At the END of this enlightening interview Mike Adams presents a form of currency which has GOLD INSIDE it which is increasingly being accepted by merchants he says. The problem with 24 carat gold & silver coins is how do you divide them & spend them? These are divided to spend. He explains the TESTING he did. I TRUST Mike Adams as I trust few people. He personally saved me long ago from this fake’ detox water’ that was being SOLD at huge prices – I bought some as it was advertised on Alex Jones, thought it was authentic. But Mike Adams TESTED it & it was TOXIC! From then on I was his fan. The merchant I bought mine from gave everyone back their money.
What I’m saying is Mike Adams can be trusted. His company even offered me a spot to do videos or pod casts on, to be part of his work. I have not yet even tried to do it for lack of ability to concentrate on what it takes but some day I might.
In this interview – it is chilling – they talk about how the globalists are going to take from us all our assets, stocks, money, cars. They will own everything even if we’ve paid for it. Hard to believe but they explain some of it, it’s eerie, scary, but it’s fact they say. And I believe them.
Am I going to get gold backs? Lol, no plans to do so – too scared. If the world comes to an end I guess I’ll just die with the rest of them. It’s too much for my mind to handle, cold give one a nervous breakdown if one dwells upon this. Maybe it won’t happen. I will stick to just what God talks to me about – Matriarchy vs Patriarchy. I can’t contain in this brain beyond that. I cannot face Hell the way I would if I accepted all of this as going to happen.
I need to pray to meditate on what God wants me to do regards my work. Listening to Mike Adams is so disturbing – Pete you said take all this with a block of salt & that makes me feel better. But still, knowing the facts what the demons are trying to do, I need to evaluate what does God want me to think, feel & work at? What is most productive for humanity? And what about promotion? I’m doing little of that because I simply cannot concentrate on production & promotion at the same time.
Oh yes, I looked up how does Dolly Parton look today – & saw an interview. She must have had comprehensive surgery as her waist is super tiny & not a sign of age on her face. And Jeff Bezos JUST GAVE HER 150 MILLION DOLLARS to do with as she wishes – which when asked she said it will be put to GOOD USE. Indeed, I do trust her more than most others she has spent big money on helping others. But the RESPONSIBIITY of spending this amount of money to help others where would one start? You’d have to have an office & staff doing research. Unless of course she needs all that to maintain her surgeries & wardrobe, lol Her costumes alone are so out there she must have a storeroom the size of Wal-Mart to house them.
From William Bond Hi Everyone:
I also find what is happening worrying as we seem to be now ruled by a gang of criminals. But I don’t think their rule will last long as they are also incredibly stupid. We see this in the way they gave away western technology and manufacturing to China. Yes, by doing this they undermined the power of the working class in the West, but turned China into the most powerful country on the planet.
We also see this in the Ukraine war. The Western elite believed that Russia was only, “a gas station posing as a country”. So they were shocked when they imposed sanctions on Russia to find the Russian economy is stronger than western economies and is winning the economic war. The Ukraine war is also demonstrating that Russia is ahead of the West in both technology and manufacturing.
So I think in the short term, things will go badly for Western countries as the criminals that rule us are destroying both North America and Europe. But if we can get rid of the criminal gang that is ruling us, then we can recover.
This is possible as we saw with Russia. In the 1990s with the fall of the USSR, Russia was a failed state rule by a drunk who allowed mafia criminal gangs and oligarchs to take over. Fortunately Putin then became leader and slowly restored law and order and put some of the oligarchs into prison and the rest capitulated to him. But doing this, in the space of 25 years he restored Russia to a powerful and stable country once again.
I think it is a pity we don’t have a present a viable matriarchal political party. It is in time of social upheaval when new political parties can emerge and take power. But the patriarchal system is always unstable and if we can get something started then patriarchy will in time break down again, giving the chance for women taking over. William
From Pete Jackson Good morning, William:
We have always been ruled by a gang of criminals, basically, it’s called patriarchy. And mostly they have been quite stupid, at least in the long term. And while Putin did (temporarily) restore power to Russia, of course, he is not exactly on the right side of history either. He is an autocratic and authoritarian dictator with lots and lots of blood on his hands, crooked as well, and he too will eventually fall from power as well. Especially as his military quagmire in Ukraine drags on and on (much like the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the graveyard of empires, or the American wars of Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan once more). Much like Trump “draining the swamp” only to fill it back up with his own crocodile crooks.
