Alx Uttermann-Great Interview

By Rasa Von Werder, September 9th, 2023
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Report of Rasa re Sri Kaleshwar – Alx Utterman & her video

 letter to Alx Utterman:

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Comment: I have been praying to him {Sri Kaleshwar} daily & he started appearing right away with another man – I did not know who the other man was at first, but then realized it was Sai Shirdi Baba, who always appears with him! They are partners. And they chose me as their partner also & one night, the three of us got a large number of Souls out of Purgatory – their clients, not mine. They also graced me with Sacred Holy Food which was new to me – Shirdi Sai Baba served it to me, while Sri Kaleshwar was pouring something on my head – which I did not understand until I saw the images of him pouring water on the head of Sai Baba! They are with me daily. A friend sent me VIBHUTI of Sai Baba which I kiss every morning {within an envelope.} I am wondering, is there any way I can get one grain of the burnt up Sacred Ash you got from Sri Kaleshwar from his miracle of Christmas 1999? I would like to have you, Alx Utterman, as a spiritual relationship. I will join your center. I am sincere, interested in God & her Glory, not the things of the world. God is All. 

Below is Rasa Von Werder, NOT Alx, in 2015


         Letter to Alx Utterman:

         Can I get one grain of the ash from the miracle of Christmas 1999? Or touch a piece of paper to the ash & send it to me. I would like to be spiritual friends with Alx Utterman. My work for God: Building a Matriarchal Center for women & their children which includes a New Religion that is appropriate for Matriarchy {Includes Christian & Eastern principles – includes Wicca & worship of Mother Nature} – with our own Temple, {off limits to men} – Convent {no sexual repression, they are free to have children} – Community of women outside the convent, some married, some not – Full education in our Community including the Arts & Entertainment classes – etc. A full spectrum living with Culture, Lifestyle of the Highest Standards, etc………I will write it all down & hope to facilitate it before I die, but if not, will leave my legacy, work & resources including money & property, to the Center. {50 wonderful Paradise acres with house, 3 acre yard, wilderness, 5 acre island, riverfront, swamps, creeks, pine glades.} Let me hear from you & your GREAT GOALS FOR GOD & MATRIARCHY! PS Expecting a movie of my life, ‘I Strip for God’ will bring millions for our Order.

                 Note: It’s been a few days since sending the letter & she’s not yet answered 


               Dream:   Sri Kaleshwar & Sirdi Sai Baba appear to me & saw both at more or less the same time:

                 “God wants sex.”

                 “God wants to have sex with you” – Not sure if that was “We want to have sex with you” – as they are Gods.”

                 I know they mean MYSTICAL or SPIRITUAL SEX & that is the essence of sex on earth, it is mystical union AT BEST.

                 At the same time they showed me a huge Shiva Lingam, about 2 feet long, & something else I don’t know – was it the Sacred Yoni? Yes, it’s a whole religion. Is it the worship of Shiva?

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See this video:  This is the best I have seen so far on the subject of Womb Chakra & Feminine Divine, other subjects like sexuality, Jesus sex life, etc.:




The Speaker is Alx Uttermann – Disciple of Sri Kaleshwar & exponent of his teachings


the following are many COMMENTS on the video stated:

BlueStarRising said re the discussion of Jesus being married:

         Whether the Magdalene and Yeshua married or not is wholly irrelevant to the Mystery of the Bridal Chamber. It is not earthly marriage, but the male and female aspects of God and of the inner

and the outer that must be reunited in us. St. John of the Cross wrote on this cosmic union, “Oh night that guided me, Oh, night more lovely than the dawn, Oh, night that joined Beloved with lover, Lover transformed in the Beloved.” —Rosamonde Ikshvàku Miller


I would respectfully contest this statement — on the grounds that to each of us, human beings all, carrying the exact same Christ Consciousness within, need to know that one can lead a ‘normal life’ and simultaneously reach the highest level of consciousness one can carry in a human form. If we suggest that the human life and marriage of Jesus and Mother Magdalene is purely symbolic or esoteric, and not simply human, that again creates more of the illusion of separation between each of us and the Christ inside. Another wall of a belief system to have to break down as we ascend in spiritual awareness and capability. This life is difficult enough, as spiritual characters-in-the-making, without adding more walls of dogma and belief that limit our capacity, is my strong opinion and experience.


