Females Future–the New Order

By Rasa Von Werder, March 9th, 2024
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Females Future – the New Order from Pete Jackson & Rasa Von Werder

Position Statement Pete Jackson 3-8-24

Responses from Rasa Von Werder

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The following is a list of questions and answers about the positions that I, Ajax the Great (Pete Jackson) take on various issues.  Opinions expressed herein are personal and not necessarily those of the Matriarchy movement as a whole or any of its members, including Guru Rasa Von Werder and William Bond.  Unless otherwise noted, my views and those of my own True Spirit of America Party (TSAP) are basically equivalent.  And it should go without saying that the answers to all of these questions will ultimately be decided by the Women of the future.

(Last updated March 2024)

Q1)  Why do you believe that Women are the superior gender overall?

A1)  Because it is largely self-evident.  Ashley Montagu discussed it in detail in his 1953 bombshell of a book, The Natural Superiority of Women, which has been updated several times since then and never successfully refuted.  And he is by no means the only one to have made such observations.  Deep down, we all kinda know as much even if we don’t want to admit it.

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Rasa says: Indeed, men know it & are in terror of women. Just the mention of women’s rights makes their shackles rise up & they go into ‘fight or fight’ mode. I have had revenge taken on me for speaking the subject, both in person & on the internet, including death threats. Friends with a husband-wife, the husband told me ‘You won’t be welcome here any more if you talk like that.’ {It was MILD stuff – Other men locally, when I was talking to their wives & girlfriends, – one of them pretending to shake my hand, as usual tried to break it in a squeeze. But results were gotten, each woman got things out of him they had asked for for years – one got a new refrigerator, the other a 3k sound system to practice her music} Why so extreme? Because they take it as a personal attack on them, their manhood, their RIGHT to be dominant & deep inside they FEAR female dominance because they KNOW the woman is the BOSS – the MOTHER – & she WILL take over if not held down by all means necessary. As William Bond says: “When the cork is not held down it rises up” – as women have when the strongholds against them have loosened.

Pete Jackson continues:   Q2)  What kind of government do you think Women should create upon taking over?

A2)  I believe that Women will make that decision themselves, and have faith that they will make the right one, but if they want my advice I would recommend social democracy, democratic socialism, or something in between to start with.  From there on, I would recommend moving towards what Riane Eisler calls the “partnership” model as well as 
https://susanelizabethryan.com/2019/07/20/r-buckminster-fuller-on-women-1968/ for the future.


Rasa continues: OK this is a DEEP & TRICKY question & there are important nuances here, factors that NO ONE ever speaks of to my hearing.

In the New Religion-Order I am starting – it’s aimed at WOMEN – not men, NOT equality or any kind of ‘egalitarianism’ Riane Eisler or Heidi GotNerd not withstanding. It is ‘safe space’ – female sequestered, protected & secure, female standing on her own two feet, no man need apply except learning our religion from the OUTSIDE, or for the most part, donating their sperm as we breed for our own community. There might be some relationships, close knit, even marriage, but this will not be the norm, the norm is the Order is the second ‘parent’ of the child begotten here & we provide all that is necessary for them. We’ll suggest to ur females of breeding age not to ook for the traditional husband hook up, but to see men as subordinate – providing NOT security but love, affection if any, & sperm if the female wants kids. They can ‘come & go’ or if they stay, we’ll talk about how they wan to work it. Do they want nighty visits like the Mosuos? Or once a week dates? Or do they want to live with the guy – in one of our Villages or completely off premises? Whatever she does, the order, if she remains in good standing, backs her up. If anything GOES WRONG she has the order for a safe haven.

{We anticipate men getting bent out of shape when she spends more time with us than with him, but for her to receive all the benefits, it will take time. What is he going to do for her, sitting in the house, waiting on him? Nothing, except ‘do this, do that – keep the house clean & organized, provide me love & affection & sex, support my needs.’ When he goes on the computer he’ll be looking for other women, chatting with them – he has his slave working, he can have fun. Or else he goes to the bars or hookers looking for diversion & leaves her alone or TIED TO THE CHILDREN.

