The Gender War – We are Leaders – How do we Defeat Patriarchs? 12-5-23
From William Bond:
We have to think how we can sell the concept of matriarchy in a way that appeals to all people. It should in theory appeal to women but I think they are afraid of matriarchy. I know feminists do fear a backlash against women if they go too far and I suppose they think that the concept of women ruling the world will cause a backlash. This is probably why the women at Matriarchal Studies try to claim that matriarchy is only about equality.
So I think women would love to rule the world, but they think if they try to do this, men will get upset and use violence against women to assert control over women once again. Which suggests to me that women do think that equality with men is as much as they can achieve and if they attempt to go further than this, it will end up in disaster. So for this reason we cannot just sell matriarchy to only women, we have to sell matriarchy to both men and women because women will have more confidence in matriarchy if they are supported by men.
Matriarchy can appeal to men because Patriarchy doesn’t benefit the majority of men. We have had many men who have wrote about the insanity of warfare and that we live in a very unequal world. So I think we can sell matriarchy as a solution to both warfare and inequality. That is providing that female leaders are willing to act and behave like women and not try to behave like men as we see with many modern female politicians. william
From Rasa Von Werder:
William, We cannot DESCEND to their level when we are the main ones telling the TRUTH, the truth, & nothing but the truth. It isn’t about lowering ourselves, our standards, our beliefs. If the Lighthouse dims its Light because some people are blinded by it, what will the boats steer to?
No, we are the light on the shore. We are the fire on the mountain top, the way St. Patrick signaled his new POV, challenging the Chieftains {in case you didn’t know, they used fires to signal events, holidays, the right to rule – many things. They were signals.} Being AFRAID & giving in to the lower thoughts is not the answer. This IS a WAR. - A WAR OF IDEAS. Will we allow them to win?
Shyt, if we fold up, we are the Commander in Chief, the Generals, what will the lower officers & privates do? No one to lead them!
We are the LEADERS! One of the characteristics of a leader is COURAGE. This courage galvanizes the fearful, inspires them to move forward against an enemy that can hurt or kill. Sometimes the leaders are so Charismatic they will inspire the troops to attack against all odds. {Not talking about hypnosis the tyrants use, talking about courage.} Look at Napoleon & Alexander the Great. I’m not condoning or excusing their crimes, just talking about how they spurred on people.
Recently you spoke abut positive thinking, that one must BELIEVE in order to succeed. What has happened to your FAITH? Have you LOST IT?
We fight not against the physical, but against spiritual entities in high places {St. Paul’s very famous idea.} We fight with SPIRITUAL WEAPONS. He explains, the Helmet of Salvation, the Sword of the Spirit, the feet shod in Peace, the Girdle of Righteousness & the SHIELD OF FAITH.
OK, so if we, the leaders, decide to compromise? This article I just saw, indicates today’s Churches are confused about the Gospel of Christ – which means preaching the Cross, Poverty, do unto others, love others as yourself – all of that. Today’s world DOESN’T LIKE IT they say! so let’s give them FOOD – MUSIC & most of all PROSPERITY PREACING, preach being positive will bring results such as MONEY. Preach if you love God, God will give you MONEY! BLESSINGS ARE MONEY! A fine house, car, good mate, healthy children, preach all that will come to you if you love God – then they will COME TO CHURCH!
But this gospel is the Gospel of Satan! He said, ‘I will give you all the kingdoms of the world & their glory if you will bow down & worship me!” And you are suggesting compromise of our ideas, the very ideas that have built our foundation – which for you is ‘men have done a terrible job of ruling our world, they are not suitable to lead, step aside & let women take their place. etc.’
For me, it’s ‘Women are superior to men by nature – God made them that way. Men cannot, should not rule the family or world as they destroy what they control; it is not natural for them to lead. etc.”
On the side of Christianity as I said, the Cross is what Jesus taught, & Poverty is the Cross. The FOCUS on Prosperity is the Gospel of Satan. As far as Matriarchy, Matriarchy is NOT equality of women with men. We cannot preach this as then we become IRRELEVANT. We dismiss our cause, our unique foundation & agenda. We then stand for nothing; we simply disappear among the out-dated feminists. Feminists will be like the Wright Brothers 200 years from now, people will know they had to start somewhere, so there they started. And what they fought for was not equality with men – I’m sure many believed in superiority – they preached for equality UNDER THE LAW – a big difference-the right to vote, to get jobs, etc. You never cite that difference.
