First, I go to someone’s room with a friend. There’s something sad or forlorn abut this, like did someone have a bad accident, are they dying? They must be attended to.
It’s a medium sized room, white walls, a white sheer curtain blowing in the wind from a window left as I look around. Is the person – a man – there? Did he leave? If he did we can’t help him.
Then I look in this bed against the wall – somehow it looks like a child’s crib. And a man’s head peeps out from under the covers – I only see the top of his head – honey blonde with streaks of light blonde hair, cut straight across, a bit tousled.
He’s there – we’re going to take care of him. It’s a feeling of his being a prisoner in the room.
*{This sounds like a Soul in Purgatory. One hint is the window with VEIL blowing in the wind – & the fact that he’s a PRISONER. The veil is what separates us from the side where God is – Heaven. Being a prisoner is you can’t get out of here just because you want to. If someone helps, it can be done faster, & here I am with someone who is probably my Guardian Angel, going to help this man.
Why is he under the cover, only the top of his head shows? His identity is secret, I see only a small part of him. Head & HAIR in this context are his thoughts – I see his thoughts.
The crib is because these clients are at times seen as children, a spiritual child to me. His state is not bad, he might be ascending soon.}*
Later things get different. I go to a foreign town. I don’t think it’s Purgatory as I see I’m outside, there’s a sky. I examine every street, the mall; look in the windows at the shops & residences. I don’t see many people, just a few.
Was in a store, it had food & other things. This town is remote & I sense they are lacking in some amenities, but they have a lot anyway. Some children – girls – are in the street. One of them calls back to me from ahead, saying she found the most delicious caramel in this store {where I’d been} & wants to go there for it. Sounds like she’s tempting me, but I didn’t care for any caramel. These kids are around 11-12.
Then I met in succession, the three Tony’s. Go into one Italian place, the manager is Tony – young & handsome. Go to another, same thing. He mentions his brother’s name is Tony, very strange. Then the third one it’s BINGO. The manager Tony is so handsome, so tall, so sexy. I stroke his face. He has a 2 day beard. His face is so manly, hard to explain someone’s beauty, but it’s very masculine. And he likes my attention, we might be friends.
He asks about me, I say,
“I just travel, see places – I don’t have to work any more.”
There were dozens of details I will not record as it’s too much time. Not sure what I was doing here. Maybe just “a change is as good as a rest,” – I’ve been burned out from work.
*{This ones got me, Mother God, need help. If it’s not Purgatory, what is it? Lately I’ve had a couple dreams of romantic touches like this – I did not record the one of Jean Claude Van Damme, where our eyes met & I felt love.
Is this a vacation, where I visit males who might be amenable to me & exchange love? Is it my way of resting? Am I traveling with my soul or what? Who are these Tony’s especially the last one? Who was jean Claude?
MG: To make an educated guess, I’d say the 3 Tony’s are your Guardian Angels, here to give you love. They know you’re worn out – true Love is an elixir, like Sacred Water, which refreshes the Soul. A Celestial Being can take on any form – you recall the Angel who appeared as your beautiful blonde maid, ironing the vest of Tom S {Jesus} when He visited you? And you remember when you appeared to Juana the first night as a male, the second night as a female? The hint here is they are 3 with the same name – all your Guardian Angels, all Tony, & one says ‘his brother’ which denotes kinship. And they are similar but the last one is spectacular. A spiritual Being has no gender, neither does your soul, neither do I, your Mother God. We can manifest any which way. Here they came to make you happy. You have CHOSEN not to ask for any man on earth – St. Charbel warned you if you did, he would leave so you chose to remain celibate & without romance. The same with Jean Claude, it could have been Saint St. Charbel appearing so beautiful to give you pleasure.
ME: Who are the girls tempting me with ‘caramel’ & what is this town?
MG: Sounds like ‘Mount Carmel’- a spiritual destiny as you are born on Our Lady of Mt.Carmel Day. This is God has taken you to a spiritual place for a vacation, ‘Carmel’ is here. The girls are probably angels, all the people here should be Celestials or members of Heaven, it’s pleasant. Your Guardian Angels brought you here for spiritual refreshment, notice they are managers of restaurants {spiritual nourishment} – they are in authority. It’s a great thrill for you to know abut these Angels of yours & what they have done on your behalf.
Oh yes, lately had a dream abut rain but didn’t write it down, confused as to what it meant. But had another dream about rain so I figured it out. I have here 4 volumes of ‘The City of God.’ I’m indoors but there’s drizzle & one of my volumes to the right, on a table, is speaking to me pointing out it’s getting wet – all of them are. I take them lovingly into my arms to dry them, protect them, & am going to put them into my bed under the covers, get them dry, keep them close to me.
