Why are Women Leaving?

By Rasa Von Werder, April 22nd, 2023



People Leaving the Catholic Church – Especially Women




These three qualified & brilliant men discuss why so many people leaving the Catholic Church? I give my answer


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OK I have thought about it & have so many reasons figured out why people are leaving the Catholic Church. You make it seem like those who leave the CC are leaving all the good that it offers. This may not be so. The basic answer I got after praying was NO TAXATION WTHOUT REPRESENTATION. It’s what the CC has done to women. It excludes women from all types of leadership, but it USES women as volunteers, almsgivers, servants, slaves & BREEDERS. It is the women who are most supportive of religions, women are more spiritual than men, they go to Church more, they give more in every way. Yet they are not REPRESENTED in any form of leadership, their voices & needs are not met. They are TOLD WHAT TO DO as if the men know better than us what we should or should not do. The CC is a Patriarchal stronghold or rather was, & it is diminishing for the way it looks upon women. It will continue to shrink because women will not put up with it, not breed for them, not donate time & money – as the CC no longer represents us. Why we remained in it so long was the women’s movement had not yet begun. Scientific proof of female superiority occurred only recently. And the last straw toward men, the straw that broke the camel’s back, is human men are going extinct. See “Adam’s Curse – a Future Without Men” by top world geneticist Dr. Bryan Sykes…..


The men here on this show are the best of men & superbly qualified for God’s work. They have golden hearts & brilliant minds. The CC will use them to try to keep its foothold on earth, but it will not be enough. These new good Priests have sacrificed themselves, especially in the vow of celibacy, & they will be rewarded by God. They are bent on saving the Catholic Church. But women have moved on – we are a different breed than those brainwashed in past days to live under the authority of men. We will take all the good the CC has to offer, which Jesus & Mary gave us, the Saints, the Sacraments, the Holy Spirit – take all this with us as we move on & leave the CC. That is the big answer. We are not leaving God, merely a Patriarchal Institution which does not serve or represent women.


          Guys you are selling a product, so to speak, the benefits & services of the Catholic Church. Yes those are great. However, you are missing the point. These services & benefits are not what women are rejecting. Women love these & they will not want to lose them. But you are presenting these Gifts at a price – they come with the MALE AGENDA. We have to be less than you, lower than you, when we are part of the CC. All of us you believe are INFERIOR to men. You do not believe God called women to the Priesthood. Wasn’t Holy Mary the first & foremost PRIEST when She gave us the BODY & BLOOD OF JESUS?

Look at the way you conducted this presentation. You hardly ever speak of women or their role, or their importance. You act like WOMEN ARE IRRELEVANT. This is a boy’s club, a religion of men, women are servants. The nuns have no authority; they bow & scrape before Priests like nurses bow & scrape before doctors. Nurses must obey doctors, nuns must obey Priests. And the bad Priests were obeyed by wicked nuns, as in the Magdalene Laundries. Nuns obey & cover for bad Priests, they are afraid of them & the Church, being kicked out. But you do not even address the subject of how the CC treats women, like it doesn’t matter, it’s all good. It’s not good. Women are leaving. As I said, they will take the good part of the CC with them & start new religions. I have started my own Order. We will write our own rules. God is inside us. Jesus is alive within me, so is Mary. Their Spirits & Anointings are within the good women. And so, what we are leaving is the authority of men, we feel this is not necessary to our relationship with God. We can relate to God without men telling us what to do.

OK BIG picture & little picture. First, the entire world.

In the last century & beginning of this century things have happened to fatally injure the Patriarchy – it CANNOT CONTINUE as it has for two reasons.

First, it has been discovered that females are biologically, constitutionally & mentally superior to males, by virtue of their two X chromosomes with males have only one X & an inferior Y – & also brain scans which prove that the male can use only about half of his brain at a time, while women use the entire brain. {This is due to the corpus collasum having thousands of nerve connections in female, very few in male.} Secondly Dr. Daniel Amen discovered that in men, the frontal lobes are ASLEEP but the back or primitive part of the brain is awake, but in women, the entire brain is awake. The frontal lobes constitute the civilized part of ourselves, including our spiritual abilities.

Even prior to these scientific facts being discovered, the women’s movement began with Emmeline Pankhurst of England in the 20th century, Elizabeth Cady Stanton & the Americans following up, then the second wave of the movement in the sixties with Betty Friedan.

And so now you have women rising up & proof of female superiority – scientific proof that cannot be disputed, & the world will never be the same again. Even though the males are suppressing this knowledge, it’s leaking out as people like Ashley Montagu in 1953 promoted “The Natural Superiority of Women” while William Bond & Rasa Von Werder have been writing on the emergence of Matriarchy & Female Empowerment for years.

