New Order for Women

By Rasa Von Werder, February 6th, 2024

New Order for Women – What’s it About 2-3-24

The New Religion & Matriarchal Order for Women is Still a Mystery to Some


William Bond writes:  

Hi Everyone

One thing I have been thinking about with starting a matriarchal community is that, why would anyone want to join it? 


We can see the attraction for women, they will be in charge. But I know what many women would say, “what’s the catch”. This is because many women would have problems in believing men will submit to female rule. 


So we have to think about men, why would they want to join a matriarchal community where they will be bossed around by women? Femdom men would like it, but would most ordinary men want that? 


People will only join up if they think their lives will be better in a matriarchal community. So I think we have to think about how to motivate people to want to join.

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Pete Jackson says:

William, your response is tangential to this conversation, and really part of another ongoing and perennial discussion, but still something to think about nonetheless. Not so much for Rasa’s New Order for Women, as men joining as full members as it were would be counter to the basic principle of safe space for Women, but rather more for any other alternative, unaffiliated or very partially affiliated Matriarchal and quasi-Matriarchal communities, both religious and secular, both segregated and integrated, and everything in between, etc. that will inevitably pop up in the future.  (To put it in the lingua franca of the world’s currently largest but declining church, and thus make it a bit easier to wrap one’s mind around:  some such communities will be in “full communion” with the Bishop of Binghamton (aka Rasa), others in “partial communion”, and still others will be de facto “excommunicate and anathema”, but even so, all of which nonetheless have their own roles to play in the broader movement.)  You certainly make some great points overall.  Thank you.  Best wishes to you both, Pete


Rasa: These are really good thoughts, very insightful.


Pete adds:

          I don’t think I have anything else to add to the conversation at this time, or anything else about the new Order right now, but another time I might.  We shall see if I have any further ideas that are actually worth sharing, and not just me blowing hot air.  It’s a topic that truly deserves the utmost respect, not mere silly armchair philosophizing or “shooting from the hip” as I sometimes tend to do when I get out of my depth. Though I think I am better than I used to be.  (And unless specifically otherwise noted, all of my blog articles past, present, and future should be presumed to pertain to the society of the nation and world as a whole and my general vision thereof, not to the Order, regardless of the topic.)


          Rasa answers:

          Indeed, what William is asking is a new subject. Pete & I discussed the freedom vs. security measures I plan to take regarding men wanting to come to our dance/gatherings. We finished that, now this. {But a lot more must be said re this in future.}

          Why would women want to join our order?

          These reasons: Women will have a place of SECURITY in the way a good loving & secure family would provide for its children.

          We have finances. They will never be broke, penniless, homeless, worrying re bill payment. They have a home to go to – it is the Order. If they leave to get married & it goes bad, they return to our premises, with their kids if any. Support will be given for education & starting their own businesses. Support for all levels of educational on & off premises. We have our own schooling including higher education & show business. But if they choose to go off premises or if other types education is appropriate for them –{some women might want to learn architecture & construction, car repair, law enforcement, nursing & the like} – we help them study & graduate. They can be of service to the Order with these skills.


          We have the New Religion aimed to Empower women – learning to worship the God within ourselves, not a God of the Patriarchs. This is cleansing of the mind from the brainwash put upon us for thousands of years. We don’t need a Father, but a Mother God. We will conduct intensive studies into how our Empire of women fell & retrieve the lost Wisdom of women. All that women are & what they are meant to be will be explored – women as Mothers, Leaders of the family & the world, honoring the Great Infinite Mother God that made us & training our children in this positive new way.

          There will be emotional & physical security & safety away from men. Where women are, especially the young, here come the men, trying to tell us what to do – Intimidating, harassing, calling us names like ‘man haters, bullying us, challenging us, even threats if it comes to that. A world filled with Patriarchal men is NOT OUR FRIEND. We need to GET AWAY & this is where.

