My landlord has brought back my furniture he formerly confiscated. A large wall shelf with many compartments is standing in the middle of the sidewalk in front of my building.

Wow, what am I going to do? I have refurnished my place properly; there might not be any room. I can’t just leave it there. I see a blanket folded up from long ago, it was yellow, with large fringe about 4” apart, each fringe; I gave it away as a gift to a poor retarded boy many years ago. One like that is on a shelf to the lower right but it’s green, not yellow. Other things are there, mine, but no longer needed. The shelf itself was yellow right now it is not distinct.

There’s a feeling of reconciliation & comfort, of things lost but restored.


*** (Lover has changed his mind, he’s already back. The folded blanket is telling. It means MONEY. The long-ago ‘retarded’ boy is him. He isn’t ‘officially’ retarded, just his behavior was stupid – he acted like a retard. But now he REMEMBERS your wealth.

The LARGE FRINGE is fringe benefits, large but far apart. You did him favors from time to time – not daily but ‘far apart.’ You treated him & his buddies to breakfast a few times – how many females do that? You produced a book on him – no one else ever has or ever will do that for him – that was, besides skill, a lot of MONEY. You drove expensive cars. Many females he balls don’t even have a car, if they do, it’s used. If it’s new, they got a loan they’re paying off. That means HARDSHIP – a monthly loan is due – they are under pressure for money. Most females are seeking males to AT LEAST contribute. He’s seeking to be a GIGOLO & he has the qualifications, not saying he’s wrong. Females who accept gigolos are not easy to find. He hit a home run with Ruthie, but that’s over with.

He didn’t know how much money you had, but you were obviously secure, & so now he’s LOOKING FOR SECURITY & trying out women who look like they might fit the bill, but then the next day after balling, facts appear & this or that babe doesn’t fit the bill. Maybe they’re working but will they help him or want him to share his money? That is not what he seeks; he’s always received, not given financially.

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As so many dreams said before, you are the one he will seek financial security from – the dream doesn’t say why but you know he will have less now that Ruthie is disabled. While she was working he sought women for sex appeal / cuteness, but now that’s changed – money is #1. The reconciliation is IN HIS MIND.

And now this has become serious – Ruthie must be replaced. And so, he REMEMBERS YOU. You were PERFECT. You loved him, you were rich, (he loved you also & still does.) Why not you? He had the perfect woman but he forfeited you by bad treatment. He finally, after all these years sees the Light. Like God said to you the day you met ‘This is your husband but it will be a SLOW BOAT TO CHINA’.

The SHELF with the COMPARTMENTS is a symbol of what you ‘brought to the table’ or to him – what you had, what you gave him. Various compartments are various qualities & the green blanket catches your eye at this time because that is the DECIDING FACTOR. Blanket means COMFORT – a ‘comforter.’ Covered with a blanket of green is ‘I got you covered’ money wise. Love doesn’t pay the bills. Some have love, but it doesn’t work as neither has enough money for the bills.

It stands in the MIDDLE OF THE STREET because it was so PUBLICLY OBVIOUS when he had you but he didn’t see it – now HE DOES. Life has changed & now he sees the VALUE of your money – before he was living at home, working part time, later full time, but he wasn’t insecure or needy. Now he came to an age where he has to stand on his own two feet, that is, away from Mom & Pop. If he’s a Gigolo he’s selling himself, but he gives value for money received, so he’s working. That’s what he wants & needs, God gave him the sex appeal, body & qualities to sell it, so go for it. I made money from my beauty by marrying a rich man – he eventually supplied me, secured me. So who am I to judge? No I did not pursue him for his money, I made my own first. He waited 16 years for my hand in marriage, I earned what I got.) ***


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