I see now the extension here of ‘Woman Thou Art God II’ – the new religion – as we are moving toward starting a sisterhood.
It occurs to me that I’m not trying to build a convent per se but a God-centered Matriarchal sisterhood& onceI added the Mosuo model it became clear. Now many things are falling into place.
The non denomination status of the Community is still valid, but there are things that must be affirmed, & things that are ‘open to personal choice.’ And it is important for me, as the beginning of this, to state what must be believed & practiced by ALL & what is open to free choice.
It is MANDATORY that all of us acknowledge God as a Mother rather than Father – it is ‘Mother God.’ It is MANDATORY that each member be baptized like so, with water on the forehead {& designate a Godmother & Godfather from the saints of any religion or from living persons}:
“I believe in, worship & dedicate myself to God my Mother, & I renounce the devil & all his works & pretensions,
“In the name of the Mother God, the Creation & the Holy Spirit.”
The reason for this is because we are Matriarchal & hearken back to the days before Patriarchy was invented – the entire world worshipped God as Mother, women were venerated & there was peace. Men brought violence & bloodshed into the world & they invented their ‘Father God’ & this is in all the Patriarchal religions – Christian, Jewish & Muslim. So we leave that error behind.
You say God is neither? God is Spirit? Indeed, none of us can define or identity Who or What God is absolutely. But we call God by what name is logical & comfortable, & being a Mother who cares for ALL her children not just those of her own blood & fellowship, is the principle we espouse.
There might be some women who want to join us but cannot & will not follow these first two principles. Not everyone can join our sisterhood. There must be agreement, harmony & unity. It might not be for ALL. We’re sorry, but if you cannot follow our basic principles, you can still follow our religion in the parts you agree with but cannot live inside the community as official sisters. Like if we are praying together & say ‘Thank you Mother God’ & you say under your breath ‘Father’ or ‘Jehovah’ or ‘Allah’ – imagining a man, then you are out of step with the vibes of the other sisters – & so we are non-denominational to a certain point, but not 100%.
I can see a Buddhist sister who acknowledges God as Mother will work – the same with Hindus who worship the various Gods – Ganesh, Durga, Kali, Shiva, Shakti & so on – but if to her Brahman the Chief is a man, & she only sees God as a man, she has to give that up & see Brahman as a woman. Call her Brahmani.
If a Muslim lady can see God as Mother-Allah, OK. If a Jew can see the Chief God as Mother by whatever name, fine. If a Wiccan or Pagan sees God as Mother Nature-Mother Spirit go for it. If an American Indian can see God as the Great Mother Spirit, OK. This Mother idea is MANDATORY & to most of us it takes getting used to – I used to be a brainwashed Catholic & even when I started preaching Matriarchy, in 2004 I called God a He. That didn’t last long, I saw the Light.
Now on to other things. The Catholic Church has ‘the Apostles Creed’ which I no longer recite as I differ with it. I believe Jesus chose Mary Magdalene as his successor & the men wrested it away from her. What else is new? This was seen by me after studying the principles of the Mary Magdalene Gospel, the Saint Peter Gospel & the revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich. Anne Catherine said that Magdalene was the most contemplative & exalted of all the disciples & that she was the natural heir to Jesus’ ministry, but of course being a woman in a Patriarchal world, she was not given the chance. Even Our Holy Virgin, the highest of all people, could have led the Church & be worshipped as Goddess on earth, but this was forbidden from the beginning by the Catholic Church of men. (Let’s remember to call it ‘the CC OF MEN’ from now on, to point out it is a religion of men, by men, for men who want to hold women as their slaves. We aren’t buying it any more. For us, their tyranny has ended.
OK, I am the Foundress of this. And so, those who join have to have respect for me. They must acknowledge that I am, was a woman of God, that I am righteous. They don’t have to look up to me like a saint without faults or sins, that is not necessary. But that I obeyed God basically & generally doing my best, they should believe that. They cannot say negative things about me, laugh at me, explain all the ways I’m wrong & in general put me down, & remain loyal to our sisterhood & community. What is MANDATORY is RESPECT. If they don’t have this, they’re not one of the sisters of our community or religion.
Each sister must have a clear understand regarding the adult trade as therapy, not sin. The sins of each person do not come with a profession or lack of it – all religious {Priests nuns, ministers} are not without sin, all prostitutes & gigolos are not sinners. Sin is an individual matter between God & the person, no one of us can judge as it is inside the heart that one is good or bad. The Holy Spirit sees that, we in our flesh don’t. So reserve all judgment, no profession makes on a sinner – unless it is crime & hurts others such as stealing, exploitation, deceiving, abusing injuring & murdering others psychologically, emotionally, spiritually or physically. Let’s face it, many in the offices of Leadership fall into that category, in fact, many criminally-minded people go there & perpetrate their sins on us all. Do not judge the poorest of the poor, the untouchables & the vulnerable.
