St. Charbel Marries Me!

By Rasa Von Werder, July 4th, 2023
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 St Charbel marries me!

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         This made me querulous & I’ve been thinking about it for two days & finally decided Richard, my late husband, does represent St. Charbel & now I will attempt to analyze the symbols.


         I am in my house & things are going real well because previously there had been things askew & cluttered, but because of Richard {he always represents someone who loves me in true love} having done something – not sure what – it’s all improved.


         This house is different, however, than any house I’ve lived in. I have a super large kitchen, painted white, & in it there’s a large screen computer & that computer is pivotal to what’s happening here. I also see the living room next to the kitchen.

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         Richard is arriving & he’s very happy. He’s bought a new Ferrari, an extremely expensive car, & he always liked cars & you might say obsessed with them. I see a beautiful blue Ferrari. And yet, when he arrives, what I see literally is a light grey plastic oval tub he is in. He drives into my house & parks in the living room, beaming with joy.


         Meaning: You’ve been praying to St. Charbel & looking at movies & documentaries on him. You’ve accepted him into your heart with love, & he has consented to unite with you, which makes him one more spiritual husband.


         Me: Looks like I am collecting a harem of great Saints as spiritual husbands. Can you review what this means?


         Mother God: This is when two souls are united in a Sacrament which on earth is called ‘marriage.’ Both parties consent to love one another in true love, for all time, to be united.

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         It seems to be happening more & more at a rate I never had before. Is it because I have evolved so much that these great Saints are willing to unite with me?


         MG: Yes, your love has improved & increased. And it seems that St. Charbel is answering your prayers for help but in different ways than you asked for. This is the improvement of ‘your house.’ Your house is your consciousness.


         The kitchen is the hub of a house, it’s where food/nourishment is made. Painted white is purity – ‘the pure in heart shall see God’ – chastity can also be defined as purity of heart rather than being sexless.

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         Now instead of physical food you are communicating with Charbel through the computer, by looking at materials on him. Then you connect with him.


         And because you’re connecting with him he’s reaching you with his expensive vehicle but it’s a spiritual vehicle, it’s his mind or soul.


         His very expensive vehicle is his mind/soul which he paid a dear price for – it looks like he prayed for the engraving of Christ’s wounds on his heart, which is Interior Divine Stigmata, as you have. That means martyrdom. The price for this spiritual power is great. Blue Ferrari, bue vehicle, is the ‘blue person’ as described in yoga, the Higher Self.


         And when he arrives, the light grey plastic plus his joy again means mental contact. He is extremely happy to be united with you. Grey is ‘grey matter’ or the mind/brain symbol.

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         Me: Wow, am I lucky! Great things are happening to me, all because I pulled myself together to try to be with God, praying several hours a day for the entire world & Purgatory. Wonderful results! My new Gurus said

‘You are praying for the entire world every day so we are helping you!’

Amen & glory to God!

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