Channel A Einstein

By Rasa Von Werder, August 2nd, 2021



Chapter 1 I STRIP FOR GOD Part 5 Begin 8-1-21


Channel Albert Einstein Aug 1, 2021


Saw a documentary on Dr. Einstein last night, decided to channel him, & much good has come out of it. I will replay what we said & continue the interview.


          ME:   There’s something that bothers me that I’ll ask you about. It’s the way no one gives me credit for what I did in front of the White House, the June 16, 1978 speech on Fatima which had monumental results. It caused the three great leaders to be elected – Pope John Paul II, Reagan & Gorbachev, & the repercussions – people praying the rosary for the conversion of Russia – the Holy Father eventually consecrating Russia to her Immaculate Heart {after being shot}, the fall of Communism, the end of the Cold War & the threat of nuclear annihilation. My speech UNLEASHED the Power of Our Lady, like she said, ‘my Immaculate Heart will triumph.’

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But no one has ever given me credit or ‘thanks’ for the speech – Not the Catholic Church, no government, no entity of any kind – I have written the account numerous times in many places but no one believes or responds except one person – {Ajax the Great}. When it was on my Wikipedia page someone disparaged my claims, then it disappeared. Can you explain to me this treatment of what I did, why it’s ignored?


AE {Albert Einstein}:   You are a SECRET WEAPON of God, like a CIA agent, a Power disguised in the body of an adult trade worker & body builder. The roles you portray – stripping & body building – which you are known for – are your disguise & cloak of PROTECTION. The general public or mainstream media do not take you seriously in any role but these – all your works are colored or overshadowed by the image of ‘stripper – body builder.’ {The things you do, such as preaching, are seen as ‘gimmicks’ to promote your stripping career.} Instead of seeing this as a negative, see it for what God intended, it’s your mask, disguise & cloak of PROTECTION.


If the Patriarchy took you seriously, if you were famous to the mainstream as the activist which you are, your life wouldn’t be worth much, they would kill you & you would not be able to finish your work.


Just look at the facts of activists, pacifists. This is a Patriarchal – war-mongering society. All those who are at cross purposes with war are enemies & marked for death – IF THEY BECOME FAMOUS, influential, effective & therefore DANGEROUS TO PATRIARCHY. The reason you have not been nor will be assassinated is because you are seen as a sex symbol & body builder, you are LAUGHED AT the way David Icke is laughed at because of his Reptilian Theory. His Reptilian theory seems insane, makes him a laughing stock, so the mainstream doesn’t take him seriously, & so, he is safe – he’s not effective to the majority of people.


The Patriarchy-Shadow Govt only cares about controlling the majority of people – what the fringe or alternatives do is of no consequence as they cannot change the world or make people do this or that. When a person or constituency becomes Powerful, that’s when they are marked for erasure, whoever they may be, if they buck the system.


Let’s give some examples. Three people who were assassinated or an attempt on their life was made: Saint Martin Luther King, Jr., Mahatma Ghandi & Saint Pope John Paul II.


St. Martin was a powerful leader, extremely influential – the entire Civil Rights Movement rested on him. He was a Pacifist, he spoke against the Viet Nam War & planning to do a huge march on Washington. He was murdered by the Shadow Govt.


Mahatma Ghandi was supposedly shot by a crazed individual, as was the Holy Father –they were assaulted by Shadow Govt agents. Ghandi stopped an imperialistic govt from warlike control over India – his example was a great danger to Patriarchs. The Holy Father, obviously a Pacifist like Jesus Christ, would be against any war, & he would be effective as the Vicar of Christ – his death was prevented by God – He says Our Holy Lady of Fatima saved his life. {He asked that the bullet removed from him be put into her crown.} That would be because She needed him to carry out her wish of having Russia consecrated to her Immaculate Heart, thereby ending Communism & the Cold War.

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They called me the ‘Father’ of the atomic bomb, not because I wanted them to create & use the bomb, but because my revelations on physics helped them build it. Of course, I did write a letter to Pres Roosevelt, which I later regretted, saying they should proceed with creating it to stop Hitler – as it was warned that Hitler might build a nuclear devise. But when I saw what they did with it, I was mighty sorry.


ME: This from Wikipedia:


For Einstein, “war was a disease … [and] he called for resistance to war.” By signing the letter to Roosevelt, some argue he went against his pacifist principles.[137] In 1954, a year before his death, Einstein said to his old friend, Linus Pauling, “I made one great mistake in my life—when I signed the letter to President Roosevelt recommending that atom bombs be made; but there was some justification—the danger that the Germans would make them …”[138] In 1955, Einstein and ten other intellectuals and scientists, including British philosopher Bertrand Russell, signed a manifesto highlighting the danger of nuclear weapons.


