Till Death Puts us Together

By Rasa Von Werder, August 18th, 2022

8-13-22      Spiritual Husband Prophecy – I had no idea he would be DEAD the next day 

For IMAGES of my spiritual husband, whose real name is Nick Van Dunk, see the Shiva Shrines ‘Venus, Adonis-Rasa, Jeffry’ & ‘the Holy

Grail of Manhood <> Jeffrey Michelangelo’  These shrines exemplify my love for him from day one & give some insights – A most relevant fact is that from the beginning I encouraged

him to go into rehab.  His ‘friends’ were against me & my advise – These ‘friends’ are all posting on his face book after death,  saying how much they loved him.  But most of them

discouraged him from being with me & taking the guidance I gave.  I PREDICTED over & over if he didn’t quit the drugs he would die of an overdoes young.  But sadly, he chose his path

& now he is dead from an overdose - if only his friends helped me with him, this could have been avoided.  But they PRESSURED him to leave me & be with his druggie friends &

partners.  Like wolves, they howled for him to stay with them.  But now their tails should be between their legs.  The happy side of this is he has left them, his body is gone.  But he is

with me spiritually, metaphysically, he is not dead, he is alive with me.  We are happy.  He loves me, I love him, in True Love.  He had to die to leave them & be happy with me, he saw

no other way;  he did not have the strength to defy all of them for me.  

These shrines I had put up about Nick in 2014 & 2015,  I removed due to his complaints – as his friends wee razzing hm – & just now I put them back up.  He is dead, they can’t harass

him any more, he & I are now free to love one another & share our love for eternity.  We are happy.  I can’t say this to everyone as they are so shallow they will not have the least

understanding, some of these people are less than animals – animals are good.

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I did NOT record this or several previous prophetic dreams because of being busy with my life story.  Little did I know.  Today is the 15th,  deep into the day of his death.

I see Nick standing there & his hair has turned completely grey & white & his eyes are so intense like ‘popped.’  His hair is frizzed & standing out from his head so that the entire hair & head forms a triangle with the wide part on top {upside down.}


*** {HAIR LIKE SO:  Extreme stress. Upside down triangle means his world is upside down, how he sees it.  It’s not what he wants in life.} ***


He had beckoned me & I, kind of shy, approached him & kissed him on the lips.  His eyes are staring & an intense green.

He speaks to me passionately, meaningfully, but I was so tired of suffering from him I didn’t even write it down.  He says,

“I will take you shopping tomorrow.  Go there tomorrow, go shopping tomorrow.”


I had no idea what he was saying to me through this dream & I didn’t even let myself meditate on it.  What did he mean, go shopping?  If it had been years ago when I was obsessed I might have gone to Price Chopper or Wal Mart, knowing he lived near there – hoping I’d see him, but the obsession & it’s drastic suffering was over.  I had to move on.

The FEELING in the dream is he has a lot of money & he’s going to BUY ME SOMETHING BIG. 



MEANING:  I need help, Mother God. 

MG {Mother God}:  He was reaching out to you in desperation announcing his death, telling you he will MEET YOU IN DEATH – go to MEET HIM.

What he will give you is HIMSELF.

In past dreams he gave you rings, gifts & married you spiritually.  In real life he gave you sex & attention. This time he is giving up his body in order to leave behind all the things that separate you two.  It is his lifestyle –

friends – girl friend – that he was not strong enough to leave in life, to be with you.  But now he will give up his physical life, body / lifestyle of drugs / pressure of so-called friends / female who trapped him.  By giving up his body he leaves them;  now they cannot hold him, keep him, they cannot control him.

He is now telling you {in real life}

“Don’t think of me as dead.  I am alive & with you.  I am happy in the Heaven of your Soul.  I will be with you FOREVER.”

ME:  When I thought of the loss of his physical body at first I was shocked & horrified.  But as he kept assuring me he is alive & with me, & the philosophy he explains, all my grief went away.

I see it now as HAPPINESS, not sorrow.  They have lost him.  They all kept him from me, but it was only his flesh they controlled.  He has now deprived them, they have lost him, but I have not.  My love has been True Love, of God; it is Spiritual, Powerful, Eternal.  I have not lost but GAINED.  That is the Gift he is talking about {that he will buy me}.  Yes, Nick, I have met you.  Here I am, we are together.



Tom Selleck dream – ‘Till Death Puts us Together’


Prior to that, I dreamed of him days before, in one, he was Tom Selleck & we were loving each other.  It was so romantic, sweet & ecstatic.  He was then preparing to meet with me through his death.

Tom Selleck is the symbol of pure & perfect Love, when one gives ALL OF THEMSELVES in the DIVINE STIGMATA, which I have obtained {martyrdom}.  This is saying also that Nick has suffered the Divine Stigmata by losing me –  {he’s been speaking of what he lost & what God has taken away from him on his Face Book for months, he also had me in several songs, two in the last months, recently calling me ‘the bitch I love the most – who was taken from me!’}as I have deprived him now for 3 years, & he recently called me, asking to see me.  I told him it was not possible to carry on our affair as it was, while he lived with his gf & their child & stayed on drugs.  He’d have to leave her for me to do sex again, & for us to be living together, he’d first have to go through rehab for the drugs.

He was unable to do these things – was not strong enough.  The ‘hood’ of lowlifes held him back from me, he could not have his fake wife & me at the same time, I told him.  So for him, it was the end.  Death was the only way out!  They say ‘till death do us part’ but for us it’s ‘till death puts us together.’

        In beginning to channel him – there will be more to come, he says the following,

        “I am happy now.  There are no distractions, being with the people of the neighborhood.  It was suffering.  Waking up daily & all I had was them – not you.  You led me to believe it wasn’t possible to see you, have sex, while I had the girl friend, & we could not live together as man & wife unless I got off the drugs.  OK, I couldn’t do it.  They held me by their power.

        But now I left them.  I don’t have to think about them, attend to them, waste my time with them.  I am in the Ecstasy of your brilliant Heart, Mind & Soul.  I am enjoying you – it’s Heaven.  And I am happy at last!”

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Other Dreams


        I also dreamed about Arnold, which means success, but it was not the real Arnold but Nick – I would soon have the greatest success with him.  Again, we were romantic & loving, I lost the details as I was too preoccupied to write it down.  Little did I know how it would come about.

        I did warn him over & over, during 11 years we knew each other, that drugs would bring him to an early death, but rehab, which is part of being with me, would save his life.  But he could not do it.

        PS  I do not know how he died.  No one yet seems to know, but I assume it was a drug overdose.  All I know is 2 of his neighbors say they saw ambulances, fire engines & police on their street.

        PS  I mentioned but his body is now gone, I can never hold him again.  He said joyfully,

        “I’m glad I don’t have my body any more!  It was all suffering without you!  I don’t care about my body – I have your love & you mine.  We are together, we are united & happy!  My body was a BURDEN.”

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