*{It’s THE RAIN ON MY PARADE. An impediment, something is stopping the fun or the desired activity. In this case, it’s my dreams. I’ve been distracted perhaps or too tired to write them down, I’m therefore losing valuable articles & books. MysticalCity of God is the account of the experiences of Mary of Agreda, who saw visions & Our Lady spoke to her & dictated her life. So on a smaller scale it is with me – my mystical writings which must go on – this is saying. And I’m taking the situation under my wings.}*
The other dream was I was in my house on the second floor & it rained on & on until outside was flooded & the floor I’m standing on also is, up to my ankles of crystal clear water. My husband Rich is with me. But then all the water recedes, everything is alright.
Richard stands next to me on my right, tall & dependable as he was. We look across the field from us, as if there’s no wall, & there, on the other side is Pablo, an evil guy I was in love with. This person is looking at us & seeing how devoted Richard is to me & I’m glad he sees it.
*{PABLO is the OLD GUY Nick, when I was relating to him as a living person / drug addict, totally shameless in his lifestyle, wasting his life with the other hoodlums in town. He was extremely cruel to me, to the point of my having anxiety attacks which led to heart attacks. Yes he was evil.
Now he looks at himself on ‘the other side’ or as he was in life from the vantage point of today. He has changed into the good, dependable husband as Rich was, devoted to me, at my side, dependable, helpful. He sees the truth now & I’m glad he does.}*
My Movie & the Rag Doll
I was working on something with others when I noticed there was something I could obtain that I wanted – like crockery, pots & pans – this is vague. I got a huge cloth slick vanilla colored bag I have here – it’s so big it would hold several coats, & I take this bag on my way.
When I get there it’s on the street. There’s a theater with a marquee I assume advertising a movie. In front of the place, closer to me as I’m to the left of the theater, is a large sign covered with icons, not pictures, but representations of things like on a board. There’s a ‘rag doll’ of sorts, at least 2 or more huge oranges like I have here {with very thick skins} – one statue of a rosy flesh-colored head & face, {which I put no value on – hold it I my hands & put it back – don’t want to take it} – & in front of this poster or presentation I see a large number of heads of people, all close together, staring at this sign.
I ask someone why are these people staring like that – this is nothing unusual, just regular things & they say,
“It’s the way they’re put together, all in one place, that makes it seem important.”
As I’m inspecting this display – all I want is the rag doll, & I take it, put it in my bag & am going back to my house. It had no price tag on it – it’s like the Good Will are selling this but it has no price, so I can’t pay it, & I’m just slightly nervous they’ll come after me & say since I didn’t pay for it, it isn’t mine & they want it back.
Anyway, I take a chance, & it’s strange having this small rag doll – about a foot high – in this huge bag & nothing else that I expected to pick up.
I’m aware of a couple women standing there {they’re in front of the theater facing the street} who are really strange, as they say they wanted that rag doll, but they knew they couldn’t get it because they didn’t even try. But they saw the value of it after I took it. They’re just standing there complaining they wanted it. One of these women has a square face like this advertisement where a man is wearing a costume with a huge square head, I’ve seen recently. These women are sort of ‘slow’, like no zeal or energy, just wanting things but not doing anything to get them.
*{This regards the MOVIE of your life coming to pass. The POSTER shows the elements of your life, the parts of it which are relevant. The FRUITS are the victories you won – happy fulfillment of efforts. The face statue is you as a glamour doll – you put no value on this & don’t take it. You pick it up, disdain it & put it back. You choose nothing else to take with you except the rag doll, the only thing you value.
The RAG DOLL represents your SUFFERINGS. It hearkens to St. Francis of Assisi who said he climbed Mt.Alverno to see his Lady Love & when he got there all he saw was LADY POVERTY dressed in rags! That was his spouse!
And here you affirm the same, the most meaningful part of your life was the sufferings.
Who are the women standing there coveting my rag doll, but they do nothing to obtain something like that?
They remind you of this mannequin with a huge square head. They are FAKE in the service of God & God’s spiritual precepts. They DESIRE what you received THROUGH POVERTY but they aren’t willing to PRACTICE IT. Someone having a BIG HEAD, SQUARE, means what? It’s ego – one considering oneself big or significant rather than being humble before God, saying ‘I am important.’
Why do I have this very large slick vanilla cloth bag & I think I’ll get large utensils but I only get the rag doll?
St. Francis said,
“God gives us all that is good. All we have to give to God is OUR SUFFERINGS.”
Is there anything else important here?
The dream is saying that your life is UNUSUAL in that there are many elements, which many have had. But in putting together these elements, it’s rare that one life would have such a combination.
What specifically, Mother God are these elements?
MG: the spiritual & physical, Heaven & earth in combination. Most people’s lives lean in one direction or another – yours goes equal both ways.
You read the lives of the Saints. The have specific qualities, Gifts & experiences, which you also have.
Then you look at show business people, & they have certain distinctions such as their looks, talents, abilities, accomplishments like winning beauty contests, being in movies & TV, getting attention & publicity.
But your life is a hybrid between two elements, which most people think are incompatible.. Spirituality & sexuality usually don’t go together, but in you they do.
ME: Why is the white bag so large but the only thing in it the rag doll?
MG: You once thought there were so many important things in life, but now you know only what we suffer in Love {spiritual Poverty} is important – Jesus & His Cross. {end}’
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