AE:   You took note how aggressively J. Edgar Hoover stalked me & tried to frame me for being a ‘Communist.’ Nothing came of it as no matter how hard he tried, he could not get any evidence. That was because of my being a Pacifist. {He did likewise to my friend Charlie Chaplin, who was prevented from re-entering the U.S.}


ME:   OK, I do understand. The world & its Patriarchy & Shadow Govt are not aware, nor would they believe I was sent by God to Empower Women {which means Matriarchy, Peace on Earth.} Also my work toward Matriarchy, they don’t see it as a threat as it isn’t mainstream, it’s not like millions of women believe in me & I’m going to march them to Wash DC to speak there against Patriarchy, pro Matriarchy. In fact, most women repudiate me & divest themselves of me, saying I don’t represent them because of my adult trade status. But the point is, with my female body building as well as Stripping for God, these were effective tools for God & Matriarchy were they not?


AE:   Of course these ideas went into the mainstream, the body building in a huge way, which you’ve explained many times. The Stripping for God theme has yet to make its impact as far as influencing women – this will take time. But it was a great activity. It will manifest after your life story hits the media in movies & TV – it will be big after that, & especially after your death – Then the genuine questions it raises will be asked, not just that ‘gotta’ have a gimmick’ joke.


And as far as your White House speech, years from now, you will be given credit. The world is changing toward Matriarchy, Female Empowerment, it is still far ahead. When those times arrive, they will review the historic validity of your speech & all the facts, which you presented many times, & will acknowledge what you said is true. You don’t want that kind of recognition now. The recognition I got while still young was interesting, but what was it worth? My scientific studies stood by themselves & changed the world of science & physics, but people wanted that pound of flesh. I ignored most of the hundreds of invitations to speak & make public appearances, what was the purpose? If my ideas had been accepted & used in science, that was all that mattered. My making speeches would have just been a waste of time & energy. People just wanted to ask questions & make statements that would not add a hill of beans to my work; they would want pictures with me & say that they met the great genius, Albert Einstein. This is wanting a pound of flesh – just as all these men hounding you wish for. All you ever wanted was to make a living, survive, live a normal life, do God’s work – but you were hounded, stalked, & STILL ARE at an age where you just want to be left alone.


Just remember, that God will give you credit for obedience & all that you did, whatever it was, public & private, & your reward is in Heaven. God knows the Truth. You obeyed God, She will reward you, that is all that counts. The world’s recognition, what is it worth? What has it given you? Happiness? Not at all. The happiest you ever were 1981-1982, the year of seclusion for & Intimacy with God. That was the most joyful time of your life. You had nothing but God, but God was ALL & you had all you needed in spades. It was Heaven on earth.


ME:   Truer words were never spoken. Thank for reminded me! A couple more questions. Do I have much to accomplish left? I saw how you refused – at age 76 – further medical treatments to prolong your life, you said you had done your work, it was enough, and you wanted to go out elegantly. I am now that age, with a not-so-good heart, although I am hanging in there, & it has improved rather than getting worse.

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What do you think I need to accomplish before I die? Do you think writing my life story & any other books, such as those on Purgatory & dream interpretation, are all I need to do? Will that be enough? Is there anything else glaring that I should accomplish?

AE:   No, there is nothing urgent on your agenda, just enjoy life what is left. Remember, God told you She doesn’t want you to suffer any more, just have fun. That means be relaxed, do the little things that make life worth living, which to you means nature & animals. You don’t have to go to far-away places to enjoy life, God gave you all that you have at your fingertips, just be relaxed, without pressure about going here or there, it’s all right here.


         As far as books, you enjoy writing & producing books, it’s fun to you, so keep doing it, & it will help others.

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          Many things will happen to bring you recognition once you finish your life story encyclopedia. There will be more opportunities than you wish to take – so do what you want to do & just ignore the rest.


For you, for life to be interesting or peaceful, all you need to do is what you’re doing now, without large numbers of appointments or pressures which aren’t necessary. You, God, nature, your book production, is all you need to be happy. You might have a companion in the not-too-distant future that might also bring you some comfort. Take it as it comes, trust in God as you always do, don’t worry. Just be yourself, happy within yourself, don’t worry about pleasing others or what others think of you. God loves you is all that matters.


ME:   I guess that answers my questions for this day, Dr. Einstein, thank for your great help & all you have done for our world. {End channeling}


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