“***<>!Patriarchy invented marriage because it was only through marriage that a man could know who his children were and pass wealth and power to his sons.<>!***”

Marriage by way of Patriarchy means oppression to women. Not about love, but a job where women serve men, breed for them, and create heirs for their wealth. Marriage forced women into faithfulness. Any alternatives, such as women working, were closed to them, women having multiple sex partners for free or pay, closed to them by various methods.
Rasa Von Werder says: There is no man like William Bond in the service of Matriarchy. His thinking is right on point, he solves many mysteries of why Patriarchy does as it does in its harm to women and men.
Why does patriarchy dislike women, love and sex? The reason is, to make it possible for men to dominate and control women.
According to archaeologist Marija Gimbutas, the first matriarchal civilizations (peaceful!) were conquered by male gangs from the North. Although these first patriarchal leaders used violence, they did not gain total control over the people they conquered; their customs remained matriarchal. Women were still in control and the warlords had to negotiate with them to get anything accomplished.
Another problem the warlords had was that the first patriarchs were always fighting one another to gain dominance. They wanted to recruit warriors from the matriarchal communities, but were met with resistance.

It was NOT EASY for men to hold down women. Consider, how with any of their institutionalized discrimination toppling over, got women to plow through and begin defeating them. Like chinks in an armor, a hole in a dyke, any small thing that men did not control, women would break through the barrier. It happened that education was a key by which women have now outperformed men in droves. Males are falling behind, women are surging forward.
So the warlords to get control over the men in these matriarchal communities had to teach them how to hate. The easy way men can gain dominance over women is through violence, but understandably, most men do not want to do this. So to get men to do this, requires the patriarchal leaders to teach men how to hate women and discourage them from loving them. So when they taught men to do this, they would be more likely to control women, using violence. They then also got these men to hate the enemies of the warlord. They got them to fight and kill the warlord’s enemies.
So teaching men how to hate women and hate other men was how patriarchy got established. But patriarchy had another problem. Although men could now dominate women through violence, power and wealth still ended up in the hands of women through inheritance.

Women are actually the dominant sex by nature and ability. If you consider the work males had to put in to hold women down, here described by William, you see it took everything they had – all their power used in all evil ways, to accomplish their domination.
I’m glad you brought up this point. It is extremely important.
William Bond continues:
Today we take marriage for granted but there was a time in the past when marriage was unknown.
***<>!Patriarchy invented marriage because it was only through marriage that a man could know who his children were and pass wealth and power to his sons.<>!***
In the matriarchal age there was a free and easy attitude with sex, where women and men could have sex freely. They continued like this at the beginning of the patriarchal age. But the problem was that if women can have sex with many different men, there was no way of knowing who fathered her children. This became a problem when rich and powerful families wanted to pass on their wealth and power to the next generation.

In Patriarchy men use women like farms use milk. They chain them up with unjust laws, rules and regulations, then take out of them what they have, all for the pleasure of men.
In a world without marriage, the only way rich and powerful families pass their power and wealth is through the female line, which means that power and wealth were going to women. So a form of marriage was created for the wealthy. The result was that in Ancient Egypt the only way the son of the Queen could become Pharaoh was to marry his sister. Incest became normal for the for royal families.
In other royal families, as in Rome, the emperor had to name his successor, because he had little idea who his son might be. This uncertainty resulted in conflict, murder and even civil war when an emperor died.
To get around this problem, marriage laws where tightened where wives of rich and powerful men could only have sex with the husband. He then knew who his children were and could pass power and wealth onto his sons. It seems at first there was a lot of resistance to this idea, not only from women but men as well. For hundreds of years, both men and women flouted strict marriage laws.

Patriarchal marriage did not originate out of love, but control of the woman. It seems the male would provide for the woman and children, but he made all the rules, and it benefited him more than her. Of course there were and are a variety of cases, but that was the original idea. Marriage has turned into an economic thing where women now benefit more than they used to; and meanwhile, marriage as we know it is going out of style. It no longer serves the Patriarchal agenda, men cannot control women as before.
As the result strict marriage laws were enforced where wives and their lovers could be tortured, mutilated or killed for committing adultery. Yet in spite of this, adultery still continued.
Of course people resist the things that work against our instincts. We are not monogamous by nature – no apes are. See “Sex at Dawn”
This book explains how we are MOST LIKE THE RANDY BONOBOS, Matriarchal, and all conflicts are solved by affectionate rubbing, touching and humping – every ape to every other ape.

Our culture is drastically changing. We are in a transition of role reversal. If you look at statistics and studies, it is obvious that Matriarchy is going to return – soon – in my estimation, 6 generations or 200 years.
William Bond continues:
When Christianity became the state religion of Rome, they tried to give sex a bad name by condemning it as a sin and claiming that sex should only be used for procreation. They said everything they could think of to put women off sex, calling it a dirty abomination. This propaganda seems to have worked; women became sexually restrained.
In the Islamic religion they went further than this and started the custom of cutting off the clitoris of women so they wouldn’t enjoy sex and be less likely to have sex outside of marriage.
This shows how barbaric males have been toward other beings. Imagine if we castrated all males – making it impossible for them to orgasm – but still pulled out their sperm for procreation. This is what is done to women by removing their clitoris, – the primary orgasm center.
Behavior like this is what explains why men cannot rule the family and the world – their ways are wicked, unGodly and purely demonic.
William Bond continues:
As this indoctrination was aimed mostly at women (the double standard), many men found they had frigid wives and sought mistresses and prostitutes. As the result, many prostitutes and mistresses (of wealthy men) became rich and powerful themselves. This didn’t suit patriarchy because some women decided it better to be a prostitute or mistress than wife. They then condemned prostitutes and mistresses, saying these were sinful, to stop women from taking this path.

Only women hold the wisdom, the lamp, to dominate the family and the world. It is not done through force and violence, women’s ways are seeing the world as a family, with children of various sorts. They do not seek to dominate the way men do, killing all that is in their way, they seek to find a path for all living things under their care. Women do not injure nature, either, in their conquest for survival and happiness.
Marriage at first was only for the rich and powerful, but over time trickled down to commoners, then even those with little money used the law to pass the loot to sons.
Patriarchs taught hate against women so that men would do whatever it took to keep them under control – including violence. They controlled female sexuality for the benefit of males – in that males would know for sure who their children were (to pass down resources to sons.)
It is true nowadays many of the patriarchal customs are out of date. Men in the west, at least, are no longer permitted violence against women. Also any man can find out who is the father of his children using DNA tests. Yet in spite of these customs being archaic, many of them remain in patriarchal traditions and still affect people’s lives.
William Bond 3 1 14 Comments by Rasa Von Werder
GURU RASA SAYS: I would like to thank William Bond for his wonderful work with many insights, making it easier for all of us to understand the woeful mind of Patriarchy.