The only way to end this vicious cycle is for Women to take over, basically. Best wishes, Pete
From William Hi Pete:
I feel about Putin the same way I feel about Trump. At one time I thought Trump was terrible, until I realized just how much the mainstream media hated him and then I changed my opinion of him. I think the mainstream media and the whole establishment hate Putin even more than Trump. Which suggests to me these men must be doing something right. Anyone the mainstream media praises, you know is a sell out. William
From Pete:
With all due respect, I guess we will just have to agree to disagree about both Trump and Putin. Though I do think there is at least a kernel of truth (possibly even the size of a cornfield) to what you just said about how the establishment rabidly hates them, it’s really more evil against evil, IMHO. To put it in Dungeons and Dragons parlance, Trump and Putin are both hot-blooded, rogue, “chaotic evil”, and are thus seen as a threat to the cold-blooded “lawful evil” and “neutral evil” psychopaths ruling the world, as well as their self-interested “true neutral” sycophantic lackeys. They are really two sides of the same coin, and the very top ruling oligarchs and their “shadow government” of course play both sides to divide and conquer. Best wishes, Pete
From Rasa Von Werder:
I see all this in RELIGIOUS terms. My mind is on the righteousness of God & how She has put the WOMAN as the Mother/leader of the family & the world. I see the Patriarchal world as the quasiHell on earth which evil men have created.
The various leaders, to my mind, are mostly, if not all, DEMONICS. I know some of them weren’t because no matter the evil they did, they still Ascended into Heaven, as I know for a fact, Richard Nixon is in Heaven because once for several months, he appeared to me daily to assist me in dream interpretation. Why, I don’t know as I never did anything for him, or did I? Maybe because I pitied him when he was being persecuted, don’t know. But I also know he did evil as he signed the ‘Special Virus Act’ funded by Congress with 500M in 1971, which led to the creation of AIDS as biological warfare, & he was also a strong part of perpetrating the Viet Nam war. Those are evil acts but yet, he ended up in Heaven.
And I lump them all, basically into ‘perpetrators or puppets’ of the Big Satan, whoever he is, that works through the Globalists. And identifying all their acts, who the main villains are, is not my expertise, althought I have some ideas, like for sure, know that WHO – World Health Orgaization is 100% Satanic. Because I know they poisoned millions of Africans with AIDS under the smallpox vaccine, & other crimes more recent. By listening to Mike Adams & others I know the names of some of the demonics but don’t know all the details.
You guys study areas I don’t & so you flush out my deficits, which is a good thing for our Cause, & you both see it from different POV’s. The way Pete described it in these letters, I am more in agreement with his view. He does not see any of these Patriarchal leaders with rose colored glasses; I like the way he describes Putin. No matter what ‘good’ these guys do, say, he made Russia strong again, he has ‘blood on his hands’ & other cruel items. So this is reality. Patriarchs are, by definition, evil. What good they do is part of a bigger agenda of evil – they do good in a temporary way, say, for their own country. But in the long run, they are part of an evil agenda which holds down women, abuses & injures women & children AS WELL AS OTHER MEN. This is the intrinsic, fundamental evil of patriarchs. They are part of this doomed game of ‘I will give you all the Kingdoms of the world & their glory if you will bow down & worship me,’ & they are bowing down & worshipping Satan through Patriarchy.
Patriarchy is Satanic, demonic, it is all evil. It has no redeeming virtue at all. What ‘good’ happens is transitory, impermanent, at base, it lacks LOVE & CARING & so it has thrown God out of the equation & its conclusion is HELL.
This is the picture I am concentrating on. But it’s OK if you guys are experts in the individual actions of these guys – I’m not so it’s good that you are!
Thanks for the 3 Kings Day greeting Pete. They are proof that Jesus was a reincarnated Guru from the East – India or Tibet. So they are extremely important in my religion.
BTW I didn’t even know the mainstream media hated Trump & Putin. It seemed to me at least half the media is for Trump, as he gets whatever he wants & looks like he’ll run for President again & maybe make it, according to Mike Adams. There will always be half the media supposedly Democrat & half supposedly Republican. To me, Tweedle de De & Tweedle de Dum like Noam Chomsky says. - Both evil Patriarchic organizations. Even if Hilary had been elected President, she would have been a Patriarch, a dick in skirt as we say. No individual woman elected into office creates a Matriarchy, the senate, Congress & Fortune 500 companies have to be represented by OVER 50% women – that is the PATH to matriarchy {although it will take a couple hundred years to undo the damage men have done} not one single impotent woman who has to do as the charlatans say. Rasa
Love these statements of Pete: “We have always been ruled by a gang of criminals, basically, it’s called patriarchy. And mostly they have been quite stupid, at least in the long term. ”
Rasa says: Patriarchy is Satanic, demonic, it is all evil. It has no redeeming virtue at all. What ‘good’ happens is transitory, impermanent, at base, it lacks LOVE & CARING & so it has thrown God out of the equation & its conclusion is HELL.
