Spiritual Success with Help

By Rasa Von Werder, November 6th, 2023

11-6-23  ARNOLD means SUCCESS-He is HERE  St. Charbel & Friend Rudy from Heaven Help

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         As usual, multiple dreams but I’m most interested in the Arnold one, but will pop the others in briefly.


There was one dream regarding my 1st husband Stan {not a good sign} & I going to the movies & there seeing the journalist Geraldo & greeting him like a long-lost love, lol. {Husband – I moved my seat several times to see others, once flew in the air to join him again. He’s gaunt, tall, skinny, hand almost claw like it’s so thin. And his personality, it isn’t warm or flowing, artificial & stiff, no sex appeal, old fashioned in a bad way. I see how unattractive he was to me in my heart.}

Geraldo was chewing out a man on the left front of the theater, accusing him of all sorts of crimes like murder, that’s how I noticed him. I was wearing a kerchief with medium-dark designs, maybe my hair wasn’t right. I called to hi, said hello, said my name Kellie. He answered. Then I just left Stan abruptly {although one usually doesn’t do that to a husband} – went to him & we kissed lovingly on the cheeks & neck – lots of feeling. Obviously this isn’t Geraldo.

He went to the sign-in at the front, most people, not all, signed in for some reason on this white board on the wall. He is apparently looking for people he knows – why? Don’t know.

Then the dream about working on a farm, having to walk several miles to town with a blue, narrow sort of small wheelbarrow contraption, which falls to pieces when I get there, a woman makes me wait an hour to wait on me, let me know what I owe & I was going to give her beautiful bangle necklaces to sell, asking no $ for them – supposed to be a friend. She’s sewing. Finally I walk out in a huff, she runs out saying I owe her $1 – which is way less than it should be, a token. I was at the trash trashing some cellophane type paper that was packaging something, crinkling it. Then I go to give her the dollar & I have NOTHING ,


not one cent on my person & am devastated. Am baffled what to do – almost crying. Beg?


Then the dream of finding a SPRING & water collects, & I see my hat, which turns into many hats – like 15, all the same, outdoor-summer type material, each have hoods about 6” wide, white hats with about 4 blue-grey stripes every inch, they just appear out of nowhere but that was one hat it started with, a dull dark color, turned into this. I’m not happy about all this. But the spring might be a good sign of Grace.


FINALLY Arnold. – Yes it was a dream before those mentioned but I am eager to record it as it was HAPPY.

I am on some sort of project. I think it has to do with MODELING & I am getting ready. There is an assistant – a tiny man, about 5’2” & slightly bent or hunchbacked. He’s a pro photographer & can take good pictures.

I have to pull together my costumes & go with him to his estate, some place supposed to be nice.

Then suddenly ARNOLD appears, & he’s going to go with me & pose with me. Do you have any idea what a boon this is? I mean he’s the most famous man in the world & he has accepted me & wants to be a part of my work!

He has a look on his face of vibrant light-LOVE! He looks at me this way TWICE, light shining from his face. This is NOT the real Arnold – a symbol. I wonder who it is. But whoever he is, it is success, whoopee do!

Before we embark I am walking in this aisle where he’s standing to my front, right, & exclaiming,

“I have lost 18 lbs & will lose 20 more & my body will be as beautiful as it used to be! I will be 124 lbs!”

But I’m already good enough to take pictures it seems & dwarf is going to do it & Arnold will be with me!

So we get there & it’s a resort. I go through my costumes & have many. The dwarf is organized – I am pleased with that. He has taken several of my outfits – some of which I think he dug up somehow, & laid the items that go together one on top of the other. Some are blue, some other colors, like bra, bikini or bottom {all flimsy clothing, some see-through} – & there are at least 6 outfits laid out here in a row.

The only thing I don’t have is the SHOES! I forgot them & jokingly ask the dwarf,

“What size shoes do you wear?”

I’m imaging my shoes, size 10, white pumps.

And I think I guess I will have to be barefoot, maybe it’s ok.

Arnold had gone ahead, some place for a while. When he returns I greet him with such warmth. His face shines with love the second time here. I say, & it was planned to be real nice to him,

“I was miserable waiting for you!”

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Now there is a SLIP, like the old-fashioned slips we used to wear up until the 70’s, as in those days we wore dresses a lot & slips went under them

I have this slip which is my FEATURED costume for some reason. It’s nothing fancy. It’s a light GOLD color – lace on the breasts & the rest just falls, but right now the falling part is wrinkled.

I ask dwarf if he has a steamer, I think he says yes, & once this is steamed, it’ll be perfect.

Now we look for the background for these photos. We look one direction, huge picture windows on his walls. But although it is beautiful, it’s cluttered – filled with people. Not good. – Then another wall & window. – Also cluttered. Then the third & last possibility, also cluttered.

The background must be PLAIN. It cannot be BEAUTIFUL but cluttered, with all kinds of things in it plus people having fun, it has to be bare of all this.

