By Rasa Von Werder, March 5th, 2022

William Bond answers questions re Old Woman – Young Man – Same

questions answered by Ajax the Great  -  Two of the smartest men in the

world tackle the hard questions of old woman – young man


Part 2, Dream of Rasa re her Lover leaving his fake wife as she can no longer

afford him


First, William Bond:    1 Why is it a taboo for the older woman-younger man, but the idea of older man-younger woman is not only tolerated but accepted as normal.  Certainly ten years older man is considered equal to ten years younger female.

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It is all about wealth and power, dominance and submission. It is no secret that men have been ruling the world for all of recorded history. Up until the 20th century women were dependant on men for money. Either by money from their fathers, marrying a man or becoming a prostitute. This is why many women would be marrying men older than themselves, as they would probably be earning more money than younger men. 


There also were laws up to the 20th century that a husband owns any money a woman has, when he marries her. So a wealthy women dare not marry a man who is less wealthy than herself as he might take her fortune away from her.  In the 20th century this changed when women were allowed to own their own wealth and we see gigolos appear. 


We have later found later on that wealthy women like Princess Margaret and Cher have had younger lovers. So it is all about money, it is a lot easier for rich women to have younger men than poorer women. As many poorer women, even in the 21st century, are looking for rich husbands. But like I have said before. many relationships between older women and younger men are kept secret. 


But it is not all about wealth. Patriarchy expects men to be the dominant sex and take the initiative there relationships with women. While women are expected to be submissive and passive. But not all men and women are like this. There are many men who are introvert and are too shy to speak to women and have a submissive nature. While there are many extravert women who have a dominant nature. 


There are some older women who know this and take advantage of shy and submissive young men. So if they see a introvert young man they like, they move in, take the initiative in speaking to him and then take the dominant position in their relationship. Many of these men because they are too shy to talk to women would be virgins, so the older woman can teach them to have sex in the way she wants.  


2      What is the Patriarchal society afraid of in the older woman?  Why are they denigrated as far as sex objects ‘put out to pasture’ & told to mind the business of gardening, knitting, cooking & taking care of grandchildren, but to have fun & relate with younger men romantically is non acceptable?  Why are they made to do ‘harmless’ or non-political non-leadership work like just mentioned, but being in positions of Leadership or influence is not encouraged?  They are not seen as ‘wise elders’ but accused of spreading ‘old wife’s tales.’




The foundation of patriarchy is to undermine female power. This is why in the past women were not allowed to be educated and kept out of any job that gave them any power, wealth or status. Up until the 20th century it would be impossible to have a female scientist, doctor, lawyer or any academic. Now, this is slowly changing and we find there are female ‘experts’ and so we do now have ‘wise women’ but still not as many as ‘wise men’. But this is slowly changing. 


3      Why do older women ‘give up’ & stay alone when they could be out in bars & clubs, drinking, dancing, laughing, talking with males, especially younger males – the way Rasa Von Werder has been doing?  Why are they so afraid of being out there?



I would imagine it is lack of confidence. Breaking down barriers is difficult for women. The first female doctors, scientists, engineers and politicians all had to be tough women as they had to put up with abuse from men. This is even true of women going to bars and clubs on their own, as they fear how men will treat them. So any women who breaks down barriers and invades male spaces will always have to be strong, confident women. But women like this then makes it easier for other women to follow in their footsteps. 


4  What happens when old women stop being afraid, go out there, put themselves out for sex, date young males openly, live with them?  How will this influence society?



 The more older women and younger men openly have relationships the more acceptable it becomes. An example of this is the gay community. Up until the 1960s is was illegal for men to have sex with each other. But even after homosexuality became legal it was still socially unacceptable. So it took many brave homosexual men and women to ‘come out’ and put up with social censor for homosexuality to become socially acceptable. So it now possible for two men or two women to marry each other. 


The subject of older women and younger men are written about in books and shown on film but they always show it in a negative way, like in the film “The Graduate” staring Dustin Hoffman and Anne Bancroft. Although one story by Somerset Maugham called, “Gigolo and Gigolette” in the 1940s had a happy ending for the wealthy woman and her gigolo. Although the song “Gigolo and Gigolette” put a negative spin on this type of relationship. 


REMARKS from RASA VON WERDER: When I went out as a woman of 63 to the clubs & bars, dancing, drinking, seeking young men, I was assaulted by the negative view of society to this. The first year I was asked almost each time I went out HOW OLD ARE YOU? Like my age was an AFFRONT & an INSULT to the community – I was old, therefore an anomaly – old women are not supposed to seek bar-hoping, drinking, laughing & having fun, & certainly NOT supposed to be dancing with & having sex with college age men!

          And so, by doing what I did, I set an example for other old women & I did not see hardly any during the 11 years I was there, but the fame or infamy of my activities will remain with the thousands who saw me, they will speak of it, & it will encourage other old women to do likewise. It empowers women. I survived, I took the gaff, so they can do it. (end Rasa Part)



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Questions Older woman – younger man


1  Why is it a taboo for the older woman-younger man, but the idea of older man-younger woman is not only tolerated but accepted to be normal.  Certainly ten years older man is considered equal to ten years younger female.



