Escape from Bugs Benny

By Rasa Von Werder, May 14th, 2023
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Escape from Bugs Benny – Young man escapes from his Prosperity Preacher Relatives

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Ganesh is the Hindu God of Prosperity & also for removing Great Obstacles


5-12-23          Girl born to Carl {Not his real name}

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I’ve been studying Carl, a minister, for several days & he appeared for the third time in a dream. It’s meaningful.

I go to visit a lady, can’t recall why or other details, & she has a spread-out house, very nice.

She attractive, thin, dressed nicely, businesslike, & she has a husband. But I don’t see the husband until the end.

And so, we have a good visit & she tells me that they have recently had a baby, like maybe two weeks old.

Then as I’m walking to the back of the house I see the husband lying on his right side on something & the man’s upper body is wrapped in a cloth which seems part beige & part red, has numerous folds like the way they wore clothing in the ancient days & makes me think of a Hindu garb.

Inside this garment of folds I see the round outline of a small infant, completely covered & hidden, can’t even see its head.

Then I move closer to the man & he opens his garment & takes the cover off the child’s head. Her face looks like a baby-woman which thick curly platinum blonde hair, and I say,

“She cute. She looks intelligent.”

And the Mom is now nearby & she emphatically says,

“Yes, I know.”

Then I went out. It was some kind of special privilege to be there, I felt the time was up, now I must leave.

As I was leaving there was a delay. I was hungry as I’d not eaten all day. Was it the lady who’d given me the small triangle, like moist bread, on a white napkin? I ate it as I seem to be standing by a phone booth waiting for someone by the exit.

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MEANING: This dream is mysterious. I’ll make a guess. The lady is my God Self, who has married or merged with this minister I’m studying, who I like very much. He has somehow received this spiritual sacrament, of our souls uniting in marriage & the baby is as if I am born again in the flesh. It is little me he carries on his body, hidden at first, then he shows me the face of the baby, & it has some resemblance to me. This is the FRUIT of our union.

This is mysterious because it predicts the future.

All this happened within a short time which shows that in the spiritual, supernatural realm things can move fast. And I’ve not even had any known contact with this man, no responses to comments on his podcasts, nothing.

          His garb: Beige is usually CONTEMPLATION which some call meditation. The red is either suffering or passion. His experience of suffering has brought him to this place where he is, & the place is acceptance of myself & my philosophy. Many folds are many experiences, many ‘ins & outs’ along the road.


Dream of 5-11-23   Carl the Minister {not his real name}


          I was at the old farm house with a young man there, in maybe my bedroom sitting on the headboard of the bed, with a beige blanket over the bed & headboard. I was fiddling with something, not quite ready to greet this visitor when my two lady friends near the bed started singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to him.

I stopped what I was doing & joined in the singing.

After that he goes into the next room.


Meaning: The Happy Birthday song is to rejoice Carl has been born again. This was after he got away from a relative who is a Prosperity Preacher.


I’m attracted to this person & want to be alone with him & I follow him into the next room to see what he’s doing.

He’s stooping near a bureau which is holding some tall books, like 3-4’ tall & 1.5’ wide, & they have paper covers like ordinary brown paper bag paper, loosely but flat over them. He has one of the books in his hands.

I say to him,

“How are you going to spend your day?”

{Because I wanted to see, was he leaving for somewhere or was he going to be around so I could spend time with him?}

He said,

“I’m going to study these books.”

{The books represent the bible}

This made me happy as he’d be here all day.


I then get close to him & rest my face & lips on the back of his neck & now I see him clearly.

He’s my old lover “Buck” & he has tawny skin smooth as silk, beautiful face, very young, curly black hair.

I say to him,

“My previous boyfriend died of a drug overdose, I don’t know if you know that.”

“Is that why you hate sex?”

he says, and I answer,

“I don’t hate sex, I could have sex with you every day.”

{This implies spiritual or mystical union. Sex in my dreams is usually spiritual, in fact, the most spiritual act in a relationship.}

Meaning: This dream is the day before Carl ‘had the baby’ & it implies that I had ‘sex’ with him but of course, it’s spiritual union, not physical sex. And that spiritual union resulted in some kind of birth where I am BORN IN HIM OR FROM HIM. And it means that my God Self penetrated his soul & now I live in his soul. It’s kind of like the saying, ‘No longer I live, but Christ in me,’ which is similar but different. It implies that someone else can merge with my soul – which is a fact of the spiritual sacrament of marriage.




Nightmare about one minister, other dream about a husband-type associate.

The nightmare is that this minister was in my house, asked me for a light before he goes out. It’s a symbol of this man I was studying yesterday, who is an Orthodox Jesus-only type. I’ll call him Roger. I gave him a tiny flashlight. He strangely goes out there & shines that flashlight in my dark yard, which is spooky & weird, & he’s facing my kitchen window & shining the light into it. What is he trying to do?

Then he pulls out a whitish sword & this is like a threat, then he pulls out like a dozen scimitar swords, they are off white in the dim light. There’s a sinister feeling about him.

He’s trying to frighten me & I am uncomfortable.


Meaning: Roger is associated with Carl & was one of the pivotal ministers who hates the Prosperity Preachers & got Carl away from his relative. He has some good & bad points. He speaks some intelligent truth but also things I don’t agree with, & is narrow minded, like a Fundamentalist, a one-way thinker. I did communicate with him, but when he discovered my opinions he turned against me.

