St Charbel Appears

By Rasa Von Werder, July 1st, 2023
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            St. Charbel Appears

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This is a big deal: St. Charbel has more documented healings/miracles than any person besides Our Holy Mother – 69k of them!


So I figured if he’s on a healing kick, let me get in on it. I have many maladies: eye floaters, eyestrain/tinnitus, hurting back, both hips & legs hurting, post nasal drip & perpetually swelled up sinuses, insomnia & last but not least, a bad heart. If he could or would heal one or more of these issues, it would help.


So not having his ‘holy oil’ or a Cossack from his monastery to wear, the next best thing was his novena prayer, which I recited along with the Priest presenting it.


I watched two long videos about him, one of them twice. And I prayed a long time before going to sleep. He appears in dreams to people before or after a healing, sometimes giving them instructions what he wants them to do, like go to Mass each day the 22nd of the month.


I saw the details on some of his miraculous healings.

Here’s the dream:

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          I’m in a place like a large apt building for college students. I have a sense of being ‘left out’ as they are all young, I’m old. I’m just here observing & trying to see where I can ‘fit in’ or who wants to befriend me.


          First scene, I’m sitting kind of on the floor with a young male in front of me, a female to my right, a female to his left. He’s attractive.


          He’s flirting with the female to his left, telling her about some work he could do for her, saying in a suggestive manner,

          “I’m good with my hands.”


          Both these females here are cute, so I feel he’d prefer them to me, but then my confidence increases as I speak. And I’m flirting with him.


          I touch him in a sweet way – nothing extreme – just touch his sweater {it’s black} & maybe his cheek, telling him that I’m a cougar.


          For all his bravado moments ago with that girl, he now gets embarrassed & shy’s away from me, getting closer to the girl – he’s lost his confidence.


          He’s smiling & his jaw has decreased in size, so his teeth are now slightly bunched together.

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          Second scene: I’m in a different place in this building, a larger room.

          There’s a super handsome/sexy young male lying back on a setee here & a female to my right. I glance at him & think he has beautiful tawny skin. He’s buff, handsome face & good thin body.

          I was going to compliment him on his skin, but then I see I did not look carefully, it’s not his skin; he has on a long sleeved pink sweater, a loose knit.

          I have that same feeling at first, of being ‘left out,’ as they are young, I’m old. The lady there is cute, he will prefer her.

          But in the next moment, things change. The young man is suddenly naked & in my lap, straddling me, his legs around me, & he’s rocking with me, back & forth, saying,’

          “Rocking is better than sex.”

          So he came to me, he likes me! He’s not ignoring me! And I tell him,

          “Cuddle therapy is great. I used to have a boyfriend I did cuddle therapy with once a day when he visited me.”

          Prior to this he was thin,, his stomach flat, but now he has a pot belly & I iiss it. I also kiss his arm, it’s very cozy.

          I see him more clearly now, young, with black straight hair, dark shining eyes.


                    Meaning: This is St. Charbel. The female you think he prefers to you is Our Holy Mother. He’s in love with her, the accounts said so. She’s the female to his left he’s flirting with.

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          The female to my right might be the cute young female – Gutierrez, that he healed of blindness. She gave a long detailed testimony.

          You feeling ‘left out’ is your insecurity as to whether he wants to be friends with you or grace you with healing.

          In the first scene, when you first pray to him which is seen as ‘flirting’ maybe because you said ‘I love you,’ he shy’s away from you & clings to the Holy Mother.

          His jaw shrinking & teeth bunching up is his passiveness or submission to Holy Mary & God.

          It might be saying he feared any association with females which was sexual.

          Men’s jaws are bigger than women’s, when female bodybuilders started taking steroids their jaws expanded & they got ‘cornrow teeth, or spaces between them. This is the opposite, where his jaw has shrunk.


          The next scene you are watching a different documentary about him, where the female he healed gives a long testimony. It’s like the 3 of you were together, & you suspect he cares for her, but not you.

          His being on his back on a setee is submission, wearing pink is also feminine & shows his humbleness & submission to God.

          But in the next moment he’s naked & in your lap, rocking you.

          This is a sign of nourishing you with affection. Naked is completely open to you, not hiding or covering anything. Rocking is a comforting activity – rocking babies gives them brain stimulation & nourishment. They rocked in the Mother’s womb, whenever she moved, & this helped them develop. It has the same effect after they are born, it helps the brain form itself, good for the entire body. People feel comforted in rocking chairs. So He’s giving you consolation & nourishment although not the healing you prayed for.

          The pot belly is he’s pregnant.

          That means he received your love & something was conceived, there was fruit.

          You kissing his belly & arm is you loving & admiring him.

          So that’s it. You have a new Guru & powerful friend in Heaven.

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