Arnold is around waiting to take the images with me. I am just wondering while still there, why did he chose to do this? How will he be presented along with me, the female model, like in what way? What is his role? Whatever it is, he helps.



         ME: As usual I need help Mother God. I am imagining Arnold is St. Charbel, who has stepped in lately to get me straightened out as far as my attitude/disposition & spiritual settings to get things right – to be able to help Souls. I have messed up for a while, maybe a whole year, watching videos on You tube. Nothing bad, some educational, informative, some entertaining, but it has been my downfall spiritually. It was explained in previous dreams, even good things of the world brought clutter & dissipation into my mind, brought in people & the world, & that took my mental strength away from God & Souls. After all, God is a jealous God & we must give her ALL, not bits of ourselves, to be in Spiritual Perfection.

And now I see this whole business about my losing weight & being fit for modeling – already there it seems, in future, will be better. This losing weight is losing attachment or clutter, things I don’t need, of people & the world cluttering my mind, which then stops me from being effective in my God work. Fatness in this context would be gluttony not for food, but for people & things of the world.

Charbel indeed could be looking at me with a face of love – But Charbel has loved me from the start & joined me in marriage, his decision. One of my 7 spiritual husbands I might add.

Costumes would be Lights, tools, spiritual Gifts, spiritual skill, all that goes with doing the work of God.

I’m overjoyed that success is coming back to me; I have been ineffective for a long time in spite of praying a lot {late summer I was praying good prayers 2-3 hours many days} & saying Holy Masses almost daily now for a couple months. But nothing – don’t see Souls Ascending. What’s wrong? I’m wrong. Apparently the state of my mind has lots to do whether Souls are delivered or not.

But it’s all changed. I’ve been calibrated, corrected {losing weight, getting more perfect} & Charbel has STEPPED INTO THE PICTURE!

How has this improvement taken place? For finally humbling myself, stop making excuses why it’ alright to watch You tube 2 hours a night when done with work – & repenting of my sins, faults, mistakes. Asking God to forgive me & correct me. If I was not willing to see I am faulty God might not have stepped in – probably would not have – because God waits for our repentance & humility. It is IMPORTANT we admit we are at fault & stop fooling ourselves how good/great/wonderful we are. Just get on those knees & tell God you’re sorry & ask God for forgiveness & this gets the ball rolling. Mind you, God will not jump in & correct you unless it is urgent & then you might not like what she does. What do I mean? I mean,

“God whispers to us in our pleasures & shouts to us in our pain – pain is the megaphone of God.”

And so, if suddenly disaster occurs, like an accident or illness, & you wonder what’s happening, why did God permit it? It could be God is trying to calibrate, correct you, so just admit your faults & repent.

Who is the dwarf? It could be my friend Rudy, who passed last year & spent only 18 days in Purgatory. He had a good heart, 18 days was a record until Brenda, 20 minutes.

Rudy was badly injured at age 8, run over by a tractor, & was semi crippled all his life with lots of pain & people ridiculed him because of his condition & also as he was one of the few Jewish people in our area, but mostly because he was humble & never fought back. And so Rudy for the first time I know of, appears in my dream helping me. How wonderful!

Yes, he was my best friend in real life & I used to pick him up often at the senior housing & take him to dinner. At the end I was one of the few friends he had, all the other guys he used to hang with deserted him as they were ‘fair weather friends’ & hung with him where they could use him for favors. When he could no longer


drive, could not do favors, none of them visited him or picked him up to take him out. But he did have friends at the senior center who did care about him it seemed. One lady he was even in love with.

So this dream has a great Saint, St. Charbel, & a little saint, Rudy, helping me!

OK how does the light goldeny slip fit into all this? It’s definitely a Light of Love, my main Gift or Tool that I will use to help Souls. The lace on top might mean my affiliation in marriage, with Charbel, which is empowering me spiritually.

Steaming out the wrinkles? Fixing the kinks or what is not perfect. Steam is extremely hot water – water is Grace here. And Rudy has SOME KIND OF SPIRITUAL TOOL of Grace that increases Grace to straighten me out.

The resort the dwarf lives in & uses for his studio where we go for images? Sounds like his Heaven. But in this Heaven Rasa must not include the clutter we have spoken of so much – it must be removed. That is our important task now.

The shoes I lack – imagine them white pumps, high heels, but I forgot them? Imagine going barefoot?

Discalced Carmelites comes to mind – PENANCE. Penance is more important right now than even GOOD INTENTIONS, which are maybe the white shoes. My intentions are always good, but not my behavior! Lol. I have not done much penance, & wow, have I learned my lesson!

Why are those images beyond all 3 walls, huge picture windows, all cluttered? Why so many windows? Why not just one window?

I think it represents the different types of presentations I indulged in on You tube – all brought the world & people into my mind. They were educational, historical, informative, there were also audio books. All brought clutter. This still leaves one possibility I will experiment with later – animal stories such as Robert E. Fuller presents – no people.

I think I got this dream right, Mother God?

MG: You got it right, do the others later.   {end}

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