Purpose of “Embodiment of God”

By Rasa Von Werder, February 9th, 2014
We know since before 2004 (when the findings were published) that human males are going extinct. But women can procreate men in several ways, the human race will continue.


(Discussions on the writings of this site are welcome, from those who are serious and sincere. Please direct your comments to my contact page. I will share the pertinent ones, I will answer your questions on this website.)

“This website is Springtime after a long dead Winter, it is release from a protracted prison.  It is orphans finally being held by a Mother, it’s joy and delight after sorrow.  Life returns to our souls, we smile, we move.  Fear leaves us as we enter a Heaven.  This Heaven is Matriarchy, we are leading the good sheep there.”

Women bring Heaven to Earth, Men, without women, bring Hell, Men, when taking the place of women, create Hell on Earth

Women bring Heaven to Earth, Men, without women, bring Hell, Men, when taking the place of women, create Hell on Earth


We are beginning to change the world AGAIN!

Yes, it was time.  “Woman Thou Art God” reached the ends of the Earth, the catalyst for women to jump up and say “I am God” (Femen!) on top of altars where men preside, they cut down crosses & put themselves in place of Christ (Ukraine Femen), they began “Female Supremacy Now” groups which embodied the words of Rasa Von Werder, “I am God, Every Day is My Sabbath!” (unknown author), a “sensuous” Madonna was put as Mother Mary on the altar of the most historical Cathedral in the U.K. – these just samples of a monumental surge in the hearts of women “Woman, Thou Art God” was an investment of three years and 50K……More than that, years of thought and another few years to make its effect.

It is the Mother that is the Power, the "Father" is but a fantasy, today they no longer take responsibility, as perhaps it is too much for their shoulders

It is the Mother that is the Power, the “Father” is but a fantasy, today they no longer take responsibility, as perhaps it is too much for their shoulders

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Rasa speaks:
The bold women of Femen (and other greats) took off where I left off as the “Stripper for God”, (giving 1,000 sermons in burlesque theaters and clubs before I danced, from 1973 to 1987), coupled with the other Rasa claim –Woman, not man, is God!


It is more than a body difference, woman is different in her brain.  The corpus collosum, which joins the two halves of brain together, has numerous connections in the female brain, while male has almost none - that is why he cannot understand you - Perhaps he is not made to think.  He obeys, let him now obey woman instead of other men.

It is more than a body difference, woman is different in her brain. The corpus collosum, which joins the two halves of brain together, has numerous connections in the female brain, while male has almost none – that is why he cannot understand you – Perhaps he is not made to think. He obeys, let him now obey woman instead of other men.

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Other activities of mine which changed the world for the betterment of women were Female Body Building and Female Domination Supremacy, preached nationally and internationally.  I have the award as the Foundress of Modern Competitive Female Body Building (“Progenitor”).  The domination angle went from underground to mainstream.  These concepts encouraged women to move from passivity to assertion/aggression with men.



There was also the Event of the Our Lady of Fatima Speech, which I preached in Lafayette Park in front of the White House – June 16, 1978.  This (eventually) ended the Cold War, got a Polish/Lithuanian Pope elected (1981), Reagan, Gorbachev, Glasnost, Perestroika, the Fall of Communism (Berlin, 1989, Eastern Europe 1991) and end of the Threat of Nuclear Annihilation  (which had been looming over our planet for years.)


This former Event is a Signpost of what Mother God empowered me to do – save women, save lives, save our planet.  The work has not ended, it continues, herein I reveal what is to come.

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Ten years passed since the inception of “Woman, Thou Art God.”   It was a seed in 2004, it gestated, it bore fruit; the most visible result is the movement called “Femen.”  (I had long been saying Feminism/equality has done its work, ….move on…Empowerment is the byword!)  I knew it was time for women to become aggressive, as I had been, but they remained passive – until Femen.  And Femen is using the same tactic I did – the breasts, body, beauty, nudity of women.  It gets attention.  It breaks a taboo, a barrier against public display of the female.

No absolute ideas came to me about what I should do next.  I published fifteen books between 2006 and 2012 and wrote hundreds of essays on internet venues.  These writings covered a multitude of sins and virtues, from spirituality to the evils of Patriarchy.  I seemed to get caught on a treadmill of sharing Patriarchy’s wrongs – by 2014 it was getting tedious.  We knew what was wrong, but what was right?  Hearing the atrocities of men, day in, day out made a person want to scream,

We know since before 2004 (when the findings were published) that human males are going extinct.  But women can procreate men in several ways, the human race will continue.