          Women need SAFE SPACE. Where will the go? Men have the entire world, which is on their side. Besides that, to get away from women & family, they have men’s clubs & brotherhood. They have men’s activities like sports & hunting. But women are supposed to be confined, barefoot & pregnant, no ladies night out every week – no sisterhood. Women literally, once married, are not allowed SINGLE female friends. It’s a cultural taboo! Because single women will EMPOWER the married female – give her support, a place to ESCAPE, mental & emotional strength, even finances, & this is a NO NO as Sisterhood in patriarchy is TABOO!

          The Order is a refuge for single & married women – a place to hide, to escape, to be private, to think her own thoughts & dream her own dreams. – A place of strength & love from her Sisters, a female Valhalla.

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          The next question is a CORKER:        

So we have to think about men, why would they want to join a matriarchal community where they will be bossed around by women? Femdom men would like it, but would most ordinary men want that?

          Rasa:   How wrongly you think, William!

          This is not about men, nor do we solicit men to join our Order. The men who do join will be few & their privileges will be limited. Those who are attracted to our Female Members or want to marry them will have to join if they want to participate in anything we do. There will probably be one man to ten women if that. But the women will have CHILDREN & this will be encouraged, in or out of marriage. Half the kids will be boys. Within a few generations we’ll have many male members born into our community & trained in our POV. These will be encouraged to marry women who think like us, mostly those within our Order, but if outside, their wives will be encouraged {not mandated} to be a part of us.

          In this Order, we are not focused on men. We need time & space to find ourselves, who we are – what a woman is supposed to be by the design of the Almighty. We need time, space & sounding boards to examine our thoughts, feelings & aspirations. We need Sisters to encourage us, hear us out. The LAST THING we need is for men to monitor us, judge us, critique what we do or tell us how to think, feel & act. This is what we’re getting away from. These are the chains we are to break, the fetters, the fences, the patriarchal guards against our freedom. As I said, this is to find ourselves as we are, not as men want us to be.


          Second, Femdom men will not find a fitting place within our Order. What is a Femdom man, a submissive as we have experienced in the Patriarchy?

          These men want to be NURSED by a Mother. They have a kind of severe Attachment Disorder {need of Mother nourishment}. Attachment Disorder is rampant in a Patriarchy – probably all humans within it have some of it, but these men are so extreme that they DRAIN the female of all her time & strength. They are even worse, if you can believe it, than the regular ‘normal’ Patriarchs.

         {I have experience with a female who has this disorder. Only by internet, I tried for ONE MONTH to help her as surrogate ‘Mother.’ It was so draining I could not do it – I excused myself from the role.

          The girl was so bad she would get physically ill if a female she ‘fell in love with’ stopped attending to her. It could be anyone – a store keeper, the mail lady, a friend, anyone. She would form attachments, the way men do to ‘dominant’ women – & if it went wrong or the female turned cold, she would get physically ill.

          She PAID a psychologist woman just to HOLD her an hour at a time to relieve her pain & her terrible need!}

          I had one Hindu male ‘fell’ for me – he met me once. He remembered me when his family moved to London & started calling me EVERY DAY for TWO YEARS! He did this sneakily where I did not know his number – so with the phone I had I could not block him. The third year he slacked off a bit – only called once a week. It did not pay to speak to him – he would then call EVEN MORE. I asked him to write me by mail – he refused. It had to be this sneaky way where I couldn’t block him.

          Finally by the Grace of God I got a new phone that let me block anyone – including if the number was not shown. He still tried, borrowing dozens of phones from other people – I blocked every one until he gave up.

          A ‘slave’ on the internet got to me & one day sent me 73 letters! I said no more, he quit, & was all over the place seeking new women. These slaves are fickle & have their eyes out constantly for anyone who would dominate them. It’s a SICKNESS.

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          They cannot live without a Mother & their need is so strong they are emotional toddlers. They make the woman center her life around them, worse than regular men, but they are MORE DANGEROUS because as grown men – when you don’t give them what they want they sometimes TAKE REVENGE & it can be serious! Sometimes the ‘payback’ annoying, but other times they do DAMAGE to property. I had close calls, I heard of women who got really whacked this way.