What do the saints say about this? They say more rich people go to Hell than poor, more men go to Hell than women – & the majority of humans go to Hell. This is borne out by many saints who saw the souls fall into Hell like embers from a fire – millions of them. See for example the visions of St. Veronica Giuliani.
What else must our sisters believe? They should have a healthy respect for all my teachings re the genders, that women are superior to men & that they should rule the family & the world & that human males are going extinct. If the member doesn’t understand this, it is mandatory that she study my teachings wherever they are posted & familiarize herself with them. We must be of like mind on this.
Basic tenets we follow are the teachings of Buddhism & Christianity & any decent religion espouses the same – Love God, love thy neighbor, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, whatever you do to the least of these you do to me (God) – & so, the greatest love & respect for animals. There is no untouchable caste, there’s no hate or exploitation of the poor or the vulnerable, there’s no violence, no hate (except for sin & the devil) or revenge, just see the basic teachings of Jesus & Buddha & you have our spirit right there.
About God – She knows all, sees all, can do all things. She is everything good. What is sin? Anything against God & love – turning against Her, loving evil, hating the neighbor, revenge, exploitation, cold heartedness, lack of faith, refusing to believe in the good. Does God forgive? – Of course, if we ask, but we must desire forgiveness.
As far as hate or revenge, this is important. If any of our members betrays us, leaves us & bad mouths us to the world – we do not wish them harm. St. Benedict made this point. There was a guy who was a thorn in their side, he was a major enemy. One day they were doing construction & a wall fell on him & killed him. The monks rejoiced. St. Benedict said no; do not rejoice at the misfortune of your enemies. Other saints pointed out that Jesus & Mary took no revenge against his torturers & those who laid him on the Cross. Let God do the revenge. She knows how, it’ not our place.
Recently a lady I had prayed with daily for one year cursed me. I had said a year was enough; let’s quit praying as I must now turn to other things. She was so angry she cursed me. Everything went wrong. I spilled a cup of thick honey coffee on my computer; a pot of greasy chicken I was cooking on the stove {for the cats} boiled over & knocked out two of my burners. I got sick with ocular migraines & indigestion that went on for hours – all because of her curse. I knew it was a time of testing & prayed,
“No hate, no revenge dear God, I forgive. I feel no ill will toward her.”
The curse fizzled out, the keyboard is still whacky but I work around it, the stove got made right, my migraines & stomach pain went away. God favored me. What if I had sent hate? I would have hurt myself.
In respect to animals I suggest we cut down our meat eating & concentrate on vegetarian dishes. I just saw a lady prepare a veggie meat loaf which substituted beans & nuts for meat. She said it was delicious. How do we know how great vegetarian dishes unless we try them? There’s a challenge for our Chefs & all of us. We are used to meat in America – every day. It isn’t called for. Too much factory farming, much torture for animals, violent deaths, too little respect for them. Check out all the other cultures on the internet, like Tibetans – those who live in extreme conditions – & Europeans. My family is from Eastern Europe & we ate meat occasionally. It was served on Sundays & Holidays, most other times we ate potatoes (lots), eggs (our own), cheese (home made), fruit & berry preserves & flour-based dishes (many).
Italians traditionally do not consume huge amounts of meat. Let’s give the animals a break ,we aren’t starving.
Being Alone – This is important
As far as spiritual development, there are many phases of it. We are a God-based sisterhood; therefore, we have to do what brings sisters closer to Her. One of these is the principle of BEING ALONE.
Indeed we are a community. But there’s another phase of spiritual development, & that is what’s called being an anchorite, hermit, recluse or solitary contemplative for the sake of God.
What happens when a person, seeking to find God, feels they need to be alone, away from people & the common society? Why would one want to be alone? What instinct impels them?
Here is the secret which I have known before but it was placed upon my mind just yesterday: When God calls you to be alone, it is for this – to open your heart to Her & Her alone. What is the heart? The heart is the feeling system. Why does one have to be alone to open the heart?
Because in the world we are at the mercy of its spirit. Most people are not saints; we live in fact in a deeply troubled, unloving society called Patriarchy. Its thoughts & values are not those of God as taught by Jesus, Buddah & all the saints of all religions – including Pagans & Wiccans.
The society of people in the world is filled with those unevolved, who are heading for Hell & sinners who will some day develop but they have not yet done so. The world that surrounds us contains much negativity, spiritual failure, hate, envy, anger, revenge, all the bad things & including the demonic.