To top it all off & put a lid on the subject, I have mentioned the work of geneticist Dr. Bryan Sykes of OxfordUniversity who has proven human males will be no more in approximately 100k years & it will be a woman-only world. Women have the egg, which is reproductive, while men have a sperm which is not, it carries DNA material to the egg, men cannot reproduce without women but women can reproduce without men. Women will reinstate their parthenogenesis abilities as did Our Holy Virgin Mary – They can also have two female parenting by placing 23 chromosomes of one woman’s egg into another. All female offspring.

In the light of all these facts, male domination of women cannot continue as it isn’t feasible, logical or rational. Their control of women is based on violence, intimidation, unjust laws & lies. But this cannot stand any longer. The males know the truth as well as do the women, the women began to fight back & God is on their side, as Truth is, God is Truth.

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In other words, women are rising up, Matriarchy is coming back & Patriarchy is crumbling.

That’s the BIG picture & the little picture is the Catholic Church is part of the tyrannical, obstinate & exploitative Patriarchy, & it refuses to change. Many other religions have changed – they are ordaining women, even the Jews have female rabbis.

And in view of this, if one refuses to change or adjust as the world changes, one begins to fail. If a business doesn’t change, even huge companies like Kodak, who were once innovators, have shut down. IBM was once big, now shrunken down due to competition. K-Mart was once the main discount store, before that Woolworth’s. K-Mart put Woolworth’s out of business, Walmart put K-Mart out of business. The business world does not stop but new companies take the place of the old.

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And so with religion. Now that women have moved forward they demand leadership positions. If the religions now active don’t provide this, they will eventually create their own religions, as I am doing. I am writing out & planning a new Order which will include all the good things of Catholicism & the good of other disciplines moving toward God.

We do not throw out the baby with the bath water. All we want to be rid of is male tyranny & oppression & dogmatic gunk. To think that males have some kind of monopoly on God is irrational. If anyone should have a authority on religion it should be women, as they are moreso the nurturers & care givers.

My conclusion is that no matter how many good, sincere & faithful men now enter the Priesthood, it’s too late to fix the Catholic Church.

What is the CC trying to do? First, it entertained homosexuals & pedophiles, giving them a cushiony home, environment & nourishment. It protected them when they sinned.

These scholars here are saying it was only 1%. One percent what? Those convicted? Perhaps convicted, but those guilty would be way more – & consider the unreported cases. If it was only 1% perpetrators the Church could have cleaned these guys out. It was way more than that – My guess? Thirty per cent?

And you guys point out that pedophilia exists way more in other cases, such as Dads molesting their own children. Indeed, this is true. However, a Church is to be held to a higher standard – they represent the things of God. The average Dad is not expected to be a Righteous Soul – Priests are.

The homosexual pedophiles were & are Judas’s to the Church. They are demons. They have betrayed her to the core. Can the Church ever recover?

Things were going downhill for the Church due to the women’s movement & the proof of their superiority. And then this. This would make a person think,

“So these are the guys who are making us feel guilty over our sex lives? I’ve had enough. I don’t need this. I’m leaving & taking my children out of there.”

You men emphasize all the good you are offering to the public. Indeed you are, but still, holding on to the tradition of Patriarchy where you rule women, we obey. Why? Why do we have to obey you? Why don’t you obey us?

And the Church is now desperate for survival. It is pulling out all the stops, importing men from India & Africa & somehow finding the most masculine, straight, athletic, female-loving men they can find who are willing to sacrifice. I’m sorry for them because celibacy/chastity is not normal & natural & could be unhealthy, especially for men. This state can only be good when empowered by God’s Grace.

I know a bit about celibacy as I lived it for thirty years. It is incredibly difficult. I worked on it for years before the Holy Virgin appeared to me & requested me to become celibate. She came & gave me the grace & the authority to practice it because I desired it.

But this is not for all people & should not be demanded willy nilly, like you, dear sir, must sacrifice yourself for us, the Church. No, it is between the Soul & God. It might not even be the right thing to do.

In my opinion, all they must do is take off the restrictions on dating & marriage for men, & ordain women with the same. That would solve many problems. But they won’t do that, so the CC will continue to shrink until it becomes a remnant.

Meanwhile, their Churches will go empty & be put up for sale, & people like myself, who want their own Religion that serves women, will buy up the properties & preside – Our own world where men will be ‘Third order,’ having no say so or vote in what we do. Amen.

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