          Think of a toddler who needs a wet nurse – this is them, emotionally, even the Masochists, who recall their Mom as a Dominating Bitch who beats, intimidates & scares them.

          We do not need to saddle or Members with this as they need time for other matters, unless they want to start a Female Domination business. They are free to do that as they are free to go out into the world & do whatever business they please, except, Members will need to spend some quality time, at least in the beginning, like a Seminary, to learn our Religion & our ways, & this will take some years. This pertains to the Leadership type Members, not the ones who want to be on our premises part time – say once a week. The leaders need time & energy for education & the Order should be their first priority, not the needs of any man.

          If anyone tells me that the ‘submissive’ men serve the women I can tell you otherwise, having been in that field for over ten years. There’s a reason why they PAY for services – we serve THEM, what they do for us does not make up for the hoops they put us through {more so mentally, emotionally a well as the physical.}

          In conclusion William, I think you’re looking at our Order in a slanted way, through the eyes of men, you’ve failed to see what we’re about or what I’m trying to do. You were not supportive of the New Religion from the beginning – instead you immediately set out to write a ‘New Religion for Femdom Men.’ This offended me as I felt you could be trying to help me in this monumental task instead of going off on your own & as usual, serving Femdom men.

          This new Order is not about men, Femdom or otherwise. It’s about women; it’s new therefore, as few Orders are made for women. The religious places where women usually go off on are controlled by men & therefore they are NOTHING like what we’re doing.

          We are not about being told what to do by men – their version of morality, our behavior, our thoughts, feelings or actions. We are NOT serving men of any sort, on bended knee to them or nursing them. We need to get away & this is our Refuge of Women.   {end}

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Pete says:

One thing I might add about the Femdom men you describe. Many of the self-proclaimed “serious” FLR lifestylist men would vehemently object to what you said, of course, but from what I have observed mainly online, they are also largely cut from that very same cloth as well, cynical as that may sound. The biggest difference, if any, is that they cannot seem to fully distinguish fantasy from reality. And the few exceptions, who only go to prove the rule, are the ones who generally DON’T wear it on their sleeve.


          from Rasa:   Indeed Ajax, you are right. Like Freud said, if anyone disagrees with his theories let him have the same experience he had. They didn’t – they had ideas, delusions, but Freud had experience through his psychoanalysis of many. And so have I. It was 10 years on hand in a business. Besides that, from the age of 20, I had men approach me to be ‘slaves.’ I tried out one – total failure. However, there are exceptions. I had one ‘slave’ man named Jack. He was more helpful than anyone. Of all the men in my life, he was one of the 3 most effective, helpful & FUN to be around. There are exceptions to everything. Like when we spoke of the security measures & I laid out a list of who can’t be with us. It was strict. Then I mused about it, & this list would have removed my own spiritual husband, Nick, as he was a drug addict. And so, as the officers go through the scrutiny they must also interview the men personally on a casual basis, think & pray, & some men, although they fail the scrutiny, will be allowed in. Some will be technically ‘no good’ but the officers might hear a word from God which says, ‘let him in.’ We are a thoughtful, mystical, God centered group which goes by yardsticks beyond physical. After all, many Saints applied to several monasteries or convents & were rejected, until finally, they found one that would take them in. I think of Saint Faustina, my countrywoman, the Sister who brought us the devotion of Divine Mercy. Many others were not wanted like St. Joseph Cupertino was considered ‘simple minded’ & they believed he would not pass the priesthood test. But the Pope let him in without a test! He could LEVITATE! Then St. Francis of Assisi could not get an audience with the Pope. But one day after he prayed, the two armed guard at the gate looked the other way, he got in & spoke to the Pope & got his Order approved. Thanks for your thoughtful comments & also the very incisive comments in the article! 


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