So let’s get back to the teaching of St. Paul. What do we fight with? Truth, righteousness & the truth is what we three have been saying all along from the beginning & we cannot deviate from it or else we sink into the mire of where all the other don’t-knows are. Those who hunger for the truth – who will they then follow? - The femdom world? I just had a man write me today talking about a femdom ‘Goddess’ who wants to start a Gynarchy community. He calls her Viola Voltairine. Curious to see if this had any validity, I looked her up & saw this:
“And through Ms. Lane, I’ve met Goddess Viola Voltairine. A slave owner of two men, seeking to create her own harem of male servants. She also revels in female sexual sadistry. A self-proclaimed vampire, she cuts and feeds on her favorite boy Drum’s blood regularly.”
OK this is a crock of shyt. It’s an invention to MAKE MONEY from submissives. We understand this; we know it’s not REAL in creating Matriarchy. It is not part of our agenda, POV or religion; this is a sideline for those who want/need to use the adult trade to make money.
OK then is this who they follow if we disappear by preaching a lower truth?
You speak of FEAR – women’s fear. They fear more than VIOLENCE. They fear the lack of support from men. Support is paramount. If a woman has children, working & taking care of them is extremely difficult – she needs help. Even ordinary life is more tolerable with the help of a partner.
Your letter, now that I reread it, is so sissy-ish it makes me want to vomit.
If this is WAR – & it is – it’s like saying let’s back up a step. Give the enemy more room, more freedom, let him have what he wants to some degree. We can’t afford to have him hurt us or kill us, let’s give in.
Some leader you are!
Instead of what you say we must have FAITH that God WILL PREVAIL & Matriarchy will happen as God intended, just let us do what we can, no compromise.
You said: “This is probably why the women at Matriarchal Studies try to claim that matriarchy is only about equality.”
The reason these women say what they say & pretend what they pretend is because academia is still under the power of patriarchy. They are not allowed to teach/preach, female superiority which is the rule in Matriarchy. If they do they will be discredited & maybe lose their jobs – their work trashed or discredited the way they tried with Marija Gimbutas.
From William:
Rasa, when I wrote about men supporting women. I didn’t mean that men take any leadership position. Men can support women as bodyguards and as workers for the matriarchal cause. In many ways men can be more aware of what a terrible job men do of ruling the world, than women. Too many women are willing to make excuses for men’s behavior. I don’t see matriarchy v patriarchy as a women v men fight. Many women support patriarchy and I’m sure many men will support matriarchy. William
From Rasa: William,
All I can think of in answer is in Africa there are communities of women that broke off from men. They supported themselves; they found a way, some, by selling jewelry they created to tourists. I’m not sure exactly what they did in all these sisterhoods, but they not only survived they thrived compared to what they had before, & did not suffer the mistreatment & oppression previously. The men were seething with rage & jealousy – their communities without women went downhill, they become impoverished & lacked all the benefits of female slavery. For a while they attacked & interfered with the women but eventually slowed down on that, it was no use.
In time, males were allowed to return but only in subordinate positions, to do menial work. Not many men – just a few.
We definitely see this issue from two similar but different positions. Mine is more extreme pro women. You want the men to be involved in everything it seems. I don’t. I don’t trust their presence at all. They want to get their foot in the door & after they do they take more & more away from women. Their ultimate aim once again, is to control us, & it’s like the demons getting in – we know their agenda.
My POV comes from experience. I’ve lived with men starting out ever-so kind, nice, supportive, with flattery, gifts, favors – whatever they can do to get in {false front being shown}. And then after a while, they take more & more good away & bring more & more evil into the picture. This happened with most, not all my relationships. The exceptions were as I described in my life story, ‘St. Esquire’ & Richard Von Werder, my second husband. But I can’t think of any other supportive & loving relationships men gave me, it always ended up bad. And when I say bad I mean horrid – Because they are not SINCERE in their ‘love’ – it’s human desire.
And besides that, they DON’T CARE ABOUT CHILDREN in general. There are exceptions, George Muller & Rev Spurgeon & a few others. But these are rare. Why did we have legions of children IN THE STREETS in the 1800′s? Charles Dickens writes about the work houses & orphanages. These orphans were seen as VERMIN by the regular folk, as they had to beg & steal to survive. They were dirty, ignorant, sometimes ill & had no charm or manners to win folks to their favor. Why all these kids in the street, for lack of WHAT?
For lack of MATRIARCHY. Men want to follow THEIR NATURE – taking care of children is not part of it. So they obey their glands & when women get pregnant, they can whistle Dixie for support – he got his kicks – good bye Cecilia. Women are reduced to beggars– there is no safety net for men’s actions, what can a pregnant woman or one with babies do for support in those days?
You care too much about the side of men, who do not deserve your concerns. Granted there are some good ones, but only a minority. I’m thinking in general terms. You’re seeing this PERSONALLY like your own good self helping women. Think of all those who don’t give a shyt.