And so, when we are in the world we are assaulted on every side – by our relatives, friends, co-workers, people at large. How does this affect us? We close our hearts or feelings system, in order to insulate us from pain.
When we are children we are usually protected by parents & family. Our hearts are open. At this time we are sensitive, & have intuitive powers that later close up. Why is this compromised? Because as we grow up we are more involved in people & the world, & all the negatives, so we have to shut down our sensitivity. Along with this closing up comes the inability to commute with God, we lose our intimacy with God, as we relate to God with feelings & inner senses as well as the mind.
When a person is called to solitary contemplation, be it in the mountains or at home like St. Catherine of Sienna, we abstract ourselves from the world & people & we permit our feeling system – the heart – to open up once again. It takes time, but after a while, we begin to experience intimacy with God & all the thoughts, feelings, intimations & visions which come from the higher level, the deeper self. The clutter of the world disappears, the lowness of people no longer assaults us, we are alone to experience happiness if & when demons are not attacking.
There are numerous examples of this aloneness like Buddha & Jesus. Buddha went into the jungle to practice asceticism until he found Enlightenment. Jesus went up the mountain prior to his ministry to Israel for 40 days & 40 nights.
Many Christians became hermits after Jesus. Even before Jesus Prophets lived alone, were often considered fools. They lived in mountains & deserts, often starving. This aloneness of God’s people most probably occurred even before we had the written word – pre-history.
It’s an instinct spiritually speaking to leave the world to find God. I did it myself in a 6th floor walkup in my apt in B‘klyn. I told all my relatives & friends to leave me alone, no calls, no letters, no nothing. All I did was pray, read spiritual books, sing to God, fasted every Sunday, slept on the floor. It was the happiest time of my life & the most visions of God I’d ever had. Everything happened. Jesus had already given me 3 rings of light in Jan. 1978. Now Mary appeared to me & gave me the infused virtues of Poverty, Chastity & Obedience. Vision after vision occurred, I was running a sensible ministry to Purgatory most notably, helped Errol Flynnn, speaking to him daily until he ascended. Ditto my Dad, I bilocated to Purgatory.
Then the awful event of Stigmata, I shall never forget the pain. Interior stigmata is no less horrible than exterior wounds. This was Oct 9, 1982, when it began. I had been alone nearly a year, after this I could only stay alone for a while, then had to go back to work – I’d been living as a pauper but happy as a clam.
My aloneness to that degree ended but I have noticed, whenever I am alone again, some of the happiness & intimacy come back.
It took me, by the way 20 years to pay for the grace of Stigmata – I was in the ‘dark night of the soul’ for 20 years which meant I could not feel the presence of God, I lived by faith alone. I wrote & published a book on it but I need to revise the beginning as my understanding of theology was inferior to what it is today.
I think I have made my point about being alone. That’s what ‘retreats’ are for, where people presumably forget their societal cares, let go of things, & dwell on the inner reality of God.
And so, the vicar of each Sisterhood will have to take into consideration that some ladies might come to a time when they need to be alone with God, & her freedom to do this would have to be granted. How this would be accomplished would start out small & later on, become advanced. First one who expresses she has to be alone could stay in her room & be excused from common activities, take her meals alone, pray & study alone. She of course could be allowed to go in the garden, the woods, to be close to nature but the other sisters would be advised not to involve her.
Later, when our order becomes more advanced, we could set up huts, hermitages & the like, according to the terrain & weather of the area.
Now my property is extremely cold in winter even going below zero. But there’s enough room for many hermitages where the sisters would not be in each others way or crowded at all. I have studied survival & homestead techniques & as long as a person has a strong shelter, with a good stove & lots of wood, they can survive. I saw one young female built herself a hurt with a good fire & she was fine several bad winters in a row. Provisions would have to be made for food & all the materials needed to cook & basic amenities, but these are not resorts, they are huts for those who seek God.
One now-famous English Buddhist nun spent 12 years in a cave in the Himalayas. She had almost nothing, even grew her own vegetables in a tiny garden, a few books, not sure what else she did to survive but she survived & it was the happiest time of her life. She wanted to go back to that but decided for the sake of sisters to instead work on building convents for them – she has built three in India. She had nothing but went on tour to raise the money.
I will not have to raise the money, simply leave what I have for the sisters, I am told I will have a great deal of money from my life story. And so my wealth will be put to good use.
Another note is we will have lots of animals including large dogs for protection & cats for companionship. The hermits could consider each having a large dog for protection in case males decide to bother them. We will use the utmost caution with security– the greatest danger on earth is human men. We will be neither naive nor paranoid, just face reality. (End coming attractions.)
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