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But at the Order, she has SISTERHOOD-STRENGTH – & this is one of the most important features of the Order; total CHILD CARE SERVICES! There is nothing that more chains a woman to the house than her children – men planned it that way {been there, done that.}. In the days of Matriarchy, with extensive families dominated by women – there were sisters, Aunts, Moms & Grandmas around. One could do whatever they had to do without fear of leaving children alone. But with a man as the head of the household – no women around – she has no help except cumbersome child care, where usually it’s daytime only. And it’s expensive – & unreliable or could be dangerous. Our services will be FREE from other members who volunteer, including a surrogate Mom who is there for overnight & protracted absences. This is a TREMENDOUS CROSS off the backs of the Mothers!

There is more. The woman can HAVE FUN with us – outdoor & indoor recreation. When the weather’s fine we have basketball, badminton, croquet, horseshoes, hiking in the ‘wilderness’ Villages, sitting around meditating in Nature – indoor sports when weather’s not good or after dark:, table tennis, chess, checkers, cards, all the usual indoor games.

Besides that, each facility will have one hour DANCING nightly for all ages including those with infirmities {they can sit in a chair for dancing – which I’m doing right now} & after that, sitting by the large fireplace having a group discussion or reading – one hour with kids, one without.

We can have a ‘movie night’ once a week with a large screen – where we make popcorn, grill hot dogs & cheese sandwiches at the fireplace while we watch. {No microwave ovens ever – they cause cancer.}

The Order offers meaningful work – paid & volunteer – plus camaraderie, a shoulder to lean on, a roof over her head, a religion that makes sense – FREEDOM.

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Given all this a husband will be jealous & demand,

“You married me, not the Order. What are you doing over there? Your place is at home, taking care of me & the kids!”

Yes, there will be a CONFLICT especially if the wife is at the Order every day. Even if she goes there one day a week – you can bet your bottom dollar he will protest! I know women who wanted one night a week ‘girl’s night out’ & the guys complained SO MUCH they finally gave up. And yet guys often go, after work, to a bar or a friend’s house, or to see other women – you name it, they act like they are free as a bird – you’re not – ESPECIALLY if you have kids – you MUST STAY HOME!

For years I wondered why single women are not invited to married people’s homes. Then finally figured out – single women ae Sisters / supporters / a way out, for the married woman. They offer a backup – they give a shoulder to lean on – they even have a place you can stay after he beats you up. They can give financial support. For all these reasons, married women are not supposed to have female friends, unless they are MARRIED & presumed to be owned by another man – kept under his control. {You’d be surprised how automatic & sub-rosa that control is!}

But single men ARE invited to married households because they give support to the man! I’ve witnessed married men, backed up with their friends, intimidate & sass their wives. Men work IN GANGS, but women aren’t supposed to! The gang is your little army!

But THERE IS MORE & it is important. Lots of men are pleased by the idea of equal partnership rather than women going off on their own terms. But LISTEN:

Women need REHABILITATION. They have been INJURED for thousands of years, beaten, demoralized; they have been robbed of their IDENTITY!

That’s why God gave me the dictum: Woman, Thou Art God, to get them back on track, on their own two feet, their own identity, their Source, which is God.

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They have been told that God is a Man, the Son of God is a man, & the Holy Spirit is neither male nor female. That means women are not a part of the ‘Holy Trinity.’ They have been left out of the Kingdom of God! The Catholic Church gives the impression that woman is only of use as An instrument for bringing a MAN into the world – the Son of God. All her prerogatives, her greatness, beauty & superiority comes from HIM – she has nothing of God ON HER OWN – it’s all HIM.

And so, although she’s the Greatest Woman on Earth – she’s only a reflection of a man, she does not stand on her own two feet! This is the doctrine the Catholic Church proclaims, Protestants notwithstanding – they say Catholics WORSHIP Mary but the CC FORBIDS IT! {We in the New Religion worship Mary equal to Jesus.}

That’s one issue, there’s more.