From Pete:
I am somewhat surprised that Tricky Dick Nixon (I always thought that was a funny nickname) is in Heaven, lol, but then again, there may very well have been a little bit of Light behind his otherwise dead eyes, that God felt was worth saving for some reason. Lots of gray areas, it seems. (Interestingly, Nixon was politically to the left of Bill Clinton and even Obama on most issues, at least in practice.) Even the WHO, while its leaders are clearly 100% demonic, some good people are nonetheless likely sucked into their vast orbit without realizing just how evil they really are. Best wishes, Pete
Rasa says:
That’s just it, Pete – a lot of INNOCENT &/or non-demonics are SUCKED INTO Patriarchy. Some may be cool or lukewarm toward God, but they are not demonic. And they might get sucked in for physical/material reasons that override any spiritual sensitivity they have. It is extremely difficult for us to know who goes to Hell, who does not. Truly. One example: Timothy McVeigh. Not only did he NOT go to Hell but he did only ONE YEAR TO THE DAY OF HIS EXCUTION in Purgatory {Elvis Presley did FIVE YEARS!}. People screamed at me when I told them that,
“Don’t you know what he did? – The innocent people & children, “etc.
Yes I know. But who am I to judge, or you?
Many people including ourselves get sucked into systems of Patriarchy where our hands are tied. They tell us to jump – we do it. I hate to remind you – the vaccines. So many innocent people who thought they were harmless or even beneficial got sucked in & who knows the consequences?
Then there are taxes. They are ILLEGAL – Income taxes that is. The people never ratified this when a vote was called for. Try not paying your taxes & you will be in jail. {Pete says in fact, it was ratified. OK. Thanks.}
OK being President or Prime Minister is a much bigger scale. They have to sign all kinds of things they might not want to – but if they don’t – they will get impeached or assassinated. Bucking the Globalists can mean death if you’re in a high place & doing big things. Lincoln was going to change the Federal Reserve System, he got killed. {Pete corrects me, he WAS against the bankers but not the Federal Reserve. Kennedy was against the Federal Reserve.}
So IMO the high-up leaders do lots of things they would not do if they had a choice. One should think twice before seeking high offices. But some don’t care, or care little. Thinking of one Governor who shall remain nameless who I don’t think gives a shyt about anyone. It’s that “I will give you all the kingdoms & their glory if you will bow down & worship me” once again. Rasa
Below, the event of preaching for women for equal rights in the military – got into a lot of media – & a thank you letter from President Carter’s Chief of Correspondence saying ‘You have the President’s best wishes.’ – & The speech in front of the White House that ended the Cold War {within a few short years} Also preached in front of the Canadian Parliament Peace Tower in Ottowa, Canada
My friends William & Pete believe in women entering the political field & taking over. Wouldn’t that be nice? But here’s the rub – they aren’t that much interested in seeking offices! And so what is the route by which we will get to Matriarchy?
MG: There isn’t any ONE ROUTE, there are many roads leading to Rome.
Many people must work on many platforms, wherever they are capable. Some politics, yes. Some, the religious pulpit except we aren’t hearing from women there, are we, {except when Rasa preached before dancing}. Some as authors – there has been great influence here. Some activists, doing pod cast interviews like Laura Aboli with Mike Adams {except they aren’t talking about Matriarchy! It’s that same’ole same’ole waiting for the good guys – the man on the White Horse, the Knight in Shining Armour – all waiting for HIM – not for women!}
Somehow or other we’ve got to break the ice about getting MATRIARCHY ON THE TABLE! It’s NOT TALKED ABOUT on any mainstream TV show & only RARELY in the alternative media.
When Rasa first got involved around 1995 in studying the dissidents, they were not represented by women – they did NOT put the issue of M v s P on the table – ever. She was listening to Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Michael Parenti & dozens of others through ‘Alternative Radio.’ She bought $8-900 of audio tapes. These men never even CONSIDERED the issue!
Now HOW, HOW, HOW do we get Matriarchy ON THE TABLE? Will Rasa be the one to do it eventually? Can she stay well long enough, get back in the mainstream media soon enough? Yes, mainstream, like Oprah Winfrey. Isn’t that how she got BODYBUILDING to take off? Not ALTERNATIVE but MAINSTREAM MEDIA like Esquire, To Tell the Truth, Mike Douglas, & Playboy.