William notes that it is all about wealth and power, dominance and submission, and he is correct overall.  I would also like to add that there are many levels and layers to this as well, and it is highly nuanced and intersectional.  There is a lot to unpack here.


For example, one of the biggest stumbling blocks to an older Woman / younger man relationship comes not only from men, but from many Women themselves who are still brainwashed by the patriarchy to one degree or another.  Some of the greatest opposition in fact comes from the mothers of the young men.  There are probably a number of reasons what, and Freud would probably have quite a field day with that.  Yet notably in actual Matriarchal societies, we don’t seem to see this kind of opposition at all.


(We also see this same dynamic with slut-shaming as well, with Women being the biggest enforcers of this despite it having originated with men and the patriarchy.  And it is to Women’s own detriment in both cases.)


Some Women, including even some self-proclaimed Radical Feminists, may also vehemently oppose such relationships as well, as the young men still benefit from male privilege from living under patriarchy, while seeking to enjoy the benefits of the nascent and vestigial Matriarchy at the same time.  They may think it unfairly puts the cart before the horse.  A lot of it is really envy/jealousy more than anything else though, and THEY are the ones really putting the cart before the horse since opposing such relationships actually hinders the transition to Matriarchy.


There is also a lot of “reaction formation” from Women who secretly want to date younger men but are afraid to, and thus take on the exact opposite belief since their true belief causes them great anxiety.  The same could be said about the younger men themselves.


Women can really be their own worst enemy sometimes, alas.  And that is basically because they were socialized from birth by the patriarchy to be such.  Throw in the fact that we still live in a rather erotophobic culture to one degree or another, and that makes it even worse still.


Then there is also the famous “half your age plus seven” rule, which exists for a number of reasons.  But historically it has been enforced by society far more stringently when the Women is older compared to the reverse.  Men certainly mature significantly slower than Women do, so that could be part of it.  But patriarchy clearly puts men in positions of power despite their relative immaturity, so such a take is highly hypocritical at best.


RASA SAYS:   The feminists, I was once officially a member of NOW – are way behind on some issues as Ajax states here. They are from the professional class & this class fails to see how we have had to degrade ourselves as maids, servants poorly-paid serfs including the adult trade – & they want us to quit ‘degrading’ ourselves & be like them – work in offices & such. But we in the lower trades aren’t qualified or don’t want such jobs, sometimes adult work pays better. The other ‘untouchable’, demeaning jobs are taken by the poorest of the poor as they can’t land the big salaries. So radical feminist, take a Class 101 on REALITY. (end Rasa part)


2   What is the Patriarchal society afraid of in the older woman?  Why are they denigrated as far as sex objects ‘put out to pasture’ & told to mind the business of gardening, knitting, cooking & taking care of grandchildren, but to have fun & relate with younger men romantically is non acceptable?  Why are they made to do ‘harmless’ or non-political non-leadership work like just mentioned, but being in positions of Leadership or influence is not encouraged?  They are not seen as ‘wise elders’ but accused of spreading ‘old wife’s tales.’


My Answer

As William said, the foundation of patriarchy is to undermine female power.  By any means necessary, in fact, as the patriarchy is deathly afraid of female power, as that will ultimately be the patriarchy’s undoing.   And older Women have the greatest potential for power, especially to influence the younger generation.

 3   Why do older women ‘give up’ & stay alone when they could be out in bars & clubs, drinking, dancing, laughing, talking with males, especially younger males – the way Rasa Von Werder has been doing?  Why are they so afraid of being out there?


My Answer

Basically what William said.  Almost no one wants to be the proverbial “guinea pig”, as few are brave enough to go first when it is still perceived to be relatively socially unacceptable.  They want to see what happens when a critical mass of others go first.


RASA SAYS: And so, I was chosen by God to take the ‘hard knocks,’ be the guinea pig & when I’ve done so, the Grace of God enabled me & protected me. It’s like David & Goliath. David was chosen, Anointed, only he could slay Goliath because God gave him the capacity to do so. He was Anointed by Prophet Samuel to be King. The Anointing is what does it. Most people don’t have it, so they must wait for the ‘special ones’ to open the way. (end Rasa part)


4   What happens when old women stop being afraid, go out there, put themselves out for sex, date young males openly, live with them?  How will this influence society?


My Answer

What William said, in a nutshell, the more Women do this, the more socially acceptable it will become.  It is a classic example of the Overton window shifting in that direction.  And the more Women do this, the more influence they can exert over the next generation of men, in a self-perpetuating virtuous cycle towards Matriarchy, God willing.

DREAM of Rasa Von Werder   3-5-22-Good Husband has had it with his old


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We are in a dwelling of two floors & there seem to be two couples. Does it remind me of my apt in Hollywood?

