Value of my Mass

By Rasa Von Werder, August 8th, 2023
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8-7-23    Result of Neglecting to Say Mass

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This dream answered my question. Since I am offering in my prayers daily, all the Masses said throughout the world for the Souls in Purgatory, do the Masses that I say for them have any value or are they a moot point?

This tells me they have great value, they are more important than my prayers concerning all the Masses said on earth.

The dream:

I am performing in a theater. Somehow I did not have all the required or best costume, but I scraped together what I could, several layers of clothing one on top of the other which I will remove – as I’m strip teasing.

There’s a sort of ‘hallway’ with stars that goes up to a loft where the music man works. He puts on the music & I dance. There’s a large audience of men & women, seems equal. They have all heard about me, the seats are full. At least 100 people. And they seem jolly & happy & are well dressed.

After I remove some items they applaud loudly. But the music gets quiet, so much so that I call to the loft,

“Make the music louder!”

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At first, he does make it louder, but after that, it gets so quiet I can’t even hear it & he doesn’t respond to my yelling at him.

I have taken off everything except the top & to them, the breasts are the main thing they want to see. I do recall the last item of clothing covering them is a square light brown fur jacket, short haired fur, like a cat’s but very thick.

And as I’m struggling to get the man to make the music louder, most of the audience just gets up & leaves, they think the show is over. A few to the right, who were sitting facing the direction to the side, facing the audience instead of me, remain.

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Another man says to me,

“The music man heard you but he couldn’t put the music louder because of some school nearby that needs quiet.”

And I cried out in dismay,

“Most of the audience has left!”

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Me performing is conducting my spiritual work, prayer & the Holy Mass. They all applaud when I pray for them. But when I do not say the Holy Mass, that is the equivalent of not showing my breasts, which would be the highlight of mywork.

So it explains that my saying the Mass has great value, it is more important than the prayers.

What is the meaning of the music man in his loft?

Is this Our Lord? I can’t dance without hearing the music, He provides it. In other words, this is a joint venture, a partnership. He provides his Body & Blood, I say the words of consecration & the Mass is delivered to the Souls, I perform. And so if Jesus does not send his Body & Blood into the elements, this love is not received by the Souls – the audience.

What is the fur jacket? Seems to refer to the ‘animal self.’ I needed to remove my lower self {the garment} & do the most charitable thing, but when I failed to ‘take off’ the physical & rise to my higher self by doing the Mass, they received nothing from me & Our Lord.


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