There were a few alternative women doing body building {Pudgy Stockton & circus performers} – but that did not cut the mustard. An idea has to get into the MAINSTREAM.
ME: Mother God, it isn’t me per se, it’s YOU – it’s God. If you steer me to do this of course I must & I will. But I cannot do it alone. There is no one backing me up. I don’t have what it takes without God. I have to have God as I did for my other big ventures, like preaching in front of the White House & Stripping for God. No human could have thought of it or made me do it, it was YOU. And I am asking, are you going to prepare me & then steer me onto Oprah & other such shows? As a human I can only think of why they would NOT permit me voice. But can you make it happen? Or rather, WILL you make it happen?
MG: We shall see. When the time is RIPE is when you will know, not until then. Like all your other endeavors, you were not warned way ahead of time nor did you anticipate any of it – you would have been too scared, lol. We’ll spring it on you when the time comes & if we do, you will proceed.
ME: PS If & when you can empower me to do this, after it is done, I will be written out of the credit such as with all else except ‘Stripping for God’ – that was the only project they could not take from me. Is that how it will be? Suddenly people will be speaking of this issue mainstream & I will be forgotten.
MG: That is not your concern. You just obey & leave the fruits or results to us. So what if you don’t get credit? It’s God who did it, through you. God gets the credit; you shall not have Her Glory. So capish? Just be quiet & when the time comes, maybe when you truly no longer care or when you have passed on you will be recognized. Don’t think about recognition – that is the ‘kingdoms of the world & their glory’.
PS Consider how negative many other women have been with you regarding recognition. As you ou did so much work, they butted in to attack you because they were JEALOUS of any RECOGNITION you might get. They wanted to be the Queen Bee, the Big Banana, the Woman on a Pedestal. You see how WRONG that is?
If a person does what they do FOR RECOGNITION it’s not done OUT OF LOVE. If you do a favor & expect something in return, it’s not charity, it’s a sort of business. Not saying this is always wrong.
But you’re working FOR A CAUSE, the cause of God, for which God sent you to earth. Why do you seek or ask for recognition? You must give this quest up, it’s not living in perfection. You must give your love to God freely & without a price tag! God sent you to do certain things – help others get closer to God & empower women. Do it & let the chips fall where they may. So they ignore what you did, as the speech in Washington. So they wrote you out of female body building. You did it, didn’t you? It bore fruit, didn’t it? Rejoice in that, & that you OBEYED GOD, you did what the Infinite Majesty wanted & trust that She will eventually reward you with Love, if not here, then in Eternity.
Back to politics, from William:
I can remember tricky dicky. Although the Watergate scandal revealed Nixon to be a criminal, he was also Quaker and because of his Quaker beliefs he was against war. So he took the USA out of the Vietnam war. He also made peace with Communist China and tried to make peace with the USSR. This must have alarmed the Military/Industrial complex and I think this was the main reason the establishment turned against him and had him impeached. Had he been allowed to remain in power he could have ended the cold-war in the 1970s.
I think the same is true of Trump. In-spite of all his faults it seems he doesn’t like war. He tried to get out USA troops out of Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan but was blocked by the USA military. He also tried to make peace with North Korea and Russia but again the establishment turned against him. So I think he has made an enemy of the Military/Industrial complex and this is why the establishment hate him. William
From Pete:
Yes there is a lot of nuance, William. Nixon did indeed end the Vietnam War, albeit gradually, after four years of his presidency and lots of bombing. Though perhaps with the military industrial complex (MIC) and the oligarchy pulling the strings of whoever is in power, Nixon in this case, that may have been the best he could have done in practice. (Even Henry Kissinger, his secretary of state, also got credit for ending the war.) And yes, he did make peace with China too.
(The military industrial complex should really be called the “mercenary industrial complex”, since, as the late, great Major General Smedley Butler famously noted way back in the day, “War Is a Racket”. War greatly destroys wealth and lives for the many, but greatly enriches the tiny few at the top.)
I wouldn’t say Trump is anti-war per se, and like any wannabe alpha male he does luuurrrve to bang on his chest and poke every proverbial angry bear he can find, but he certainly took umbrage (and rightly so) at the ridiculous protracted military quagmires of Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, and wanted to get us out of those. Ironically, he was the one who made the deal with the Taliban to exit Afghanistan, which Biden inherited, and the rest is history. Like Vietnam, it was a war America lost before the war even began. As for his frenemy, Kim Jong Un of North Korea, who really knows what is going through his head. First they hated each other, then they became buddies almost overnight. So overall, I can see how the MIC and thus the establishment would not like him very much, and consider him to be a rogue and a loose cannon. Best wishes to you both, Pete {end}
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