Men should FIGHT for WOMEN, NOT FOR MEN – Another insight into the gender war.
Consider war. What is war? Men fighting for other men, for profit, so the RICH CAN MAKE MORE MONEY. It is the poor who lie on the battlefields, mutilated, broken, some beyond repair, while the rich sit in offices, on thrones, reaping the harvest. The alpha (top dogs) men receive bushels of money – the betas (their subjects) have to fight whether or not they want to (they go to jail for two years if they don’t.) The rest are brainwashed they are COWARDS unless they sign up (sixteen year old boys who haven’t a clue to what they are doing sign up and get mutilated or killed.) Social pressure is extremely effective; the government spent fortunes in PR work prior to WWI, pressuring the citizenry to approve participation.) How do the powerful ones convince boys that war is GLORY? They play upon their natural instincts for victory – vanquishing an evil enemy – being admired by females for it. What lies! There is no glory in war. Think of the innocent dead, the blinded, the limbs cut off, the injuries that never go away, the mental, emotional damage, on both sides of the poor men fighting for the rich.

He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword, he who wishes death on Nature will bring death upon himself. It is happening – the extinction of men, their karma.
*** Studying wars: Conquest, Empire, Colonization, Invasion, Aggression, premeditated wars which go to steal, kill and destroy. They made the Incas and Aztecs cultures extinct, Aborigines, Hawaiians, American Indians, Indigenous peoples, cut down to a fraction, people enslaved, exploited and murdered, their possessions and properties stolen. WAR IS SIN, WAR IS EVIL, IT IS DEMONIC. ***

The many faces of war, all evil. “Satan rules the world, and he works through men,” and their stock in trade is war. Patriarchy is not constructive or creative, as is Matriarchy, it is destructive, murderous, there is nothing good in it, an invention of demons, and this demonic ideology is refreshed each generation by the old men indoctrinating the young.
Please consider that men once FOUGHT FOR WOMEN. It was not MORTAL COMBAT for PROFIT. If another man threatened the security of his family or community, or if a dangerous animal tried to attack, the male was first in line for defense. That is TOTALLY DIFFERENT than FIGHTING UNJUST WARS FOR PROFIT, and ALL WARS ARE UNJUST. The only type of fight that is righteous is when one defends against an enemy, that is what men once did.

One of the most famous and influential anti war paintings, Picasso’s Guernica. It was sent on tour and moved people – ” I am expressing my horror of the military caste which is now plundering Spain into an ocean of misery and death.” Pablo Picasso….. Another word for “military caste” is the “military-industrial complex” which or own (General) President Eisenhower warned against – that is the military machinery of Patriarchy, the death/exploitation machine.
Why did men fight for women? Because they loved women, they obeyed them, and they would defend all that women were in charge of, which would be children and property. This was NOT WITH WEAPONS SUCH AS SWORDS. This would be with crude implements that were used in agriculture or hunting – no atom bombs, no guided missiles, no guns with bullets, just plain, simple tools that would stop an enemy, or physical strength. By studying SKELETONS before Patriarchy, there were NO WEAPON INJURIES, and observing graves, NO WEAPONS OF WAR – like swords, up until the time of male invasion. (See Maria Gimbutas.) Here is one good article:

Maria Gimbutas provided precious documentation against Patriarchy, for Matriarchy, so of course, academia (controlled by men) fought her – tried to discredit her work. But Truth will out, her discoveries stood tall and she is seen as an authority today. If you want to learn about the origins of Matriarchy, check her findings. …..And here is a word about parthenogenesis, which means self-induced pregnancy. Women have the capacity to get pregnant without men, the human race can continue when men have gone extinct – in more ways than one.
It was when SWORDS WERE INVENTED that war started, primitive but brutal at first, becoming more and more technological all the way to atom bomb, and now, a great refinement of damage and death by inoculation – biowarfare – where MILLIONS are killed by injection of man-made diseases like AIDS (created to kill black people, millions injected under the smallpox vaccine, so they could get rid of the people without damage to infrastructure. Now they are gobbling up their land.) It went from harsh brutality to refined torture and death – all under the jurisdiction of men.
How did it change from PROTECTION OF WOMEN to brutalization of women? How did we go from men loving women to hating them, and hating children, and other men, – “by their acts you will know them!” And the fruit of their acts is DEATH and SUICIDE, because men, while killing others in droves, by their very acts, are killing themselves. Does not pollution, radiation, global warming (if any), invented diseases, bad food (GMO’s, nasty ingredients in processed foods), also affect men?

the violence of men has been exacerbated so much that they lose all sense of who they are killing. Within a war machinery, they are induced to become lower than animals – subhuman. Even the most violent animals have reservations – men don’t – once they are brainwashed into violence. And these are the creatures that are telling women what to do with children and ruling our world.
And what about the Y chromosome, now discovered to be severely damaged, and getting worse all the way to EXTINCTION FOR MEN. What is the reason for this? How did it come about? A natural occurrence, a supernatural one ordained by God? SOMETHING MADE IT HAPPEN!
My point of departure here is why are men fighting under the dominance of men instead of women, why do they OBEY MEN? – Why are they DESTROYING families instead of protecting them, why has their violence gone OUT OF CONTROL? Do they even REALIZE what they are doing, how EVIL it is? Is it a trance, is it brainwash, indoctrination? Are they in control of their minds?

they crucify the innocent with this war machine, right through their Sacred Hearts
Without a doubt, there is a groundswell and a counter-revolution against Patriarchy, people everywhere are asking questions they rarely asked before, Goddess worshipers are popping up like gophers, the time has come. What time? Time to end Patriarchy, RESUME Matriarchy (it always existed as long as we did!)
The questions men must be asking themselves, at the grass roots level, are,
***“Why am I fighting under the bequest of men?
***Why am I obeying other men in their definition of who I am?
***Am I happy with the culture men have given me?
***Am I satisfied with what is going on here on earth?
***What is my role in life? Is being a macho, mean, tough violent man, take-no-prisoners type making me happy?
***I there another way?
***Do I have any side besides the one men have told me I have?
***Can I be tender and loving to women, could that somehow make me happy? Can I be compassionate, kind and good besides being violent when necessary? Or am I just a machine, as the present world tells me I am? A killing, fucking machine?
***Who am I?
***Do women have the answers? After all, I came out of the womb of a woman. I nursed in her lap. She gave me LIFE, can she give me the MEANING OF IT?”

Do what you need to do – fall into her lap and cry
When these questions are pondered (they did not even occur to men before, they were not allowed to think!), men will seek the Truth as it is presented here on this site and elsewhere.
On the other side of the gender war, women must realize THEY ARE THE POWER. The men NEVER HAD inner strength, authority, spiritual dominance, THEY HAD SWORDS, they have bombs and needles, they REBELLED against women and IT IS TIME TO COME HOME.
Guru Rasa Von Werder 2 16 2014