Success after Failure–Helping Souls

By Rasa Von Werder, January 27th, 2024

     Success After Failure



But the next day I said the Holy Mass & you see me WITH GREAT SUCCESS helping families in Purgatory!}*


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The first dream was miserable, but good followed later.

I had to PERFORM but did not have the necessary equipment. The MUSIC was wrong & I could not get the right music to play. I told my assistant {a male to my right},

          “To get the right music {it’s like a Juke Box} you have to put in $7. He showed me some silver change & put it in to play.

          *{LOOK AT THE PRICE: $7 for the right music/Grace vs these silver coins. I did not hav a large amount of Grace here to help Souls – the assistant must be my Guardian Angel who shows me what we have available.}*

          My hair was in an up do, something I usually don’t wear. But where were my wigs? That was not the worst part. I had no right costume or dress, had some sort of bikini & on top of it a pullover flat, square robe of sorts – not beautiful or flattering.

          *{CLOTHES are like ROBES or MANTLES OF GRACE. I did not have enough or the right GRACE to perform/help Souls.}*

          Then the shoes: I was barefoot but needed shoes. I see 2 pairs here. One’s blue with high heels – we always wear high heels, & they’re pretty. But I sense they might not fit me & I will suffer after a short time dancing. It’s safer to put on the white pair, although they are not as high, only 2” high, which isn’t glamorous, but I know they fit & will be comfortable to dance.

          *{SHOES: High heels denotes ‘high Cross’ or greater suffering, being blue underscores pain. But I chose the white shoes – good INTENTIONS – heels only 2” – the other was 4” – but less suffering! I knew I’d be COMFORTABLE! Discomfort is pain, I was not willing to take that on! So, LESS MERIT, LESS GRACE! More help comes from God when we SACRIFICE!}*

          Having no choice but to get on stage, I do so. There’s only a few people waiting – all men. But when they see me, one leaves, then another. There’s only maybe 5 people there. I do my best, the music is awful.

          For the finale I do a great stunt. I light up into the air & stand on my head for about 2 minutes! This is a great feat.

          But as I exit, no one applauds. I have failed, & I’m sad because I know it was for Souls in Purgatory.

*{I FAILED to help Souls because I was tired. I could have said the Mass anyway, but I didn’t, so I failed to help them.}*

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          Time passes. I then dream again.

I have gone out & bought myself the most chic, expensive black pants suit, made of a material satin-like but not as shiny. This is so stylish you could go anywhere or do anything in it. I sort of breeze in, proud of myself for being suddenly conservative instead of the usual colorful flamboyant self {which sis didn’t like.}

*{FLAMBOYANT ME: Is the egotistical, braggadocios me, which I am wont to display in public. One of my other personalities – the sister – doesn’t like this.}*

My sis had been maybe observing me & disapproving my past. She’s in an all-black suit also. My Mom, a huge woman {tall & stocky—over 6’!} is to my right in this doorway we’re standing, & she’s wearing a black smock, not stylish, a dull material, not fitted, her body is like a huge sack – it seems black is appropriate for this occasion.

*{MY MOM: Is my God Self. She’s huge because she’s a ‘Big Shot’ in Heaven. Notice she doesn’t go into the restaurant with us {Holy Mass} because she doesn’t receive the Eucharist – she’s already perfectly One with God, does not require more Grace. The Soul is PERFECT. It is the human self – the body as well as the INTERFACE or VEIL between us & our God Self, which receives Grace. It’s also the part which gets soiled, tainted, darkened, & must be CLEANSED by Grace before we can see/become God.

We 3 are in black because this means FUNERAL or re Souls in Purgatory.}*

          My sis & I then go into a restaurant, & it’s exclusive, the Waldorf Astoria. In real life I know only one restaurant there – long ago used to go to the ‘Bull & Bear.” It was not unusual or classy, nice but ordinary.

          But this dream-restaurant is one of the top in NYC. It’s exclusive.

          The waitress brings my sis bread & butter. She then gives me butter but no plate or butter knife to put on bread. I say to her,

          “Don’t I get a butter knife & plate?”

          She seems kind of put off by my request – don’t know why.

She’s a short lady with brown hair, & is wearing vaguely a blue blouse with white dots or specks & seems like she’s trying hard to get things done, maybe she’s frustrated & I’m asking her for something when she’s busy?

          *{ME: Now I’m stuck. This could not be a Guardian Angel as they could not fail in any way nor could they have negative feelings like frustration. But could a Soul in Purgatory be waiting on us? Help, Mother God.

          MG: It IS a soul in Purgatory, a hint besides all else is the blue top with white specks. She’s in sorrow but has hope – bits of white light on her blouse. She’s helping your 2 personalities to help Souls. Means she’s praying for you, perhaps to improve your behavior – specifically you might say she’s encouraging you to say the Mass.

          “Butter” in this case represents comfort, as in ‘which side my bread is buttered on.’ This says you’ve been selfish – as you were yesterday & didn’t say Mass. And you’re complaining re your own comfort, & this frustrates the poor soul! The pragmatic part of you – sis- reasoned it out that it would be of benefit to your own self to say the Mass, as well as for them, but another part of you is greedy & wants more for yourself. So the poor soul is burdened by this – you see her bending forward, as if by a heavy load.}*

          I look at the menu. It has so much on it I have no idea what to order.

          Then I look around the room to my left. We’re sitting against the wall to the right.

          And there is another section to this room behind a divider that’s about 4’tall – & that’s all there is, & I say to sis,

          *{BEHIND A DIVIDER: This says it well. They are on THE OTHER SIDE which means after death, the next dimension.}*

          “This place is TINY!”

          She tells me it’s not the size of the restaurant that matters here, it’s the standard – this is the highest class there is.

          I’d say the place seats only 15 people at the most. And all diners are women with children.

          One group of these women is exiting & they pass us. It’s maybe 3 women & at least 2 kids, a family. I see a big woman is wearing a sort of fuzzy green smock, she’s behind the children ushering them out.

*{ME: Mother God, you take over from here. If they are exiting, what are they exiting? Are they leaving Purgatory or leaving one lower state there to a higher one? And how many are actually helped, everyone there, or this one family? Why is this one big woman dressed in fuzzy green? Is she in Purgatory with these children or a Mom or other female praying for them?

MG: Wow, these are tough questions. They are probably exiting a lower state to a better one. The woman in green might be saying she’s alive, praying for these kids who died. Whe we pay for Souls, in a sense, we can descend to their state – we reach them if our prayers are strong. Is it all of them helped or one family?

The one family for sure, the others might have received Grace also but maybe not enough yet to move much higher up – but it seems the children of this woman go higher. She was praying for them, a Soul in Purgatory was praying you say the Mass, & Souls were helped.

These 2 dreams illustrate what happens when you don’t say the Holy Mass & how great it is when you do say it.}*    {end}

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