Rasa Von Werder’s {Rasa on You tube is Kellie Everts} answer: 

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 @alxuttermann1009  Very well said & I am glad you have the courage to say things other women won’t. Indeed, it is IMPORTANT for us to dispel the Patriarchal teaching which has DEGRADED sex in order to DISEMPOWER WOMEN because women are the citadel of sex. Understand it is the MEN who are dependent on women FOR SEX, they PAID for it from time immemorial {the first profession, lol} not the other way around. In order to disempower, disable women from having this advantage over them, the Patriarchs assaulted the sex act, causing it to be TABOO, SINFUL, DIRTY, LOWLIFE, & because sex was so evil, it had to be CONTROLLED by the male Institution/Religion through Sacramental marriage. No other act of sex is considered legitimate or righteous in Patriarchy – Catholics even laughingly persuade us that masturbation is a MORTAL SIN {deserving of Hell!} And while we women are slut shamed & stoned to death for sex – the males in the past raped & whored with impunity. {What does that tell you? What I just said.}……..Now Mr. BlueStar wants to make a point – that sex can be sacred. Indeed, I do agree. The Sacredness is there when the people conducting it are of God…..Oh yes, one more thing. The first ‘brothels’ were Temples to the Goddess, when sex was recognized as Sacred. In particular, the Sacred Harlots, which included Constantine’s Mom as a young lady – Helen – the Priestesses made TANTRIC SEX available to men FOR A DONATION. It was known that females were SPIRITUALLY SUPERIOR TO MEN & males, by physical sex with the female, while prolonging their orgasm, would receive more & more spiritual energy from them – eventually – after many years – attaining Enlightenment. This POWER women had over males the Patriarchy wanted to eliminate & destroy it they did. Now women in the adult trade are treated as garbage disposals for sperm – all because of a small portion of demonic males who sought to rule the world & so they did. But this age of Kali is ending & Matriarchy is on the cusp.



When Alx tries to explain Ramakrishna she gets so embarrassed she finally gives up & changes the subject. She couldn’t bring herself to say he was a homosexual. It proves you can be an Avatar & homosexual at the same time, lol.


These two comments were not removed, but sent way down the line where few people would see them – I suspect a covert way of making them invisible –



Ramakrishna: How could he want sex with his wife Sarada when he was a homosexual, madly in love with Vivekananda? When V did not visit a while Rama was ripping his hair out with anxiety, & when V appeared, he touched him & put him into a deep trance {so he wouldn’t go away?} V was annoyed with all this & said if it continued he would not return. Then when Rama was dying his homo disciples made a human wall around him, forbidding any females to enter & say good bye. One female did get through by dressing as a male. She was an actress, & she was the only female that got to pay her last respects. Why would the disciples do this except for contempt & hate of females?


@KellieEverts–conductsNightTra {Rasa Von Werder}

Alx says: “SEX IS NOT A SIN” Re Our Lord, ‘being like all men except for sin’. Indeed, I have said this so many times – always alone. Finally someone concurs. I explain that the restrictions on sex were created by Patriarchs in order to CONTROL WOMEN – Proof is the DOUBLE STANDARD. The woman caught in adultery. Where was the man? Their law stated both need to be stoned to death, but he is not there. {Jesus saves the day.} My associate Ajax the Great & I agree, sexual freedom for women is the KILL SWITCH FOR PATRIARCHY. When women do whatever they want sexually & no longer fear men, men will have nothing to fight for. Consider a ram with his harem. The harem runs off & mates with the other guys in the woods. No more head banging, lol. We will end war by being sexually free.


Rasa says:

There are many great insights presented here by Alx Utterman. One must listen to this with an open, eager mind & digest it all. Take time to study her remarks, they are deep. I am impressed by her statements on sexuality & accept them as true. “Kaleshwar said Jesus was married to & had a child or children with Magdalene” {I’m fine with that} “Jesus had children with other women besides Magdalene – women threw themselves at him, saying ‘Bless my Flower,’ “Jesus was happy to oblige” adds Alx. {Lol, fine with me, the more Jesus’s the better! You mean Jesus was human? Why not? I am human, I’ve seen God Face to Face twice, I was celibate 30 years for God but God told me ‘Quit the celibacy, go out & have fun!’ That proves SEX IS NOT A SIN}………Sri Kaleshwar was married & had a child, his wife was sitting right there while they were speaking–Alx was there. That’s fine but I am perturbed as to WHY DID HE LIE TO THE PRESS & SAID HE WOULD NEVER MARRY? The interview is right on You tube. Playing that dayum ‘forever celibate, great saints never have sex or think about it’ bullcrap. Sri Kalesh, you did all the miracles to prove yourself. Now do the miracle of standing up to Patriarchy’s bull shyt & admit to sex!



