I Am the Goddess

By Rasa Von Werder, February 15th, 2022


Chapter 11  Part  6  2-12-22           I Am the Goddess

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People want to know who I am, what I think, what is that new religion I created? Let me answer in this way.


I am the Goddess. I do not conform to any limited sphere of thinking, nor any one religion. I am Catholic, Protestant, Hindu, Wiccan, Pagan, etct. I take from every religion I study, believe in the Saints of all religions. I studied the Egyptians & took from them, the Santerias are OK by me, every religion that worships God & Nature I am one with – the only thing I reject is anything against God, the Good, Charity, Kindness & Love.


I recognize that people are Creatures of God & all have God within them, as does all life & animals. I believe all animals go to Heaven as they cannot sin. I believe as the saints teach me, the majority of humans go to Hell because they choose to. The path to Hell is simply ignoring God & being uncontrite & unrepentant of sin.


But all those who love God, are the friends of God, are my friends also & I pray for them every day & have charged my Guardian Angels, if God agrees, to pray for the Good & Souls in Purgatory until the end of time. I have designated certain prayers I’ve asked my Guardian Angels to repeat daily this way {for instance, prayers to prevent child abuse} & I believe God will ratify this. I don’t see why not. For angels, prayer requires no effort.


I have obeyed all that I know about God which I have learned from various religions. I have prayed items the average person ignores. For instance, I have made recompense for each child aborted in my family, including the seven my Mom aborted & the one I did {I was raped}. They have heard my prayers – {which I learned from a book.}


I have said the prayers recommended for death long ago – around 1981. I have purchased 1k worth of Holy Masses for my own departed Soul. I certainly will trust no one to do it for me. I have seen how un-responsible people are toward the departed. The dead will be lucky to get a few Masses, sometimes none, no Masses or prayers. I will handle my own Soul.


What I have learned from my long life {76 now} is not to be so naïve & gullible, not to trust people much, not to expect a lot of them, not to depend on them a lot, but to stand on my own two feet as much as I can. This is not easy but I have tried. At times I cannot do it on my own & then I seek God to bring me the help through people or otherwise, but I will not compromise my morals or character to get help from others.


I will not extend hate or prejudice or judgment upon anyone, certainly not those society has designated as ‘untouchables.’ These would be the ‘other’ races people despise or the poorest of the poor, or the unusual / different in lifestyle {homos, lesbians, transgender, etc.} or those in the adult trade, sex therapists, gigolos – which I am one one – certainly don’t despise myself.

My first priority is always to be the woman of God & if that costs plenty so be it. If that makes me a Pariah or weirdo or strangeling, I’m in good company – most of the Saints were thought of that way. No, I struggle not to lower myself to our society – they are the Pharisees Jesus condemned – the ‘Holier than thou’ people. Mind you, if most people are going to Hell & you go along with them, then you will be with them, it’s called ‘the broad Highway to Hell.’



I once was brainwashed but now I’m not. The religion I was born into told me I had to believe a certain way, & that was it. But God told me otherwise.


No one knows & understands God, we see God through a glass darkly & we will never understand Her no matter how hard we try & how much we study. There is no Commandment that says


“Thou Must Understand God’,


it is IMPOSSIBLE. And so for anyone to tell you their religion is the one & only way, they are wrong – don’t listen. God tells us to love Her with ‘all our heart soul & mind,’ but She does not EXPECT us to understand Her no matter how hard we try.


Therefore, all those who follow their God invent or imagine ideas, rituals, holidays & so on, by which they recognize, obey & communicate with God. They pray, make images, totem poles, statues, they dress up, do routines, celebrate holidays, all in the name of God in various ways. Each person does what they consider OK, either they were born into a sect or chose one, & they do it to relate to God. No one is the only one right, no one is all wrong; they do it according to their preference & understanding.


God hears all, receives all, God knows all, & that’s all there is to it.

People have dressed differently in different epochs, none of it was wrong. They wore their hair this way or that, they practiced health rituals – none of this was bad. Religion is the same way.


