Remarkable answer to prayer. I was going through some great stress last night & worried about my physical health, future, & relationship with God. Prayed a long time, knew I was in the Kingdom of God, not on earth, I could feel it.
In the dream I do not see myself, I see another person who might be a male. He’s devout, seems to be important, & he’s been praying. He seems to be some kind of monk or disciple or something officially with God. I don’t see his body, just his presence to the left.
On his right there is a stone staircase that goes up one floor to a flat area, behind it might be a wall or rock mountain. The staircase is made of rocks that are white & specks of gold or silver intertwined, they are all natural, nothing artificial from people, just rocks in nature.
As this man prayed, suddenly there materialized a person on the top of those stone stairs. He was so important it was scary, as this was a phenomenon rarely seen. He’s wearing a yellow robe with a dark grey collar, the collar flares out in the middle of his chest – it goes to the waist area.
He then disappears and on a lower step a woman materializes wearing the black robes of a nun. I know she’s significant.
I felt this man’s prayers summoned these significant persons & there’s great meaning here.
*(The MAN is your flesh:
The first SPIRITUAL ICON is BUDDHA. The yellow gives it away, & he appears first & last, like the Alpha & Omego, like he’s the source of what’s being shown here, the beginning & the end.
Next the NUN IN BLACK is Mother Angelica, who represents the HOLY MOTHER who you worship so much, & who was the subject of your prayers.)*
Then below her on another step appears Pope Paul VI, all in white, with his arms outstretched upward as if in welcome.
Then the man in yellow appears again beneath him.
*(POPE PAUL VI represents JESUS & Our Lord here represents the CHRISTIAN CHURCH.
The big to-do about Buddah is that Christ was a Buddhist Guru born again, the three Wise Men Honored him & later picked him up, took him to India to study & work & returned him age 29 or 30 – the years Jesus disappears from the Bible.
Jesus’ teachings are Buddhist, so Buddha is the ORIGINAL OF CHRISTIANITY, here shown.
Why have they all appeared? Your prayers called out for guidance, help, consolation. You were sent away from the ‘interior life’-contemplation, into the miserable world & you have fallen in your INTIMACY WITH GOD.
When in the rhythm, mentality & thought-processes of the world, it is not the Kingdom of God, & out of obedience to God, you left her Kingdom to go back into the world – presumable to ‘have fun,’ except it wasn’t.
You were in a PEACEFUL STATE, serene relatively speaking, FREE OF ATTACHMENTS to people & things, but being in the world all of that went the other way.
Your body breaking down, hurting, both your legs doing badly & making it hard to walk or work, have troubled you greatly. You are uncertain & called out to God with sincerity & faith.
What does God want of you now, now that the ‘joyride’ is over more or less, but your body is hurting, you’re old, you don’t know how you’ll manage or cope in your old age, having no family near you, no husband, no one to help you in time of need. You felt pretty insecure about the future. Did you do the right thing when you went into the world or was it some sort of mistake?
These spiritual leaders now appearing to you assure you you are in good shape spiritually, you did the right thing. They are here to show you WE ARE ONE, IN BROTHER-SISTER FRIENDSHIP, SPIRIT IS THICKER THAN BLOOD, YOU ARE IN THE FAMILY OF GOD & ALL THESE LEADERS WELCOME YOU, GREET YOU, GUIDE & CONSOLE YOU.
You came away with a new understanding. That you had to descend into the flesh not only for the time being for yourself, for physical pleasure or experience, but for future people who will hear about your life in books & movies.
They need to know that God is with them in their every day desires, needs, attachments, fears, disappointments, failures & successes. They need to know they are not judged, condemned, hated, for the ordinary things in life – it’s only sin that is judged, not regular life, & drinking sex are ordinary, not sins per se {except in certain cases}.
The future will know you were a woman of the people, not a lofty soul who once she saw God face to face did not want to go lower. You did return to the world to show love for humans – the way Jesus came from Heaven to suffer . He ate with ‘publicans & prostitutes,’ He was with the sick, the demonic, the fallen, the ignorant; he ate & drank with them & helped them. It wasn’t fun for him, He did it out of love, & you went back to the world on obedience to God, an act of love – it was the same as coming down from Heaven.
This is part of the reason God wanted you to ‘stop celibacy, go out & have fun.’
You must understand that your life will be recorded in future books & movies, & people will hear about you, pray to you for help. They need to believe that you understand their experiences; you were there, the same as them, even though you had ascended. You reached Nirvana/Enlightenment, & yet, you still wanted to return to the world & share love with people – not something all souls of your caliber would do; they know how much torture the world begets.)*
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