I found his vibes to be sinister & some of his comments frightening. Like Buddhists don’t worship God, they are going to Hell! The swords represent intimidation, threats & separation, & since there are many, a lot of this.

{This man preaches fanatically against everyone that does not profess Jesus is the ONE & ONLY GOD – the rest of the folks who believe differently are NOT worshipping God & they will all go to Hell. That includes Buddhists! And Jesus was a reincarnated Buddhist Guru!}

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But then I have a person with me that seems like a husband. He’s just made a purchase of a house for 65k, & I’m asking him about it. It’s a new development of many one-floor houses connected, with yards they are just putting in the fences, the fences are sporadic, not solid, like each fence about 10’ long, 5’ tall, white paint, then there’s maybe a a 20’ gap in between, & these fences surround all the houses in this settlement which just got built.


{New houses & sporadic fences are this is not a ‘fenced in’, ‘hemmed in’ or limited doctrine, he is open minded as I am – not like the sinister minister mentioned before. This will be his new outlook or philosophy somehow influenced by my God Self.}


So this husband tells me about it & I say,

“Good, it’ll be worth twice as much in a few years.”

He’s happy I said that, kind of relieved that he did the right thing. I think he was concerned about security. He seems slightly teary eyed as he sort of reclines on his stomach to my right.

Later he’s driving me back there to those houses to leave some kind of paper work, but we’ll have to walk back. I ask him to leave me here, as the walk back is long & my back & legs hurt. Hell walk back & catch up with me.

We had to pass by one narrow spot where there was a 5 gallon red gasoline holder on the right, resting against a small tree on the edge & it’s so narrow here & it veers sharply to the left leading to the houses, then a drop off I say,

“This is the dangerous spot in the road.”

But we passed OK.


Meaning: This is Carl. In dreams it implies we ‘made love’ spiritually & our souls are united. And here, he purchased a place for us to dwell in, which will have more value in the future or will manifest. The tears in his eyes sound like concern & worry about his future, but also, could be like you cry at weddings, tears of joy. He has been made happy by our union. Amazingly, I have had no physical contact with this man; just put comments on his podcast, that is all.

This dream shows that Carl is INVESTING or believing in our future work. It’s not yet ready – not finished construction. But it’s a COMPOUND like what I wanted to do for the new religion – multiple buildings UNITED or in my mind, a Temple, Convent, School, Dormitories, separate but linked & the FENCES where they are PARTIAL, not completely closing in & closing out are we are OPEN MINDED.

We are SEPARATE partially, we are OPEN to many schools of thought, as we are Christian, Buddhist, Yoga & Wicca. We do not accept Fundamentalists or Orthodox ONE WAY THINKERS. They are NOT US so we must keep any limited, fanatic / lunatic types that think ONLY JESUS SAVES or ONLY ALLAH is a prophet, & here are 6,000 rules to believe in & follow, & WOMEN ARE INFERIOR / only men can preach! Women must be controlled by men, subservient, if they do sex outside our jurisdiction they are sluts & whores to be stoned to death either physically or by the law or by ostracism from society.

And so our religion is closed to many but open to many – the fences are there but they are also open in between each area.

The belief is that God will save anyone who loves God, who practice the basic principles of Love to God & neighbor, do good to themselves & others & these are absolute basic beliefs in Buddhism, Christianity, Yoga & Wicca or Paganism. We do not denounce any of these like they denounce everyone except those who believe Jesus is the ONE & ONLY SON OF GOD & it’s him or Hell. This is fanatical & NOT TRUE. {I have seen Jews, friends & the unknown, in Heaven.} For their PROOF they give you words from the bible, which is written by MEN. Some were Godly, some made mistakes or put the Patriarchal or fanatical spin on things. Saints do make mistakes, no one sees ALL the truth. So they see Jesus is God but they fail to see his Mother as God, Ramakrishna was God, all the AVATARS, Saints, all who are Enlightened or Self Realized are God. What did they realize? They met the God Within & found that they & God are one. {Not talking about the Prosperity Preachers who are FAR FROM GOD but say ‘I’m a little God’ like Paul Crouch & Creflo Dollar. They see THEIR FLESH AS GOD but they have not met THE GOD WITHIN which truly is God. That is what Self Realization is – these guys are not realized, they made their flesh a God.

I honestly do not know why this man has purchased this for US & how this works but all I can say is its SUPERNATURAL. God brought him to my attention, somehow, God has joined us in Divine Relationship – also called Mystical Marriage, & I have been ‘born’ to him somehow – he gave birth to me in another dream, which indicates THE FRUIT OF OUR LOVE! And now he purchases this dwelling for us & I declare it will double in value in a few years, & he has tears in his eyes.


The dangerous spot in the road is some place where there could be trouble in getting to our New Religion or attitude but we get through OK. The gasoline tank signifies ‘there could be fire / explosion which is CONFLICT, hate, fighting.


The best podcasts I have seen on the internet are ‘Next Level Soul’ where Alex Ferrari interviews mostly those that have died & returned, & they give their experiences. Some did experience Jesus, others did not.

These people would be denounced by that sinister, fanatical minister who believes only one way. His holding multiple scimitar swords in his hands like a fan surrounding him are all the spiritual disciplines he separates from.


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