1-2-21 Hardship Dreams
I was trying to get out of a place I was in with a male friend. We were both stuck here, due to another male who did something. Maybe this male’s truck was in our way or something.
The friend & I were trying to get out, MOVE, we have in our materials I see a small used child’s mattress & other things. Try as we might, we can’t get out because of the Truck-Man.
*(SMALL CHILD’S USED MATTRESS: Could refer to my Lover’s immaturity, that this makes him allow the obstacle – he clings to his childish dreams, needs or limitations.)*
Finally POLICE COME, like three of them. But we have to wait for the asshole TruckMan to place a glass of brown liquid on top of his truck while he sits against a wall & mutters prayers sort of smiling. I call out to the cops, this is taking too long, make him stop & get out of the way! The three cops are scattered through this driveway but they can’t do too much. One seems to be wearing a LIGHT, not dark uniform, maybe wearing GLASSES.
*(POLICE: In my dreams, always ANGELS. Because they are protectors / guardians & enforcers of the Will of God. The LIGHT uniform refers to marriage, he knows how that will turn out, & GLASSES are VISION.
BROWN LIQUID IN A CUP, HE SITS AGAINST THE WALL MUTTERING PRAYERS LOOKING AT THIS CUP, SMILING: The brown liquid is SHIT. This associate of his is full of it, sitting helplessly {against a wall is helpless} muttering PRAYERS which are not going to work…….This refers to ‘wishful’ or ‘magical’ thinking, which does not result in success, it does not call on the Power of God, it’s empty & useless & we’ve been waiting TOO LONG for this deluded activity to cease.)*
My friend, his identity? Reminds me of celebrity chef Gordon R – big, strong like that, but of course this is but a symbol.
*(GORDON R, BIG CELEBRITY: My Spiritual Husband Bob believes he can be a big celebrity, a rap star, & that this TruckMan can get him there. It’s a delusion. I call on God for help, but apparently, it isn’t time yet.)*
At one point ‘Gordon’ is standing at the outside of our pickup truck by the driver side, & this TruckMan takes his truck & puts it so close to GR that I fear he will crush him, somehow I intervene & push his old beige truck aside.
*(CRUSHING HIM AGAINST THE DOOR OF THE DRIVER SIDE OF OUR TRUCK: Here if Bob can get into the driver side of OUR truck we could drive off. But the TruckMan in the BROWN {RUSTY} truck has him almost crushed or squashed. This is the old IDEAS, RUSTY THOUGHTS & FEELINGS, past their utility, not working, not doing anything, just deteriorating, rusting, & this old thinking which TruckMan puts upon him has him in a place of LIMITATION, squeezing the LIFE out of him. But somehow I jump in & LIMIT THE DAMAGE. This would be my influence on his life is also working.)*
Will we ever get out of this driveway & onto our new home?
There was also a cocoa skinned man with a super thin right arm that was ‘following’ or in awe of my Gordon. Gordon at one point sat to his left & put his right arm around him for consolation. I said ‘he is your fan.’
*(HIS FAN, COCOA, WITH THE THIN, UNFORMED RIGHT ARM: This might be a version of TruckMan who admires or is infatuated with Gordon {my Bob} & treats him like he’s special. This gives Bob consolation. But notice
the RIGHT ARM IS THIN, UNFORMED: Means he has no effectiveness, lacks ability to help. When someone is YOUR RIGHT ARM they are of the GREATEST HELP TO YOU, but this guy’s right arm is thin, unformed, useless, like his ability to turn Bob into a RAP STAR or any kind of star. The COCOA SKIN refers to LOWER SELF or PHYSICAL – this means his self & whatever he says & does comes from the human self, not God, not destiny, not supernatural vision, nothing of power but just the human self. The human self is weak, it can do nothing remarkable, but with the Grace of God – which he hasn’t got – one can do wonders.)*
*(OVERALL MEANING: When you dream of MOVING it’s usually not literal, but from one state/situation to another. Many of my dreams concern the frustration with Spiritual Husband, ex-lover Bob, so this is about a stumbling block against us.
Who or what is this TruckMan with the light brown old truck, always in the way, almost crushing GR {Bob} & muttering long prayers, where not even three COPS {ANGELS} can get him out of the way?
All I can think of is his ‘business’ associate who has him convinced he can make him a RAP STAR – a project which has not happened for many years & never will, as this clown hasn’t got a clue.
The cop in the LIGHT-not dark uniform hints at marriage, as his uniform is almost white. Wearing glasses? That could refer to VISION – He sees something we don’t see, he knows something, probably the future. He knows the man & I will be together, he isn’t worried. Lack of concern is shown in how he’s just leaning against our truck, like WAITING for something. That means we have to wait this out – this will pass.)*

I can’t recall details, but my Beloved had somehow, some way, become a gigolo. But yet, I had the UPPER HAND. In fact, at the end of it, I had him & his main woman TRAPPED. How trapped? By information or situation, & I told another friend, pointing to my left palm,
“I have them IN THE PALM OF MY HAND.”