This does not mean that I believe the doctrine of every religion – because they are at variance, sometimes contradictory. I take from each religion, belief wise, what I think is right & reject what’s wrong. I don’t swallow every word the Catholics teach me nor that of Protestants, but both have great qualities. So I take the good, resist the bad. One example it’s ‘faith & works’ we are saved by, not faith alone, that Martin Luther Sr. ruined by removing ‘& works.’ And the Protestants don’t venerate Holy Mary, but to me, She is the equal of Jesus – not to the CC but to me. It was She who appeared to the human race more times than Jesus to save humans during war & crisis.


And of course, we all hate, unless we’re demons, the great Women’s Holocaust – the Inquisition – perpetrated by the Catholic Church at the height of their power {Indeed, they also tortured & killed mega-many of those whose beliefs differed.} To me this exemplifies WHAT MEN ARE LIKE WHEN THEY HAVE GREAT POWER. I was surprised to learn recently that it was Napoleon Bonaparte who stopped the Inquisition. He confiscated all their documents on the genocide – 13 thousands trunks filled with data. I previously thought Napoleon was just another warlord, but after that, I was grateful to him.


I’m big on the Hindu-Yoga traditions; certainly adore the great Buddha, he is the forerunner or template of Jesus – both of them great Avatars. But of course I deplore the Caste system, as did Buddha & Jesus. Their doctrines I accept wholeheartedly.

         The idea of the Goddess Durga who also turned into Kali to stop Patriarchy also appeals to me. The God’s & Goddesses are figments of our imagination – how we portray God. But God does have Infinite Powers & appears in Infinite ways, & through our finite thinking we model images of God to show Her various traits. Ganesh portrays Power & prosperity, Shiva the Masculine, Shakti the Feminine, these are imagined Faces of God which doesn’t make them wrong, it’s just what we conceive & if we need to see God in physical form, that’s fine, nothing wrong with that.


In America as elsewhere we have many sects, whose beliefs don’t coincide with mine, especially the Patriarchal, misogynistic ones. But I do respect the kind & sincere people who accept these religions – they try their best to follow what they believe, & that’s all God wants of us – to try our best. I don’t believe in some ideas of the Jehovah’s Witnesses or the Mormons but I respect those in it who love God. I don’t believe in the Patriarchal viewpoint of the Amish or Hutterites – the way they hold women down & deprive members of some human rights – but I don’t judge or condemn them & respect the sincere ones. There are many sects I don’t adhere to but that doesn’t mean I dislike the people in them – many are great souls who love God.


To find what I’m pushing today – what I believe the world needs – is to check out ‘Woman, Thou Art God,’’ the ‘new religion for women only.’ I think at this time, we must offset the thousands of years of Patriarchy, its brutal brain washing & lies against women. A future of women-only is moving toward us, this religion coincides with that. You can check my book on Amazon to preview it, in the ‘see inside’ facility; you’ll get the idea what it’s about. It’s ‘safe space’ for women – women dominate all of it from doctrine to rituals, but every activity & routine of the religion is not set in stone, it’s a work in progress, I give mostly the point of departure, women will write their own behavior, Commandments, scriptures, Sacraments, rituals & the like. Maybe there will be different sects of ‘Woman Thou Art God’ where some will lean this way, others that way, but the common ground will be Female Supremacy, females write the rules, the agenda, females meet in the temple where men cannot tread. Men of course can follow our religion without entering our temple – as women do in the Muslim faith. It’s a belief recognizing the God within & seeing we are One with Her, accessing Her & allowing Her to guide us to Salvation.


A word about the Wiccans – Witches to most people. I endorse the Dianic, female-led Wiccans as well as Pagans. They are not UNGODLY as the Patriarchal religions claim, they worship God through Nature.


The great anthropologist Marija Gimbutas said even in her lifetime, the Lithuanians – previously Pagans – would kiss the ground before planting their crops, thanking Mother Nature, & kiss it again when harvesting. That is loving God through nature.