We know since before 2004 (when the findings were published) that human males are going extinct. But women can procreate in several ways, the human race will continue.

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“OK, they’re evil!  What should we do?  What next?  I know they’re going extinct, I know Matriarchy is coming, I know they are still doing every demonic nuance of torture and death there is.  But how can I help usher in Matriarchy besides repeating how wrong Patriarchy is?  There must be a way I can help people embody Matriarchy, receive it, manifest it in their own lives.”

Of course, Matriarchy was the answer.  We said it again and again, a few Spartans like William Bond, Steve Andrews and myself, but how to BRING HUMANITY INTO IT?  Natch, women were getting EDUCATED.  That was the key to restoring their power – the futurists had known it for forty years, but what else?  There were many books, articles, sites proclaiming the Feminine Divine, Sophia, Goddesses, Pagans, Wiccans and the like, but HOW WAS THIS IMPACTING THE WORLD AS THE “MAN ON THE STREET – the MAINSTREAM?  Patriarchy seemed calcified as ever, the cult of the Goddess did not penetrate the status quo.  All these movements, religions had existed for THOUSANDS OF YEARS but how would their ideas impact the Patriarchally-oppressed man and woman RIGHT NOW?

We will once again worship a Mother God and venerate women.  There will be domed Temples where steepled Churches once were

We will once again worship a Mother God and venerate women. There will be domed Temples where steeple Churches once were



There were a number of ideas I had been working on for years in books and writings, as well as changing my lifestyle. Like so:

•    I knew the Madonna-Whore split had disempowered women and melding the two would empower them to the heights.  This was done by me as the Stripper for God, it is followed up by Femen, using nudity with activism against the status quo.  (other groups of women are also standing up against men, in groups, with the shock tactic of nakedness.)

(scroll down to see the pertinent entry)

•    I could see that HAVING FUN / SEXUALITY  was a taboo for women, especially older ones.  Young women who enjoyed life were labeled tramps, sluts, whores, – such women including prostitutes had a marginal place in Patriarchal culture, pushed into “untouchable” status, not “marriage material” (marriage was the common job for security, getting a rich man was every Mother’s dream for her daughter.)  Older women were not considered meaningful, they became non-persons (exceptions did occur, we speak in generalities.) Unseen, unheard– some of the richest people were widows, but they could not spend their money on fun for fear of being put into lunatic asylums.  Most senior women, after enduring a lifetime of discrimination wanted peace, not ready to break taboos, be ostracized by family and friends, ridiculed for HAVING FUN.

Myself just having fun in a club, but of course, getting a share of ridicule for being “too old to have fun”:

All peoples who are oppressed must fight, and they must represent themselves.  Grown men and women cannot depend on someone else to fight for their rights.  However, there are the oppressed, the helpless, those in chains, those in prisons, factory farms, testing labs, children, the weak and vulnerable, who are dying for lack of our help.  Women will set this all straight.

All peoples who are oppressed must fight, and they must represent themselves. Grown men and women cannot depend on someone else to fight for their rights. However, there are the enslaved (literal, emotional, political, ECONOMIC), the helpless, those in chains,  in prisons, factory farms, testing labs, children, the weak and vulnerable, who are dying for help.  Women, even in a disempowered position, have always been the ones to help.  Once in position of power,  they will set this all straight.


•    Again, I saw the actions of “old women” being a point of contention for “old men” Patriarchs – it’s competition – who will guide the young into their agenda?  – the Culture of Death (necrophilia) of men or the Culture of Life (biophilia, see Mary Daly) by women?  I covered this in two books by the same name, Parts I and II:



•    There was also the subject of sexual repression of women.  Questions of human rights, discrimination, arise.  The DOUBLE STANDARD abounds, what’s good for the gander is not good for the goose, so they say, while Dr. James W. Prescott teaches that cultures which practice sexual repression of women ARE THE MOST VIOLENT, whereas the opposite bode PEACE.