*(PALM OF MY HAND, I HAVE THEM IN IT: Palm of the hand, when pointing to it, has to do with MONEY. Like ‘let some silver cross my palm’. The PALM also refers to FORTUNE TELLING – the psychic looks at the PALM to tell your future. So this is about THE FUTURE OF BOB & MYSELF & HAS TO DO WITH MONEY. It shows they will be trapped or cornered, for lack of it, & he will need me to bail him out or keep him going. Maybe he will lose his job & his sugar Mamma, who already supports the family including him – will not be able to give him support. After all, he uses all his salary on his own needs – she could not cover his alcohol, marijuana, drugs, cigarettes & personal items, which come to at least $400. weekly – maybe more, which is his entire salary. At one time she gave him more, but hard times have come.)*
The feeling was, they could not get anywhere or go anywhere in the place they were in. LIFE had them trapped.
But before that my lover Bob, who this is about, had several women & I don’t know the details, but I told everyone HE IS A GIGOLO. Being a gigolo did not bode well for his future. I mean, there are illegal things going on, he’s going to get into hot water sooner or later.
*(HE’S A GIGOLO: Is not literal, means he lives off a woman or women, at least I think so.)*

The third dream was about ostracism. It was so painful & tedious I don’t want to put all the details.
My aunt & uncle had taken me out & now they were planning to go to dinner, & they had invited two young men. They were hemming & hawing about me being there & kept saying I should take my car & go home – but I didn’t know why they wanted me to go home. Then finally I figured because they didn’t want to take me to dinner with them – they were ashamed of me, it hurt.
*(AUNT & UNCLE ASHAMED OF ME: Aunt & Uncle always refers to punishment & pain – here the pain of ostracism. The fact they don’t want to take me to dinner is that people of the world don’t want to be seen in public with me, as those of the adult trade are ‘personal non grata,’ outcasts, undesirables, they are ashamed of me. This might refer to some relatives of mine, in real life, who feel that way about me although they pretend otherwise.)*
So I don’t go home, I stick around, & go to see who they WERE taking out to dinner. It was two young military men. They went with them to their apt, where they guys had to get their money behind a queen-sized bed, behind red pillows – apparently they would pay for their own food.
They guys explained how they TOOK OUT THE HEARTS OF AMERICANS, hearts & some other gland, & this surprised me, as these weren’t even THE ENEMY. But to my aunt / uncle they were ALRIGHT in spite of this, so they all proceeded out.
*(MILITARY MEN TAKE OUT HEARTS ETC BUT THEY ARE INVITED OUT: This is about society’s prejudice again me – labeled ‘adult trade worker’ vs those who take out hearts – which would be those who destroy people, they are the enemies of God, the demoniacs, but these people are accepted members of society, while I am AN OUTCAST.)*
I’m with my uncle at the table designated for them. It’s on a higher level than the main crowd, we are just being seated – I’m here temporarily, uncle to my right in a round booth – it’s dim – there are hundreds of ordinary people seated in front of us. An old lady comes up to us, a server. I tell her,
“They have a reservation for four. I’m not one of them. My aunt is coming & two other guys.”
So everything is set for them. I told my aunt/uncle I would find another place to eat, & at the end of their dinner, they could pick me up outside & drive me home.
But strange things happen. I turn out to be part of the entertainment of this restaurant, they have dancers, like strippers, & I turn out to be one of them – dancing naked with bright red lipstick, blonde hair & not much else.
*(DANCING NAKED: This explains why I am ostracized, nudity.)*
After the show I sit next to a youngish man to my right & ask him what he thought of the dancers. He says he can’t recall. I tweek his memory, ‘What about the one WITH THE GREAT BODY, the last one to dance?’ He says,
I knew my aunt & uncle would not even recognize me if they saw me on stage – I look different.
I then went outside to wait for them to take me home but they passed by, did not see me, I was not in the place I said I would be.
I never did find that other restaurant to eat in. I asked for directions, they told me, but it wasn’t there. I ended up on horrible, Hellish roads. The roads were encased in rock, you’d go & go & thy got narrower, you’r redo your steps to try & escape, & another road was the same thing. One road I did come upon a business place & asked the lady where did it lead into? She said eventually it did lead out, but it had detours which ended up dead ends. So one could get caught on these roads & die, with rocks all around, it was a NIGHTMARE.
*(NIGHTMARE ROADS, ENCLOSED, CANNOT FIND THE RESTAURANT OR POSSIBLY THE WAY BACK: This is the suffering of outcasts in our society, the way they are treated, they can’t find a place of satisfaction of nourishment, all of society rejects them.)*
Please see my book which has close to 900 dream symbols, at Lulu Press, UK
