Two days ago maybe the 10th saw James B in Heaven but was too tired to type it. It wasn’t like I expected, quite an ordinary vision. I came near him in celebration & kissed him on the cheek several times, joyfully. He was also joyful, smiling & laughing sort of.
His head was like a pumpkin & the texture of his skin was maybe like the pulp of a pumpkin but there’s a grayness to the light orange color.
*{ME: Help Mother God.
MG: You were disappointed that there wasn’t more of a celebration when he Ascended, so this makes up for it. The pumpkin is like ‘Thanksgiving,’ he’s showing you his gratitude. And you exchange joy, this is the party & he participates, not like last time, when he said he couldn’t.
The dream of yesterday was torturous.
I’m shown a man – looks like Rock Hudson – on a slab of sorts lying there, sitting up partially, suffering so badly I ask,
“Is he dying?”
But then I realize he died long ago.
After viewing him another man is shown again they are all on sort of ‘slabs’ – & he is suffering badly.
Then another man & this is horrible. His nose has grown into what looks like an animal’s leg & hoof, similar to a deer. The deerskin is several colors, a sort of orange rust one piece, then an off-black, then a yellowy then a black hoof & this is the end of his nose, & he has to LIVE like this with this nose.
I am horrified, how could he live this way?
There are 5-6 more cases all on slabs, all men, suffering horribly.
About a week ago Our Lord appeared to you & showed you the bears surrounding you from all angles & he kissed your hand. This was to show you not to be afraid but there would be a series of sufferings coming to you from all angles – but it was from his Grace. You knew it was for Souls.
One of the sufferings was that when you lay down at night your shoulders & upper arms hurt so badly you can only lie on your back – which you’ve not done in years – you hate it. Something happened to both your arms from lying on your sides – muscles pulled or something. This has been really hard & the pain in the arms has also assaulted you from time to time pretty bad even though you’re on your back.
Other things have happened – lots of them – to give you stress & exhaustion but we’ll skip all that & just talk about this.
Our Lord wants to show you this series of Souls in Purgatory, suffering terribly, whose sufferings you are alleviating by yours. Yours is not as terrible, nevertheless, you’re helping them, so it’s all worth it.
Rock Hudson coud be a gay man dying of AIDS.
The man with the deer hoof becoming his nose could be he’s paying for torturing an animal, maybe a hoofed one like this. Could be a cow, sheep or goat he tended on a farm.
A notable symbol is ‘on one’s back.’ Like like you’re helpless to change your position, the Poor Souls are totally helpless where they are, their prayers for themselves bring no benefit, so here, is a good comparison with both your states.
Last night’s dream
Went like this: I’m on a road that no one expected would become muddy but as I drive it does. It’s so bad that the car after me gets into mud & sinks at least 6” & can’t move. – Completely stuck. But what I did was I ascended with my vehicle into the air & got to my destination – a building in front of me, & I’m explaining this to someone. They are amazed that I could fly my vehicle.
*{Pretty sure this is the portal or ‘vehicle I use to get me to Purgatory. Someone else wanted to but they could not rise up out of the earthly attachments, seen as getting stuck in the mud.}*
Another dream was they were serving food in this cafeteria but I wasn’t hungry, when I got hungry there was scarce food left & all the dishes were dirty. I washed a dish in a nearby sink & went for food. Few items were left. My favorite were chunks of persimmons, which are red sort of berries with red juice all around them – these presented in rolls without their skin somehow glued together. I grabbed as many as I could & wolfed them down before having to move up in the line. I was satisfied with the few items left, no breaded chicken. I thought how many type foods does one need to fill themselves up?
*{Pretty sure about the recent sufferings, a dozen hurtful, & troublesome things which were predicted to me. But I told Our Lord,
“I welcome these sufferings, just help me endure them. I’m not complaining, not sorry for them at all, I welcome them, I’m happy abut them.”
Persimmons look like blood, they are deep red. So that is sayingI’m enjoying the sufferings, glad to bear them, as they are FOR SOULS.}*
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