Downstairs there’s a woman in a bed who seems to be unable to get about – has to stay in bed. She’s a mean, miserable person. She has a dog tied to a chain nearby.


*** (MEAN WOMAN IN BED WITH DOG CHAINED INSIDE: This is, without a doubt, Ruthie, the fake wife of my Beloved. She had a bad accident that will time to recover from, she might never return to her former work, as it’s physically challenging (& pays well).

She knows the future looks grim for her & her relationship with my Beloved – so she’s miserable – she has or had him tied by a chain to her in the house. (It doesn’t explain, but I’ve known for a long time this has to do with DRUGS. The chain is drugs.

Soon she knows she’ll be broke – it would be a time for him to step up to the plate, except he isn’t going to. She now sees him with different eyes, the eyes of a woman in need, who cannot afford a gigolo. The man must now become a bread winner, a role he’s never fulfilled, so it’s good bye toy boy.)) ***


This doesn’t make sense as they’re in the house, maybe I ask her about it. I see her looking lean, a long, hard face, straight brown hair, brown eyes. There’s a strong color ‘rust’ or reddish brown emanating from her hair, eyebrows & eyes. There’s another man around who I don’t see much about. (He reminds me of a character I saw yesterday in a Ramakrishna movie bio, named Tota Puri, who taught RK ‘Nonduality.’ He had curly grey hair, long mustache & beard, almost naked – a mystical monk. This is VAGUE. He hovers around to the front of the apt while she’s toward the back. I don’t see them having contact.)


*** (LEAN, RUSTY LOOK, MONK WHO TAUGHT NONDUALITY {lol}: Lean means lean times – those would be times of poverty. She’s broke & getting broker. RUSTY, RED/BROWN, HAIR & EYES…There are two interpretations for this, one rusty is something old that has not been taken care of, it has gotten weathered rather than polished. This is her work status & relation to my Beloved. The affair has gotten OLD & she can no longer take care of him & keep it polished or in working order.

Second, the red within the brown shows suffering so obviously she’s suffering from this situation, miserable, & taking it out on him. Like why, why, why don’t you become a faithful, generous, compassionate man to me? Because – the dream does not explain – she basically employed him to be her partner & now she can’t pay him so he’s going to quit. Lol.

The VAGUE MONK is rather humorous as it is far fetched but totally true. This is an entity that teaches her NONDUALITY which is ONE not TWO, this is a hard lesson of ‘my girl, you will be alone.’) ***


Then there’s my good husband, Richard. He’s near me but also being bossed around by this mean woman. I think she’s his fake wife or been his wife but this is not of the heart, his love is for me.

She tells him to do things & every word she says to him is CRITICISM & meanness, finding fault with him at every turn.

Richard is with me doing this & that, & at one moment he’s eating curly lettuce, in some sort of close contact with me, just lettuce. She says something to him & he, exasperated says,

“That’s it – I’m done.”

He’s finished with her, it was the last straw. She was criticizing him for eating but it was only lettuce – I see it, fresh & green. He’s really happy & satisfied being close to me, he wants to be on the upper floor with me & leave her behind.


*** (EATING LETTUCE: Fresh, green lettuce is SUCCESS or PROSPERITY. Green leaves always mean that when they are dried out or burned up, as in a cigarette or ashes it means the end or failure. And so, Beloved is enjoying SUCCESS with ME, not with her. It’s in his MIND because we have no contact but the stage is set for him to leave her & be mine.

LETTUCE also means MONEY, sometimes cabbage means money. She no longer has any, I have lots. He knows that.

My husband Richard: This is when Beloved sets his mind toward me as POSITIVE – ‘I love her, want to be with her.’ This shows his mental state & disposition is good now.

The fact that this apt sits in Hollywood is when I was with a demonic man. It means this entire situation was demonic – her taking him away from me with drugs. But he wants to get away from her & be in a ‘higher place’ with me – she held him down & enabled him to stay addicted – I release him from this need & hopefully he’ll go into rehab & quit the drugs.) ***


Also dreamed about a SCHOOL I wanted to get to but it’s gotten so vague, have no details, just struggling to go there.

Oh yes, when I was in the ‘yard’ of the school a female is walking to my left & greets me. I ask her do I know her & she says no, but she knows me, & she was expecting me to be here. She’s wearing blue, seems mystical, like of the spiritual realm.

I was going through a lot in this school, struggling to get there.


*** (SCHOOL, FEMALE EXPECTED ME: This sounds like Purgatory & apparently one female, who I never knew, expected me & here I am. It suggests my struggles have been of benefit to Souls in Purgatory. This makes me extremely happy.

School means lessons we learn, revelations, insights we attain.) ***

Kellie Everts—Rasa Von Werder You tube:


Rasa Von Werder-William Blog:


Embodiment of God website, current articles:


Rasa Von Werder publications on Lulu Press:  (put ‘newest to oldest’)


Rasa Von Werder – Kellie Everts on Amazon Books



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