I found out we had a Wiccan sect in my area & joined them. It was a wonderful adventure, like Girl Scouts. We met in the woods – a hundred of us, males & females. We all spoke, danced & shared food. Women designated as Goddesses wore capes & spoke I can’t recall what – but it was good. Everyone had a turn to speak during the ritual – we were all important, not like the bigger-than-thou Priests & Ministers of the Patriarchal sects.


The reason I eventually left was they wanted equal rights – egalitarianism – balance they said. How’s there balance when the lunatics are running the asylum? I wanted Female Supremacy & felt if I couldn’t get it here, where could I? In the ancient days Wiccan women were supreme & dominated the belief system. But if it’s diluted now to give men equal rights that doesn’t satisfy me. Yes I believe in equal rights ‘under the law’ like equal benefits, equal punishments for crimes, but females must run the family & the world & all that is in it including religion. If men want their own religion let them go their way & follow it, – just men & the dicks in skirts who follow them – But we don’t submit to them or their religion.


I might add re the spiritual realm, if one practices a certain religion to the max, there are roadmaps & markers along the way which foretell if one has reached a certain mark, like proficiency or sainthood or consciousness or Oneness or some sort of mystical closeness to God. If you want to reach certain markers in certain religions, you have to follow them zealously with all your heart & cannot flit from one to another at that time, you have to stick to what you’re doing until it’s done, & then you move on. The best example of this was Ramakrishna, a Hindu who practiced various religions like worship of baby Krishna, uniting with Jesus, & entering Nonduality, until he reached the Zenith of each marker, then he moved to the next level. I have done this also in the Catholic religion as well as Yoga. I have most of the Graces the Catholic Church teaches were conferred upon Saints & I accomplished this by imitating the Saint’s lives. {Don’t laugh, there are saints in the adult trade, sex is not a sin unless there’s exploitation or abuse. It’s one of the Patriarchal lies that masturbation, fornication & adultery are always sins – BIG LIES.}


Now as far as judging or evaluating people, we must be very careful not to judge them by their outer lifestyle or profession. A person is not their exterior or their job. They do what they have to do, what they can do, to make a living. They live as they can do best to survive. Do not judge people by their job, profession or lifestyle, what they are, who they are is inside, & this only the Holy Spirit can reveal to you. But if you have no relationship to the Holy Spirit, if you cannot hear the Voice within, cannot see visions or have dreams or intimations from God, then you are blind to the other dimension & you cannot hope to see what’s inside another. You simply have no idea who or what they are, if they are good or bad.


I have noticed that wherever I go & touch people lives are changed, there are healings & answers to prayer. This is because of the Anointing. I know God has sent me & chosen me to do Her work on earth, & I have done it, & it isn’t over although I’m old, my health is not like it used to be, I cannot dance like I used to {although I do a bit}, but I can sit & do many things, including write. It was time to do what I did when I was young, time to do what I do now. If I could still dance, run, & exercise the way I did before I might be hiking average 2 hours a day, exercising like a champ – & 75% of the energy & time I’m now using for writing would be used up. One door closes, another opens.


All that happened in my life, good & bad, was foreseen & permitted by the Grace of God, & God turned bad into good. That applies to everyone, if they have Faith. The best advice I can give to people, now or ever is practice virtue. Have Faith in God / Good, Hope & Charity for all. {except don’t bother with the demonic, if you know they’re enemies of God by the Holy Spirit revealing it to you, or by the negative effect they have on your life, try to stay away from them. Don’t wish them harm, just absent yourself from them.} Learn what the virtues are, read about saints. They persevered, they forgave, they endured, they withstood all hardships to get to where they were going.

They did not rely on the things of the world to bring them happiness, they communicated with God, they prayed / meditated, they sacrificed the lower things for the higher, they cared about others {but did not waste time with reprobates if they knew they chose Hell. And even if they are not reprobates, if they hate you or lack respect for you, if you can, stay as far away from them as much as possible – even your own relatives – especially your relatives as whoever can access your heart can hurt you the most.}


Learn virtues, practice them & that will be the Key & answer to all of life.

That’s what I have done & if I have succeeded it’s by the Grace of God & relating to Her through virtues.

PS I forgive all who have injured me from the day of my conception & accept the forgiveness of all those I have hurt. Amen.

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