One of my books embodies the teachings of Dr. Prescott – we had discussions:



    There is one more glaring deficit in the philosophy of men – their lie that God is far away, that “He” looks down on us with a heavy dose of wrathful vengeance.  We must have a fear and trembling toward God and realize that “He” is big, huge, distant, menacing, frightening, majestic, while we are insignificant, tiny, weak, – all the negatives.  In both the Muslim and Hebrew tradition, you cannot even say THE NAME OF GOD directly, but like so, G_d, at the most.  They turn God into more of a frightening tyrant and warlord than a loving MOTHER, or someone CLOSE ENOUGH TO BE INSIDE US.  They portray a “Person” who created us AND WENT AWAY & we have to jump through hoops to find “him.”

    But on the contrary, we have other philosophies, and I invented none of it, just imbibed them and present them here as the viable answer to the question,

 “Where is God?”

Nondual Spirituality or Mystical Advaita


Women will have to reproduce without men in time, big changes will occur.  Parthenogenesis, the spontaneous ability to conceive, will be revived, for one thing.

Women will have to reproduce without men in time, big changes will occur. Parthenogenesis, the spontaneous ability to conceive, will be revived, for one thing.  There will be more sperm banks, and 23 chromosomes from one egg into another, creates two-women parenting, all girl offspring.

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***“Reviewing the history of our sacred traditions, it’s clear that nondual spirituality is the most authentic, deepest form of mystical religion. Nonduality holds that ultimately there is only this One Divine Reality with no fundamental, essential separation between God-and-world, God-and-soul.”***
And so, as I proposed elsewhere on this site, all the world is God, the body is God, Nature is God, all life is God, and there is no “God and us”, there is only God manifesting as spirit and matter.
Again, let me note that all the ancient religions were Mother God religions (all the Patriarchal religions stolen from them and twisted their way) of Wicca, Paganism, Druids, Goddess worshipers, all revered the same:  Nature, the Earth, Life, Animals, the Body, Sexuality, – all was God and of God.
To the subject of sexuality, the 22,000 year old faith of Shaktism looms tallest.  It purports both Female Supremacy as well as sex being a gateway to God – Shaktism preaches Enlightenment for a man through the body worship of woman:

Woman deserves to be worshiped as God because She is reproductive.  Man is not appropriate to be seen as God because his sperm is not a reproductive cell, it is a "parasite" on the body of the woman and uses her Power to reproduce him.

Woman deserves to be worshiped as God because She is reproductive. Man is not appropriate to be seen as God because his sperm is not a reproductive cell, it is a “parasite” on the body of the woman and uses her Power to reproduce him.

Nowhere in the religious history of the world do we come across such a completely female-oriented system as Shaktism.
In its present form, Shaktism is essentially a medieval religion [i.e. its ritual details evolved in the Indian medieval period, around 500-1000 CE], but it is a direct offshoot of the primitive Mother Goddess cult which was so prominent a feature of the religion of the [Bronze Age] agricultural peoples, who based their social system on the principle of mother-right.”*** …

***“Mother Earth is Alive!  How one man found out by experience, the Power of the Shakti or Mother God inherent in Nature, our Planet:”***

Women have a lot of leadership Power, but it has been knocked out of them so many years, they have to regain their confidence. But they are regaining it back with a vengeance! Watch out men, women will lead everything soon!

Women have a lot of leadership Power, but it has been knocked out of them so many years, they have to regain their confidence. But they are regaining it back with a vengeance! Watch out men, women will lead everything soon!

Shakti and Shiva, Male and Female, the religion we here espouse – the following abbreviated and edited by Rasa:
***“Shaktas conceive the Goddess as the supreme, ultimate Godhead. She is considered to be simultaneously the source of all creation, as well as its embodiment and the energy that animates and governs it. It has been observed that “nowhere in the religious history of the world do we come across such a completely female-oriented system.”[6]
Shaktism’s focus on the Divine Feminine does not imply a rejection of Masculine. This is the fundamental tenet of Shaktism, as emphasized in the widely known image of the goddess Kali (female Goddess) striding atop the seemingly lifeless body of Shiva (male God).  She brings him to Life!”***

Women will rule the family and the world soon - in 6 generations or 200 years, I predict, but it will not happen instantly & appear, we are moving toward that every day

Women will rule the family and the world soon – in 6 generations or 200 years, I predict, but it will not happen instantly, we are moving toward that every day


This website is Springtime after a long dead Winter, it is release from a protracted prison.  It is orphans finally being held by a Mother, it’s joy and delight after sorrow.  Life returns to our souls, we smile, we move.  Fear leaves us as we enter a Heaven.  This Heaven is Matriarchy, we are leading the good sheep there.

Guru Rasa Von Werder   2  9  14

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