The Patriarchal system is designed for men to get all the privileges & women few options, keeping them in slavery. This is changing for the better but you’re slow to see women’s plight. You’re looking at men with rose colored glasses – across the board THEY ARE THE ENEMY & we are sleeping with him.
In spite of all your teachings, you are a man so you are on the side of men – To some degree, to a degree that makes me uncomfortable.
No matter what I say, you CAN’T see my POV. You can’t perceive why women would want to have a place to GET AWAY from men entirely, to have a SAFE SPACE where men aren’t welcome. Consider the MEN’S CLUBS in England & elsewhere, where the man could get away from wife & family, be LEFT ALONE, eat, sleep, gamble – not sure what else was provided. In some places, just sit, read or chat. But they were left alone without interference from women.
Women want the same thing – I certainly do. I have not had a REAL girl friend since High School. No one I can rely on or trust. Because once women reach a certain age & status in society, they are considered PROPERTY OF MEN. Single women are not allowed into married people’s company. You can’t understand all of this, there is so much you DO NOT UNDERSTAND re the plight of women & their needs. Rasa
Pete Jackson says:
Good evening, Rasa and William. Oy vey, there’s a lot to unpack here. I am admittedly a bit out of my depth so I don’t think I really have much of substance to add here. But here goes anyway:
I will note that there is a difference between compromising one’s *strategy* versus compromising one’s *principles*. The former may be permissible, while the latter is not. And it’s a very fine line indeed.
About faith, I am the first to admit that mine is not always nearly as strong as it should be. I can even be a Doubting Thomas at times. It’s kinda human nature, I guess. And I reflexively tend to approach the issues from a more secular and social perspective by default.
And of course, William and I are men, and thus we will unfortunately always be at least a little a bit biased towards the male POV, even if unconsciously. It’s in our DNA. Like William, I personally tend to prefer more integration over gender separatism for the most part. Though I think there is something to say for both perspectives IMHO. And especially with me, please take what I say with at least a grain of salt, if not a whole pound.
We may not always agree on everything, but at least we all agree on the very basics overall.
Beyond that, I don’t think I have much else to add here. Best wishes, Pete
Rasa says:
OK thanks Pete. What this to me has brought out is that there is a conflict between the view of William & myself which will never change. So to quell my frustration I just have to accept it, not let it bother me. It will be impossible for us to convince the other, we just have to let it go. And why he can’t understand what I am saying is beyond me. I DID NOT say women & men have to be separate at all times in all ways, all of them. I said women NEED a PLACE/PLACES were they can be separate. Is that not a difference?
Patriarchs are not separate from women AT ALL TIMES, in all ways, in all places. But they have places to go to be separate. Muslims have their Temples. Italians & other nationalities have ‘men’s clubs,’ they are all over the place. They also have Shriners, Freemasons & the like. Even my little town has one. I’ve seen so many movies where men speak of & go to ‘their club’. The club is a men’s hotel – they can sleep there if they wish. Where is the equivalent of this for women?
But for women, it’s even more necessary because they not only need separate space to go to for themselves, the space must also receive their CHILDREN. This is BEYOND battered women’s shelters. That is what my NEW ORDER will address & I hope, provide.
William & yourself don’t dwell upon such things as you never had to. I had to. I had a child & I was alone. No family, nothing. I could have used a safe space that provided amenities for her & me apart from our own residence. A ‘hotel’ or ‘women’s club’ where you could safely leave your child/children where they would be provided for by women, while you work shop or do something else. Women need this DESPERATELY. Rasa
Paul described the spiritual battle in his letter to the Corinthians
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,” – Paul (2 Cor 10:3-5)
As we are fighting a spiritual war, the weapons we use are not physical weapons. Our mission objective is not to take prisoners or to conquer cities. Our true target is to capture the hearts of the people, to lead them to Christ, to teach them to obey him.
But sometimes, no matter how much effort we put in our preaching, we often find it difficult to reach to our friends. No matter how hard we try, we fail to capture their hearts.
As the result many churches come up with many methods to preach the gospel. But often we do not receive the result that we want. It looks as if we are attacking a stronghold that will we can never overcome.
Perhaps we rely too much on our own wisdom and strategies and we fail to utilize the spiritual weapons of the apostles.
The Power Of God And Its Role In Spiritual Warfare
When Paul encountered a similar problem, how did he overcome it?
Often we are unsure how to win the hearts of people. The modern church advocate that that traditional services can no longer attract people. They feel that old stories can never move new people. So they plan countless ways to reach out and move people.
As we see this, sometimes we wonder, “Shall I continue to talk about Jesus and the cross?” “Should we find another way?” That is how most Christians approach their spiritual battle.
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