I’ve just been watching videos of horse rehabilitation. They are malnourished; you can see the bones sticking out from the sides. Hair on the sides is falling off in clumps. They are infested with parasites & worms in their guts. Some are so dehydrated & starved weak, they collapse, can’t even stand up. Some have hoofs that need trimming badly, they have trouble walking. One had abscesses in his teeth; he had trouble eating & was suffering. Horses are depressed, forlorn, given up hope, afraid. They need rehab because they’ve been abused, neglected, their needs were not met by the ‘owners’ or those in control.

Also saw a dog-rehab center. A man who gets into the pen with new dogs makes videos. There’s a sweet medium size black dog- he’s scared – most of them are scared when he gets into the pen & sits with them. The man says,

“A dog like this, when he’s adopted, needs time. If he wants to go under the bed & stay there let him. Don’t expect him to behave warm & bubbly like a regular dog, let him adjust. He might want to sit in a corner, be alone. Leave him be. Give him all the time he needs.”

Again, reading about the orphan kids in Romania, there were thousands – so many they didn’t have enough care givers, & the kids were neglected. They were sent off to adopting parents in the West & in America. I saw a documentary 40 years ago re one of them. He couldn’t get along with anyone – he’d have fits. Neaighor kids were driven away & didn’t want to come back. No one could control, appease or help him in any normal way. This rehab expert said,

“All you can do is whoever is in the house, adults, grab him & restrain him, lie on top of him for as long as he takes to quiet & calm down.”

This abnormal therapy did help, & he was finally able to part time get along with neighbor kids & play.


I’ve met many abused people in my farm area community. The’e now grown & told me their stories. Some adjusted – some did not so well. It depends how bad it was & their own disposition. One young gys you can’t leave aloe with his young brother – he was abut 26 whe I met them, his bro maybe 24. If they were alone, the oder one would beat up bis brother, every time. JuWhy? It was his reaction to the rage he felt at a stepdad his Mm brought home from a bar. This man got drunk every night, came back to the house, sodomized BOTH boys & raped their sister. During the day, as ‘man of the house,’ he fed them DOG FOOD. The social services finally came over & straightened the mess out.

Both these young men could not live alone – had a care giver lady who looked out for them, all lived in a large apt. I visited as one of the bys worked for me. She also told her story of being sexually abused age 6 by their neighbor, when she complained to her Dad he said,

“all men do that.”

And he was abusing the neighbor’s little girl 6 years old.

Another example is slaves. People that have been slaves for generations cannot be expected to act like the aristocrats who managed them as serfs, slaves & peasants.

I put it to you that women have been abused. They need time to recover. You assume, because women are genetically & other ways superior, they can right now take positions of authority leadership, dominion over men, over family, over businesses, governments, all that.

Horses are way stronger than men but men have contraptions {the bit}, guns, whips, all kinds weapons to keep horses in check. Those that fight back end up in the bone yard.

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Bulls are way stronger than men but the ring in their nose renders them docile.

Elephants are stronger than men. But they kill the parents right in front of the baby. They take the baby & use cymbals & cans & make loud noises for days until he doesn’t know right from left, back to front up or down, he’s disoriented. They make him so confused, so afraid, he obeys whatever he’s led to do.

I tell you anyone who thinks women can take charge of the family & the world without an Order such as this is a fool Women have been injured, they need time to adjust, to find themselves & regain their identity, their relationship with God, who is within them.

I’m not going to get into all the symptoms women portray as reactions to their abuse, but there are many, mostly based on fear, confusion & brainwashing.

Our New Religion, Order needs time to ease their fears & give them Faith in themselves & their God, to unconfuse them with the Truth – & de-program them from all the brainwashing.

To have the enemy with them at this time delays their rehab. The enemy is the smiling assassin, filled with lies – the false promises, & this enemy reminds them of where they have been – the memories haunt them & attach them to the sinister past. They need to SEPARATE & find themselves, they need time – years in fact. My goal for the Order is 120 years – 4 generations – before women gain what they need to stand tall without a doubt they can do it.

Egalitarian my foot. Before that can even begin to happen much has to occur. Besides, in the end, it will be a woman-dominant word. Take note of William Bond’s writing on how men cannot deal with equality – they either lead or you lead them. With men slowly going extinct – hopefully not blowing up the planet before then – there is no question on which gender has to be in charge.  {end}   Rasa Von Werder

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