Re Peter the Apostle: Alx, Ven. Fulton J. Sheen agreed with you. I have his audio from 45 years ago. He said the reason Our Lord called Peter ‘the Rock’ is this: We had a kid in school who was a runt & a wimp, the smallest, weakest in the class, & we called him ‘Hercules.’ And you mention Peter’s unstable ways & Jesus more or less says, “On this ROCK I will build my Church?’ I firmly {like a rock} believe that Jesus wanted Magdalene to be the head of his Church because of all the Apostles, Anne Catherine Emmerich says SHE WAS THE MOST SPIRITUALLY EVOLVED – a great Contemplative. But we live in an evil Patriarchy. They rule by ‘might makes right.’ So of course they ousted the women {Alx said so-would like to see the source} from leadership & took over, & wrote the women out of history. The canonical gospels sound like part of them was written by Peter himself – as he is the STAR. It’s that ole’ gender war. They won but now they are losing, & when the cork is no longer held down, women rise up {analogy made by William Bond.}



Mary Magdalene’s appearance 1:53:00: I believe the visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich–I have all her books – day by day accounts of Jesus & other events in the bible. A literary figure named Clemens Brentano sat by her bedside {she was bedridden with Divine Stigmata} & wrote down every word of her visions: She said – St Magdalene was the child of a ROMAN PRINCE & a Jewess. Magdalene was SO BEAUTIFUL that her mother put her, as a child or young lady, in a window of their home which faced the street, so passers by could admire her. She was the MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN OF HER TIME, more beautiful than the Holy Virgin she says. In my imagination I see the level of Merle Oberon {Mother Hindu, dad Englishman}, Gene Tierney or Hedy Lamarr {Jewish – when she first appeared on the screen in Algiers, the audience GASPED at her beauty.} From sitting in this window being admired, she developed the sins of pride & vanity – she was never a prostitute {who are sacred sex therapists} as the Catholics later wanted us to believe, to degrade her status. Se owned the city of Magdala with her brother Lazarus & she subsequently gave Our Lord a lot of money for the ministry. They persuaded her to go see Jesus preach – she wasn’t interested – but finally she allowed them to carry her there on a palanquin………….Eventually she was madly in love with Jesus, repented her pride & vanity, & during the Passion of Our Lord, she fell apart, while Holy Mary remained serene. Obviously, her love was human as well as Divine, as we go crazy in our flesh when we are in love.



About the Mary Magdalene chanellers or facilitators, who make their career/living off her persona, & a producer was trying to make a documentary on such women. But each one he approached told him she’d be glad to do a documentary, but it would have to be ONLY ABOUT HER & HER VERSION! This goes to prove how women are their own worst enemy. They are trained by Patriarchy to reject sisterhood {because it is POWERFUL!} & work alone, which is a weak position. Men dominate by the brotherhood, albeit it’s a wicked one. The slave mentality is one works to secure status, respect & security through the ‘Massah,’ but does not join with ‘other slaves’ for an uprising. This is ego mentality, all for me, not for them, & it is doomed to failure. And that is why the Matriarchy, which begs for sisterhood, has been slow to rise up, but still, it is rising, albeit slowly. Of all the men & women who gravitated to me while I was on Face book – thousands – only two remain helping the cause, & they are men. When I left Face book, a convenient forum, I still reached out to my women disciples but they were no longer zealous, since I was ‘gone.’ But two men remained steadfast.


BlueStar you mentioned seeing a woman lifting the Eucharist, how moving it was. A female who has female disciples she’s teaching to be Priests. You can see me raising the Holy Eucharist every day & I have an account of why on my site ‘Woman, Thou art God’ inside the ‘How to Build a Church in Your Home,’……I explain how I was working {1981} to bring women into the Catholic Priesthood, calling every convent in New York, but the women shot me down until I got discouraged. Then I asked Jesus, ‘Maybe I am wrong. Do you want women in the priesthood?’ The next day I went to the Cathedral for 8:00am Mass. I was the only one there. A new Priest walks in to celebrate, younger than the others. Time for Communion, I am kneeling, waiting, he doesn’t come. I look up – he beckons me to come forward, then BEHIND THE ALTAR. I walk over there slowly, he gives me the Body, then the Blood of Jesus from his own Chalice. I walked out slowly, in a trance. When I emerge into the light outside, I suddenly realize, this was Our Lord & He called me behind the altar!


Durga turning to Kali is a prediction of the extinction of human men. See the myth of her slaying & removing Maharashtri, which represents Patriarchy. I have written of this untold times. She had the solution before we even knew it; the myth was from ancient days.


Indeed. Can we be human & rise to the highest level? Here’s the formula: At times one sequesters themselves all alone, abstracts themselves from this world & reaches up to God. Buddha did this, Moses, Jesus, all the hermits, many Saints. Some remained celibate by choice, but they DID NOT HAVE TO. God told me that. I could have achieved Self Realization without being celibate, but I didn’t know it, so I practiced celibacy. Now there comes a time when the isolation, abstraction, HAS DONE ITS WORK. If we were to be that way ALL THE TIME we might as well have stayed in Heaven & not been born. But there comes a time when we are allowed, or it’s Kosher so to speak, to be human again, to do human things & have human desires – surprise, surprise. We have been brainwashed by some religions that to be a saint one must be a forever virgin or forever celibate but this is NOT TRUE! It’s simply something taught by certain men for a reason. One reason is to keep women virginally pure & sexually inactive. Another reason might be lack of insight or understanding into Mystical Theology. Ask me, lol, I know.

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