I’m on my big bed exercising in the living room when I glance at the glass door & see a young male standing there with only bathing shorts on. I think he might be a stalker, so I move forward in the bed where he can’t see me.
Then I think maybe I better see who it is & I go to the door, I have on a thin top & grey/bluish stretch thin underpants.
I open the door & see there are 5 body builders standing there. I say to them,
“I know you’re body builders, but who are you? What are your names?”
They start telling me their names & their voices are timid, so I know they aren’t aggressive or evil. They are all wearing dark bathing trunks, the kind that stop at the crotch, not the long Bermuda shorts type.
Now that I see they’re OK, I let them into the house. I was looking at a body building site & there I saw an entertainer with huge round breasts exposed & I say to the guys, there’s an image Mountana Peaks here, do you want to see?
One of the guys steps out to take a look. He’s now dressed more fully with some sort of a checked top. I go to get the picture for him. You don’t see her face or body, only these huge breasts like mounds.
MEANING: These are 5 Souls from Purgatory at your door for help. They are not dangerous in any way, they are Souls, not aggressive men, so you LETTING THEM IN means you will help them – you have ACCEPTED THEM.
Their being almost naked shows they are ‘naked before the Lord’ which means open, not hiding anything, repentant, maybe vulnerable.
Their voices show humility, they are sorry for their sins.
You showing them the image of the large boobed lady is showing yourself – the size of your LOVE. Breasts are Love, Mother’s milk, which sustains a child.